
  1. History of occurrence
  2. Benefit and harm
  3. How to choose
  4. What can be cooked
  5. How to cook
  6. Rating of the best brands of corn grits for 2022
  7. Conclusion

The best brands of corn grits for 2022

The best brands of corn grits for 2022

Corn grits are a real find for people who care about their diet and want to get a lot of nutrients without extra calories. Our ranking of the best brands of corn grits for 2022 will help you decide which manufacturer is likely to like you the most.

History of occurrence

Even the Aztecs appreciated all the charm of corn. Thanks to this herbaceous plant, they did not even suspect the existence of such misfortunes as thrombosis or heart attack. The Indians invented a delicious tamales dish from corn, and treated them to their honored guests.Even now, tamales is popular among Mexicans and is a delicious mixture of corn, minced meat and other ingredients wrapped in corn leaves. Gradually, thanks to Columbus, corn began to conquer Europe and today is firmly rooted in the menu of many people.

Benefit and harm

The benefit of corn grits lies in its rich composition, which is not lost after heat treatment. 100 grams of "Queen of the Fields" in dry form contains only 328 calories, and in porridge made from it - only 86 calories. Nutritionists around the world recommend including cereals from this cereal in the diet of babies, the elderly and for those who are overweight. The fiber contained in cereals has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. A large number of vitamins remarkably affects the condition of nails, skin and hair.

The harm in cereals is minimal. Firstly, it is categorically not suitable for people with a lack of weight. That is, with anorexia, it is better to eat something more high-calorie. Secondly, it is not advised for an ulcer in the acute stage and with a predisposition to blood clotting.

How to choose

Corn grits are processed differently, which means they are divided into several categories: large, small and polished. Large is obtained by crushing the kernels and is used to create the famous corn flakes. Fine is distinguished by clean grains and additional grinding. Manufacturers love to create instant cereals, corn sticks and other delicious products from it. Polished groats are divided into 5 categories and grains resemble kernels with rounded edges.

Connoisseurs advise paying attention to cereals made from steamed grain, they say, it boils faster and there is no grain stiffness.

Naturally, the selection criteria includes such an item as paying attention to the appearance of the product. Groats should not cause your doubts and should be clean, crumbly and uniform in color. It is advisable not to stock up on it for the future, but to acquire the required amount, otherwise starch will form in it. In addition, there is a danger of the appearance of bugs.

What can be cooked

Most people buy corn grits to make porridge. But in fact, this product has a wide range of applications in cooking. Based on it, you can cook delicious soups, bake delicious cakes, make fragrant casseroles and create unusual side dishes. Well, you can experiment with different types of hominy. For example, make hominy, add scrambled eggs, ham and juicy tomatoes.

The cooking space is limitless. By the way, many ladies have adapted themselves with the help of the “queen of the fields” to do beauty procedures for themselves. In cosmetology, cereals are unusually good and, with competent recipes and accurate application, can prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

How to cook

Everything is elementary here, because there are three types of liquid for cooking: milk, water and a mixture of water and milk. For an ideal consistency, it is advisable to use 4 cups of liquid for 1 cup of cereal. If you want a more liquid texture, then increase the amount of water, if more dense, then reduce. Average cooking time is half an hour. And it is important not to forget about constant stirring!

Rating of the best brands of corn grits for 2022


The well-known brand PROSTO specializes in the production of cereals in bags. Their corn grits are packaged in cooking bags that allow you to quickly cook food without sticking and burning to the dishes. The product contains all important trace elements.During the cooking process, they do not disappear anywhere and remain in food. Cooking time 20-25 minutes. Inside the package are 8 sachets, the calorie content per 100 grams is 340 calories. Most of all in the product of carbohydrates, their amount is 75 grams, proteins are in second place 8.5 grams and fats are closed by 1 gram. Processing method polished. The shelf life is 6 months. Keep the packaging in a dry place, avoiding damp environments.

Sold at a price of about 60 rubles.

corn grits PROSTO
  • Packed in packages;
  • Does not stick to the walls of the pan;
  • Hearty and tasty;
  • Gluten free;
  • Good digestibility;
  • Positive effect on the nervous system;
  • Remarkably affects the appearance of hair, skin and nails.
  • Not everywhere found on sale;
  • Short shelf life.


The Uvelka company produces cereals in several variations: in bags and without bags, selected. Sachets are packed up on 80 grams, in packing of 5 pieces. The product is produced by crushing corn kernels. The food contains the required amount of fiber, important vitamins of groups B, E, PP and essential amino acids. Almost 80% of unsaturated fatty acids are aimed at the qualitative regulation of cholesterol in the body. The nutritional value is 360 calories, protein 7%. The product is ideal for making porridge, side dishes and various types of soups. Cooking time about half an hour. The shelf life is 10 months.

You can buy from 60 rubles and more.

corn grits Uvelka
  • Contains a huge amount of vitamins and useful microelements;
  • Helps regulate blood cholesterol levels;
  • Sold in bags and without them;
  • Excellent digestibility;
  • Nutritious and natural product;
  • According to buyers, one of the best manufacturers.
  • Cooking duration.

Altai fairy tale

Corn grits from the Altai Fairy Tale brand have proven themselves perfectly. It is available in soft packaging, weighing 700 grams. The product has a decent content of trace elements, dietary fiber and essential vitamins. Cooked food is easily digestible and saturates the body for a long time. The cooking method is one part of the product to two parts of water, but buyers note that a thick consistency will be satisfied this way and it is better to use one to three or four. And although the manufacturer writes that the cooking time is only 20 minutes, buyers note that in order for all the grains to boil, the cooking time must be at least half an hour. During cooking, food does not stick to the dishes much and there is no unpleasant chemical smell that other brands have. The energy value is 326 calories.

You can buy from 80 rubles and more.

corn grits Altai fairy tale
  • Digestibility at height;
  • Does not cause excessive fullness;
  • Doesn't stick to the pan too much;
  • Tasty and healthy;
  • No chemical fragrance;
  • Low allergenic;
  • Suitable for a variety of dishes.
  • If left undisturbed, it will stick to the dishes.


According to the results of verification of various instances, the Agrokultura brand showed itself perfectly. Corn grits of this company fully complies with all physical and chemical indicators and requirements. It is in a soft package, packing of 600 grams. Shelf life is 6 to 10 months. During cooking, the porridge must be constantly stirred, otherwise it will shoot in all directions and stick to the pan. Ideally, boil and stir for about 25 minutes, after which turn off the food and leave for 5 minutes to infuse.With proper preparation, a tender and soft porridge is obtained. Some eaters advise using it as a side dish for meat dishes, but it will be divinely good with just butter.

Sold at a price of about 50 rubles.

corn grits Agriculture
  • budget cost;
  • Tasty and healthy;
  • Excellent digestibility;
  • Saturation with vitamins and nutrients;
  • Ideal for maintaining a beautiful figure.
  • You have to stir constantly, otherwise it will stick.


Corn groats from Agro-Alliance perfectly meet safety requirements. The goods were taken for inspection and revealed that pesticides and all kinds of toxic substances are absent. Pests and weed mixtures were not found in the package. The company produces classic corn grits and recently released the new Polenta. Polenta is perfect for cooking all kinds of national dishes, such as polenta, hominy and mchadi. It is created from the core of corn kernels and is completely peeled. Thanks to this, by the way, it is recommended to use it for baking and casseroles. The classic Agro-alliance is more suitable for making the usual porridge.

The price for the classic version is from 59 rubles, and for Polenta a little more expensive.

corn grits Agro-Alliance
  • Nutritious and easily digestible;
  • Passed the test perfectly;
  • Packages do not contain weed mixture;
  • Low percentage of ash content;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Diet product suitable for diabetics.
  • Traces of gluten may be detected.


Of the popular brands, many are familiar with McF. In addition to pasta, they produce excellent quality cereals and corn is among them.It can be bought in bags or packaged in 700 grams. The product is completely gluten-free, which means there is no gluten. Makfa is low allergenic and can even be introduced into children's diets. It is necessary to store in a dry room, the main thing is to avoid moisture, due to which the product begins to deteriorate. With a creative culinary approach, you can cook not only traditional porridge from Makfa, but also pamper your loved ones with national dishes or fragrant corn tortillas. Children will surely like cookies or pancakes made on the basis of the product. The cooking time for porridge is 40 minutes.

You can buy from 45 rubles and more.

corn grits Makfa
  • budget cost;
  • Low calorie content and enrichment with useful substances;
  • Suitable for diet food;
  • It is possible to create different culinary masterpieces;
  • Sold in almost every store;
  • There are recipe options on the package.
  • In bags, porridge tends to boil in lumps;
  • Long time to prepare.

fine life

Fine Life products are specially made for Metro shopping centers. Their corn grits have passed the tests perfectly and have established themselves as a product that fully complies with all safety requirements. According to buyers, Fine Life has impeccable organoleptic properties. Sold in soft transparent packaging and packaged in 800 grams. For ease of use, there are divisions of 100 grams on the side of the package. Thanks to the transparent design, it is easy to see the product and you can see that it is clean, without any impurities and debris. Cooking time about half an hour. In the process, you must stand next to the pan and stir continuously, otherwise it is fraught with sticking and burning.Nutritional value is 362 calories, protein 8.1 grams. At a storage temperature of 10°C to 25°C, the shelf life is about 12 months.

You can buy within 50 rubles.

corn grits Fine Life
  • Affordable cost;
  • Nice design;
  • Passed strict quality control checks;
  • Free of impurities and debris;
  • The culinary properties are excellent;
  • Does not cause excessive fullness.
  • You need to stir all the time;
  • Not everywhere you can buy.

Crown of Stavropol


Residents of the Stavropol Territory highly appreciate the producer Crown of Stavropol. Their cereal has a calorie content of 231 kcal and is ideal for people with gastrointestinal problems or those who cannot get rid of excess weight. The product is enriched with a huge amount of vitamins, useful minerals and has a high biological value. Porridge from the Crown of Stavropol turns out to be the most tender, soft and fragrant with the aroma of young sweet corn. To improve the taste of porridge, you can add grated pumpkin or carrots during cooking, and those with a sweet tooth may well rub sweet persimmons. The excellent digestibility of the product has made it a favorite among people suffering from gastritis and duodenitis. Sold in packs of 700 grams. Not sold everywhere, so you can order online through online stores.

Prices: from 60 rubles and above.

corn grits Korona Stavropol
  • Ideally boiled;
  • Incomparable gentle taste;
  • A real treasure trove of vitamins;
  • Low calorie;
  • Suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems;
  • Does not cause excessive fullness.
  • Difficult to find for sale.


Finely crushed "Corn semolina" from the Garnets brand causes a real gastronomic ecstasy among fans of cereals.It can even be used for baby food, not to mention diet food. It contains 100% natural corn grits, but the highlight lies in the smallest grinding, which turned it into semolina. The cooking method is simple, bring 500 ml of liquid to a boil and pour in 60 or 80 grams of cereal, add sugar and salt to taste, then cook until thick. The peculiarity is that it cooks much faster than the above brands. In appearance, the food is similar to the usual semolina, the taste, of course, is different, it seems to be semolina, but with corn nuances. If after cooking, instead of porridge, add a spoonful of honey, then the taste will improve significantly.

Sold by Auchan. Cost: about 80 rubles.

corn grits Garnets
  • Quick and easy to prepare;
  • Unpleasant lumps are not formed;
  • Natural composition without additives;
  • Liked by both children and adults;
  • The smallest grinding;
  • Does not stick during cooking.
  • Not sold everywhere.


If you want to diversify the family menu, then corn grits are an excellent way to do this. Mistakes in the selection will be eliminated if you have carefully studied the ranking of the best corn grits brands for 2022. Packs of chopped corn give a wide scope for culinary delights. For breakfast, you can make the most delicate cereals, light casseroles, delicious pancakes. For lunch, cook soups, create interesting side dishes, make hominy or bread. An afternoon snack can be varied with corn cookies and other desserts. For dinner, make amazing cutlets or bake golden, delicately fragrant cakes. And all thanks to the smallest crushed or polished corn grains.With this cereal, it is easy to care about a beautiful slender figure, not forgetting to saturate the body with the most important vitamins and microelements.

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