
  1. What is tea
  2. How to choose
  3. Rating of the best varieties of tea in 2022
  4. Conclusion

The best tea varieties in 2022

The best tea varieties in 2022

As bread is the head of everything, so tea is the master of the table. From time immemorial, this drink has given people great pleasure, only the technology in its preparation has changed. Previously, various leaves and herbs were brewed, but now the best varieties of tea are grown on spacious plantations. How pleasant it is in the evenings, cold or warm, to sit in close company and savor the exquisite taste of tea. The main thing is to choose high-quality varieties of tea.

What is tea

Tea is classified according to the degree of fermentation.There are small and high types of fermentation.

Small fermentation means:

  • Green;
  • Yellow;
  • White tea.

High fermentation includes:

  • Black;
  • Red;
  • Blue tea.

In addition, teas are classified by quality. There are high grade, medium grade and low grade teas. High-grade teas are created from buds that are about to bloom, but have not yet had time. Also use the first, tender leaves. Medium-grade tea includes varieties made from cut and broken leaves. Low-grade teas are those made from tea waste. These are, as a rule, granulated and bagged teas made in India or Sri Lanka.

How to choose

To begin with, you should decide what kind of tea you prefer and build on this. Someone likes green, someone likes red, and someone likes the classic in the form of black large-leaf tea. The next link in the selection criterion is which company is better to buy? The question echoes the theme of the best manufacturers. It often happens that one company creates several different brands, for example "Princess Noori" and the brand "Grindfield" belong to Orimi trade. Based on this, the status of "best producer" is very conditional, since, in fact, it is the same for many types of teas.

The choice should be based on quality indicators, which include the place of growth of tea bushes, the time and conditions of collection, leaf processing features, blending and flavoring of tea.

Popular tea producers

Among foreign tea brands, Dilmah, Twinings, Ahmad, Riston and Akbar are in high demand in stores.

The most purchased Russian brands are Princess Nouri, Princess Kandy, Princess Gita, Java, Tess and Greenfield. They are manufactured by Orimi Trade.Two more popular companies are May, which produces the brands Lisma, Maisky Chai, Curtis, and Unilever, which creates the brands Beseda, Lipton, and Brooke Bond.

How to distinguish fake tea

Sometimes it happens that you buy a kind of high-quality tea, but there is nothing from this noble drink to taste. But the fact is that, perhaps, you ran into a fake product. Most often, raw materials are faked in tea bags, so there is a good reason to give preference to buying large-leaf tea. There are a few simple tips for identifying fakes.

To begin with, look at the bottom of the box, if there is any tea dust, if it is, then, alas, the tea is not real and it was tea dust that was sold to you. You can dip a tea bag into a cup of cold water and if it starts to quickly stain, then the conclusion suggests itself that a dye has been added to the product. You can also check with a slice of lemon, for this a slice of lemon is lowered into the hot drink and you observe the color of the tea. Real tea brightens when citrus is added, while fake tea remains saturated in color.

Rating of the best varieties of tea in 2022

Ahmad Ceylon Tea high mountain

For connoisseurs of classic tea, Ahmad Ceylon Tea high mountain is ideal. This is an excellent small-leaf English tea, belonging to the F.B.O.P. It is characterized by a mild taste and moderate strength. When brewed, the shade is dark brown with a red tint. The drink perfectly energizes, and the expressive aroma creates an atmosphere of comfort. Ahmad Ceylon Tea high mountain is good at any time of the day, whether it's early morning or impending evening.

You can buy for 270 rubles.

Ahmad Ceylon Tea high mountain
  • Often found on sale;
  • Intense velvet color;
  • Fresh, invigorating scent
  • Economical expense.
  • Low fortress.

Rishi Tea Organic Loose Leaf Earl Grey Classic

If you are a fan of the taste of Earl Grey, then try the famous tea with iherb Rishi Tea, loose leaf of organic origin, Earl Grey. The jar does not contain raw leaves. The tea is prepared with the addition of bergamot oil, which gives it a special piquancy. When you take a sip of this Earl Grey, you feel a floral richness with a tantalizing citrus note. From the purchased package, you will get 32 ​​cups of an invigorating drink, but it is so strong that it can be brewed again if desired. The product is kosher and certified. There is caffeine in the composition, so it relieves morning sleepiness and eliminates fatigue. A great option to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

If you order directly on the iherb website, then the price will be about 600 rubles, if you take it from resellers, then it will be higher.

Rishi Tea Organic Loose Leaf Earl Grey Classic
  • The inimitable taste of earl warming;
  • High fortress;
  • Relieves morning sleepiness and eliminates fatigue;
  • Organic composition;
  • Can be re-brewed
  • Increases performance.
  • Difficult to get;
  • High price.

Harney & Sons, Parisian, 20 Packets

Looking for quality tea bags? So that not some tea dust, but everything is delicious, and even flavored with no harm? Then take a look at Harney & Sons, Parisian. The package contains 20 bags with vanilla, citrus and fruit additives. Tea belongs to a high degree of fermentation and is black, although a light drink is formed during brewing, here, apparently, additives play the role.Indeed, when lemon is added to tea, the drink becomes lighter. In any case, the tea turns out to be a decent strength. When brewing, a wonderful floral aroma is felt, there is a delicate vanilla sweetness in the taste, which allows you not to add sugar to the cup. A beautiful tin can later serve to store something, for example, you can pour tea from cardboard boxes there.

You can buy tea on iherb for 530 rubles.

Harney & Sons, Parisian, 20 Packets
  • Strong;
  • Tasty flavored;
  • The composition contains fruits;
  • Packaging will come in handy in the future;
  • Tea leaves are harvested by hand;
  • Ecological purity.
  • Difficult to find on sale
  • The cost bites.

Elite Indian tea Jarling

Want to taste the best Indian tea? Then it is worth tasting the elite Darjeeling. Its distinctive properties are an unusual taste with notes of muscat grapes and a stunning floral scent that buyers associate with champagne. Due to the long fermentation jarling belongs to the black variety. The jarling variety itself is divided into three categories: the first harvest (at the end of February until mid-April), the second harvest (From the last decade of May to July), the third harvest (after the end of the rainy season). There is also a division for the quality of tea leaves.

Elite jarling is famous for its tonic properties. A cup of tea in the morning and you are full of strength and desire to act. In addition, the variety normalizes the functioning of the intestines and the digestive system. Losing weight people are happy to drink this drink in order to improve metabolism. Catechins contained in tea act as a protector against radicals.

You can buy for 2400 rubles per 100 grams.

Elite Indian tea Jarling
  • Relieves morning sleepiness;
  • Fills with strength;
  • Treats diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Helps with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Easily becomes an alternative to coffee.
  • Very high cost.

Huangshan Maofeng

Green tea connoisseurs will be crazy about the variety with the sonorous name Huangshan MaoFeng. This outlandish tea is handpicked and made in small batches. It got its name from a mountain range in China, and the translation sounds like "Yellow Mountain". To create Huangshan, the most tender young leaves with prominent silvery buds are used. The twisting method evokes associations with "bird's tongues". The tea leaf itself is fragrant with a floral-herbaceous aroma, when you brew it, you get a delicate emerald hue. On the palate, Huangshan MaoFeng seems unusually soft with a bewitching sweetish note that leaves a long aftertaste. In order not to spoil the taste of Huangshan Maofeng, you need to brew it with boiled water at 80-90 degrees, do not use boiling water.

You can buy for 380 rubles (50 grams).

Huangshan Maofeng
  • Amazing taste qualities;
  • Assembled by hand;
  • Produced in small batches;
  • Eliminates fatigue;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Has an antioxidant effect;
  • Excellent effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • It is difficult to see on sale, most often sold in online stores.

Indian tea Assam

Although they say that not the highest quality tea is produced in India, there are exceptions here, for example, the famous Assam. It grows in the northeastern territories of India, and got its name in honor of the state located there. The tea is large-leaf and black, subdivided into many varieties (Assam Diju, Assam Jamguri, Assam Behora, etc.).The main taste characteristic of Assam, which distinguishes it from other teas, is an unusually pleasant interweaving of the fragrance of honey and flowers. The drink has an amber-red hue and pleases with a good strength. Real gourmets who are fans of Assam prefer to drink it without additives. Nevertheless, assam goes well with the addition of mint, a slice of lemon or with the addition of milk.

You can buy from 1700 rubles for 300 grams.

Indian tea Assam
  • Invigorating, unforgettable taste;
  • Beneficial effect on metabolism;
  • Strengthens blood vessels;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive process;
  • Used to prevent cancer.
  • High price;
  • Difficult to find for sale.

Milk Oolong

When you want something special, then it's time to pay attention to the oolong variety, it can be different, but the most popular is, of course, milk. A drink worthy of the gods. According to buyers, it helps to relax and look inside yourself, ideal for relaxation. In dry form, it will appear in the form of twisted leaves of light green color, large in size. When the leaves begin to fill with hot water, they straighten up and give all their flavor to the drink. The taste of oolong resembles the most delicate cream poured into tea. When you take a sip, you feel creamy caramel notes, so delicious that it's hard not to fall in love with milk oolong. The shade of tea is associated with a tea rose, it is just as delicate and gentle.

You can buy milk oolong from 200 rubles per 100 grams.

Milk Oolong
  • Wonderful aroma and unforgettable taste;
  • Helps to reduce excess weight;
  • Good thirst quencher;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Almost everyone who drinks it likes it.
  • Milky taste is the merit of flavors.


Sencha is the most popular tea in the Land of the Rising Sun. If you have a weakness for green teas, then try it and you will not regret it. Sencha tea leaf looks unusual, as it resembles tight thin threads, like forest needles. The taste of the drink is filled with intoxicating freshness, a pronounced herbal note prevails. The color pleases the eye with an attractive emerald tint. The brewing time of this tea is exactly one minute, if overexposed, then bitterness will be felt, which should not be. Sencha is made by different producing countries, including China, but there it is more often an aromatic cocktail. The real Sencha is Japan.

You can buy from 450 rubles for 50 grams.

Sencha tea
  • Excellent taste;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • Eliminates fatigue;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Regulates metabolism.
  • The price is far from affordable for everyone;
  • If not properly brewed, it will be bitter.


Another favorite Japanese tea is matcha. He appeared there, thanks to an accidental delivery by Chinese monks. The Japanese appreciated the drink, and enjoy it to this day, but the Chinese have forgotten it. In addition to the Japanese, we are beginning to learn the beauty of the match. Tea looks quite original, as it is not the usual leaves, but a powder. Tea reaches this consistency because the leaves are first thoroughly dried, and then they begin to grind. As a result, the powder turns not only into a drink, but is also used to make confectionery. The taste of matcha has a lovely sweetness and gentle bitterness. Its color is malachite-herbaceous.

The cost of a 100 gram briquette is about 900 rubles.

matcha tea
  • Remarkable taste properties;
  • Rich in antioxidants;
  • Helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • Stimulates weight loss;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Invigorates and increases efficiency.
  • High price.


One of the noblest teas produced in China is the Pu-erh variety. The technology for the production of pu-erh is at first quite standard, but after drying, the famous variety is prepared directly. There are several preparation options, but most often tea is pressed into various shapes, dried and packed in rice paper, after which the tea matures for many years, sometimes this process takes up to 20 years. The taste of the drink may differ depending on the type of pu-erh. Pu-erh itself is valued not for its taste, but for its amazing qualities and incomparable tonic effect.

You can buy from 600 rubles per 100 grams.

Puer tea
  • Bright tonic effect;
  • Improving metabolism;
  • Increases metabolism;
  • Increased performance;
  • Eliminates drowsiness and fatigue.
  • High price.


There are many types of teas, and all because this drink is one of the most popular and beloved, in almost any country. If you do not know what to give a nice person, then a gift set of tea is the perfect solution to the problem. Tea is able to bring together even the coldest hearts. Experiment with varieties, discover new types, immerse yourself in the colorful taste of the tea world. It doesn’t matter what kind of tea you like, brewed or in bags, the main thing is that it gives you pleasure.

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