
  1. Injections and their appointments
  2. When will an injector help?
  3. The best injectors for self-administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections for 2022
  4. Key points to consider when choosing an injector
  5. As a conclusion

The best devices for self-administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections

The best devices for self-administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections

Almost every person in his life faced the need for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections for himself or his relatives. And if there are no people among family members and close acquaintances who know how to give injections, as well as a lack of time for regular visits to the clinic, a person begins to think about how to inject on his own. Today, special injectors can help with this.

An injector is a device intended for intradermal, subcutaneous or intramuscular administration of drugs.

Injections and their appointments

It is worth noting that injections can be of various types, depending on how deep and where the substance needs to be injected. So injections are:


This method is parenteral, that is, it allows you to deliver a medicinal substance to the patient's body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Such an introduction is indicated in the following cases:

  • When it is required to create a "depot" of the drug in the muscle tissues, after which its gradual penetration into the muscles will be carried out;
  • When it is impossible to give medicine to the patient in another way, for example, if the person is unconscious, the swallowing reflex is impaired, or during the vomiting process;
  • If the consistency of the drug does not allow it to be delivered to the body in a different way.

The introduction of the drug in this way at home is usually done in the gluteus maximus muscle, in the shoulder (deltoid muscle) or in the rectus femoris muscle.

This technique has a number of advantages:

  • You can fearlessly introduce medicinal substances that can be destroyed by the action of the enzymes of the digestive system, if taken orally;
  • Drugs injected into the muscle are absorbed at a higher rate;
  • The rate of absorption of active substances administered intramuscularly does not depend on the intake of food or other drugs.


Indications for a subcutaneous injection are generally similar to the option described above, that is, this type is used when you need to get a quick result from this medicine and in situations where a person cannot take the substance orally (vomiting, unconsciousness, etc.)

This type of injection is used to administer insulin.

The substance in this case is injected under the skin, the injection site should be easily captured in the fold, be safe from the point of view of getting into the vessels or nerve trunks.

At home, it is preferable to make such injections in the area above the scapula, the lower part of the armpit, etc.


In this case, it is important not to get the needle under the skin, but to deliver the substance exactly inside it. Such an injection is done at a right angle and at a shallow depth. The most common example of an intradermal injection is the Mantoux test. A correctly made injection will leave a mark on the skin in the form of a small spherical tubercle up to 4 mm in diameter.

Most often, such injections are carried out in the outer surface of the shoulder or forearm.


In this case, the drug immediately enters the blood vessel. Given the risks of blood loss and strict sanitary requirements, this type of injection is recommended only in a medical institution with the help of professional medical workers.

Theoretically, any human vein can be used for such an injection. But in practice, such injections are more often placed in the veins of the cubital fossa, lower extremities, and forearm.


The same drugs that are used for intravenous administration can be injected into the intraosseous space. The method is used when it is not possible to inject the drug into a vein, for example, with burns of the whole body.

Manipulation is carried out exclusively by professionals, since the wrong technique will lead to serious complications, up to breaking through the bone, damaging the cartilage, etc.


In this case, the drug is injected into an artery, usually the radial or tibial artery. This method is used when the drug breaks down in the human body, or it is necessary to create a high concentration of the substance in a particular organ.

As well as intravenous and intraosseous types, intra-arterial administration of drugs should be carried out only by professionals in compliance with all sanitary requirements.

When will an injector help?

The answer to the question is obvious - If you have to make injections yourself by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, that is:

  • When the medicine needs to be administered urgently, and there is no person nearby who can help;
  • When it is not possible to visit the treatment room, and the doctor has prescribed a course of injections for you or your loved ones;
  • When a course of treatment is prescribed with a drug that does not have an oral form;
  • When it is not possible, financial or organizational, to order a nurse's home visit;
  • In the presence of diseases requiring regular or course injections;
  • If necessary, give an injection to a child who, firstly, is afraid, and, secondly, is distinguished by mobility;
  • When injection treatment cannot be interrupted, and the patient has a business trip or vacation.

The use of an injector allows you to make the process of introducing a substance more comfortable and reduce discomfort from the procedure.

The best injectors for self-administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections for 2022

Automatic injector Spasilen

The leader of the rating is a device that facilitates the process of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections with disposable syringes of 3 and 5 ml. Using this injector will allow you to make injections yourself, without special professional skills, while minimizing pain and discomfort. But most importantly, the use of the Spasilen auto injector ensures that the injections are carried out correctly, this applies to the depth and angle of the needle, as well as the speed of drug delivery. The principle of operation of the injector is based on the action of spring mechanisms, which ensures the reciprocating movement of the syringe.

The fact that the syringe is completely hidden inside the structure makes Spasilen very useful when giving an injection to a child, because children are often more afraid of the very sight of the syringe than the procedure.

A complete user manual can be found on the official website of the manufacturer, and it is also worth studying the video instruction for using the Spasilen automatic injector:

The cost of the Spasilen injector: 2890 rubles.

Automatic injector Spasilen
  • Fully automatic;
  • Does not require professional skills;
  • The injector not only inserts the needle itself, but also injects the medicine and removes the needle;
  • Possibility of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections independently;
  • Saving time and budget on going to the treatment room;
  • Minimizes pain and discomfort;
  • Always at hand.
  • Not recommended for use with oil solutions.

Autoinjector Komarik

Attention! This auto-injector is not yet available for sale, only pre-order is available.

The fully automatic injector is designed for self-administration of intramuscular injections.Can be used with 2, 3 and 5 ml syringes. The device is distinguished by a completely closed design, inside which a syringe is placed, that is, it is absolutely not visible from the outside, which is important, for example, when an injection is given to a child. You can determine the readiness of the device for injection by a special light indicator.

The cost of the Komarik autoinjector is 3990 rubles.

Autoinjector Komarik
  • Fully automatic;
  • A mobile application is provided for tracking the course of injection procedures;
  • The device independently inserts and removes the needle, injects the medicine;
  • 3 options for the volume of syringes;
  • Minimizes discomfort;
  • Fully enclosed design with indicator.
  • Not recommended for injections with oil preparations;
  • High price.

Syringe gun Dynamics

The device got its name from its appearance, which, when a syringe is inserted into it, looks like a pistol. The device is suitable for intramuscular injection using 3 and 5 ml syringes.

The design of the gun involves its tight placement at the injection site, and then with the help of a special trigger the needle is immersed. This procedure is simple and safe, pain is also minimized. It is important to note that further administration of the drug is carried out manually by pressing the syringe plunger. Pulling the needle out of the body is also done manually.

The cost of the device: 1,500 rubles.

Syringe gun Dynamics
  • Possibility of self-administration of intramuscular injections;
  • Minimizes pain;
  • Eliminates needle trembling at the time of insertion;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reusable.
  • The rate of drug administration is not controlled, since the task of the device is only to immerse the needle into the muscle.

Syringe pistol Kalashnikov

The principle of operation of this device is similar to the syringe-gun "Dynamics". Like the previous model, the Kalashnikov syringe gun ensures the correct insertion of the needle into the muscle. The direct administration of a medicinal substance is carried out by the person himself by means of pressure on the piston. The needle is also removed manually.

Correct and, importantly, almost painless needle insertion is ensured by placing the gun directly at the injection site at a right angle. This will allow you to maintain the depth of insertion and the inclination of the needle.

The considered injector is designed for 5 ml syringes.

The cost of a Kalashnikov syringe-pistol is 800 rubles.

Syringe pistol Kalashnikov
  • Ease of use;
  • Not disassembled and delivered already assembled;
  • Ensures correct and painless needle insertion;
  • The kit comes with detailed instructions for placing the syringe in the bed and further use of the injector.
  • Designed for only one version of the syringe volume, 5 ml;
  • Only introduces a needle, the speed of drug administration and removal of the needle is manual.

Key points to consider when choosing an injector

  • Syringes of what volume are supposed to be placed inside the injector - it is better to choose options that are adapted for syringes of different capacities;
  • what type of injections to be given: most devices are designed only for intramuscular injections, and only one position of the selection, Saved, is suitable for subcutaneous injections;
  • who are supposed to give injections more often, for children it is worth choosing closed designs of autoinjectors, the type of syringe guns can scare them no less than a regular syringe.

As a conclusion

An injector is a necessary thing in a home first aid kit that allows you to give injections when needed, without resorting to the services of medical professionals, without wasting time on the road to the clinic. There are not too many offers on the modern injector market today. And the main difference lies in the level of automation and design features of the device, as well as in the volume of the syringe that can be placed inside.

If you buy a device, intending to use it for a child, then the choice should be made in favor of autoinjectors. They not only automate the entire process from insertion to removal of the needle, but also constructively deliver less psychological discomfort. If the cost of the device plays a big role, then syringe guns can also be considered as a useful improvised tool for self-administration of intramuscular injections.

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