
  1. How to choose the right balanced meal delivery service
  2. Rating of the best healthy food delivery services for weight loss

The best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Novosibirsk for 2022

The best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Novosibirsk for 2022

The problem of natural products has long been on the agenda. Fans of a healthy lifestyle, people with a focus on prolonging youth, beauty of the figure, physical form choose natural ingredients for their menu. Health is directly related to the quality of food. Express weight loss is a thing of the past. Timing - frequent, balanced meals, more fruits, vegetables, less sugar and fat. A variety of food products guarantees the intake of all the necessary substances in the body. The task of losing weight, without causing harm to the body, is dramatically complicated.

Purchasing natural products, preparing low-calorie meals and proper storage requires a lot of time. Health services are here to help. We will talk about those that deliver healthy food for weight loss in Novosibirsk in the article.

How to choose the right balanced meal delivery service

Time in the metropolis and large cities rushes faster. The number of fans of healthy eating is growing, and so is the number of delivery services. How not to make a mistake when choosing a healthy food service company?

Criterias of choice

Food borders are erased. Today, exotic fruits and fish from distant seas can be served at the table.

  • Menu developers

The advantage of delivery services is the balance of dishes in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and calories. A decent service not only adheres to standards, but develops its own programs. The staff should include nutritionists, qualified chefs, fitness trainers.

  • Suppliers and terms

Who is the food supplier? What guarantees does the company provide for the use of only fresh and high-quality products. The delivery time of the order indicates the qualifications of the employees.

  • Rulers

It is no secret that the number of kilocalories in a dish can be collected from various components. A fruit salad can have up to a hundred names and cooking technologies, and this can be said about many other menu items. Here, personal preferences, intolerance to certain foods and the desire to comply with a certain program come to the fore. Before choosing one or another service, you should look at the programs offered. It is possible that only a few sets will become suitable, and with long periods of contacting the service, changing the diet will not work.

  • Compliance

It is not enough to have a license, the kitchen must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, storage standards and technological cooking programs. The point clearly affects the quality and safety of dishes.

  • Price

An expanded range of weight loss programs also implies increased prices. However, if the client is set up for a long-term contact with the service, then such services provide favorable discounts for sets. An individual program will cost more, but health and appearance are worth it.

  • Value for money

The result depends on the individual parameters of the person. Correction of programs is important, and the quality of food is also important. It is easy to compare the cost of a food product in the market and the preparation service with the output price of the dish.

You should not pay serious money for cereals and ordinary vegetable soups.

  • Reviews

Delivery services of the right food for weight loss have their own groups on the social networks of the Internet. Losing weight is a slow process, so these groups are numerous and rich in information. Joining the group is not difficult, and the result may surprise you.

  • Errors when choosing

If contacting a healthy nutrition service is of a fundamental nature, and the goal will be achieved through a radical change in nutrition, then contacting a service nutritionist is necessary. It is dangerous to drastically change the diet on your own, focusing only on calories, the consequences can be serious.

Weight loss programs include not only calorie restriction, but also physical activity, body cleansing. Metabolism does not like jokes.

Long-term programs are good because the body receives the entire set of necessary substances in a certain sequence.

Rating of the best healthy food delivery services for weight loss

perfect balance

Delivery of healthy and wholesome food is presented in 12 cities of Russia. The menu consists exclusively of fresh, natural products and its description, calculations of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are presented. The company attaches to the order advice on storage and reception of dishes.

The service offers a choice of 6 programs for different purposes, the menu is represented by 600 items. Specialists will help you choose a nutrition program in accordance with the expectations and requirements of the client. Courier delivery with payment in cash and by bank cards ensures fast order fulfillment. The number of containers varies depending on the days of feeding and can be 3-6 pieces. Containers are numbered for meals. The order is delivered at a convenient, evening time.

Perfect Balance clients and specialists have created groups on social networks where they can share and read tips on proper nutrition, get a qualified answer to a question.

An application on the website in a special form guarantees the help of a diet specialist within an hour.

On the site, by indicating the parameters of your body and the degree of activity, you can automatically get the estimated calorie intake per day.

  • careful selection of suppliers;
  • provision of disposable cutlery;
  • branded package for transportation;
  • the menu was developed by nutritionists and nutritionists;
  • ordering dishes with a certain calorie content, for weight loss;
  • the seasonal menu is represented by 150 items;
  • cooking according to sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;
  • the service delivers the order free of charge within the city to the office or home.
  • no 24 hour delivery.

daily orders from 09:00 to 21:00

☎  8-952-9-404-777

life food

Delivery of healthy food from natural products. The company delivers several times a week. The menu is varied and is presented by the program for 4 weeks.

The client can choose dishes with a classic and low-carbon distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The site presents packages for weight loss, vegetarians, fitness regimens, for athletes with heavy loads. You can choose a meal option for five or seven days. Prices are per package and per serving.

The packages are detailed according to the dishes for all meals during the day, for each day of the week, the composition, the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and calorie content are indicated.

  • only fresh products without freezing;
  • varied menu;
  • the service delivers the order free of charge within the city to the office or home;
  • convenient next day delivery;
  • menu designed by fitness trainers and nutritionists;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • low prices per serving;
  • promotions, new items are offered in social network groups, desserts and pastries are presented separately, you can read reviews;
  • a large number of subscribers to groups on the Internet.
  • little work experience since 2017.

☎ telephone for receiving orders 8-383-227-90-86

Nutrition Formula

Healthy food rations - delivery is made in three cities. Proper nutrition for three, four, five meals a day according to the following programs:

  • for a set of muscle mass;
  • for weight loss;
  • to get in shape;
  • to restore health;
  • individual.

Meal packages are possible without breakfasts and late dinners, the expert will select the program after consultation, in accordance with the individual parameters of the client.

Vacuum sealed containers are used to preserve freshness, Swedish-made containers are microwave-safe.

  • minimum salt in dishes;
  • natural sugar syrups, fruits;
  • without the use of wheat flour;
  • without the use of roasts and oils, only baking, boiling, stewing;
  • a large selection of unified detox drinks;
  • without canned food;
  • careful selection and verification of suppliers;
  • use of nitrate to ensure quality;
  • container material - ecoplastic;
  • dishes are equipped with napkins, cutlery, chewing gum;
  • Compliance with delivery times specified by the customer.
  • prices are higher than other profile firms in the city.

Novosibirsk, Nekrasov street,

house 48. 2nd floor.

☎ to receive orders 8-800-700-43-10

Olimp food

Healthy food - delivery around the city. A set of programs for caloric content is selected independently. In the description of dishes, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is given.

The service offers programs:

  • classic power;
  • for harmony;
  • office food;
  • fitness nutrition.
  • nutrition programs created by nutritionists and fitness trainers;
  • high taste qualities;
  • democratic prices;
  • groups in social networks;
  • delivery within the city at no extra charge;
  • sets for 1300, 1600, 1100 and 900 kilocalories.
  • The variety of food leaves a lot to be desired.

☎ to receive orders 8-800-222-333-4

Self pickup:

Novosibirsk, st. B. Bogotkova, house 148.

Food without harm

Delivery of healthy and high-quality food, balanced according to the norms. Clients are offered:

  • lean set (example on the first day) of cereals, vegetable soups, baked fish, fruit salads, oatmeal pancakes for 1185 kilocalories;
  • to speed up weight loss, a set (example on the first day) of an omelet with herbs, Bonn soup, buckwheat, chicken goulash, cottage cheese dessert with nuts, fish steak with vegetables for 1098 kilocalories;
  • a set for real men (an example on the second day) of oatmeal, vegetable cream soup, chicken with vegetables, salad with cheese, casseroles for 1568 kilocalories;
  • a special set (an example on the third day) of pancakes with two types of flour, cream soup with mushrooms and sausages, a salad of exotic fruits with berries, fish steak and potatoes for 1788 kilocalories.

The order is delivered in the morning the next day, or every morning with a complex meal.

  • discounts for a period of six days with a birthday date on the third day;
  • only fresh products;
  • compliance with price and quality;
  • compliance with the rules and standards of food preparation;
  • competitive prices;
  • stylish eco-packaging;
  • only vegetable oils;
  • calculation of trace elements, calories, balance of each dish;
  • supply of products from farmers' farms.
  • internet shop.

☎ 8-953-895-79-49

B.B. Food

Healthy food preparation and delivery. The menu is developed with the participation of nutritionists, athletes and certified chefs. The kitchen of modern equipment works in full compliance with the norms, including the storage and selection of products.

Qualified technologists ensure a high percentage of preservation of the useful qualities of the product during processing.

For example, the dishes for Thursday of the two-week menu contain:

  • rice porridge with scrambled eggs;
  • cottage cheese jelly;
  • potatoes and beef stroganoff;
  • chakhokhbili;
  • turkey.

A kit for a passive lifestyle with an increased content of fiber, protein and a minimum of carbohydrates.

  • food preparation takes place directly on the delivery day;
  • high quality products;
  • sealed packaging;
  • delivery in thermal bags;
  • menu for five and three meals;
  • sets for five, two or seven days.
  • little variety in ingredients.

☎ 8-913-980-10-50 for applications a day before completion

Novosibirsk, st. Petukhova, house 53, office 3.

☎ 383-21-31

X-Fit diet

At the X-Fit premium class fitness club, the cafe offers sets of dishes for weight loss. Coaches, together with nutritionists, develop the necessary diet.

Club employees make food purchases, quality checks and prepare food packages. Delivery is agreed on time. In combination with physical exercises selected by specialists, the result is not long in coming.

On the site, you can calculate the menu by calorie content by choosing from the proposed list of products for the following items:

  • vegetables;
  • melons;
  • fruit;
  • citrus;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • grain;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals;
  • dairy and meat products;
  • birds;
  • seafood;
  • drinks.

The selected menu can be adjusted and finally agreed with the trainer and nutritionist, in accordance with individual data. When performing an individual weight loss program, the list of products may change, for example, at the end of the body cleansing stage, certain ingredients are removed.

  • versatility of a balanced diet;
  • many permanent clients;
  • yesterday's products are not used;
  • daily food preparation and delivery;
  • menu designed by nutritionists and trainers;
  • several branches, you can choose the nearest location;
  • mobile app.
  • must be a member of the fitness club.

Healthy food delivery services for weight loss are springing up like mushrooms in warm rain.

It is pleasant to realize that armed with gadgets and having lost physical activity, the population of the planet understands the threat of a harmful lifestyle. The desire for proper nutrition, a balanced diet is not only a beautiful figure and health, it is energy, positive and sparkle in the eyes.

The nutrition menu in weight loss programs necessarily includes whole grains, vegetable soups and salads, meat, poultry and fish, steamed or simmered. A large set of fruit drinks, juices, smoothies, decoctions is also needed. The list is completed by omelettes and dairy products - cheeses, curdled milk, kefir, fermented baked milk. The consumption of an individually set norm of clean water is certainly observed.

A good dietary cuisine allows you not to feel the inferiority of nutrition, sometimes the right menu turns out to be more diverse and tastier than an ordinary meal.

In the end, this is only a step towards achieving the goal. It will take a long time before all the services of the country acquire a high quality of service. An application in a personal smartphone that allows you to create a healthy diet menu, coordinate it with a nutritionist, place an order for a certain time, is already a reality. A rich variety of products from all continents, quality cooking and high service await their fans. The main thing is to make the right choice.

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