
  1. Criteria for choosing a dental compressor
  2. Tips and Tricks to Extend the Life of Dental Compressors
  3. Rating of quality dental compressors for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Best Dental Compressors for 2022

Best Dental Compressors for 2022

The quality of dental services provided directly depends not only on the experience and professionalism of the doctor, but also on the technical equipment of the dental office.

The doctor's working instruments are powered by a unit with a compressor that injects compressed air into them under pressure. Such an installation is quite expensive, therefore, before choosing a specific modification, it is necessary to compare popular models not only in terms of price, but also in terms of functionality, scope, main characteristics, power, noise level, and other parameters.

Criteria for choosing a dental compressor

In order not to make mistakes when choosing an air flow generator, you need to understand the basic principles of the device. The compressor motor is driven by pistons similar to those used in automobile combustion chambers. Early modifications of such engines worked with the use of oil, which could enter the environment with air.

Over time, such motors were abandoned, and now oil-free piston groups are used in dentistry. The principle of their operation is based on forcing air into the receiver in the process of closing and opening the piston in the cylinder, while grinding is done “dry”. In order for the pistons to work without oil, they had to be modified. So, the cylinders themselves began to be produced from a more resistant material - cast iron, and a special cooler was designed to reduce the temperature that rises when parts of the apparatus rub against each other.

The air pumped by the compressor is used at all stages of the operation of the dental unit - the operation of the turbine in the handpiece, the supply of a compressed air mixture for dust blowing, the suction of saliva from the patient's oral cavity.

What to look for when choosing a compressor:

  1. Piston type. As previously mentioned, oil aggregates can release oil particles into the atmosphere, which then enter the human lungs. To prevent air pollution, carbon filters are installed on such devices. In order to keep the air clean, they need to be cleaned periodically or changed as needed.Oil-free devices are characterized by increased wear due to the fact that the rubbing parts are not lubricated. They also make a lot of noise. However, these shortcomings are leveled by a pure air mixture without impurities, safe for human health.
  2. Noise level during operation of the installation. The maximum allowable value is 80 dB. Devices made using modern technologies give an average value of 60-65 dB. If such parameters still do not suit the buyer, you can purchase a noise-absorbing cabinet that will reduce noise to a minimum value of 40-50 dB.
  3. Operating pressure. This parameter is measured in liters per minute. Since one compressor can be used not for one, but for several dental units, it is important to calculate this figure correctly. Since such dental equipment can be used to power several consumers at the same time, the consumption of each of them must be summed up to select the device of the required power. The approximate flow rate of the turbine is 30-40 l / min, saliva ejector - 20-50 l / min, water-air gun - 11-20 l / min. Since no compressor head is capable of supplying an air mixture to different consumers at the same time with different parameters, a receiver is built into the unit.
  4. receiver volume. The receiver is a tank that is filled with air mixture until the required pressure is reached. It is from it that the air is distributed to all consumers. In order to maintain the required pressure in the chamber, it has a special sensor, at the signal of which the pump refills. When choosing a receiver, the first thing you should pay attention to should be the coating material of the tank.To prevent rust, the tank must either be made of stainless steel or be enameled on the inside. For small medical institutions, a receiver will be enough, which is completely filled with a compressor in 3-4 minutes.
  5. The presence of a filter. Almost all modern compressor units are equipped with multi-layer filters with the function of retaining dust and oil particles. The better the filter, the cleaner the atmosphere in the room will be. This element is mandatory in oil devices, which are characterized by the release of fine particles of liquid.
  6. The presence of a dryer. The air mixture has such a parameter as humidity, which directly affects the rate of hardening of the filling material. The higher the water content, the more difficult and longer the hardening processes occur. Dryers are used in compressor units to reduce humidity.

It is necessary to choose a compressor installation based on the scope of use. A small dental office will only need one compressor and receiver. For the department of dentistry, which includes two or more workplaces, it is not rational to buy several units. The best option would be to install one powerful device, which, through the wiring, will supply the air mixture to all workplaces. The unit must include several heads and receivers for efficient operation. Compared to buying several devices, this option has a number of advantages: budget price, inexpensive maintenance, reliable operation (if one of the heads fails, the rest remain in working order).Among the shortcomings, one can single out an increased noise level, as well as the possibility of incorrect calculation of the required power, due to which the device will not be able to provide all the necessary consumers.

Tips and Tricks to Extend the Life of Dental Compressors

Caring for air mixture injection devices is simple and does not require special skills and knowledge.

Weekly need:

  • remove condensate that has accumulated in the receiver - this is easy to do by draining water under low pressure (up to 2 bar);
  • remove liquid that has accumulated in the condenser.

Once a month you need:

  • check all connections for tightness;
  • check that the operating pressure corresponds to that stated in the operating instructions;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the condenser and radiator (due to the accumulation of dust, they give off heat worse and cool the unit more slowly).

Once a year is required:

  • check the cleanliness of the inlet filter (if the contamination is not strong, clean it; if the dirt is not removed, the cleaning cartridge needs to be replaced);
  • turning off the device, check the tightness of the ring on the outlet valve;
  • check the functionality of the safety valve (it is enough to press it during operation of the device and evaluate the result of the action by the noise of the exhaust air).

Calling a specialist is required in the following cases:

  • during the operation of the device, a loud noise is heard, vibration has increased;
  • the pressure in the working chamber is gaining more slowly than usual, or the device does not reach the working pressure;
  • fans in the cooling system do not work;
  • the unit spontaneously turns on at a time when none of the consumers is active;
  • the device is too hot;
  • the device does not turn on.

Rating of quality dental compressors for 2022


This Slovak-made mobile device is designed for one dental unit. The unit belongs to the category of oil-free, due to which it supplies consumers with a clean air mixture without foreign impurities. According to dentists, it is best suited for small medical facilities or dental offices where there is only one workplace. The device has a compact size and small wheels, which make it possible to move it to the right place.

The tank, depending on the modification, can hold 5 or 10 liters of air. The DK50 series has several versions:

  • modification "Z" - has a board that allows you to place the device outside the room where medical manipulations are carried out;
  • modification "S" - equipped with a cabinet with a noise-absorbing function, which allows the unit to be used in the same room where the doctor works;
  • modification "ZM" is similar to the first version, but is also equipped with a built-in dehumidifier;
  • modification "SM" - a variant of the second version, there is a dehumidifier.

According to buyers, the device can be used not only to power dental instruments, but also to operate a dental office. The popularity of this model is due to the fact that it is mobile, and is not tied to a specific place. Small dimensions allow to place the device in any place convenient for the doctor.

Specifications (Model Z):

ManufacturerEkom, Slovakia
Number of installations served1
Rated voltage, V230
Maximum current level, A8,9
Engine power, kW0,55
Compressor power, l/min75
Compressor operating pressure, bar4,5-6
Air tank volume, l25
Noise level, dBa66
Feed, l105
Weight, kg48
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm460x500x708
Average price, rub.99 000
  • many positive reviews;
  • small overall dimensions;
  • mobility allows you to install the device in any convenient place;
  • low price;
  • Ekom is one of the best budget manufacturers of this kind of equipment, recognized all over the world.
  • can serve only one installation at a time;
  • buyers may have difficulty buying - in online stores, the model can be ordered online, while it is rarely found in free sale.


The most popular and most frequently bought model. It also belongs to the category of oil-free compressors. Used for one installation, no relocation capability (stationary configuration).

The large volume of the tank allows you to use several dental instruments at once. Like the previous model, the Plus series is available in several versions:

  • Plus - standard version, without additional devices;
  • Plus S - equipped with a cabinet for noise absorption, allowing the dentist to work in more comfortable conditions;
  • Plus M - there is no noise-absorbing cabinet, but there is a dehumidifier that removes excess moisture from the surrounding atmosphere;
  • Plus S/M - the package includes both a noise reduction cabinet and a dehumidifier.

The manufacturer offers a 24 month warranty. All devices of the range without dehumidifiers are equipped with an automatic condensate drain. It allows you to set the frequency of this procedure, and the user does not need to constantly monitor this process. Additionally, you can purchase a regulator of compressed air at the outlet, as well as fine filters (if necessary).

All models are equipped with safety valves that do not allow pressure to rise above the set value.

Noise dampening cabinets are designed to be attractive and complement the dental office furniture.

The package of delivery of compressors necessarily includes instructions with a detailed description of each model, as well as the method of installation.

Specifications (base model):

ManufacturerEkom, Slovakia
Number of installations served1
Rated voltage, V230
Maximum current level, A8,9
Engine power, kW0,55
Compressor power, l/min75
Compressor operating pressure, bar4,5-6
Air tank volume, l25
Noise level, dBa66
Feed, l105
Weight, kg48
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm460x500x708
Average price, rub.99 000
  • large volume of the tank;
  • the compressor is reliable in operation;
  • low noise level for a device of this type.
  • high price;
  • stationary model;
  • serves only one installation.

Cattani 150-476

This Italian-made model is capable of servicing up to 7 units simultaneously. Among those compressors that are on sale in Russia, this is a recognized leader. It is suitable not only for the state dental hospital, but also for large private clinics.

The device is equipped with two dehumidifiers that maintain the humidity of the air mixture in the room at a predetermined level. High performance and large volume of the receiver made this model one of the most popular in professional dentistry, despite how much the unit costs. It is also equipped with a built-in filtration and cooling system.According to the manufacturer, the device supplies air to consumers without the slightest impurities of dust and pollution. To ensure durability, the pistons in the cylinders are manufactured using a special technology, coated with Teflon and able to be in good condition for more than 10,000 hours. The operation of the unit can be carried out both periodically and continuously.

The product is sold without a protective cover. The manufacturer recommends installing the device in a separate room, inaccessible to visitors and persons who have not been trained to work with the unit. If it is not possible to allocate such a room, it is necessary to purchase a protective cover separately. It is also recommended to equip the cabinet where the device is located with a temperature sensor and a smoke detector.

Two modifications of the model are made - single-phase and three-phase.

Specifications (single-phase version):

Number of installations served7
Rated voltage, V230
Maximum current level, Atwo motors, each 10.2
Engine power, kWtwo motors, each 1.5
Compressor power, l/min476
Compressor operating pressure, bar5
Air tank volume, l150
Noise level, dBa74
Feed, lno data
Weight, kg137
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm1320 x 770 x 1040
Average price, rub.260 000
Cattani 150-476
  • can serve a large number of installations (up to 7) at the same time;
  • high-quality components are used for the production of the product;
  • high performance;
  • long warranty period (36 months);
  • high motor resource.
  • high price.

AJAX 600

This Chinese-made unit is not very well known in the Russian market.This is due to the fears of buyers regarding the durability and reliability of the device, since everyone knows that most of the equipment made in China does not have good quality characteristics.

Nevertheless, experts say that this device is made exclusively from high-tech materials, and in terms of its characteristics it is not inferior to eminent analogues from other manufacturers. So, in the piston group bearings of the Japanese company NSK are installed.

As in other models, the oil-free technology of the piston group is used here, and therefore, the surrounding air is not polluted by small particles of oils. The receiver of the device is covered with a special bactericidal composition, which prevents the reproduction of harmful bacteria and microorganisms in it, and also prevents the occurrence of corrosion centers.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to find information and customer reviews about this model on the network, its characteristics suggest that it will be able to do its job efficiently, while significantly saving the budget.

The protective cover is not included in the scope of delivery, but it can be purchased separately.


ManufacturerAJAX 600, China
Number of installations served3
Rated voltage, V230
Engine power, W3000
Compressor power, l/min260
Air tank volume, l110
Noise level, dBano data
Weight, kg160
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm850x420x800
Average price, rub.77 000
AJAX 600
  • the best price among analogues;
  • low noise level, according to customer reviews;
  • compact dimensions;
  • most of the components are made of high quality materials;
  • high performance;
  • can be used for continuous operation.
  • due to the poor reputation of Chinese goods, many buyers, when choosing which company's unit is better to buy, undeservedly bypass this model.

Remeza SB4-16.GMS150K

The review of the best compressors continues with the Russian-made Remeza model, designed to service three dental units at the same time. The coaxial (direct) drive and oil-free technology allow the device to supply clean air without impurities to laboratory and medical equipment and instruments. The receiver in the device has an anti-corrosion treatment that prevents the appearance of rust, as well as the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The unit connections are ¼" standard size. The receiver holds 16 liters of air. A distinctive feature of the device is the form of execution - it is installed from the factory in a rectangular cabinet, which not only prevents unauthorized access to working elements, but also absorbs noise.

The control panel is simple and intuitive - there is an on / off button, pressure sensors in the tank and at the outlet, a pressure regulator. Despite the small overall dimensions, the device has good performance - up to 150 liters per minute.

Convenient wheels are installed under the cabinet, allowing you to move the device over short distances.


ManufacturerRemeza, Russian Federation
Number of installations served3
Rated voltage, V220
Engine power, kW1,1
Compressor power, l/min110
Compressor operating pressure, bar8
Air tank volume, l16
Noise level, dBa57
Weight, kg80
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm640x515x800
Cooling typeaerial
Average price, rub.67 000
Remeza SB4-16.GMS150K
  • budget price;
  • due to the fact that the product is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation, the potential buyer does not have problems with where you can immediately buy the device;
  • can serve 3 installations at the same time;
  • high engine power.
  • low quality components.

FINI DR.SONIC 640-90F-ES-6T, 50 l, 2.2 kW

The model belongs to the Mediair series of the Italian manufacturer FINI. Able to simultaneously serve up to 8 dental units. Such devices are widely used in laboratories to power instrumentation and gas analyzers, as well as to operate dental chairs. Since the device uses oil-free technology, it is absolutely safe and does not pollute the environment.

Simplicity of a design provides ease in leaving and operation of the device. The inside of the receiver is coated with a special composition that prevents corrosion and the growth of microorganisms. The piston and compressor rings are coated with an anti-friction compound that increases their wear resistance. An adsorption dryer is used to reduce the humidity of the supply air.

The device has filters not only at the outlet, but also at the inlet, which provides a deep degree of air purification. The device has two piston groups that can work both simultaneously and alternately, allowing the second system to "rest" and thereby increasing the life of the device. They are controlled by a special electronic controller.

In order to reduce the level of noise and vibration, the device has a two-stage anti-vibration system and a noise-absorbing casing.


ManufacturerFini, Italy
Number of installations served8
Rated voltage, V380
Engine power, kW4,4
Compressor power, l/min640
Compressor operating pressure, atm8
Air tank volume, l90
Noise level, dBa64
Weight, kg118
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm1120 x 720 x 820
Number of cylinders2
Average price, rub.415 000
FINI DR.SONIC 640-90F-ES-6T, 50 l, 2.2 kW
  • a large number of serviced installations;
  • high power and performance;
  • low noise and vibration for such a powerful device;
  • there are two cylinders that can work alternately or simultaneously;
  • there is a built-in dehumidifier;
  • high quality components.
  • high price;
  • one level of power.

Mercury HK-1EW-30

One of the most budget models made in China. Like others discussed in this article, it works on oil-free technology. Instead of oil, a special polymer with a reduced coefficient of friction is used in the piston group. This technology prevents harmful substances from entering the air and provides the required sanitary conditions. The compressor is capable of serving only one unit.

The mini system consists of a compressor, an air tank, pushbutton switches, piping, a fine filter and an air valve.

The unit is equipped with a drain valve that releases excess air when the pressure rises above the set value. There is a built-in pressure gauge that displays the current value of the pressure in the tank. The air filter is installed only at the inlet. The legs of the device are equipped with soft shock absorbers that prevent it from moving on the floor.

When the compressor is running, moisture is formed, which is collected in a special container.For efficient operation of the catchment system, it must be cleaned at least once a month. With the same frequency, it is recommended to clean the air filter, which eventually becomes clogged with dust, which leads to increased energy consumption and poor filtration. Maintenance is recommended to be carried out only by qualified personnel: every 2-3 months you need to wipe the dust from all elements of the device, check the reliability of the connections, check for contact in the grounding cable. The device can only be used indoors at a temperature of 5 to 40 °C.


ManufacturerMercury, China
Number of installations served1
Rated voltage, V220
Engine power, kW0,55
Compressor power, l/min70
Compressor working pressure, Mpa0,8
Air tank volume, l30
Noise level, dBano data
Weight, kg25
Overall dimensions (W*D*H), mm450*450*650
Consumed current, A2,4
Average price, rub.18 000
Mercury HK-1EW-30
  • budget price;
  • unusual design;
  • oil-free technology;
  • small dimensions.
  • can serve only one installation;
  • short service life;
  • poor quality components.


When choosing a compressor for a dental office, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of the performance of the existing equipment, while providing some margin. The higher the performance of the compressor unit, the more it will be able to serve, and the less load will fall on one cylinder.

When choosing a specific model, it is worth focusing primarily on technical characteristics (such as performance, noise level, number of units serviced, etc.), and only then on cost.

We recommend that you choose instruments with oil-free technology. Combined with a good filtration system (at a minimum, a filter is required at the tank inlet), this will keep the air clean at the required level. Another important parameter is the presence of a dehumidifier that removes excess moisture from the air, since high humidity is a significant hindrance for the high-quality hardening of the filling material.

If the dental office is small, you should also take into account the dimensions of the compressor. Since there are a large number of modifications on the market, you can pick up a device of almost any size. There are also mobile models that allow you to remove the compressor to another room, if necessary.

We hope that our article will help you make the right choice and buy the right unit at the best price.

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