
  1. Cause of corns
  2. Top 6 anti-corn plasters in 2022
  3. Top - 6 gels for corns and corns in 2022
  4. Top - 5 best creams for corns and corns
  5. Top - 3 popular pencils for corns and corns
  6. How to choose a remedy?

The best remedies for corns and corns on the feet in 2022

The best remedies for corns and corns on the feet in 2022

I want to wear beautiful shoes, but painful corns that do not go away at all and corns that only spoil the whole appearance interfere. Many people suffer with this problem. However, getting rid of this is quite difficult. The article will list the most popular and effective remedies that will help get rid of corns and corns.

Cause of corns

  • narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
  • congenital predisposition;
  • exposure to various chemicals;
  • health problems.

In order to understand which remedy will help get rid of such a problem, it is necessary to determine the type of corn.


  • hard - rough skin that looks like a growth;
  • watery - there is an accumulation of fluid, and often this brings pain;
  • rod - similar to the first type, but differs in a rod that goes deep into the epidermis;
  • papillary - inflammation of the dermal papilla, occurs in the forefoot;
  • subungual - located on the free edge of the nail, causes hemorrhage under the nail plate.

The reason for the appearance of corns

  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • excess weight;
  • flat feet;
  • varicose veins;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • fungus.

Let's look at the rating of the best remedies for combating corns and corns.

Top 6 anti-corn plasters in 2022

S-Plast Adhesive plaster corn
votes 3

1 place

The plaster heals the skin of the legs, makes it smooth. In addition, it helps to fight with keratinized skin.

Options Characteristic
Purpose dry corn
View salipod
Amount in a package 1 piece
average price 19 rub.
S-Plast Adhesive plaster corn
  • effective;
  • universality;
  • fast acting.
  • peels off badly.

It is recommended to glue on cleansed skin before going to bed, remove it in the morning and, if necessary, cut off the softened fabric.

votes 2

2nd place

A patch with a masking effect that can be applied even during the day. In addition, the manufacturer offers customers an atraumatic pad, which will only facilitate the process of getting rid of the problem.

Options Characteristic
Purpose dry corn
Amount in a package 11 pieces
average price 100 rub.
VEROPHARM Salipod corn plaster
  • softens the oldest calluses and corns;
  • masking effect;
  • various forms of patch that can stick to different parts of the foot without causing any inconvenience and pressure;
  • price;
  • draws out the pus.
  • Not detected.

Despite the budget cost, the anti-corn patch effectively fights even the most rough skin.

votes 0

3rd place

The translucent patch, which completely repeats the curves of the foot, does not peel off during the day.

Options Characteristic
Purpose dry corn
View hydrocolloid
Amount in a package 10 pieces
average price 320 rub.
Compeed patch corn
  • strong fixation;
  • does not cause discomfort;
  • inconspicuous;
  • elastic;
  • not afraid of water;
  • convenient packaging;
  • design;
  • analgesic effect.
  • requires special care when gluing;
  • price.

Some customers wear this anti-corn patch for 5 days.And the most interesting thing is that the patch continues to heal the damaged surface even after two days.

Master Uni
votes 1

4th place

The manufacturer guarantees that the rough skin will be eliminated and the pain will be reduced as quickly as possible.

Options Characteristic
Purpose dry corn
View salipod
Amount in a package 6 items
average price 96 rub.
Master Uni plaster corn
  • speed of action;
  • versatility.
  • does not adhere well to the skin.

Salicylic acid in the composition effectively fights problems on the surface of the foot.

H Dr. House
votes 1

5th place

You should not expect instant action, but after a few days the stratum corneum begins to soften and gradually disappear painlessly.

Options Characteristic
Purpose core, dry corns
View - breathable
Amount in a package 5 items
average price 100 rub.
H Dr. House plaster corn
  • safety;
  • quality;
  • Effect;
  • package.
  • Not detected.

Usually, to combat calluses, they turn to a doctor, since it is almost impossible to get rid of them at home on their own. However, this option not only liquefies the coarsened growth, but also heals the wounds.

votes 0

6th place

Salicylic and lactic acids in the composition cope with coarsened areas of the skin. And it happens painlessly and quickly enough.

Purpose dry corn
View salipod
Amount in a package 8 pieces
average price 450 rub.
Gehwol patch corn
  • quick effect;
  • affordable price;
  • good fixation;
  • fastened to various parts of the foot;
  • painless.
  • high price.

The patch can be worn for up to two days. The buyer completely forgets about his growth in the near future.

The market offers a huge number of patches of different price categories.

Top - 6 gels for corns and corns in 2022

votes 3

1 place

Lactic acid in the composition of the gel breaks down the coarsened layer of the skin. Gradually, the cells begin to exfoliate and wash off the epidermis.

Options Characteristic
Means gel
Purpose dry corns
Frequency of use no restrictions
Volume 50 g.
average price 170 rub.
Phytofloris gel
  • painless;
  • effective;
  • there are no problems when using.
  • Not detected.

It is recommended to apply the gel under the patch and leave, if possible, for 8 hours. Softened skin tissue can then be removed with a brush.

votes 0

2nd place

The active ingredients have an antiseptic property. And lemon extract contributes to the rapid renewal of the epidermis.

Options Characteristic
Means gel
Purpose corns
Frequency of use no restrictions
Volume 30 ml.
average price 250 rub.
Mozolin gel
  • softens the skin;
  • inexpensive;
  • pleasant lemon scent.
  • not enough one-time use;
  • contains alkali.

Despite the fact that the tool is not entirely safe, it copes with the stated tasks. However, it is worth observing certain safety measures, since if it gets into the eyes, it can cause a burning sensation and can be a threat of loss of vision.

votes 0

3rd place

A professional product that contains only natural ingredients.

Options Characteristic
Means gel
Purpose bumps, cracks
Frequency of use no more than once a week
Volume 10 ml.
average price 150 rub.
Solomeya callus gel
  • suitable for diabetic foot;
  • quick effect;
  • can be used for salon procedures.
  • Not detected.

With regular use, the gel acts on the skin and prevents the formation of new growths.

votes 0

4th place

The gel is only suitable for removing corns. It is not recommended to use if there are open wounds or cracks nearby, as this will be very painful due to the acid in the composition.

Options Characteristic
Means gel
Purpose with corns
Frequency of use no restrictions
Volume 500 ml.
average price 700 rub.
Nanoheel gel
  • efficiency;
  • result after the first application;
  • does not take a huge amount of time;
  • does not require preliminary steaming;
  • suitable for cuticle treatment.
  • unreliable packaging;
  • after application it is impossible to stand still, as the legs slip.

Since the packaging is capacious, the consumption is very small. This amount is enough for more than 1 year with weekly use.

Severina callus gel
votes 0

5th place

The gel is suitable for foci of varying degrees of neglect. Keratolytic acts deeply on keratinized skin and gently breaks it down.

Options Characteristic
Means gel
Purpose corns
Frequency of use no restrictions
Volume 30 ml.
average price 200 rub.
Severina callus gel
  • for all skin types;
  • treatment and prevention;
  • suitable for both home and professional use;
  • neutral smell;
  • can be added to pedicure baths.
  • Not detected.

With the help of this tool, you can quickly and painlessly remove the rough skin layer and put your feet in order.

Irisk Corns Remover Liquid
votes 1

6th place

The fast-acting formula reduces the procedure time and facilitates the work of the master. The drug effectively affects the skin.

Options Characteristic
Means emulsion
Purpose corns
Frequency of use no restrictions
Volume 30 ml.
average price 117 rub.
Irisk Corns Remover Liquid Gel
  • budgeting;
  • convenient packaging;
  • floral aroma;
  • economical consumption.
  • an allergic reaction is possible;
  • the result is not immediately visible.

It is recommended to apply the product for a maximum of 20 minutes, otherwise it will not have time to act.

The proposed gels in the rating are the most popular and effective models, according to buyers.

Top - 5 best creams for corns and corns

911+ "Namozol"
votes 0

1 place

Carbamide and salicylic acid work together to soften calluses. In addition, the composition contains components that promote rapid healing and stimulate cell renewal.

Options Characteristic
Means cream
Purpose corns
Effect softens, exfoliates
Volume 100 ml.
average price 90 rub.
911+ "Namozol" cream
  • quickly heals cracks.
  • bad smell.

It is recommended to shake the tube before use. With regular use, the foot will be smooth and even.

votes 0

2nd place

The cream removes the dead skin layer, gently softens it and moisturizes. The manufacturer guarantees the result after 7 days of daily use.

Options Characteristic
Means cream
Purpose corns, dry calluses
Effect cleansing, moisturizing, healing
Volume 75 ml.
average price 180 rub.
Aqua peeling cream for corns
  • does not contain perfume, parabens;
  • heals wounds;
  • moisturizes;
  • light texture;
  • comfortable tube.
  • Strong smell.

Various oils in the composition relieve the feeling of fatigue and give a feeling of freshness to the feet, which is a definite bonus to moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the foot.

Eveline Cosmetics Cream Mask
votes 0

3rd place

D-panthenol and lipids accelerate skin regeneration, and urea normalizes skin condition.

Options Characteristic
Means cream
Purpose corns
Effect cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing
Volume 100 ml.
average price 130 rub.
Eveline Cosmetics Cream mask for corns
  • price-quality ratio;
  • nice smell;
  • nice consistency.
  • Not detected.

The cream moisturizes the skin well, absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue.

ARAVIA Professional Super moisture
votes 0

4th place

Fights dryness and keratinized particles. Urea combined with avocado oil soothes the skin, softens and makes it supple.

Options Characteristic
Means cream
Purpose corns
Effect hydration
Volume 550 ml.
average price 600 rub.
ARAVIA Professional Super moisture corn cream
  • economical consumption;
  • softens the skin;
  • deodorizes;
  • eliminates even cracks.
  • price.

It is a good tool that prevents the formation of keratinized particles.

Neutrogena Norwegian formula
votes 1

5th place

The drug reduces the thickness of rough skin. Penetrates deep into the epidermis and fights the problem.

Options Characteristic
Means cream
Purpose corns
Effectnutrition, hydration
Volume 50 ml.
average price 320 rub.
Neutrogena Norwegian formula corn cream
  • deep nutrition;
  • soothes.
  • price.

With regular use, the surface of the foot will always be smooth and moisturized.

All creams perform a similar function - moisturizing and nourishing. Due to this, all kinds of causes of keratinization of the skin of the foot are eliminated.

Top - 3 popular pencils for corns and corns

Salton feet only
votes 0

1 place

Components nourish and protect the epidermis.

Options Characteristic
Purpose calluses
Active substances shea butter and castor oil
average price 209 rub.
Salton feet pencil
  • leaves no traces;
  • nice smell;
  • compound;
  • skin care;
  • miniature size.
  • you need to renew the layer.

The pencil leaves no marks on the shoes and is not even felt.

votes 0

2nd place

Helps reduce friction and does not overdry the epidermis.

Options Characteristic
Purpose wet corn
Active substancesshea butter, panthenol
average price 140 rub.
sticky pencil
  • inconspicuous;
  • unobtrusive smell;
  • dries quickly (no stickiness);
  • comfortable in using.
  • fast consumption.

As a prevention of the appearance of new corns, this remedy is excellent. It will not completely get rid of them (after all, other drugs are intended for this), but it can completely protect the skin from new problems.

votes 0

3rd place

The action of the pencil is similar to silicone grease - it is not absorbed and does not allow shoes to exert strong friction on the skin.

Options Characteristic
Purpose corn
Active substances hydrogenated vegetable oil
average price 400 rub.
Compeed pencil
  • small expense;
  • convenient plastic packaging;
  • does not damage shoes;
  • nice smell;
  • compact.
  • high price;
  • during the day, it is necessary to smear areas subject to strong rubbing again;
  • not suitable if there are already corns (discomfort);
  • if open shoes, then the dust sticks to the place of application of the substance.

The pencil helps to completely forget the well-known principle “beautiful shoes bring only corns”. With this stick, such problems will no longer appear and you can even wear new shoes with pleasure.

Basically, all pencils cope with the task - they prevent the occurrence of corns. An indispensable thing for women, as often you have to wear tight and narrow shoes.

How to choose a remedy?

In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. You need to decide on a goal.

  • if it is a gel, then it is more suitable for a pedicure, but it can also be used as a prophylaxis.
  • cream - more suitable as a daily moisturizer for the skin of the foot;
  • patch - used exclusively for corns and their elimination, it is convenient to use, as you can stick it on all day and not feel discomfort;
  • a pencil - again, a good helper in the fight against corns, prevents friction of the foot and shoes.

In the 21st century, many methods have been invented that help fight corns and calluses: folk and cosmetic products, pharmaceutical preparations.



