
  1. Varieties of scales
  2. Models up to 10 thousand rubles
  3. Scales up to 50 thousand rubles
  4. Models up to 100 thousand rubles
  5. Outcome

The best trading scales for 2022

The best trading scales for 2022

Trade scales are one of the most important elements in the operation of a retail outlet; without such a technique, sales of goods are impossible. Based on this, the founder of the enterprise is interested in the smooth operation of the device and the minimum amount of maintenance of the device. Requirements for such units should be presented regarding the speed provided by the device, the presence of an external display to provide the necessary information for the client, the ability to communicate with the general electronics accounting system.

The market offers copies of different price categories and functional configurations. The applicant should take into account the ratio of the daily turnover of goods in a particular outlet and the physical capabilities of the model in question. Often, the functional configurations of models correspond to the price category, so it is recommended to calculate the budget when buying based on the scale of the trading enterprise.

Varieties of scales

Depending on the equipment, the mass indicators of a particular object show different numbers. For enterprises selling building materials (cement, sand, mixtures), an error of 100-500 grams is not so important. The situation is reversed in the field of jewelry, where a gram of a product represents a significant value. The founder of a particular enterprise must take into account the specifics of the company when choosing a weighing device. Also, you should familiarize yourself with the full list of device categories for a better understanding.

The following categories are common on the market:

  1. Standard desktop, found in grocery stores (often), compatible with products up to 40 kg. Ergonomic dimensions, convenient control system, there is the possibility of interfacing with a common trading equipment system.
  2. Canter-type scales, a device for calculating the mass by means of the pressure of an object on the hook. On sale there are both classic (mechanical) and electronic versions.
  3. Packing type - identical to the 1st category, but has a limited range of functions.The control system in such devices is not provided, they have the only function - weighing the product. Often, such models are used for control weighing.
  4. Counting type - used for measuring piece products. Such a technique is able to calculate the amount of production based on the weight of a piece.
  5. Platform type - used to work in warehouse conditions (sales in large volumes). The category is overall, placed strictly on the floor, weighing capabilities reach up to 300 kg.
  6. Laboratory-type equipment is the most accurate instruments, common in the field of jewelry. Often, the weighing capabilities in such devices are limited to 800 g.
  7. Mechanical type - rare (in villages, bazaars), due to low accuracy and outdated mechanism.

Due to high competition, manufacturers supply standard units with extended functionality, which often distracts the buyer when choosing. The presence of additional functions should not be considered as a decisive factor when buying such equipment. In practice, the operator rarely resorts to using additional features.

The cost of a particular model depends on a number of aspects that you should consider before buying a device. The buyer should consider the following aspects when choosing:

  • The presence of an indication screen;
  • Integrated module for printing receipts;
  • Mobility (work in the absence of electricity);
  • Ability to interface with the general system of the store;
  • Brand reputation and warranty;
  • Ergonomics and aesthetics of the device;
  • Weighing capabilities (weight limit);
  • Production material (resistance to damage);
  • Accuracy indicators.

The buyer should be guided by indicators of accuracy, ease of use and the reputation of the manufacturer when choosing a device.

Models up to 10 thousand rubles

Instances in this range will provide the buyer with a standard set of features. It should be borne in mind that the weight limit in devices up to 10 thousand is limited.

m-er scale model 326acpx
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The instance fits ergonomically into the space of the desktop, moderate dimensions allow you to place additional equipment. The universal device of the device makes it possible to use it both in the production sector and in the field of small trade. With an average cost of 4.2 thousand rubles, the buyer will receive a car with a maximum weight of up to 15 kg, the possibility of calibration and flexible settings.

m-er 326acpx
  • brand credibility;
  • Affordable price;
  • Flexible settings.
  • Not always available in stores.


“I got this model for a small deli over a year ago. A small error is leveled by an affordable price, the ergonomic design allows you to conveniently place the meter on the table, next to other equipment. Would recommend to anyone looking for a reliable scale at an affordable price!”

Device from the company m-er model 328acpx-15.2
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The South Korean manufacturer offers the buyer a universal machine for grocery stores and small trade enterprises. For 5.1 thousand rubles, the applicant will receive a compact device of strong quality, whose weight capacity reaches 15 kg with an error of 2 g. from an instance.

m-er 328acpx-15.2

  • Long battery life;
  • Affordable price;
  • Flexible functionality.
  • Weight options are limited.


“I bought this copy because of the good reviews about the manufacturers and wide functionality. In practice, both factors were fully justified, in addition, a powerful battery helped to make a solid positive impression. I recommend it to everyone who is looking for high-quality equipment in the economy segment!”

Apparatus from Cas company model pr-30p 810prg303gci0501
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This copy corresponds to modern standards of measuring technology, is intended for trade enterprises of small and medium scale. Users note the accuracy of the device with convenient dimensions, intuitive control using the screen and keys. The screen is double, provides information in the direction of the seller and in the opposite direction.

Cas pr-30p 810prg303gci0501

  • Ease of management;
  • Affordable price;
  • Small error.
  • Not found.


“Decent equipment for adequate money, there were no complaints during the period of operation, the design is thoughtful, the device fits perfectly into the workspace allowing you to place additional equipment. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for high-quality equipment for weighing!”

Scales up to 50 thousand rubles

The middle price segment will provide the buyer with enhanced functionality and add-ons. The weight limit is also increased compared to the previous category (often).

Scales from the company Scale model ske-150-4560 rs 88-00000142
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The domestic manufacturer Scale offers a product with high-quality moisture protection, which makes it possible to operate in non-standard conditions.The power supply is hybrid, both connection to the network and operation from an integrated battery are acceptable. The capacity of the latter allows you to work up to 3 days without recharging. The set of options is standard for such equipment, plus there is a cost addition mode. A load of up to 150 kg is allowed, the material of the working surfaces is resistant to rust. Available for sale at an average price of 15.2 thousand rubles.

Scale ske-150-4560 rs 88-00000142

  • Adequate price tag;
  • Reliable moisture protection;
  • High loads are allowed.
  • Limited set of options.


“Choose this model for a seafood warehouse. The choice is due to resistance to corrosion, because it is difficult to isolate goods in such warehouses from a humid environment. In operation, this technique shows strong quality, it has not failed for a long time. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a scale with moisture protection for high loads!”

The device from the company Scale model Ske-500-6080 rs 88-00000145
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The unit for placement on the floor, equipped with protection against moisture, suitable for universal tasks. The working elements are made of stainless steel alloys, which provides resistance to rust. It is available for sale at an average price of 20.7 thousand rubles, hybrid power supply (220 V or battery), battery life up to 3 days. Allowed placement at the discretion of the buyer, maximum load up to 500 kg, LED screen.

Scale Ske-500-6080 rs 88-00000145

  • Low cost;
  • Hybrid food;
  • Load up to 500 kg.
  • Not found.


“The unit impresses with its load capacity, which is allowed up to 0.5 t.This is an important point, because the scales were purchased for use in a large warehouse enterprise. Also, a bright LED screen left a positive impression, there were no difficulties in managing it. Would recommend to anyone looking for a high load device!”

The device from the company Massa-K model TV-m-150.2-rp1 10222
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This copy, in addition to the standard options, also offers the buyer the printing of receipts. Wall placement (complete with appropriate fasteners), users note the greatest ease of use with a similar arrangement. Also, the device is able to keep records of labeled products. The integrated memory module is designed to record 20,000 products, receipt printing allows for even the most complex configurations. It is found on the market at an average cost of 37.9 thousand rubles. The working surface is steel, the body is made of structural steel. The copy is designed for standard commodity accounting:

  • Receipt of goods;
  • Release of goods;
  • Inventory;
  • Write-off.

Integrated module for communication with reading equipment (scanner). There is a connector for USB and the Internet for communication with additional devices.

Weight-K TV-m-150.2-rp1 1022

  • Load up to 150 kg;
  • Availability of an Internet module;
  • Ability to connect a scanner.
  • Not the cheapest one.


“I bought this unit due to the wide range of options with an impressive load (up to 150 kg). Works great, if you additionally connect a barcode scanner, many tasks are greatly simplified. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a functional scale model with high loads at an affordable price!”

Models up to 100 thousand rubles

Advanced scales of an expensive category will provide the buyer with wide functionality and warranty obligations from the manufacturer. The maximum weight, as a rule, significantly exceeds the capabilities of the economy and middle segments.

The device from the company Scale model Ske-N-150-4560 77-00033588
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A hybrid-powered specimen, made of stainless steel, is available for sale at an average price of 55.2 thousand rubles. Outdoor location, maximum load up to 150 kg, screen with LED backlight, battery life up to 3 days.

Scale Ske-N-150-4560 77-00033588

  • Acceptable price;
  • Build quality;
  • Brand reputation.
  • Limited functionality.


“I have been using these scales for about a year, they show reliable performance even in emergency conditions. The backlit screen clearly gives the necessary information, the surfaces of specialized steel provide protection from moisture. Would recommend to anyone looking for quality scales!”

Device from Cas company model cl5000j-15ib 7700032890
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This unit is notable for the possibility of autonomous operation from the operator. The software architecture is thought out and simple: the operator does not need to spend a lot of time to master the set of options, and the automatic operation of many functions reduces the information processing time by an order of magnitude. An impressive memory module and a module for communication with additional electronics are integrated. There are modes for automating large computational volumes. The maximum load is only 15 kg, which significantly limits the scope of the device, but this is offset by a small error and a wide range of options.South Korean production, found on the market at an average price of 62.5 thousand rubles.

Cas model cl5000j-15ib 7700032890

  • Sophisticated software;
  • Wide range of options;
  • An impressive amount of memory.
  • Limited loads.


“Great device for small and medium trade enterprises, easily integrated into the overall electronics system. It is easy to use, it does not take much time for staff training, many processes are automated. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a functional device for a point of sale!”

Scales from Massa-k model 4d-la-4-2000-a 10672
votes 0

Low profile model, offers high accuracy calculations in industrial point of sale environments. Maximum load up to 2 tons, made of structural steel, weighing without unloading the cart is allowed. It is placed on the floor, the error is up to 500 g, it is available on the market at an average price of 74.7 thousand rubles.

Scales from Massa-k model 4d-la-4-2000-a 10672

  • brand reputation;
  • Load up to 2 t;
  • Quality build.
  • Not found.


“I bought this model to work at points with an impressive turnover, so the load of 2 tons won me over. The scales showed reliable operation even under constant loads. Would recommend to anyone looking for a device with impressive load capacity!”


Due to the high competition between brands and the oversaturation of the market with scale models, the buyer is confused when choosing a particular item. To avoid confusion, it is recommended to analyze the following factors when choosing:

  1. Type of the considered model. Three types of devices are available for sale: electric, classic and hybrid.Classical movements are the most accessible, but have mediocre accuracy. Electric scales will allow you to make the most accurate weighing, but they will require an external power source and the cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of mechanical scales.
  2. Limit weight and accuracy. In such a technique, there is a proportional relationship between the maximum weight and accuracy (the higher the weight capabilities, the higher the error). This parameter is individual and depends on the scope of sales of specific products.
  3. The build quality of the device will directly affect the service life, because the equipment is subject to regular loads. This aspect also depends on the scope of the device.
  4. manufacturer's reputation. It is recommended to read reviews about the brand in question on the Internet, as well as warranty obligations regarding maintenance.

In addition, it is recommended to check in advance the compatibility of the devices in question with the general system of the enterprise (cash registers, additional meters). It is not uncommon for the device not to come into contact with the rest of the equipment, thus complicating the course of work in the store.

If the above aspects correspond to the desire of the buyer, it remains to take into account only the indicators of the cost of the selected model. You should not save on commercial equipment, because inaccurate measurement of the weight of the product will entail a number of problems for the seller.


