
  1. How to choose
  2. Ranking of the best prenatal vitamins in 2022
  3. Conclusion

Best prenatal vitamins in 2022

Best prenatal vitamins in 2022

You live for yourself, you get on and suddenly at one fine moment you find out that you are pregnant. The news may be expected or a surprise, but one thing is clear that now nothing will be the same and life is running in a new direction. Changes begin with the body, now you need vitamin-enhanced nutrition so that both mother and baby get the full benefit. It often turns out that it is unrealistic to eat the necessary dose of vitamins from foods, and then pharmacy vitamins help out ideally. The ranking of the best vitamins for pregnant women in 2022 will help you familiarize yourself with the products on the market and choose the most suitable one for each expectant mother.

How to choose

It is no secret that multivitamin preparations for pregnant women differ in composition from conventional vitamins.Special complexes already contain the required amount of useful substances and you do not need to calculate anything, as, for example, with fruits or vegetables. That's just the question arises: "Which company is better?". Pharmacy counters bloom with a colorful abundance of drugs, there is no shortage for a long time, on the contrary, it is difficult to decide on the variety. A rating of high-quality and popular drugs will be useful here, what advantages and disadvantages they have. Also, consider personal preferences. If you vomit from swallowing large capsules, then it makes sense to pay attention to the size or shape of the drug. Of course, the form of capsules and tablets is now more prevalent, but you can also find chewable and liquid vitamins.

Also, an important criterion when choosing can be the cost of funds, you can purchase an expensive complex, and if there are problems with finances, then there is always the opportunity to find more budgetary analogues.

Having decided for yourself which vitamins are better to buy, do not forget to consult with your gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

Ranking of the best prenatal vitamins in 2022

votes 38

The combination of minerals and vitamins Elevit-Pronatal has long earned the first place among the drugs prescribed for expectant mothers. They contain everything you need to replenish the female body with various benefits. Especially a lot of vitamin A and folic acid, so necessary during pregnancy. The only thing missing is iodine, so it will have to be taken separately. The tool is suitable for the planning stage, during pregnancy and after. That is, you can not bother with torment for which trimester Elevit-Pronatal will be relevant.The drug is produced in the form of large gray-yellow oblong tablets, which are quite difficult to swallow. You need to take one tablet per day. According to buyers, thanks to the intake of Elevit-Pronatal, they had reduced emotional instability.

The cost depends on the number of tablets in the package, for 30 pieces you will have to pay from 750 rubles, and for 100 - from 2000 rubles. According to buyers, Elevit-Pronatal is the most reliable and balanced vitamin complex.

  • Ease of use;
  • Perfectly balanced composition;
  • Contains folic acid;
  • Do not cause heartburn;
  • Gives strength;
  • Possible for diabetics;
  • Maintains bones in a normal state;
  • Suitable for lactating women.
  • Large size tablets;
  • Lack of iodine;
  • High price.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte
votes 13

The American complex Vitrum Prenatal is very good, it can be taken by both pregnant and lactating women. This useful preparation contains an increased amount of beta-carotene, vitamin A and folic acid. The tablets are a decent size, and if you have trouble swallowing, it can be difficult. The product is sold in several formats: 30, 60, 100 and 120 tablets.

For the proper development of pregnancy, reducing the formation of congenital pathologies and increasing immunity, taking vitamins is necessary and Vitrum Prenatal Forte is ideal for this. Thanks to a balanced vitamin complex, it plays an important role in breastfeeding, saturating milk with useful components and preventing the mother's body from depleting. There are contraindications, including hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and D, so you should consult your doctor before taking it.

The cost varies from 655 rubles to 2400 rubles.

vitrum prenatal forte
  • An excellent combination of components that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • Maintains bones in a normal state;
  • Contains folic acid;
  • Ideal for hair and skin;
  • Can also be used for diabetics.
  • Large tablet size;
  • The composition contains a dye;
  • Possible side effects (itching, nausea, etc.).

votes 18

Femibion ​​multivitamins are divided into two types: for the first trimester and for the second trimester. The first is intended at the stages of pregnancy planning, as well as at the initial stages, up to and including the 12th week. The second Femibion ​​begins to drink from the 13th week. The product is produced in the form of tablets and capsules, while capsules are available only in Femibion ​​2. The complex contains precisely those vitamins that expectant mothers lack, including iodine. In addition to good balance, Femibion ​​has excellent digestibility. By the way, men can also take Femibion ​​1 at the stage of planning the appearance of a future family member. You can stop taking Femibion ​​2 either after childbirth or after the end of breastfeeding.

The cost of the complex: Femibion ​​1 - from 550 rubles, Femibion ​​2 - from 1000 rubles.

  • Optimal ratio of elements;
  • Remarkable digestibility;
  • Convenient reception scheme;
  • For the proper development of pregnancy;
  • Reduces emotional instability;
  • Maintains bones in a normal state;
  • Gives strength.
  • High price;
  • Some pregnant women noted the appearance of apathy.

votes 8

One of the most popular Russian vitamin complexes for pregnant women is Alfavit.Love for him is due to the fact that with a smartly balanced composition, he has a budget price. The remedy is intended during pregnancy and is quite suitable for use during breastfeeding. The highlight of the drug is the division of tablets into colors. The manufacturer made such a move so that minerals with vitamins are even better absorbed, and there is an enhanced effect of the components. It is advisable to take the tablets with food, you get three doses per day. The break between tablets should be at least 4 hours. In size, the Alphabet is a small tablet, so there are usually no problems with swallowing.

You can buy them from 360 rubles. There are 60 pieces in a package.

Mom's health alphabet
  • Well balanced composition;
  • Convenient form;
  • Save from fatigue and give strength;
  • If you need to take certain vitamins, then they are easy to find by color;
  • Affordable cost.
  • Forgetful women will find it difficult to take three times a day.

Solgar Prenatal
votes 22

Vitamins Solgar Prenatal are produced by the American company Solgar, and the brand is very popular both in the States and here. You can buy products in pharmacies or order through the American site iherb. The vitamin-mineral complex is perfectly balanced and contains many useful substances. In addition, the drug is endowed with the status of kosher, which means its mega health benefits.

In Solgar Prenatal you will not find any flavorings, artificial colors and gluten, so Russian expertise has confirmed their safety. The minerals that make up the drug are aimed at maintaining the full functioning of the heart, tissues and muscles of the fetus.Calcium comes in the form of carbonate and citrate, which prevents it from being deposited in the kidneys and allows it to be fully absorbed. The amino acid complex is remarkably selected and due to this, not only the vital activity of the fetus is ensured, but also the mother's well-being improves, and emotional instability decreases.

You can buy Solgar Prenatal from 1100 rubles in pharmacies for 60 tablets. On iherb you can order from 1300 rubles (the price depends on the dollar exchange rate) for 240 tablets.

solgar prenatal nutrients
  • Perfectly balanced composition;
  • Contains iodine;
  • Can be taken throughout pregnancy;
  • Ideal for the normal functioning of the body;
  • Maintains bones in a normal state;
  • According to buyers one of the best.
  • High price;
  • Large capsules that are difficult to swallow.

Complivit Trimestrum
votes 6

Of the inexpensive domestic drugs, Complivit Trimestrum has proven itself well. It is issued separately for each trimester, that is, in three forms. The complex intended for the first trimester is also suitable during the planning of the child. Each complex is filled with exactly those useful substances that a woman will need at this stage. So "Trimestrum 1" has a decent amount of folic acid in its composition, in the other two complexes it is already significantly less and the emphasis is on other vitamins. The drug does not contain iodine, so it can be taken by women who have an increased function of the thyroid gland. The form of administration is small tablets that do not cause problems with swallowing.

Cost: from 270 rubles and above.

Complivit Trimestrum
  • Budget;
  • Easily swallowed;
  • Contain folic acid in the required amount;
  • Strengthen hair and nails.
  • May cause allergies.

votes 3

Another good vitamins from a domestic manufacturer are called Multi-Tabs PERINATAL. They are produced according to Danish technology, and they include all the necessary substances. For the full functioning of the thyroid gland, the composition is enriched with iodine. It also contains selenium and calcium. You need to take one tablet a day, and the result will not be long in coming. After the first days of taking, well-being improves significantly, hair becomes thicker and grows faster, nails become stronger. Vitamins should be started from the second trimester of pregnancy, and it is advisable to continue drinking during breastfeeding. Thanks to the saturation of the body with Multi-Tabs, you will avoid problems with your teeth in the future.

You can buy a drug that contains 60 tablets at a price of 570 rubles.

  • Affordable cost;
  • Reduces emotional instability;
  • Gives strength;
  • Favorably affects the appearance of a woman;
  • One tablet is enough to provide the body with useful substances.
  • There may be allergic reactions.

votes 3

Budget drugs for pregnant women can also be found among foreign manufacturers, for example, Pregnavit capsules from a German brand. This combined multivitamin complex will be useful, both during childbearing and during feeding. The complex is enriched with vitamins of groups B, A, C, D, also contains iron and calcium. The product is available in the form of capsules.During the 1st trimester, a woman should drink one capsule, during the 2nd - two capsules, and during the 3rd - three. They are taken with meals and washed down with water. The mineral substances and vitamins contained in the preparation have an excellent effect on well-being, help to normalize the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells.

Cost: from 700 rubles and above.

  • Balanced composition;
  • Raise hemoglobin;
  • Positively affect the condition of hair and nails;
  • Prevent the possible development of rickets in a child;
  • They have a great effect on the emotional state of a woman.
  • Allergic reactions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible;
  • Not available in all pharmacies.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One
votes 2

One of the highest quality American vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, according to buyers, is Rainbow Light Prenatal One. Since it contains a lot of vitamin A, it is advisable to take them in the third trimester and after the birth of the baby. In addition to a balanced composition of minerals and vitamins, the complex contains raspberry leaf, useful spirulina extract, ginger extract, lactobacilli for digestion. The product is available in the form of capsules, you need to take one piece per day. Since starting Rainbow Light Prenatal One, many women have noticed that their hair has stopped falling out and is growing better. It was also difficult not to note the appearance of a good mood and an influx of energy.

You can buy them on the Eicherb website, the cost for a package with 30 capsules is 1070 rubles.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One
  • Rich composition, contains even lactobacilli;
  • Excellent effect on well-being;
  • Improves appearance;
  • Reduces emotional instability;
  • Do not cause heartburn;
  • Contains organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Difficult to get;
  • High price.


Just because you have diabetes or GDM doesn't mean you can't take vitamins. On the contrary, the body is experiencing an acute shortage of nutrients, and they can be replenished with a well-chosen multivitamin complex.

Owners of poor eyesight are definitely worried about how pregnancy will affect vision and whether it is possible to take drugs based on blueberry extract or with lutein. Regarding this, most manufacturers believe that they should refrain from taking funds to improve vision. There are, of course, reservations that it is possible to accept if the benefit to the mother is significantly higher than the harm to the fetus, but such deviations are very doubtful. It’s better to eat fresh blueberries or frozen ones, then there will be no harm to the baby.

When thinking about which complex to choose, rely on your personal preferences in the form of taking the drug, study the composition of the product and consult your gynecologist before buying. There are enough high-quality drugs on the Russian market, their minus, perhaps, is only in one thing - in the monotony of the format. Either a capsule or tablet is offered. When ordering American drugs, you can choose between chewable and liquid vitamins.

Don't stop taking vitamins just because you can't swallow huge capsules, there's always the possibility of finding a tasty and healthy alternative. Another thing is if the pregnancy fell on a warm time, and you heartily enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, then the body will absorb the vitamins in their pure form. Remember that an overdose of vitamins is just as dangerous as their lack.


