The best carpet and upholstery cleaners for 2022

The best carpet and upholstery cleaners for 2022

Each house has carpets and upholstered furniture. And no matter how hard you try to keep it clean, they still get dirty. Especially if there are small children or animals in the house. But for the care of rugs and upholstered furniture, special tools are required so as not to spoil the coating. These products should be cleaned with extreme care, taking into account the material and color. Indeed, as a result, the composition should eliminate dirt, smell and at the same time leave a bright color of the carpet or piece of furniture.

Types of cleaning products

There is a huge selection of cleaning products for carpets and upholstered furniture on the market today. They differ in their structure, composition and method of application. The most common options are products in the form of shampoos or concentrated liquids. With their help, you can update the appearance of the product, remove stains and unpleasant odors. Such funds are produced in volumes of 500 ml and 1 liter. Some of them require mixing with water in certain proportions, while others are applied in their pure form. If such a product is used to clean upholstered furniture, then it is worth moistening the upholstery strongly. So it will be difficult for you to dry it, and this, in turn, will lead to damage to the product.

To combat fresh stains, powdered products are used. They are sprinkled on the stain, after which you should wait until the powder absorbs the dirt. Sometimes the procedure is repeated. Also, the stain can be slightly moistened so that the result is better. In addition, there are powders that are diluted with water, and then applied to the product.

Foam products are widely used. They are concentrates that are diluted with a small amount of water until a large amount of foam is obtained. After that, the foam is applied to the surface of the product, and so it remains until it dries completely.As the product dries, it should be vacuumed. Foam products are suitable for removing stains and for freshening up the look of carpet or furniture.

To eliminate stains, products in the form of a spray are suitable. Sprays are usually available in containers with a spray bottle. When the product is applied to the stain, a foam will form that will corrode the stain. So the product remains on the contaminated area for a short period of time. Then wipe off with a sponge or damp cloth. The procedure is repeated until the pollution is removed.

How to properly clean

If we talk about carpets, then, first of all, it is necessary to determine the material from which it is made. If you have a wool carpet, then you need to be extremely careful here. Such products are very “capricious”, an improperly selected cleaning agent can aggravate the situation. For wool carpets, mild cleaning products with a natural composition are suitable. Do not use steam cleaners as the high temperature will shrink the carpet. Synthetic carpets can be cleaned with any product and are less demanding to maintain. But be careful when using stain removers. Do not leave the product for a longer period of time than indicated by the manufacturer. But before cleaning a carpet of any material, you should first clean it with a vacuum cleaner or brush to remove small debris and dust particles. Using a shampoo or foam product, apply it in a circular motion, do not rub in the anti-lint product. If there are stubborn stains, then you should first remove them, and then clean the entire product so that there are no streaks left.After applying the product, leave the carpet for several hours, during this time you can not step on it or place any objects. After drying, remove the remnants of the cleaning product with a vacuum cleaner.

If we talk about cleaning upholstered furniture, then before starting work, you should also clean it of dust and dirt. To do this, cover the furniture with a large damp cloth. The sheet will be the best option. After that, start knocking out the dust. So it will settle on a damp cloth. Or you can use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. When the dust has been removed, a cleaning product is applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. And in the end, the furniture will need to be vacuumed.

Folk remedies for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture

There are times when there are no cleaning products at hand, but an urgent cleaning of the carpet or sofa upholstery is required. In such a situation, folk remedies proven over the years will help. Chalk, salt and talc will help to cope with a greasy stain. The main thing here is to act quickly. Salt or talcum powder is sprinkled on the stain, so it should be left for a few minutes so that they absorb the fat. After that, with the help of a brush, you need to remove the salt and apply a new portion. For several such procedures, you can remove a fresh greasy stain.

With the help of ammonia diluted in water, you can easily remove dirt from carpets and upholstered furniture. To do this, it must be sprayed over the entire surface of the product and rubbed a little with a sponge. When the carpet dries, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the product with a vacuum cleaner.

Baking soda can eliminate bad odors and small stains. To do this, the contaminated area is sprinkled with soda, after half an hour it is necessary to vacuum the carpet or upholstered furniture.This method will help eliminate traces of urine and its unpleasant odor.

You can get rid of stubborn stains with lemon juice. To do this, it will be necessary to squeeze it onto the stain and leave it for a while. Then rub the stain with a damp sponge or cloth.

You can soak dried stains from juices or wine with highly carbonated mineral water. And you can remove fruit contamination with table vinegar diluted with water. A towel is abundantly wetted with this solution and left on the stain. Then wipe off with a damp cloth or sponge. If this method does not give the desired result, then the stain is sprinkled with soda, and then a towel with a solution of vinegar is applied. A reaction takes place that will push dirt particles out of the fiber. After you need to collect it with a sponge.

The best powders for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture

Cinderella for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture

This cleaning powder will help eliminate stains and unpleasant odors, give freshness and renew the appearance of carpets and upholstered furniture. To do this, one packet of powder should be diluted in four liters of warm water. After that, you need to whip the foam. The resulting foam must be carefully applied to the carpet or upholstery of upholstered furniture. In this case, the surface should not be strongly moistened. After applying the foam, it is necessary to rub the surface with a sponge or brush so that the foam reacts with pollution. As all the required manipulations are done, the surface to be treated remains to wait for drying. As the carpet or sofa is dry, you should go through the vacuum cleaner.

One package contains 50 grams of powder. The content of surfactants does not exceed 15%.

The average cost is 20 rubles.

Cinderella for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture
  • Eliminates odors;
  • Price.
  • No.

Udalix Ultra

Although the inscription on the package "Udalix Ultra" says that this product is intended for cleaning carpets. But with it, you can clean not only carpets with different pile lengths, but also upholstered furniture, floor coverings and even outerwear and car interiors. The active ingredients included in the composition will help eliminate stains from coffee, juices, wine, and fatty contaminants. After cleaning with "Udalix Ultra", your carpet or upholstered furniture will not only get a clean and updated look, but will also emit a pleasant aroma.

To use this product, add two scoops of powder to two liters of hot water. After dissolving "Udalix Ultra" you can start cleaning. It is also suitable for use in the washing machine.

The average cost is 50 rubles.

Udalix Ultra
  • Small consumption;
  • Suitable for any purpose;
  • Nice smell;
  • Affordable price.
  • Does not cope with strong pollution;
  • Long soluble in water.


This powder from the Swiss company Pramol is suitable for cleaning natural and synthetic carpets. Due to its absorbent properties, Tapi-3000 quickly removes dirt from the pile, without the need to add water and make great efforts. The powder contains the necessary moisture, it must simply be evenly distributed over the surface of the product. When moisture begins to evaporate, it will begin to interact with pollution, "pulling" it out. After the product has completely dried, vacuum the floor covering and it will be clean. It is also worth noting that after using "Tapi-3000" the room will smell nice.

Tapi-3000 is sold in a plastic bucket. One package contains 10 kg of powder.

The average cost is 4900 rubles.

  • Does not require dilution with water;
  • Cleans dirt well
  • Swiss manufacturer.
  • High price.

Best liquid carpet and upholstery cleaners

Vanish Gold Shampoo

With this shampoo, you can easily clean the upholstery of furniture and carpets from dirt and dust. "Vanish Gold" has a thick consistency, which, in contact with water, forms an abundant dense foam. When applied, the foam will penetrate deep into the pile, and destroy the components of pollution. So after the foam dries, the product will have an updated look. It is worth noting that when interacting with Vanish Gold foam, the carpet pile will rise, the product will look like new. Once dry, the carpet will need to be vacuumed to remove residue. When working with upholstery of upholstered furniture. Here, the foam is also applied in a thin layer, and then it will need to be removed with a soft cloth.

The volume of "Vanish Gold" is 100, 450 and 750 ml. The surfactants and nonionic surfactants included in the composition do not exceed 5%.

The average cost of "Vanish Gold" with a volume of 450 ml is 300 rubles.

Vanish Gold Shampoo
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Small consumption;
  • Gives the promised result.
  • Price.

Grass Carpet Cleaner

This stain remover from the Russian manufacturer "Grass" is suitable for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture, and can also be used with leather and glass. A feature of this product is that it can be used in a washing vacuum cleaner and in manual cleaning.If you just need to clean the coating from dust, then in this case the concentrate is diluted with water, after which it is applied in the form to the product. Then you should collect the foam that has absorbed the dirt with a vacuum cleaner. If it is necessary to remove a stubborn stain, the agent is applied neat to the stain. Wait a few minutes and rinse with clean water. So you can eliminate stains from juices, wine and even blood.

"Grass Carpet Cleaner" is available in 1 and 5 liters.

The average cost of 1 liter of concentrate is 230 rubles.

Grass Carpet Cleaner
  • Suitable for manual cleaning and washing vacuum cleaner;
  • Eliminates any pollution;
  • You can clean leather and glass products.
  • Brief instructions for use.

Means for carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture "Unicum"

This concentrate, when diluted with water, forms a strong foam. When applied, the foam penetrates deep into the fibers and at the same time corrodes pollution. This cleaner can remove stains and odors. After the foam has completely dried, it is necessary to vacuum the product. So you can clean any carpets, upholstered furniture and car interiors.

The volume of the product is 480 ml. Does not contain chlorine, and surfactant does not exceed 15%.

The average cost is 140 rubles.

Means for carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture "Unicum"
  • Eliminates stains and unpleasant odors;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Affordable price.
  • No.

Cleaning agent for carpets and upholstery "Ecomist"

A feature of this spray for cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets is the content of herbal ingredients. Such an ECO composition makes the products safe for children and animals.Also, "Ecomist" does not cause allergies, the composition does not contain flavors and dyes. Thanks to its unique formula, the product will relieve you of dirt in a short time, and the product will take on an updated look. Before using Eco mist, the surface should be vacuumed, after which the spray is distributed over the entire surface of the treated object. If necessary, the stain can be rubbed with a brush. After 5 minutes, vacuum the coating or walk on it with a damp cloth.

The average cost is 370 rubles.

Cleaning agent for carpets and upholstery "Ecomist"
  • Safe for children and animals;
  • plant composition;
  • Has no expiration date;
  • Contains toxic substances and fragrances;
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Big expense.

The best foam for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture

Vanish Gold Active Foam

This foam is specially designed to remove stubborn stains. Where a conventional remedy cannot cope, Vanish Gold Active Foam will help. With the help of this product in a short time you can get rid of the most severe pollution. To do this, the foam must be applied to the carpet, evenly distributed with a damp cloth or sponge. The foam will penetrate the fibers of the carpet and thereby push the polluting particles out. After that, you just need to vacuum the carpet. Upon completion of the work, the product will become clean, and the colors will return to their former brightness.

The average cost is 400 rubles.

Vanish Gold Active Foam
  • Easy application;
  • Cleans stains well
  • Fast result.
  • Large expense;
  • Strong smell.

Luxus Professional Carpet Cleaner

This active foam from the German manufacturer "Luxus Professional" can preserve the presentable appearance of upholstered furniture and carpets for a long time. When applied, the foam does not destroy the structure of the pile or fabric, but at the same time it will eliminate dirt, grease stains and other types of contaminants. This product is convenient to use. It should simply be sprayed onto the surface of the product, and then vacuumed.

The average cost is 450 rubles.

Luxus Professional Carpet Cleaner
  • Does not harm the fabric;
  • Safe for people and animals;
  • Convenient application.
  • No.

Express Foam Starwax

This aerosol product creates a very fine foam. It is able to penetrate deep into the fabric or pile and absorb dust and dirt. So the product becomes clean, the colors acquire brightness, and the fibers become elastic. Suitable for cleaning synthetic and natural fabrics. The surface to be cleaned must be vacuumed before use. After that, shake the can, turn it over and spray the foam. Then wait 10-15 minutes and vacuum again. Now the sofa or carpet should dry completely.

The average cost is 800 rubles.

Express Foam Starwax
  • Suitable for natural materials;
  • Fast action;
  • Convenient use.
  • High price.


Most of the products listed in the ranking are affordable. With their help, at home and in a short time, you can refresh the appearance of carpets and upholstery of upholstered furniture. For the best result, you can use an integrated approach and buy products from different categories. If there are small children and animals in the house, for their safety, it is better to give preference to biodegradable and hypoallergenic options.

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