Rating of the best smartphones for children in 2019

Rating of the best smartphones for children in 2019

This is how our life works, that you need to be always in touch. Gone are the days when there were queues at telephone booths and near street payphones.

Now it is impossible to do without a mobile device that allows you to be heard at any moment. It is especially important to keep in touch with children. Choosing a phone for a child is a question that sooner or later becomes relevant for every parent.

Pros and cons of having a smartphone for a child

It is necessary to distinguish very clearly all the “pros” and “buts”, because the problem of dependence on the Internet and devices among children has become quite frequent and causes a lot of trouble.

Disadvantage number 1 - lack of control over the Internet

Even the most average modern smartphone is a completely autonomous multimedia device that allows you to open the doors to the virtual world of the network, which naturally puzzles parents.

Given the progressiveness of our time, there are many ways to limit the uncontrolled travel on Internet resources, so it’s enough just to study this topic separately and resort to special products that will protect against unnecessary content and protect against the negative impact of content on the moral and mental health of the child.

Disadvantage #2 – Additional expenses for the family budget

Gathering a student of even elementary grades to school is a rather complicated material process, so the decision to purchase a device often causes monetary loss. Yes, indeed, a smartphone is not a cheap pleasure, but even here you can approach it wisely: you should not listen to all the wishes and requirements of its future owner, you can immediately set limits that he will have to come to terms with. Moreover, the price scale allows you to make a choice as far as possible in each individual situation.

Undoubtedly, there is an option to buy an ordinary conversational device in order to be able to find out at any moment what and how, but in this case it is worth remembering that the child is a member of a social group, he is among other children who, as you know, now they do not differ in tact and understanding, but they are quite cruel and capable of moral pressure of their peers. That is, by choosing a simple “dialer” path, you can doom your child to ridicule and bullying from peers. Unfortunately, “do not be worse than others” is now an important concept for modern children.

What is the positive side of having a smartphone in a child?

There are undoubtedly more pluses, but they are all conditional and require the vigilant control of parents, only in this case the new acquisition will bring benefit and joy to both parties.

  • Firstly, this, of course, is such a necessary and vital constant connection;
  • Secondly, using the same progress with its new software capabilities that can limit the presence on the Internet, we get the function of real-time control over the location of the smartphone owner, up to tracking on the map;
  • If you correctly orient your child from the very beginning, then the smartphone will become an indispensable assistant in learning and spending leisure time.

The presence of a very diverse selection of gaming and educational programs will make a "smart" phone a reliable tool in obtaining knowledge, developing all kinds of abilities and will help make a child's free time not only interesting, but also useful. Suppose, having weighed all the pros and cons, the parents decided that their child needs a smartphone. What should be the next step?

What to be guided by when choosing?

First of all, you should pay attention to the physiological and anatomical features of the child's body, because this is what distinguishes the process of choosing a phone for an adult and a baby. It is unlikely that it will be possible to “transmit by inheritance” your old apparatus to a child.

What will it be: a means of communication or development? A way to keep a child busy, or is it necessary to make verbal contact at any time?


Does it make sense to buy an expensive smartphone for a child of 7-10 years old? Of course not. You can follow the lead of your child and succumb to his persuasion to purchase a completely “cool” device, but this is rather pointless and irrational.

Why? Yes, everything is very simple. For example, a younger student does not yet have the skills to take care of things, so the number of falls and other troubles is quite difficult to predict.

An expensive smartphone in a small child can attract the attention of high school students and provoke attempts to steal it, take it away, or simply break it out of harm. In this case, it is worth noting the presence of a threat to the life and health of the baby. The youth of today is cruel. Any situation of this kind will easily lead to psychological trauma that will require a long-term cure.

You should not create problems for yourself, it is better to opt for an average cost, but quite functional device.


Recently, advertisements are full of smartphones with large screen sizes. Their popularity is explained by the convenience of viewing sites, photos, videos. Undoubtedly, this is true, but you need to remember that a child of 6-10 years old has a hand size that is still not at all large and if you put a huge phone in his hand, it will be, first of all, inconvenient to use, and secondly greatly increases the possibility of damage.

That is, it is recommended to stop at a small or medium-sized smartphone, which will fit quite comfortably in a child's palm, easily fit in the pockets of clothes and a school bag.

Here we should be careful not to choose a device with a screen that is too small, as this is a direct path to damaged vision.

It is no secret that all children of primary school age and not only they abuse their pastime in social networks and, of course, mobile games.


Modern mobile phones, even mid-range, are equipped with a lot of functions and applications that are not particularly needed by adult users, not like a primary school student.

Why does he need an overload of unnecessary information, complex operations and abstruse (or too empty) applications.It is better to get rid of all this before the smartphone falls into his hands.

Of the most necessary, it is worth noting the presence of “hot buttons”, which should be set up first of all, so that the child can quickly call, for example, mom or dad, without digging into the phone book in search of the desired number.

This feature has a place to be in almost all today's mobile devices, regardless of their cost and complexity.

An important criterion when choosing a smartphone for a child is its interface.

It should be extremely simple and accessible so that its owner can intuitively navigate the menu and location of applications.

Memory size

Memory and its volume is almost the most important thing to pay attention to, because the functionality and performance of a smartphone depend on its amount. As you know, there are two types of memory in such devices - operational and built-in. The operational one is responsible for speed, and the built-in one is directly for storing information, applications and other files.

For a kid's phone that won't perform complex tasks, 1 GB of RAM and 4-8 GB of built-in memory is enough. However, do not neglect the presence or absence of the ability to expand the built-in memory using an additional memory card. Undoubtedly, it is necessary.


Naturally, a smartphone will not perform the simple function of a “talker”, so you should take care of having a good battery in your phone. If the battery is 3000-4000 mAh, then this will easily allow you to use the device both for useful needs and for watching cartoons, movies, as well as mobile games that are attractive to children.At the same time, a large amount of battery will insure against the possibility of being out of range due to its discharge.

The main thing is that the smartphone can safely work autonomously without recharging for a whole day.

Reliability and durability of the case

Again, it is worth recalling that children do not have an innate ability to handle things with care. All this they develop and educate with time, experience and instructions of wise parents.

In this regard, when choosing a phone for your son or daughter, you should take care of the strength and reliability of its case, which is responsible for the safety of everything inside.

Active games, hypermobility, childish restlessness suggest the risk of falls, drownings and other adventures of a “smart” phone at the hands of its small owner. It follows from this that the case must be hardy, durable, able to survive possible threats and at the same time preserve everything that is hidden inside.

Information storage security

Considering that the child will be the owner, it is not worth resorting to special methods for preserving information. It is unlikely that bank accounts or credit cards will be stored in the device's memory.

However, in the event of a theft, these phones are easily accessible for thieves to use, so if the device even has a fingerprint, it can serve as a defense.

Best Inexpensive Smartphones for Kids

Most moms and dads agree that an affordable phone for a child is fine. In particular, this applies to first-graders who can quickly break a brand new smartphone.

In this regard, devices that cost no more than 5 thousand rubles will be a good purchase for them.

3rd place: Digma HIT Q401 3G

This device is not only lightweight and compact, it is also nice in terms of money. Alas, the affordable cost is due to the use of cheap components, which the manufacturer could only find. Preferably, this refers to the screen.

Along with the fact that the smartphone has a TN-matrix with low-quality color reproduction and small viewing angles, the quality of the sensor is also poor.

Experts strongly advise you to carefully check the screen directly at the time of purchase, fortunately, this possibility is taken into account by the firmware. The second factor of availability is the lack of memory in the device. Not critically, if a phone with a microUSB port is the second or third in the family, but it's a shame.

The hardware is weak, the autonomy indicators are low, the smartphone is not able to function in 4G networks. For a child whose age is from 7 to 8 years, this smartphone model will be a good choice. Older kids will probably crave a more modern device.

The average price is 2,000 rubles.

Digma HIT Q401 3G
  • Four colors;
  • Removable battery;
  • Independent trays for SIM cards and flash drive;
  • Availability.
  • Low quality screen
  • There is no memory in the package;
  • Low indicators of autonomy;
  • The multimedia speaker is on the back.

2nd place: ZTE Blade L8

Affordable devices are rarely able to boast of a high-quality navigation unit. In this regard, the model under consideration is a good exception, which does not lose connection even in places with poor coverage.If the parents do not have the opportunity to be with the child all the time or there is no need for complete control, then it would be advisable to purchase a high-quality communication tool for him.

This model offers standard functionality, and therefore will be acceptable for elementary students.

In other words, the smartphone does not support 4G networks, it is not suitable for heavy games, it takes pictures poorly.

If a fast network is still necessary, then it will not be superfluous to take a closer look at this device. Of the pluses, it is worth highlighting the back panel, made of metal materials, a removable battery and an independent tray for a flash drive. The model has little RAM, but for a stripped-down modification of the Android OS, its amount is enough.

The average price is 3,700 rubles.

ZTE Blade L8
  • Operates on the basis of OS Android Go;
  • Rich display;
  • Keeps in touch stably;
  • Removable battery;
  • Housing made of metallic materials;
  • Independent flash drive tray.
  • 4G network does not support;
  • Weak iron;
  • Poor battery life.

1st place: Prestigio Wize Q3

A budget model, which is likely to please the child with a fashionable design, and 4 color schemes will give him the opportunity to excel in front of classmates and friends. This smartphone stands out with its trendy aspect ratio of 18:9, which makes the device comfortable for owners and small hands, even despite the display, whose diagonal is almost 5 inches.

Devices in this price segment rarely put high-quality cameras. Fortunately, this model takes pictures in good quality.In addition, the ZSD mode (photography with zero shutter lag) will help out the upcoming shots from blurring.

A really good mode, but automatic focusing does not function synchronously with it, in other words, objects that are too close together will not work right away. Of the other advantages, it is necessary to highlight the removable battery.

Only a quiet speaker for conversations can upset.

The average price is 3,300 rubles.

Prestigio Wize Q3
  • Relatively frameless appearance;
  • Ability to take photos without delay;
  • Four colors;
  • Removable battery.
  • Quiet speaker for calls;
  • The main speaker is located on the rear side;
  • Does not support 4G networks;
  • Heats up under increased load;
  • The screen is made on a TN-matrix.

Best compact smartphones for kids

Once upon a time, it was customary to consider devices with a display diagonal of no more than 3.5 inches, but since that time everything has changed. Trendy gadgets are equipped with screens with a 5-inch diagonal and more, and therefore even a device with a display with a diagonal of 4.7 inches seems small.

It is this value that is taken in this category as the initial parameter. This section presents gadgets that collect mostly laudatory reviews on the Russian-speaking Internet.

3rd place: BQ 4001G Cool

The most uncomplicated little phone at an affordable price. Taking into account the fact that this smartphone guarantees only standard functionality, it is possible to advise it only for elementary school students who have not yet had time to appreciate the gaming capabilities of innovative communication tools.

The hardware is so-so, frankly speaking, there is not much RAM (fortunately, there is an independent tray for a flash drive), but there are enough opportunities for the appropriate functioning of a stripped-down version of the Android OS.

Things are bad with indicators of battery life. If the child actively uses the multimedia or communication functionality of the gadget, by the end of the day one 100% battery charge will not be enough. Of the advantages of the device, a certain number of color solutions should be distinguished, which allows you to find an acceptable option for both the boy and the girl.

The average price is 2,600 rubles.

BQ 4001G Cool
  • Availability;
  • Compact;
  • Lightweight;
  • Independent tray for microSD;
  • Removable battery;
  • 4 color solutions.
  • Weak iron;
  • Poor display quality
  • Interpolated cameras;
  • Small indicators of battery life.

2nd place: Samsung Galaxy J1 (2016)

Models from a South Korean corporation have long been considered classics, and therefore the child will like to be the owner of a device from a popular brand. The smartphone is equipped with everything necessary for convenient communication in the cellular network and the Internet.

There is a chip with four cores, the Android 5.1 operating system, there is support for fourth-generation networks, 2 cameras and a multi-touch display with a 4.5-inch diagonal. The device stands out from the competition with a rich, attractive screen with high-quality color reproduction.

The lightweight model feels comfortable in the hand, functions quickly and does not heat up. Installed cameras, of course, will not be a good solution for an advanced photographer, but they will make it possible to take good shots for the Instagram social network.This is a great solution that moms and dads are able to give their own child as a quality and affordable iPhone replacement.

The average price is 4,800 rubles.

Samsung Galaxy J1 (2016)
  • Quickness of functioning;
  • Acceptable value for quality;
  • Popular brand.
  • A little memory;
  • Takes a long time to charge;
  • Poor autonomy.

1st place: Xiaomi Redmi Go

Great pattern for a boy.

On the one hand, it is practical in order to feel comfortable in small hands and is relatively affordable. On the other hand, it is slightly more modern in terms of functionality, when compared with devices from third-tier manufacturers.

At least it makes it possible to open most of the games and shoots well. The speaking name directly speaks of the use of a stripped-down version of the OS, designed to operate on a weak filling with adapted programs.

You should immediately warn the child about this so that he does not install everything in a row from the Google app store. We did not just mention in advance that the smartphone is suitable for a boy. According to customer reviews, a boring look is not suitable for girls.

The average price is 4,700 rubles.

Xiaomi Redmi Go
  • Optimal performance for this value segment;
  • High quality display;
  • Independent tray for microSD.
  • Without lags, only optimized programs will function.

The most reliable smartphones for kids

From time to time, when deciding which phone to buy for a child who is 10 years old or younger, it is necessary to focus not so much on cost and functionality as on durability and reliability.

1st place: BQ-4077 Shark Mini

This is the best model, which will be a great first phone purchase for a student, especially for a boy aged 7 to 8 years. Ordinary reliable devices stand out from competitors in large sizes, which automatically makes them uncomfortable for small hands of children.

The considered smartphone, on the contrary, involves surprisingly small dimensions. The device of the model guarantees IP65 protection, in other words, the smartphone is 100% protected from dust and safely withstands reverse jets of water.

There is even a review on the Internet where this gadget is thrown onto an asphalt surface from a good height and thrown into a puddle. In general, the enhanced durability of this model is indeed present. Of the other advantages, it is worth highlighting only a powerful battery.

The hardware is weak, the camera is as simple as possible (interpolation plus no auto focus), the model does not support fourth-generation mobile networks, the SIM card slot is hybrid.

The average price is 6,000 rubles.

BQ-4077 Shark Mini
  • Impact protection;
  • IP65 protection standard;
  • Compactness;
  • Powerful battery.
  • Simple camera;
  • Does not function in fourth generation networks;
  • One tray for microSD, the second - for a SIM card.

The best smartphones for kids 10+ and teens

At this age, buying a really reliable phone for children can be more difficult, as future owners already know about the status of the device.It is unlikely that moms and dads will be able to satisfy their desires with an affordable solution, and therefore it will be necessary to put aside a device of a well-known brand with good parameters.

5th place: ZTE Blade A530

This section of phones for children opens with a smartphone from ZTE, which is just a high-quality entry-level device from a popular manufacturer. Runs on a good affordable processor. For the smoothness of the interface and the provision of standard functionality, its performance is sufficient, but you should not hope for an impressive use for games.

The gadget displays an image of good quality on the screen, despite the fact that the maximum brightness of the display is a bit lacking. This model also cannot shoot photographic masterpieces. The bottom line is that the solid technical characteristics of the camera module, frankly, are “inflated”.

To be more precise, the manufacturer stated that the model will have many different features, which should include solid sensors, but in reality everything is not so.

In fact, from the declared there is only support for VoLTE technology. The function is useful only when such a service is provided by the mobile network operator. Experts advise this model to children of middle school age.

The average price is 4,800 rubles.

ZTE Blade A530
  • Support for VoLTE technology;
  • Removable battery;
  • Independent tray for microSD.
  • Inaccurate functioning of the proximity sensor;
  • A small reserve of brightness;
  • Modest battery life;
  • Interpolated cameras;
  • The main speaker is on the back.

4th place: Alcatel 1X 5059D

Due to the fact that this model has a reduced mode of the main display, experts advise it for purchase by beginners who are just learning innovative technologies in mobile electronics. The attractiveness of this option lies in the fact that the mobile experience of children accumulates in a short period of time, and the smartphone itself is quite attractive both from the technological aspect and from the appearance.

The device is based on an innovative affordable processor and is able to run almost all games at minimum graphics settings. The display format is small, but it has an IPS-matrix, and therefore there are no limits in terms of viewing angles.

The amount of RAM is enough for the model to function comfortably with a couple of heavy programs in the background. The most significant disadvantage of the smartphone is that there is one relatively quiet speaker.

The average price is 5,000 rubles.

Alcatel 1X 5059D
  • There is a light mode of the main display;
  • Has face identification
  • Support for all modern 4G bands;
  • Digital type stabilization during movie shooting.
  • Only 1 quiet speaker;
  • Hybrid slot for microSD and SIM-card;
  • Small format display.

3rd place: Meizu M6T

Experts strongly advise buying this model exclusively for girls, even despite such a large size of the smartphone. The fact is that it has bright colors, and the camera beauty mode will be useful, and you can draw with Painter, and there are practically no difficulties with the fingerprint sensor, since the fair sex's fingers are usually more intact when compared with men's .In addition, this model has a special mode that allows you to make the user interface as easy as possible (except for the standard one for children).

Heavyweight games on smartphones go relatively well, but girls are usually not interested in such toys. But with the battery, everything is gorgeous. The device keeps communication stable, even capable of functioning in two Wi-Fi bands, which will be useful if the child lives in an apartment building.

The average price is 6,450 rubles.

Meizu M6T
  • Stylish colors;
  • There is a fingerprint sensor;
  • Interesting modes (lite and for children);
  • Wireless Wi-Fi networks operate in both bands;
  • Good battery life.
  • Takes a long time to charge;
  • Hybrid slot for microSD and SIM card.

2nd place: Meizu M5c

An attractive model with extensive functionality, which most users compare with Apple's iPhone in terms of comfortable operation. The smartphone has a bright 5-inch display with increased sensitivity, which is perfectly readable at various angles. 32 GB of ROM make it possible to install the required number of programs.

The exclusive interface (using Flyme OS, comparable to iOS by most users), 8-megapixel main camera, excellent performance and attractive design make the smartphone look like premium devices from top brands, which every child will love.

The average price is 6,200 rubles.

Meizu M5c
  • Support for fourth generation networks;
  • Dual SIM
  • Fingerprint sensor;
  • Excellent autonomy.
  • There are errors in the functioning of the OS.

1st place: Xiaomi Redmi 6A

It is possible to satisfy all the desires of the child by purchasing this model. Naturally, only if the child did not want an iPhone. With the launch of many well-known games, the smartphone copes perfectly. This model also takes pictures of high quality and even good sound during video recording, the developers of the Chinese corporation were eventually able to highlight.

Xiaomi smartphones have been known for their excellent autonomy for a long time, despite the fact that in other modifications of their own devices from the budget cost segment, the manufacturer is stingy in this regard. In general, a 100% charged smartphone will easily last a day if you use it actively.

In terms of power, there is only one significant drawback, which is the lack of support for fast charging. Another disadvantage is the inaccurate operation of the proximity sensor.

The average price is 5,750 rubles.

Xiaomi Redmi 6A
  • Pretty powerful iron;
  • Assembly reliability;
  • Independent tray for microSD.
  • The multimedia speaker is located at the back;
  • Takes a long time to charge;
  • Inaccurate functioning of the proximity sensor.

The best new smartphones for kids

Children and teenagers are trying to keep up with adults, and therefore need innovative devices. The first such gadgets are phones. Moms and dads will have to buy such a smartphone for a child, which is both durable and stuffed with the latest “word of technology”. This means that the manufacturer is obliged to monitor the reliability of products and be popular.

3rd place: Samsung Galaxy A30s

The exterior of the case is available in three colors:

  1. Black.
  2. Violet.
  3. White.

The smartphone has an attractive holographic effect, namely shimmers and shines. The model is distinguished by a fragmentary type case, in other words, it has rough inserts at the bottom, where the holographic part shimmers.

As for the camera, it is endowed with the Live Focus option in order to superimpose the bokeh effect on already taken pictures. In addition, the manufacturer announced an ultra-wide-angle shooting resolution, but the viewing angle has not been made public.

The average price is 13,400 rubles.

Samsung Galaxy A30s
  • Popular manufacturer with many years of experience;
  • Assembly reliability;
  • Advanced functionality;
  • Fashion design;
  • practical frame;
  • OS Android 9.0;
  • Clear and comfortable interface;
  • Well-chosen display dimensions;
  • Built-in camera module;
  • There is a fingerprint sensor;
  • There is a fast charging option;
  • There is a tray for increasing memory up to 1 TB.
  • Small format display;
  • With direct sunlight on the display, the image is almost unreadable;
  • There is no image stabilization on the camera;
  • The speed of work and launch of programs is not so high when compared with premium smartphones, despite the top-end hardware;
  • Weak indicators of autonomy;
  • High power consumption compared to popular IPS matrices;
  • Too bright colors
  • Auto focus takes a long time to adjust.

2nd place: Samsung Galaxy A60

In 2019, the South Korean corporation breaks all records in terms of the production of affordable devices. One gets the impression that Samsung is trying to catch up with what has been lost in recent years. The body of the smartphone is made entirely of plastic materials.By design, it is almost identical to the rest of the lineup devices that came out this year.

There is an identical smooth rear panel with an attractive texture waving in the sun. The smartphone is based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 675 processor with an Adreno 612 graphics accelerator clocked at 600 MHz.

Most users know that many products from a South Korean corporation in an affordable price segment are based on proprietary Exynos chipsets.

The average price is 14,000 rubles.

Samsung Galaxy A60
  • Sufficient amount of memory;
  • Productive iron;
  • Excellent camera;
  • Good indicators of autonomy;
  • There is NFC;
  • Multilingual firmware;
  • Display with built-in front camera;
  • Availability.
  • There is no Always On Display option;
  • Missing 3.5mm port.

1st place: HUAWEI Mate 30 Pro

It's an attractive smartphone that comes with all the features a child would want from this year's device, but lacks support for Google services such as the Play Market, making it difficult to function.

The smartphone feels like a flagship gadget when picked up for the first time, and this is mainly due to its curved screen. The display curves fashionably at the ends of the model, giving it an exclusive design reminiscent of the Galaxy S7 Edge.

The average price is 55,000 rubles.

HUAWEI Mate 30 Pro
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Stylish curved ends.
  • Does not support Google services;
  • Overpriced, according to parents, the price.

In conclusion, it should be said that compliance with all of the above criteria for choosing a smartphone for children will make it possible to provide the child with a reliable device for leisure and study and, at the same time, save him from unnecessary stress and psychological trauma, and will also spare the family budget from unnecessary expenses.

Nevertheless, do not forget about the desires of the future owner himself. Let opinions differ, but it is always worth trying to find a compromise solution that will satisfy both parties.

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