
  1. Why does my stomach hurt
  2. How to relieve pain at home
  3. How to choose
  4. Ranking of the best remedies for pain in the stomach and intestines in 2022
  5. Conclusion

The best remedies for stomach and intestinal pain in 2022

The best remedies for stomach and intestinal pain in 2022

The 21st century, with its delicious food, tempting drinks and fast pace of life, has become a real catalyst for diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In our country, almost every fifth person is familiar with this problem, so the rating of the best remedies for pain in the stomach and intestines in 2022 will be relevant for many people.

Why does my stomach hurt

In fact, via the Internet it is impossible to find out exactly the causes of your pains. And all because there are a lot of diseases of the digestive tract with similar symptoms, plus psychological reasons that stimulate the appearance of pain can be added to this. For example, such a mysterious phenomenon as irritable bowel syndrome.Of the possible causes, doctors most often name gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis, problems with the gastric mucosa, allergic reactions, polyp formation, gallbladder problems, diseases of the large and small intestines, oncology and stress. And that's not all the reasons.

Unfortunately, even a few treatments carried out in the hospital cannot guarantee a complete cure for patients. Only a strict diet helps, usually the first or fifth table, and medications aimed at relieving symptoms. In order for the medicines to be the safest and most effective, it is best to choose them with the help of a trusted specialist. Most drugs should be taken not after meals, but before.

How to relieve pain at home

Traditional medicine offers its own ways to relieve pain symptoms. These include chamomile tea, vegetable oils, dandelion flower syrup, potato juice, and flaxseed tea. It is also recommended to cook oatmeal jelly. But folk remedies are not a panacea, they do not have a proven scientific basis for their effective action. Therefore, at home, you must follow a diet, exclude all harmful foods and have the necessary medicines on hand.

How to choose

The most important selection criterion should come from the recommendations of the attending physician, because the same gastritis can be different, which means that different medicines are needed. In the treatment of gastritis, it is advised to take antispasmodics that relieve pain. Also needed are antacids (reduce the irritating effect of acid) and enterosorbents (neutralize the harmful effects of toxins).


  1. Antispasmodics by type of impact are divided into: myotropic and nootropic drugs.
  2. Analgesics are also used to block varying degrees of pain.They are also divided into groups: peripheral, mixed, narcotic and non-narcotic. By and large, their functionality is aimed at the impact of brain neurons.
  3. Anticholinergic. These drugs are aimed at reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  4. Antacids. If you translate the term, you get "against sour." Their action is designed to neutralize hydrochloric acid. They can be absorbable or non-absorbable.
  5. Visco-enveloping. Medicines create a protective film that gently envelops the walls of the stomach.
  6. Enzymatic. Such funds include digestive enzymes that normalize metabolism.
  7. Motility activating. The functionality of the drugs is built on the contraction of the muscles of the stomach, with stomach cramps, these substances are contraindicated.
  8. Combined. Drugs can affect several types of disease at once.

Ranking of the best remedies for pain in the stomach and intestines in 2022

votes 3

If you are looking for a remedy for stomach pain and nausea, then perhaps Motilium will be the savior. It is the most popular antiemetic for bloating, heaviness and, of course, nausea itself. It comes in the form of small tablets and is easy to swallow. For kids, there is an option in the form of a suspension. The main active ingredient is domperidone. Gastroenterologists prescribe Motilium for nausea, vomiting, regurgitation, flatulence, bloating and pain in the upper abdomen. The remedy must be taken before meals, otherwise the action of the main substance will be delayed. Unfortunately, Motilium has a lot of possible side effects and a decent number of contraindications. It is best to use it in complex therapy and only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

The cost varies from 440 to 1000 rubles.

  • Quickly relieves the feeling of nausea;
  • Accelerates gastric emptying;
  • Not addictive;
  • Helps with flatulence;
  • Suitable for toddlers and teenagers.
  • Many contraindications;
  • A large number of side effects.

votes 1

A wonderful remedy for pain in the stomach and intestines is Itomed. The main active ingredient of itopride hydrochloride, its pharmacological action is to increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug suppresses vomiting well, accelerates the transit of food through the stomach and helps it empty faster. Assign itomed in the treatment of chronic gastritis, gastralgia, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, anorexia and vomiting. Under the age of 16, it cannot be taken. There are enough contraindications, so it is recommended to study the instructions before purchasing. The dosage is usually prescribed 3 times a day, tablets should be taken before meals. Improvements do not begin on the first day of admission, but are cumulative. So, patients note that after a week of using Itomed, their well-being improves significantly.

You can buy at a price of 435 to 1000 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.

  • Effective for nausea and heartburn;
  • Small shape, so easy to take;
  • Relieves the feeling of discomfort;
  • The stomach begins to function better;
  • Enhances gastrointestinal motility.
  • High price;
  • Lots of side effects.

votes 0

During periods of exacerbation, with severe pain, Losek helps well. These are oblong pink capsules sold in a round jar. The main active ingredient is omeprazole magnesium. The drug is prescribed for gastritis, duodenal ulcer, reflux esophagitis, erosion of the stomach and duodenum and other characteristic diseases.During pregnancy, Losec can be taken. The dosage regimen is one tablet in the morning half an hour before meals. Various side effects may occur. Buyers note that Losek is an excellent help for the stomach, but during treatment it is important not to forget that no one has canceled the diet.

You can buy Losek for 600 rubles.

  • Effective, helps with severe pain;
  • You need to drink one tablet per day;
  • Helps with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Can be used during pregnancy;
  • Relieves the feeling of heaviness and fights heartburn.
  • Adverse reactions may occur.

votes 3

With ulcers and gastritis, De-nol shows itself remarkably well. The main active ingredient is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. The drug has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis in the acute phase, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during the period of exacerbation, with irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia. Children can be taken from the age of four. The dosage is individual, usually 2 to 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is prescribed from 4 to 8 weeks. There are contraindications and possible manifestation of unpleasant side effects. When taking medication, we must remember that it has the peculiarity of coloring the stool black. This is normal and you should not panic.

Cost: from 300 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of pieces and the pharmacy markup.

  • Can be used for children from 4 years old and for teenagers;
  • Helps with pain in the stomach and abdomen;
  • Treats Helicobacter pylori;
  • Relief occurs almost immediately after application;
  • Reduces acidity;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate is an inherently heavy metal;
  • Possible manifestation of allergic reactions.

votes 1

With pain in the stomach and diarrhea, gastroenterologists advise taking Enterol. Its action is not as rapid as that of Loperamide, which instantly blocks an attack of indigestion, but is more beneficial to health. The main active ingredient is Saccharomyces boulardii lyophilisate. This antidiarrheal medication is a probiotic, which has a healing effect in general. The functionality of the tool is aimed at improving the enzymatic function of the intestine. It is prescribed for diarrhea of ​​a different nature. The dosage is prescribed individually and depends on the age of the patient and his disease. It can be used for children older than one year, but during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, admission is prohibited. The effectiveness of diarrhea occurs within two days, but it happens that two capsules are enough to stop the diarrhea. If there is no result, and traces of blood in the stool are also found, then you should consult a doctor. The tool is compatible with antibiotics, but it is not recommended to take it with antifungal drugs.

The cost varies from 310 rubles to 1240.


Effective for stomach pain and diarrhea;

  • According to doctors, the most useful;
  • Convenient release form;
  • Suitable for poisoning and viral infections;
  • Wide spectrum of action;
  • Not addictive;
  • Normalizes the microflora of the stomach.
  • It is forbidden to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

votes 0

To keep the intestinal microflora healthy and not provoke the appearance of acute pain, an excellent product Bactistatin was created.Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it contains a natural sorbent and beneficial bacteria, which allows maintaining the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The pharmacological functionality of Bactistatin is aimed at suppressing pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, improving digestion, increasing immune protective functions, removing toxins and allergens and creating a full-fledged healthy microflora. According to patients, taking the remedy helped them get rid of various kinds of pain in the gastrointestinal tract, stabilized the stool and improved their well-being. The range of indications for use is wide. This includes chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, duodenitis, dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal infections, dermatological and allergic diseases. Dosage for adults 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Children can take the drug from 6 years old, 1 capsule 2 times a day. It is recommended to drink the remedy with meals. Most often it is prescribed in the complex. The only "but", it must be borne in mind that some patients complained of constipation, so if you have stool delays, then Baktistatin may not be suitable for you.

Cost: from 440 to 1000 rubles.

  • Improves the condition of the intestines and promotes proper digestion;
  • The symptoms of the disease disappear;
  • You can drink with dysbacteriosis;
  • Helps restore microflora after antibiotics;
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair;
  • When taken, pain in the stomach and intestines disappears;
  • Not addictive;
  • Safe.
  • High price;
  • May cause constipation.


If you don’t need mistakes when choosing, then it’s best to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.Unfortunately, despite the fact that it is now the 21st century in the yard, many diseases of the intestines and stomach are poorly understood, which is why forums on gastritis and concomitant diseases are now flourishing so much. People share their experience, advise and complain that most often the selected treatment does not guarantee getting rid of the disease, but only temporarily removes the symptoms. The path to getting rid of acute pain will be long and thorny. An important role in the cure or at least alleviate the situation is played by proper nutrition and regimen. But it is impossible to cure only with nutrition, so the rating of the best remedies for pain in the stomach and intestines in 2022 will be relevant for many people.


