
  1. Purpose of the miter saw
  2. Types of miter saws
  3. Functions of miter saws
  4. Popular and inexpensive models of 2019

The best miter saws in 2019

The best miter saws in 2019

Attention! The current 2022 ranking of the best miter saws is compiled in separate article.

Purpose of the miter saw

It is often necessary to cut metal in a diagonal position with high precision. If there is no special tool, then this is extremely difficult to do.But a miter saw can perform this task - a highly specialized tool that can cut boards, slats, beams. Crosscutters with broach are able to cut very wide workpieces. We will tell you in this article how to choose the right unit among the best models of miter saws.

Types of miter saws

There are three main types of miter saws:

  • pendulum;
  • Combined;
  • With horizontal movement.

Pendulum trimming - a turntable is attached to it, which is assembled on a horizontal bed. The electric circular saw is mounted on a pendulum to the back of the turntable. The direction of the cutting angle is chosen by turning around the vertical axis.

Combination saws - here, they allow you to rotate the arm such an addition to the design as a hinge.

Trimmers with horizontal movement - they allow you to make a cross cut horizontally.

The design of the miter saw with broach

The design consists of the following elements:

  • working circle;
  • Handles with toggle switch for starting;
  • Reducer with electric motor.

Asynchronous and collector are electric motors. More durable of them are asynchronous, and more powerful - collector. An electric motor is located on the right side of the saw blade. They can also be behind the disk. This allows you to tilt the work item.

From the motor to the saw blade, the movement is transmitted through a gearbox. This transmission is carried out through a belt or teeth. Gearing works better, even at maximum speeds. Belt allows you to reduce vibration. This is important for a smooth cut. But the belt may come off during cutting. Also, it needs to be changed periodically, but this does not happen often. The most reliable models with direct transmission. True, their power is much lower.

The broaching mechanism was created to increase the power of the saw. It is possible to cut much thicker boards with stretching than without it. During sawing, the cutting wheel presses the workpiece against the stop, which allows the operator to feel comfortable.

A functional unit called the bed is installed on the base. This block consists of a movable round part. Light and strong metals such as aluminum and magnesium alloys make the best beds.

A protective cover is installed to prevent injury when working with a saw. Also, an electrodynamic brake provides additional safety.

Criteria for choosing a miter saw with a broach

Only professionals work with a saw that has a broach. You should buy a regular trim if its owner will use it only for home purposes. Those saws that combine elements of trimming and circular saws are perceived with skepticism by professionals. After all, if you use combination saws, then one or more of its functions may slow down. Combination saws are recommended to be used only by amateurs or beginners. Professional saws have the same rotational speed, only they have more power, and therefore consume more energy.

There should also be a protective cover. Based on the fact that trimming is a stationary device, then the weight should be within reasonable limits.

The choice of consumables

The quality of the cut depends on the quality of the saw blade. Differences available for trimming:

  • Teeth Shaped - If the wheel has large teeth, the part will be rougher. To cut the laminate, you need to pick up small teeth.;
  • In the inner diameter - The size of the inner diameter is from 25 to 30 mm. The size is indicated on the front side of the circle.;
  • In the outer diameter - The outer diameter of the saw depends on the capabilities and technical characteristics.

Functions of miter saws

Bevel cutting

The table needs to be constantly rotated in order to cut at an angle. 45 degrees in each direction is a range of turns, so you need to be very careful. Sometimes uneven cutting occurs if the angle is, for example, 60 degrees. To avoid such errors, special clamps are used that regulate and fix the position of the saw.

Which clamps to use for a particular sawing depends on the diameter of the disc. But usually, the shape of the opening corresponds to the type of tool, so you should not worry about it. The tool head can be tilted if one of the corners is cut off. If there is no such cut, then the saw cuts only vertically. The slope is usually 45 degrees, but sometimes there are exceptions in the form of 46-47 degrees. When using such discs, unevenness on the walls may occur.

Also, the cut depth limit function plays a role. When facing profiles, this function is required.


Only a few trimming models can boast of electronic regulators. Speed ​​controllers are often not available in such devices due to their high cost. Also, there is no urgent need to constantly fix the speed of the device. But such regulators allow you to adjust the trimming to a specific material, as well as control the cutting process.

RPM maintenance is a popular option. It contributes to the speed of the saw. After all, the speed of the device can often fall due to a large load. And here the electronics independently correct the cutting speed, and there is no need to restart the unit.Although an experienced sawyer does not care about such bells and whistles, he can easily hold the saw so that it does not lose its speed in the process.

Laser - able to point to the line along which you want to saw the object. This feature will save a lot of time, especially for inexperienced users.

Some brands come with a laser light for easy cutting. Includes backlight, laser diode and centrifugal fan. It looks like a flat washer, which has a built-in lamp and battery. The LED helps to project the plane of the disk on the surrounding objects. The washer is attached to the saw spindle. In addition, there are fixed laser illuminations. It is convenient to cut curved profiles with it. For sawing beams and boards, the use of illumination is not required.

Auxiliary parameters

Table extension is the most popular and convenient option. If the owner has long blanks, then this function will help him out. It looks like this: in special holes in the frame, an emphasis is attached to two rods. 50 centimeters is the standard length of such an addition. Larger sizes can be ordered if needed.

Dust removal

A large amount of waste in the form of sawdust, beams and dust leaves behind each saw. Such elements of debris adversely affect the health of a person who is indoors when the saw is working, or who is working with this tool. There are several ways to avoid such pollution.

  • A linen bag - you can collect all the waste in it, and then throw it in a landfill.
  • Construction vacuum cleaner - it will always remove unnecessary debris.
  • Branch pipe - a regular vacuum cleaner is connected to it.

Dust bags are found in every modern miter saw.Also, you can connect a hose from a vacuum cleaner to the nozzle instead of a bag.

Safety system

For safe operation you will need:

  • Safety goggles - during work, they will help protect against direct dust in the eyes, which is unpleasant for the eyes and dangerous to health.
  • The cutting tool is a miter saw. Therefore, you need to apply protection to your tool, for example, put on a casing. When the unit is not working, it can be covered with this casing, and it will completely hide the disc, which will protect the owner of the saw from injury during its transportation. When starting work, the casing should be removed. There are two ways to remove the cover: press the handle or lower the console.

To make it even safer, it is required to equip the system with an electrodynamic brake.

Other security nuances:

  • Take a saw with a smooth descent;
  • When replacing a disk, block the launch;
  • If the disk stalls, start its automatic shutdown (enable this function before starting work, so that in the event of a breakdown, you can quickly restore the workflow);
  • Put breakdown protection on the case;
  • Install a quick fixing system for the workpiece to be worked on.

Combination Master

Trimming and sawing are the main functions of trimming. These two functions are often found in the same model at once, which is a big plus. In such products, a saw blade is provided, as well as a casing to protect the product.

But despite the fact that such saws have a number of advantages, professionals still believe that it is better to take specialized products than universal ones. After all, universal devices cannot perform qualitatively the amount of work that can be done with a specialized saw.This means that for a specialized tool, universal trimming cannot be a full-fledged replacement. Is it possible to consider the advantage that buyers of such machines save their money and time. Universal units are just the same for home use, where speed is important, not quality.

Those who are professionally engaged in cutting to certain sizes, then they need to pay extra and take the tool that is necessary specifically for their type of work.

Popular and inexpensive models of 2019

In this section, you can find out which saw models are better to choose in terms of price and quality. From a variety of brands, everyone can choose for every taste. Our article will tell you the average price and characteristics of popular devices.

Miter saw Patriot MS 255
votes 0

It has a steel base plate and has a spindle lock. The vacuum cleaner is connected to this model.


  • 45 degrees - the maximum angle of inclination of the tool;
  • 1800 watts - power;
  • 5000 rpm - rotation speed;
  • Weight - 13 kilograms;
  • Height - 460 millimeters;
  • Length - 730 millimeters;
  • Electrical engine;
  • The average price is 13,000 rubles;
  • 3 meters is the length of the network cable.

  • The presence of a laser marker;
  • Able to quickly cut the necessary material;
  • Good power;
  • There is a dust collector.
  • heavy;
  • Expensive;
  • No with saw blade mounting hole.

Miter saw Bosch PCM 8S
votes 0

Has a steel base plate and spindle lock. Has a laser marker. Characteristics:

  • 45 degrees - tilt angle;
  • 70 millimeters - cutting depth;
  • 210 millimeters - disk diameter;
  • 1200 watts - engine power;
  • 5200 rpm - maximum rotation speed;
  • Weighs 7.9 kg;
  • 3 meters cable length;
  • It costs 15,000 rubles.

  • High frequency of revolutions;
  • There is a connector for connecting a vacuum cleaner;
  • Durable aluminum construction;
  • Wood clamp.
  • Great weight;
  • High price;
  • Weak power.

Miter saw Metabo Ks 216 M Lasercut 619216000 KS 216 M Lasercut
votes 0


  • 3500 rpm - rotation speed;
  • 120 millimeters - cut length;
  • 45 degrees - the maximum angle of inclination;
  • 3 meters - network cable;
  • Power - 1100 watts;
  • 100 decibels - noise level;
  • 216 millimeters - disc diameter;
  • Weighs 9.4 kilograms;
  • The price is 7400 rubles.

  • Low cost;
  • Laser illumination;
  • Light;
  • Sawdust collection bag included;
  • High RPM.
  • Small depth of cut;
  • Weak power.

ELITECH PT 1221 PT1221
votes 0


  • Network cable - 3 meters;
  • 60 mm - cutting length;
  • 5000 rpm - rotation force;
  • 45 degrees - the maximum angle of inclination;
  • 1200 watts - engine power;
  • Disc - 210 millimeters;
  • Weight - 7.2 kg;
  • Height - 340 mm;
  • Length - 510 mm;
  • The cost is 6500 rubles.

  • cheap;
  • High rotation speed;
  • Light.
  • Weak power.

Saw Kolner KMS210/1400
votes 0


  • 1400 watts - power;
  • 210 millimeters - disk;
  • 5000 rpm;
  • 70 mm - cutting depth;
  • 45 degrees - tilt angle;
  • 3 meters - network cable;
  • Weighs 6 kilograms;
  • It costs 3500 rubles.

  • Good power;
  • Low price;
  • High rotation speed;
  • Very light.
  • There is no laser that would increase the accuracy of the cut.

Miter saw MAKITA LS1040
votes 0


  • 91 decibels - noise level;
  • 4600 rpm;
  • Disc - 255 millimeters;
  • Weight - 11 kilograms;
  • 1650 watts - power;
  • 93 mm - cutting depth;
  • You can buy for 15500 rubles;
  • 3.5 meters is the length of the network cable.

  • High rotation speed;
  • Great cutting depth;
  • Good power.
  • Expensive;
  • Makes a lot of noise;
  • Energy-consuming.

Miter saw Elitech PT 1221
votes 0


  • Weight - 7.2 kilograms;
  • Length - 510 mm;
  • Height - 340 mm;
  • Disc diameter - 210 mm;
  • Tilt - 45 degrees;
  • Power - 1200 watts;
  • Cable length - 3 meters;
  • Price - about 7000 rubles;
  • 60 mm - cutting depth.

  • Compact;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Light.
  • Small cutting depth;
  • Weak power;
  • There is no laser illumination.

The choice of a miter saw should be done based on an assessment of the main criteria. It is important to clearly evaluate the planned amount of work and the need for individual functions that increase the cost of the device.


