The desire to have a dog is comparable to an instinct: for millions of years, man and dog have been living together, helping each other. But, just as people are all different, animals also differ - in character, color, breed. It is important not to make a mistake with the choice in order to remain true friends for a long time. You need to make a decision consciously, understanding that the tailed one will be an equal member of the family. How to choose where to buy a dog, we will tell here. Consider the best dog kennels in Omsk.
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If the cat walks by itself, then the dog requires attention, communication, interaction, for him friendship with a person is as close as possible to each other.It is very important to choose the right friend for your character, capabilities, exterior.
Here are the basic selection rules.
The main thing is not to make a mistake with the definition, because keeping a hunting husky in an apartment is like death, just like putting a pocket baby on a chain in the yard.
Frequent business trips - you can’t get a melancholic dog, he will suffer from loneliness. You are not athletic - give up choleric and sanguine people, the lack of movement will spoil their character.
You can easily negotiate with the first two in urban conditions, they easily obey commands. "Indifferent" perform only those commands that suit them.
Having written on a piece of paper our claims regarding the future furry friend, we begin to look for proposals. We do not consider yard dogs here, we are talking about thoroughbreds. Therefore, we are very cautious about sales via the Internet, Skype, newspaper ads, and the bird market. There are thoroughbred individuals in shelters, but, as a rule, their psyche is broken, they have health problems. This noble deed can be done with experience in caring for and keeping animals.
The best place to purchase thoroughbred babies is a nursery. By choosing a good one, you are guaranteed to make a friend without hidden problems. Yes, it will cost more, but you will definitely buy a purebred, with real documents, without deviations in health and mentality. In addition, the owner of the establishment will always be in touch, prompt, help.
Kennel for purebred dogs is an officially registered organization engaged in the cultivation, reproduction of one or more breeds. The main task is breeding purebred puppies with pedigrees for sale. The organization has its own brand.
The institution must have a brand name, it becomes part of the nickname of all bred individuals. But writing a name does not mean being a good home for the breed. It is necessary to understand the correct structure of this institution, the rules of its organization. Informal - this is a big risk of getting a sick animal, or a mestizo from different breeds.
The owner of a decent dog house will definitely have a veterinary, zootechnical or cynological education. The leader is responsible for:
If the owner has a special education, knows everything about his “children”, from pedigree to temperament type, is ready to issue the required documents, provides vaccination certificates, we can confidently say that this is a good house. Confirmation will be good pedigrees, titles and awards, feeding with professional food, veterinary care. Here it is safe and guaranteed to buy the desired thoroughbred.
Different conditions of detention, education, feeding of large sentry and indoor babies. What are the parameters to determine which of the nurseries is better if all the rules and regulations for keeping, reproduction, and workflow are observed? Of course, by the number of completed transactions, where the breed comes first.So, in Russia, the rating is headed by the Yorkshire Terrier, the Beagle is on the second line, and the German Shepherd is third. Organizations that grow these breeds have received the most attendance and publicity.
In Omsk, the picture is different, there are many breeders who breed large thoroughbred dogs, but medium and small ones are in the highest demand. Based on the results of the analysis of last year's purchases of puppies, it turned out that Omsk residents more often bought toy terriers and Siberian huskies. Kennels handling these breeds top the rankings of the best for early 2022. Next come Dachshunds, Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas.
Registration certificate No. 1723
The Omsk breeding kennel of breeder Inna Didenko breeds Russian long-haired and short-haired toy terriers, chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers, German Spitz. The hostess is an expert cynologist of the RKF-FCI, graduated from the Omsk Veterinary Institute.
The miniature breed of toy is tender. A cute furry creature is in good health, sociable, peaceful, very mobile. It is difficult to call him a dog - rather, a doggie 28 cm tall, weighing up to 3 kg. It is pleasant to note that this breed was bred in Russia in the 19th century. However, one should not think that a pocket dog requires less care. Yes, she is not offended by health, but thin paws are prone to dislocations and fractures.
Among the toys-producers there is the Grand Champion of Russia RKF, RFSS, National Club Philip Favorit (father - Elf from Allens House, mother - Chocolate Mulatka). For a certain amount, the hostess offers it for knitting. All those born here undergo a mandatory vaccination procedure, the selection of pairs for mating is carefully conducted, and the pedigree is monitored.When buying a baby in this kennel, you can be sure that the documents correspond to the actual condition of the dog. In addition, the breeder participates in various exhibitions with her pets, receives prizes and awards.
There are champions among the sold puppies. The stories of their growth and victories are also recorded in the documents of the kennel, on the website "multi-breed kennel "Dinnom". There are several forums of Inna Didenko on the Internet, where she exchanges photos from exhibitions with clients who bought her babies, invites to exhibitions, consults. Active correspondence goes on the pages on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte.
Today, the breeder is actively promoting Pomeranian and Chihuahua to the masses. He takes the choice of pairs for his producers very seriously, often finds them in other cities of Siberia.
Registration certificate "Siberian Country" RKF / FCI 14867
At the end of 2018, this family project was recognized as the best cattery of the breed. No one has ever achieved such a result at the European Championships before. Breeders Julia and Vladislav Chizhma take care of their pets around the clock. They have a place in the house, on the plot, there are spacious enclosures (if necessary). Huskies walk four times a day, because they require physical activity. Constant proximity to a person helps furry beauties in communication, understanding, training.
The territory is equipped with a varied landscape for mental activities, northern dogs love dog rides and impassable blockages where you need to find a path. Of course, they love fresh air more than indoor air, they walk with great pleasure, the site is located in an ecologically clean area.
The owners actively socialize their wards, taking them to the city for walks. Huskies often walk in the forest, which improves health and psyche. Breeders do not forget about training: obedience, handling, riding experience - everything to prepare the wards for exhibitions and competitions. Sports loads are very important, they go in for sports in any free minute.
There is no special breeding of the breed for making money here. There are no more than two litters per year. Very carefully, Vladislav and Yulia select their owners for their pets. The selection is tougher than the pets at the show. At the same time, breeders strive to improve the breed in all respects, they carefully select pairs for their girls so that the exterior, health, and psyche become better in each new generation.
Among the titled individuals there are sports and exterior stars. One of them is the brown-eyed Breezer, born in Serbia from the Siberian Lady (Serbia) and the Korean White Sunday’s Like Bumble B. Among his many titles are victories in European exhibitions, Russian, Ukrainian. The boy is the champion of the Russian National Breed Club, winner, Champion of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, winner of the exhibition in Helsinki. He is also a multiple winner, winner of various races, championships of winter driving sports.
"Siberian Country" has a website, pages in social networks (VKontakte).
It is not known for what reason Omsk people prefer to start hunting long dachshunds at home, but this breed is very popular among Siberians. A professional dachshund kennel (standard, rabbit, mini) was opened in 2000, known for its victories at exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
Breeder Oksana Galkevich is an expert cynologist in hunting dog breeding, has been engaged in dachshunds since 1987. In the international exhibition rating of breeders, she occupies the 46th line out of 129 according to the results of the last year. Dachshunds from the Omsk fortress are known not only to Russians, but they become stars of Europe, world championships, international exhibitions.
Care, education, training - everything takes place under the vigilant supervision of specialists, the organization has its own veterinary clinic. Dachshund is a hunting dog, the history of the breed is from the images on the frescoes of Ancient Egypt. The breed has a lot of variations in color, coat length, variety. Oksana has all types - standard, dwarf, rabbit. In addition, the breeder is an excellent zoophotographer and cameraman, she makes photo albums and videos from exhibitions, championships, prepares chic portfolios for four-legged contenders for high titles.
There is a website, forums, a personal website of a breeder on the Internet. In addition to dachshunds, fox terriers, fox hunters, are bred here.
Registration certificate No. 10805 in FCI-RKF
Pet Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas are bred by breeders Yana and Natalia Guseletov. On their website, they create a database of pedigrees of any breeds. Numerous forums and chats of breeders speak of great interest in their thoroughbred babies. Here is just one manufacturer - the Frenchman Monya (Garry-Glitter Du Domaine De Monderlay), who in two and a half years had more than 30 champion titles - Russian and international.
In social networks (VKontakte) the Yorkie Omsk Fans' Club has been created, where you can find out the latest news, share successes, and ask questions. The page “Yorkshire Terrier. Omsk”, through which amateur dog breeders notify about the sale of Yorkie puppies, solve other issues related to breeding and reproduction of the breed.
In addition to these furry beauties, the Guseletovs breed chihuahuas, which occupy the fifth line in the popularity rating of breeds in Omsk.
Registration in RKF/FCI, certificate No. 11433.
The multi-breed nursery has been breeding Yorkies, Chinese Cresteds, Chihuahuas since 2003. Breeder - Victoria Sergeeva, veterinarian, expert of the RKF (FCI). Here you can buy a little faithful friend, get medical care, prepare a dog for an exhibition, get a haircut.
Pocket Chihuahuas differ from other breeds in that this breed is natural, not the result of selection or crossbreeding. Therefore, representatives of this miniature breed have good health and nerves, mentally stable. They are devoted to one owner, able to endure loneliness for a long time, while the owner is at work.The hostess tells everything about the character and habits of her pets on the site. There you can see the pedigrees, photos of puppies. All have documents, stamps, vaccinations.
Of course, the situation on the market is changing hourly. New representatives of breeds appear, championships, exhibitions are constantly held, interest in various breeds grows and falls. Prices also vary depending on the occupancy of the market, demand, and pedigree. But if the desire to acquire a friend is irresistible, then you can always find the right offer.
Omsk is developing thoroughbred dog breeding very seriously. The field of activity is profitable, therefore there are outright scammers among the sellers. It is important not to run into unscrupulous dog owners in a bunch of offers. Therefore, the purchase is preferable in specialized institutions. But even there you need to be vigilant, because any apartment can be a nursery, and the documents turn out to be fake.
Here are some tips from experienced breeders. Pay attention to these points when visiting the institution.
2.There will not be many large individuals in professional houses; they are never kept in cages. Numerous enclosures indicate that it is more of a pappy-meal (puppy factory) than working with the breed. There is no time to work with everyone here, this affects the quality of cultivation. If you need a real thoroughbred baby, be sure to study the pedigree, find out how his mother is kept, how many litters she gave, look at her previous children, their results of upbringing.
3. You can learn a lot at animal shows. There you can clearly see the results of breeding work and caring for animals. You can study the catalogs of the best representatives of the breeds, the best nurseries, clarify their rating. There are always sales announcements at exhibitions, this is a reliable way to find an animal without hidden defects.
4. Serious breeders are engaged in selection work when breeding offspring to improve the breed. All of them have their own websites, where they publish not only sales announcements, but also useful, scientific information about our smaller brothers. By studying materials from sites, you can determine the quality of the nursery.
5. Any proven reliable nursery has reviews of customers who bought puppies there, because breeders track the fate and results of the children sold. The absence of such information should alert.
Causes confidence if the nursery:
A separate important point is documents. There must be complete clarity here. When selling, the owner gives you in your hands:
If there are no such documents and stamps, it is better not to risk it. The pedigree can be issued at the kennel club (nearest). This document will be the main confirmation of the breed and the fact that you are its owner. But the breeder must tell the story of the family at the time of the deal, this is a plus in favor of his company. By purchasing a puppy from scammers, you will not receive a pedigree.
Even if you have no claims to the breed, the championship of the dog, you just need a true friend, it is better to choose him in a safe place so as not to grieve later about illnesses, early loss. So, in a good nursery, you can trace the heredity of dysplasia (a disease of the hip and elbow joints), you will be provided with RKF certificates for parents. If the kitten was born from a mixture of breeds (not immediately visible), anomalies may appear that are incompatible with life at an early age. Money will not be a pity, and the death of a faithful four-legged friend will cause psychological trauma to the whole family.
Taking a dog in a reliable kennel, you will receive guarantees of thoroughbredness, health, predictability of the animal, the joy of communication, a true friend and pet.