The modern world is dangerous and ruthless. In order to survive in it, it is recommended to know the basics of self-defense, simple combinations of punches and kicks. Some people try to learn a couple of tricks that are based on the same type of attacking blows, because of which the effectiveness is small. Professionals say that in order to achieve a good result in the defensive art, you need to develop speed, agility and restraint. Hitting is the last thing you need.
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It is possible that a protective reflex will play a role and help a person escape in a dangerous situation. However, without proper preparation, actions that will go to the defense can harm the body. That is, without knowledge and skills, the passion camp during a tense situation will not play the best role. Therefore, a person must know about the technique of banal self-defense. What and how to do in different dangerous situations. With the competence of their own actions, a person will be as safe as possible, both for himself and for those around him, who do not radiate any danger. In order not to go to the gym, not to hire wrestling coaches, it is recommended to master a few simple punching techniques.
It is easiest to deliver a sharp blow with fists, and a person is able to do this without preparation, but due to a sharp load on the muscles, there is a possibility of pulling, tearing or hammering them. Therefore, technical knowledge is essential. For minimal damage.
If for your own protection you do not intend to cause great damage to the enemy, the ill-wisher, while your fist is in contact with the body of the enemy, quickly move your hand away, becoming in a protective position. This method will not only protect the attacker from severe injuries, but the fists of the defender himself will not be badly damaged.
If the threat crosses all boundaries, then during the strike it is necessary to compensate for one's own weight and try to push it away with the help of a fist. This causes great damage to the enemy, and in some cases it is possible to break the bones, tear the muscles of the enemy. Yes, damage to the fist will be more serious (redness, broken bones, cracks, sometimes fractures of the bones of the fingers).
Many people understand that it is unreasonable to rely on a defensive reflex in critical situations. Actions in this state can cause great damage, and sometimes because of it, a person receives major injuries.
Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to attack correctly, to beat with fists quickly and accurately. Then the risks of suffering yourself will be reduced to a minimum.
Almost all hand-to-hand combat masters claim that techniques and techniques are necessary only for protection. This has been confirmed many times in books and films. And the point here is very clear. If people skilled in hand-to-hand combat used their own knowledge for other purposes, there would be many more deaths and accidents. This knowledge is dangerous, and therefore its use is severely limited.During training, a large number of coaches begin by saying that it is a crime to use punches for evil purposes. This idea is carried over throughout the course of study.
And for maximum efficiency, coaches say that one accurate and strong blow is enough to defeat the villain. In order to strike this very blow correctly, courses, trainings and other methods are created. Yes, no matter how trite it may sound - a fight, a fist fight lasts up to one exact blow.
To hone the skill of delivering one such blow, people spend years in training. But it doesn't start there. In order for the blow to be strong, fast and accurate, you need to spend a lot of time. Let's talk about exercises that will help get a little closer to this cherished goal.
Strength and speed are rarely combined in one single movement of the hand, which often results in strong slow blows, or fast weak ones. Therefore, at the beginning of training, it is necessary to perform exercises that focus on speed and strength, but separately. That is, perform one exercise, focusing on strength, and the second exercise - on speed. There is also a method of daytime training, when a person devotes not one exercise to each of the points of impact, but the whole day. That is, we will consider exercises that will help develop speed, and then strength.
At the very beginning of the training, you need to be aware that during the impact there is only tension in the fist. The rest of the arm should be relaxed. Thus, an allegory with a sledgehammer and a chain is formed. The sledgehammer is the fist and the chain is the rest of the hand.During the exercise, you need to learn to strain only the hand. This allows you to reduce the load on the shoulders and forearms, thereby minimizing the risk of pulling the muscles.
This exercise is carried out as long as the effect of the "sledgehammer - chain" will not work on a subconscious level. That is, during the training of direct strikes, the body itself is already correcting for this state, this is the so-called muscle memory. This exercise is carried out with the help of the simplest direct blows. It is important that from the very beginning, relaxation is concentrated in the shoulders in order to increase the efficiency of the exercise. To achieve maximum efficiency, during the application of each blow, it is necessary to exhale.
It is known that push-ups from the floor are one of the most versatile and useful exercises for the body. Not just for hitting speed. Adding to it one more element - cotton. From the outside it looks simple. During the extension of the arms, a strong upward jerk is made, due to which the body jumps a little (spring), and at this moment a small clap should be performed in front of the chest. This helps to increase the speed of movement of the entire arm, since all its muscles are involved in the process.
You need to carry out the exercise in several approaches, three times a day. After push-ups with this method cease to be difficult, it is recommended to add another cotton. It will be done with both hands on the chest.That is, during the extension of the arms, first we clap our hands in front of us, and then with both hands on the chest. This new element will help increase the coordination of movements of both hands. So that during the strikes a continuous chain is created at the same intervals.
Do not go far from push-ups. The next exercise is much harder than the ones mentioned above. Most athletes claim that this method of developing hand speed is superior to various barbell pulls or bag stances. The fact is that during push-ups, every three to four times you need to push off the floor as much as possible and make one full turn of 360 degrees, and at the same time return to the starting position. From the outside it looks simple, but in reality ...
In almost 95% of cases, the first attempts are unsuccessful. This exercise puts a lot of stress on a person's hands. Main goal: to teach to strain and relax the hands. This will allow you to use a minimum of effort during strikes and give your hands a rest for those moments of rest.
In almost all gyms there are ordinary-looking balls that are filled with sand or other materials. Most often they weigh from 5 to 8 kilograms. These balls are great for developing arm muscles, their speed of response and endurance. We take one such ball, stand one and a half to two meters from the wall, and try to throw it so that it bounces back. This exercise is universal, as it is suitable for strength too.
This exercise emphasizes both speed and strength at a specific point. You need to choose a neck for yourself, most often not heavier than 15 kilograms. Take it with your hands in front of you with bent elbows. Holding the bar near the chin, take a proper stance. Then, with sharp movements straight up, raise the bar so that it is at least a little higher than the head. This exercise involves all areas of the muscles in the arms, activates endurance, and helps to learn how to breathe.
Moving on to strength. In this case, everything will be much simpler, since any strength exercises can increase the force of impact. Also, do not forget that the two exercises that we examined - the fourth and fifth, can also be attributed.
Let's look at a few more exercises that will help increase the power of impact with maximum efficiency.
It is difficult to start punching strength training if the person is not able to lift their own weight. Therefore, the first exercise will be pull-ups. This is one of the most effective and universal ways, which was revered by all masters. All these barbells, pancakes of 50 kilograms are the so-called “show-offs for visitors”. An experienced trainer will say that the easiest way to train strength is with a horizontal bar. It is enough to set your own limit for the current moment, and develop it, adding one more to the limit number of pull-ups every five to six days.
Another legendary assistant in the development of a strong blow. Due to the fact that the main load falls on the hands, there is a significant development of strength. It is recommended to perform on the uneven bars not only push-ups, but also various tricks. This will allow you to get a good result in a relatively short period.
This exercise is aimed at delivering two most powerful blows to one point of the bag, pushing it as far away from you as possible. It is important to perform this exercise with a trainer who can regulate the movements of the legs and arms, since the momentum for a strike begins with the supporting leg and ends with the second imposed blow. It is clear that this exercise is performed at the end of the workout, when the body is maximally warmed up and relaxed. It is also necessary to hit with blows, both left and right hand in one point. This develops accuracy. Breaking through, almost instantly with two hits on the bag, is a “two”. This element underlies most techniques in boxing and kickboxing.
These exercises perfectly help to develop a personality that is able to use a strong and fast blow. But this will take a lot of work. Remember: no champion was able to achieve the desired result the first time. Everything is achieved by training, desire and striving for the goal.