
  1. The difference between a tour operator and a travel agent
  2. Reliability of the tour operator
  3. List of the best tour operators in St. Petersburg

The best tour operators in St. Petersburg in 2022

The best tour operators in St. Petersburg in 2022

It's time for summer holidays and thousands of Russians go on trips. The easiest way to organize your vacation is to use the services of a tour operator. The company will select the rest at the request of the client, taking into account any details, take care of the transfer, excursions and insurance. It remains only to choose a reliable tour operator who will not go bankrupt just before departure and will fulfill all his promises.

The difference between a tour operator and a travel agent

Although these concepts are very similar, the difference between them is huge. The duties of the tour operator include the development and packaging of a tourist product. This, in addition to just the direction of travel, includes everything else that the vacationer will expect and pay their money for. This flight, transfer to the hotel and back, accommodation in the room, a possible set of excursions.

More recently, due to the fault of irresponsible tour operators, tourists often got stuck in airport lounges. Now special measures have been developed and put into effect at the government level to prevent such situations. The tour operator can start its activities only after providing a cash deposit, which will become a guarantee of its solvency. To do this, the organization must contribute money to the Tourist Assistance Fund. In this case, only a company that has provided a contribution of 2,000,000 rubles can become a tour operator.

All tour operators are listed in a special register. Therefore, before paying for the tour, it is recommended to look into this register and make sure that the company is there and is designated as a tour operator. So you can protect yourself from scammers and dubious companies.

After preparation, the tour goes on sale. The tour operator can sell it on its own or delegate some of this work to other companies. Such firms providing intermediary services are called travel agents. They can work with several tour operators and are exclusively engaged in the sale of tours, but not their complete set.

The advantage of buying tours from travel agencies is the breadth of choice. Such a company analyzes the client's request and finds the most advantageous offer for him that meets his requirements. The client does not pay for the services of such a company. The benefit of the travel agent is already included in the cost of the tour. After all, he buys a product from a tour operator at a special price. Buying tours from travel agents is beneficial, as some of them provide their own discounts.

In a good travel agency, in addition to choosing several options, they will then provide the client with all the necessary information - on payment and date of booking, flights and everything else. In such circumstances, the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation is minimal.

Regardless of where the ticket was purchased, the tour operator is fully responsible for the tour.

Reliability of the tour operator

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the number of destinations served. Inexpensive tour operators focus on mass destinations that are accessible to the majority. These include Turkey, Tunisia, in the recent past, Egypt and other similar countries. If the situation suddenly changes in one of these countries and travel is banned there, the operator will suffer big losses. This will definitely have a negative impact on tourists. For a company that sells tours in a large number of destinations, the risk of being in the red is minimal.

Another important detail is the presence of own travel agencies and travel companies in the host countries. The responsibilities of such companies include booking and paying for hotels, organizing transfers, excursions and other recreational activities. For tourists, rest will be as comfortable as possible if it is constantly supervised by employees of one company.

A good tour operator will always have agreements with several airlines. They affect the cost of the flight. In many tours, airfare makes up the bulk of the cost of the tour.

Contracts with insurance companies must also be concluded. There is always a risk that something will go wrong. Therefore, even with a fully planned vacation, it can break. They may suddenly cancel a flight, refuse to check into a hotel, a tour operator may go bankrupt. Then the insurance company takes over. In the event of force majeure, the tourist is required to pay insurance. Whether a person receives his money depends on the solvency of the insurance company.

List of the best tour operators in St. Petersburg

In assessing the reliability of tour operators, they usually take into account how well the company's employees provide services. They also take into account how developed the network of agencies is and how many complaints it has from dissatisfied tourists.

Tez Tour

This international tour operator has more than 20 years of experience in the tourism business. Therefore, he deserves the first place. The company offers a choice of more than 30 popular destinations. Here they are happy to organize a tour to the popular Turkey or the exotic Maldives, to the holy places in Israel or to any other place at the request of the client. Tez Tour is one of the largest tour operators not only in Russia but also in the world. At the same time, this company has the least number of bad reviews from dissatisfied customers - only 1.07%. Therefore, the likelihood of problems during the rest is minimal. The impressive capital of the company speaks about the reliability of the company. It exceeds 100 million rubles. It is managed by an insurance company that has a high reliability rating and is trusted by many analytical agencies.

In addition to organizing tours, the company offers many other services. Here you can organize family holidays, various events and conferences, holidays for special clients. All questions on the organization of recreation are decided only by the employees of this company, including the departure and reception of tourists, the organization of transfers and excursions. Only flights and hotel accommodation are organized by third-party companies, but even with them, the company has many contracts. At the same time, tourists of this company never have problems with housing, since there are places in hotels in all directions.

  • the largest tour operator;
  • a large number of directions;
  • an impressive amount of insurance capital;
  • huge agency network;
  • a small number of bad reviews;
  • many hotels under warranty;
  • agreements with airlines.
  • not found.


Tour operator TUI is one of the largest in the European Union. The company has been operating since 1995. The company offers its clients recreation in 40 destinations. The service will always be top notch. The tour operator takes care of its reputation, so holidays for customers are always organized in the best possible way. The company has its hotels around the world with different numbers of "stars". Flights are carried out on the company's personal aircraft, because it has several quite worthy boards at its disposal.

TUI will help organize various types of recreation. It can be a lazy beach option or a rich excursion program, as well as extreme sports destinations. In addition, it is possible to organize a long or short cruise on the liner. A feature of the tour operator are unique offers for certain groups of customers. It can be a youth vacation or a vacation for couples with small children. The company is very reliable, which is confirmed by the insurance capital in the amount of over 160 million rubles. It is run by an insurance company with the highest rating.

  • the largest tour operator in Europe;
  • an impressive amount of capital;
  • availability of own hotels and planes;
  • unique offers for individual target audiences;
  • huge agency network;
  • a small number of negative reviews;
  • a large number of tourist destinations.
  • not found.

Coral Travel

This major tour operator specializes in tourist destinations that are especially popular among Russians.Here you can buy a ticket to Tunisia, Turkey, Spain and other countries. Employees of the company will always offer the client many interesting options for recreation outside the country. You can travel with Coral Travel to 32 destinations. In 17 countries, the company has its own hotels with rooms of varying degrees of comfort. Accommodation of tourists depends on the cost of the tour they purchased. There are almost never any problems with flights, since the company has many agreements with various airlines. Plane tickets can be purchased in any direction.

The insurance capital of the tour operator exceeds 110 million rubles. It is managed by two insurance companies. One of them has an increased reliability rank. The tour operator has a wide network of offices throughout the country in different cities. At the same time, the company annually develops and adds new ones to the already existing ones. Most of the customer reviews of the company are positive.

  • a large number of directions;
  • an impressive amount of capital;
  • a wide network of offices throughout the country;
  • low number of negative customer reviews;
  • have their own hotels in different countries;
  • over 25 years of experience.
  • not found.

Pegas Tourism

Pegas Touristik operates the most popular tourist routes. With the help of this tour operator, you can go on a trip to 22 countries. And it is not necessary to fly by plane. Rail transportation is carried out in many directions. The reliability of this tour operator is evidenced by work experience exceeding 20 years and numerous accolades from customers.In addition to the standard options for sightseeing and beach holidays, here you can choose a sports tour, book a corporate holiday or get VIP service with exclusive options. The disadvantage of the company is the confusion in individual cases, due to too many customers.

The company has agreements with many hotels in different countries. Therefore, there are no problems with accommodation for tourists. The financial guarantees of the tour operator exceed 220 million rubles. Therefore, tourists of this company do not have problems with flights and settlement. The insurance company cooperating with Pegas Touristik has the highest reliability rating. This underlines the success of the tour operator and inspires confidence in him.

  • an impressive amount of financial guarantees;
  • cooperation with a reliable insurance company;
  • a huge network of offices throughout the country;
  • cooperation with numerous hotels and airlines;
  • work experience 25 years.
  • the number of negative reviews is greater than that of competitors;
  • the number of destinations served is less than that of other companies.


This company specializes in such popular destinations as the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Spain. But you can also buy tickets for other destinations. In total, AnexTour serves 36 destinations. Accommodation of tourists and flights are also carried out by the tour operator. To do this, the company has its own hotels in different countries and its own airline. Therefore, the quality of service always remains at the highest level. The operator's financial guarantees amount to more than 200 million rubles. This speaks of reliability and responsibility to customers.A reliable insurance company with a high rating cooperates with AnexTour. Therefore, a holiday with this tour operator is never a problem.

Among the offers of AnexTour, you can find both quite affordable and elite vacation options. At the same time, even a person with a modest income can afford to rest with this tour operator, since there are a lot of economical tour options. The lack of such offers is reflected in negative reviews. In them, dissatisfied customers note that there are problems with checking into hotels, flights and other nuances. At the same time, to the credit of the tour operator, it should be noted that all problems are solved quickly enough.

  • own hotels and airlines;
  • a wide range of tours;
  • a large number of directions;
  • large amount of financial guarantees;
  • cooperation with a reliable insurance company.
  • a lot of negative reviews regarding budget tours.


Compared to other tour operators, Sunmar has little experience. She has been sending tourists on trips since 2005. Among other companies, Sunmar is notable for its low prices. At the same time, its offers attract customers with quite good conditions. The vast majority of customers of this tour operator are satisfied with his work and leave laudatory reviews. The reliability of the tour operator is confirmed by the amount of financial guarantees of 110 million rubles. Additionally, one of the most reliable insurers in the country cooperates with this company. In addition, Sunmar has won several prestigious tourism awards.

The company does not operate its own aircraft or hotels, but has contracts with many carriers and local hotels.Therefore, its customers have no problems with tickets or accommodation. The active development of the tour operator is confirmed by the opening of new destinations in different countries. At the same time, here you can buy an inexpensive ticket without compromising the quality of services.

  • significant financial guarantees;
  • many hotels are serviced by contract;
  • cooperation with a reliable insurer;
  • no problems with tickets;
  • economical vacation;
  • many directions.
  • not found.

Biblio Globus

This largest tour operator serves about 3 million tourists every year, which indicates a high level of customer confidence in it. Biblio Globus insurance capital is serviced by an insurer with a high reliability rating. Although the capital of this tour operator is small and amounts to only 30 million rubles. In addition to the usual offers of sightseeing and beach holidays, they will help organize a cruise, a sports tour, shopping tours and many other options. For all customers, the company's employees will select the appropriate option according to their requests.

The main advantage of Biblio Globus is the 70 destinations it serves. Here you can organize a trip of a different nature to all popular countries. At the same time, it is possible to go overseas and visit the USA, Mexico, Cuba and other countries. You can travel to some countries not only by plane, but also by rail or bus. At the same time, in some the company has its own hotels. In addition to organizing travel, this tour operator has its own online bookstore. Therefore, if you wish, along with a ticket, you can immediately purchase a book so that it is not boring on the road.

  • a huge selection of popular destinations;
  • cooperation with a reliable insurance company;
  • different types of recreation;
  • have their own hotels;
  • travel by plane and train;
  • own online store.
  • low level of financial guarantees.
No. p / pNameAddress TelephoneWebsite
1Tez TourKolomyazhsky prospekt, 15, bldg. 2, St. Petersburg (2nd floor)7 812 300‑
2TUIblvd. Novatorov, 11, St. Petersburg7 812 377‑
3Coral TravelMalaya Morskaya st., 18, building 1, St. Petersburg (office 307)7 812 240‑
4Pegas TourismAltaiskaya st., 3, St. Petersburg7 812 646‑
5AnexTourNevsky prospect, 56, St. Petersburg7 812 309‑
6SunmarNevsky prospect, 102, St. Petersburg7 812 407‑
7Biblio Globusst. Vosstaniya, 1B, St. Petersburg (office 37)7 812 702‑

The number of tour operators in St. Petersburg is not limited to those presented in the rating. But in order for the rest to be really successful and pass without problems, we advise you to contact them.

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