
  1. The main benefits and principles of healthy and proper nutrition
  2. Rules for healthy eating for weight loss
  3. Rating of the best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Chelyabinsk for 2022
  4. Conclusion

The best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Chelyabinsk for 2022

The best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Chelyabinsk for 2022

Sooner or later, every person in his life thinks about how to switch to a proper, balanced and healthy diet. It is best if he comes to this on his own before the moment when health problems begin to appear. The model of proper nutrition is laid down in childhood, and it is very important that parents teach their child to eat healthy foods from an early age. Thanks to this, the right habits for a healthy lifestyle will be fixed for life. The best delivery services for healthy food for weight loss will help to make the right diet for the residents of Chelyabinsk.

The main benefits and principles of healthy and proper nutrition

Healthy food is a set of products containing all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. First of all, such nutrition is important for those who want to lose weight, as well as people who have problems with immunity and constantly feel weak and weak.

Let's take a look at the benefits of good nutrition:

  • Improvement of the body, cleansing it of harmful substances that accumulate with long-term use of "unhealthy" food. Some time after the transition to a healthy diet, well-being improves, cheerfulness appears, a desire to actively engage in physical activity.
  • Weight loss. Most adherents of a healthy diet note a decrease in excess weight, the appearance of a beautiful, toned body shape.
  • Reducing the risk of chronic diseases. According to the recommendations of doctors, people with “bad” heredity for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arterial hypertension must follow a diet based on products with minimal heat treatment, or prepared without frying, smoking and adding hot spices.

The principles of healthy eating are based on the postulates:

  • In the diet of a healthy person, proteins must be present (they are found in meat, milk and its derivatives, eggs, legumes), carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables and fruits), fats (most of all are present in fatty meat, vegetable and animal oils).The ratio of these substances is as follows: 50-60% - carbohydrates, 20-30% proteins, the amount of fat should not exceed 20%.
  • In order for immunity to be maintained at the proper level, most of the diet should be vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins and minerals.
  • Caloric content of products. Those who want to avoid weight gain need to carefully monitor the calorie content of the daily diet. The need for calories for each person is individual, and is calculated according to the following formula: weight in kilograms must be multiplied by 30. Do not forget that this formula is averaged, and depending on the nature of a person’s physical activity, his general well-being, it can move both to a large, as well as the smaller side.
  • The number of meals per day should be at least 4-5 times. It is desirable that the portions are fractional and do not completely extinguish the feeling of hunger, you should get up from the table before the feeling of fullness appears, as it comes with a slight delay, which is why many people constantly overeat. Infrequent meals lead to an increase in portions and overeating.
  • The quantity and volume of sweets and flour products must be tightly controlled. This is due to the fact that these are "empty" products. They briefly remove the feeling of hunger, but soon it becomes even stronger. In addition, due to the rapid digestibility, calories from these products tend to be stored "in reserve", which is why the weight begins to grow rapidly.
  • The transition to proper nutrition should be accompanied by a simultaneous rejection of bad habits, since no healthy lifestyle will be beneficial if a person drinks alcohol in large quantities or smokes.

Rules for healthy eating for weight loss

In order to lose weight quickly and easily, using healthy foods, gently follow a few basic rules:

  • The first thing to drink in the morning is a glass of cold water. It will not only start the digestive system, but also contribute to the burning of calories, because it takes a certain amount of energy to heat water to human body temperature. If ordinary water does not taste good, you can add a spoonful of honey, a little lemon juice or cinnamon to it - all these substances help to speed up the metabolism.
  • Throughout the day, a person should drink at least 2 liters of water (if there are no health contraindications). The body often mistakes thirst for a feeling of hunger, because of which a person consumes extra calories, which does not contribute to weight loss. Drinking water in the right amount helps to remove swelling, as well as improve the general condition of the body.
  • The common rule “not to eat after six” has long been recognized by experts and nutritionists as obsolete.
  • Nutritionists advise giving preference to steamed, stewed and boiled dishes, since this method of heat treatment does not use or uses a minimum amount of fat, which reduces the overall calorie content of the dish.
  • You can fry food, but rarely. It is important to ensure that animal fat is not in the same dish with vegetable fat.
  • Nutritionists recommend cooking vegetables as a side dish, which facilitates the work of the digestive system, and also reduces calorie content.
  • Modern housewives add spices to almost every dish, but not many people know that some of them contribute to weight loss. These spices include: anise, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, horseradish.They not only improve digestion, but also speed up metabolism, and also lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Instead of tea and coffee, it is better to prepare a ginger drink in different variations. As has long been proven, this product promotes weight loss, and also supports immunity during the cold season.
  • When choosing dishes, you need to take into account the glycemic index of products, and not exceed the standard norm, since excess sugar tends not to be processed, but immediately deposited on the sides.
  • It is necessary to refuse as much as possible the use of artificial fats (trans fats), since they not only contribute to the accumulation of toxins, but can also significantly disrupt cellular metabolism.
  • Do not neglect fasting days, when all meals are reduced to the use of a single product - kefir, apples, buckwheat, bananas, etc. Such days are especially effective at the beginning of the transition to a diet for weight loss, since it is at this time that the body easily and quickly sheds excess accumulations .

Rating of the best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Chelyabinsk for 2022

Consider the best food delivery services for weight loss at home. Among the main criteria for choosing an organization delivering healthy food to the door, the cost, speed of delivery, customer reviews, availability of promotions, bonuses and discounts were determined.


Address (legal): Yekaterinburg, st. Opalikhinskaya, 15.

Phone:☎ +7 (965) 538 91 30.

Delivery time: in the morning and evening.

Official website on the Internet:

According to buyers, this is one of the best healthy food delivery services. For the most part, delivery is carried out daily in the morning, while the courier brings a full ration for the day, which is designed for 5-6 meals.The set of products is selected in such a way as to form the diet of people who are overweight, with small children, with increased physical activity, as well as those who do not have enough time to cook tasty and healthy food on their own.

In order to place an order, just call a consultant who will tell you how to choose the right diet in accordance with the wishes of the client. In total, 4 types of diets are offered: comfortable weight loss, balanced nutrition, always in shape, or your own set of dishes.

The organization claims that all the dishes offered for delivery are not only healthy, but also tasty. The menu contains the optimal set of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In order to make it easier for those who lose weight to follow a diet, a variety of desserts are necessarily included in the diet for one day - cheesecakes, muffins, casseroles, etc. The “comfortable weight loss” food line consists of fully prepared dishes, the menu is compiled for a week, after which it is completely update.

You can pay for the order in several ways - using a bank card when placing an order on the site, in cash to the courier upon the first delivery of food. Food is delivered at the agreed time directly to the door, so there is no need to think about how to pick up the order. The average price of a diet for 1 day of the "comfortable weight loss" line is 600-650 rubles.

  • daily ration delivery for the day;
  • varied and balanced menu;
  • quality service;
  • There is a website with easy navigation and functionality.
  • no dishes for vegans and vegetarians;
  • programs are designed for slow weight loss, there is no menu for quick weight loss.

clean food

Addresses of points of issue: Chelyabinsk, st.Molodogvardeytsev, 17; Sony Curve, 51; Universitetskaya embankment, 92; Labor, 166.

Phone:☎ +7 (951) 789-11-99.

Delivery time: within a day.

Official website on the Internet:

The institution specializes in creating gastronomic diets for the day, consisting of 5 meals with an optimal set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Among the advantages of this delivery service, one can note the individual selection of the diet, which is calculated based on the height, weight, physical activity of a particular person. When preparing dishes for frying, oil is not used, and sugar is also completely excluded.

The establishment has developed several food lines: main menu, weight loss program, for athletes, pregnant women, detox, individual program with recipes, Office diet, PP party, desserts. Delivery of products is carried out at any place and time.

For cooking, the following products are used:

  1. proteins (meat - chicken, turkey, seafood - mussels, squid, shrimp, eggs, different types of fish - white, red, dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt),
  2. carbohydrates (cereals - buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, bulgur, quinoa, durum wheat pasta, legumes - beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils),
  3. fats (vegetable oils, butter, nuts, avocados),
  4. fiber (greens - lettuce, nori, lettuce, cabbage - Beijing, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, garlic, onions - white and red, vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, berries and fruits) .

Instead of sugar, sweeteners with a zero glycemic and insulin index are used to sweeten dishes.

In addition to the weight loss menu, a wide range of detox programs are offered.Among them are: protein smoothie with bifidobacteria, fruit smoothie, cream soup and vegetable smoothie. A description of each of the cocktails can be found on the CleanFood website.

You can order home delivery of healthy food both on the website and by calling a consultant by phone. The convenient location of the pickup points will allow you to quickly get to them and pick up your order yourself, if necessary.

The cost of the program for a day cannot be called budgetary - a standard set at a price exceeds the cost of a similar one from a previous competitor by about 2 times - 1,500 rubles. Detox will cost a little less - 1,200 rubles. It is most profitable to order vegetarian dishes - the cost of the diet per day will be 1,100 rubles.

  • there are children's and vegetarian dishes;
  • sugar is not used for cooking;
  • the main ingredients are purchased only from the best manufacturers;
  • a large selection of dishes for every taste;
  • it is possible to draw up an individual diet based on the physique and physical activity of a person.
  • high price.

smart food

Address (legal): Chelyabinsk, st. Brothers Kashirin, d.86, room 1.

Contacts:☎ 8(905)804-97-63.

Delivery time: in the morning.

Official website on the Internet:

The service offers home delivery of the right food. It is aimed at people who are overweight, with health problems, with physical stress, lack of time, small children, etc. One diet is designed for a full day and 6 meals.

Nutrition programs are divided into male and female. Among women, the following can be distinguished:

  1. express figure (an integrated approach includes the right set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, aimed at accelerating metabolism, burning calories and designed for a long-term effect);
  2. beach season (a program for accelerated weight loss in 21 days, in the first three days a variety of cocktails and smoothies are offered, in the next 18 - sets of dishes designed for 6 meals a day and containing a reduced amount of calories and improving skin condition and normalizing digestion) ;
  3. a healthy body (only natural ingredients are used, the program is aimed at cleansing the body and removing toxins, mainly products with a low glycemic index and complex carbohydrates are used);
  4. summer lightness (seasonal program, the basis of the diet is seasonal vegetables and fruits. There are 3 calorie options to choose from - 1200, 1600, 2000 kcal. A feature of this program is the possibility of individualization - the set of products may vary depending on the preferences of the client);
  5. Smart-Bodybuild (the author's program of the famous trainer Dmitry Yashankin, is designed for athletes and those who periodically work out in the gym. It consists of 4 stages - weight loss, weight gain, strength gain, drying. The first stage is aimed at burning fat, the second - to increase muscle mass, the third - the selection of products in such a way as to obtain the maximum strength result, and the last - to form a beautiful muscle relief by burning the fat layer near the muscles);
  6. Detox (designed to cleanse the body of toxins, it is based on a variety of detox smoothies, detox water, smart-superfood (nuts, berries, cereals and dried fruits));
  7. Smart food light (three meals a day for weight loss - is a complete diet containing the optimal set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, when cooking, equipment with the cook&chill and sous-vide functions is used, which allows you to save all the nutrients and properties in the products; cooking control is carried out professional nutritionist)
  8. Unloading (aimed at the same time to reduce weight and cleanse the body, it is proposed to consume three detox cocktails per day and supplement them with three meals of solid food, while you can independently choose the duration of the program - from 5 to 10 days).

Programs for men are also quite diverse, differing from women's only in a greater focus on the formation of muscle relief.

A detailed overview of each of the programs can be studied on the organization's website, while it is best to contact a consultant who will tell you how much this or that set of products costs, which one is better to buy, and what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing.

Delivery of dishes designed for 6 meals is carried out daily and the courier can adjust to a convenient time for the client.

  • a large selection of programs to achieve specific goals;
  • any client can get free advice from a nutritionist and fitness trainer;
  • varied menu;
  • delivery at a convenient time for the client;
  • only natural ingredients are used for preparation.
  • complexes cannot be called inexpensive - most of them exceed the price of similar sets from other competitors.

Olimp food

Address (legal): Chelyabinsk, Lenin Ave., 15.

Phone:☎ 8 (800)-222-333-4.

Delivery time: order processing and delivery is carried out around the clock.

Official website on the Internet:

The organization specializes in preparing restaurant-quality diet meals and delivering them to customers' homes. Clients are offered a choice of several programs, the most interesting of them:

  1. Set "Slimness" - suitable for those who monitor the state of the figure and are trying to reduce weight. The set consists of dishes designed for 4 meals, the total calorie content is 1,100 kcal.
  2. The “Fitness” set is almost the same as the previous one, it differs from it only in one additional meal, the total calorie content is 1,300 kcal.
  3. The Fitness Pro set consists of 6 meals, its calorie content is 1,600 kcal.
  4. "Detox water" - is used for mild cleansing of the body, ideal for fasting days. The set includes 6 bottles for one day. For their manufacture, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts are used.

Many buyers will appreciate a handy calculator with which you can set the main parameters and characteristics of your body, and choose a program that suits a particular person. You can also place an order on the site by adding the desired set to the basket. You can also do this by calling the operator, who will help you choose the optimal complex, and also agree on the delivery time with you.

  • some of the sets have a budget cost;
  • order and delivery is carried out around the clock;
  • handy calculator on the site.
  • a small range of complexes.

fresh cup

Address: Chelyabinsk, Brothers Kashirin, 160.

Phone:☎ +7 909-744-51-06.

Delivery time: as agreed with the courier, self-delivery is possible.

Official website on the Internet:

The institution specializes in the preparation of sweets for athletes, as well as those who want to lose weight. All dishes are based on only natural ingredients - honey, nuts, fruits. All sets have a low calorie content, while allowing you to brighten up your diet with delicious and healthy desserts.

The most bought are Raspberry cream honey, Lime-ginger cream honey, Coconut-Almond cream honey, Orange cream honey, as well as a variety of peanut butter (“Classic”, “Date”, “ Coconut", "Chocolate-Hazelnut"). Little sweet tooth will be interested in sets of natural sweets - "Big Mix" (truffles, coconut, sesame, sunflower, poppy, honey) and "Mix" (coconut, truffle, poppy, sunflower, seed, sesame).

When buying several items at the same time, you can get a discount. An order can be placed directly on the site by “putting” the desired products into the virtual basket.

  • natural and useful composition;
  • when ordering a large batch, you can get a discount;
  • it is possible to pick up the order by self-delivery;
  • according to customer reviews, all products of this manufacturer have excellent taste.
  • a small range of products.

free line

Address: Chelyabinsk, Lenin Ave., 54.

Phone:☎ 8 (919) 357-50-56.

Delivery time: as agreed with the courier, from 18:00 to 22:00.

Official website on the Internet:

The institution specializes in the preparation and delivery of healthy food, the diet is designed for the whole day.According to the company, food preparation is made mainly from farm products (dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers are not used), nutrition programs are developed in conjunction with nutritionists. The 6 meals a day are delivered in containers, the food is completely ready to eat, it only needs to be warmed up. FreeLine nutrition kits can be attributed not to a diet, but to a healthy diet, which at the same time helps to reduce weight. All sets are varied, one dish is not repeated within 14 days.

It is impossible to place an order through the site, this is done so that the client can specify his wishes and preferences with the operator.

5 main programs are offered for ordering: active weight loss for women (1,100 kcal), smooth weight loss for women (1,400 kcal), active weight loss for men (1,600 kcal), smooth weight loss for men (1,800 kcal), vegetarian menu.

The programs are aimed at achieving the following goals: forming a healthy habit of eating the right foods and fractional portions, reducing weight by up to 15% of body weight per month, normalizing metabolism, increasing tone and improving overall well-being, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients, acquiring a beautiful body shape.

Clients are offered the opportunity to consult a professional nutritionist who uses modern diagnostic equipment to study the composition of the human body, as well as track how it reacts to the introduction of a diet and study the rate of weight loss. The nutritionist also controls the preparation of a diet with optimal calorie content, balanced in all micro and macro elements.

The vegetarian menu provides a complete, balanced and varied six meals a day for those who do not consume meat products. This menu allows you to reduce blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease, overweight and metabolic disorders. Among the additional bonuses of such a diet, one can note the cleansing of the body, energizing it and saturating it with vitamins.

  • varied and balanced diet;
  • according to customer reviews, excess weight goes away quickly and easily;
  • all dishes are developed based on the instructions of a professional nutritionist;
  • convenient site.
  • it is impossible to place an order through the site;
  • high cost of complexes.

Healthy cafe "Rada"

Address: Chelyabinsk, st. Freedom, 90.

Phone:☎ 8 (919) 776-33-44.

Delivery time: orders are accepted until 11:30, delivery is carried out from 12:00 to 15:00.

Official website on the Internet:

This establishment will be of interest to adherents of vegetarian cuisine who want to lose weight. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to order a full-fledged diet for the day, but the delivery of vegetarian lunches is carried out daily.

According to the creators of the cafe, all dishes are prepared only by employees who lead a "clean lifestyle" - do not drink alcohol, drugs, do not smoke cigarettes, do not eat meat, fish, eggs, and also daily engage in their spiritual development in a variety of techniques. Many dishes from the cafe will be appreciated even by avid meat-eaters - according to customers, hodgepodge from Rada tastes no different from that cooked with meat and sausage.Here you can buy not only main dishes, but also spices without additives, Adyghe cheese prepared in accordance with GOST and melted butter. In addition to the vegetarian menu, there are also vegan and raw food menus. For cooking, only natural, mostly farm products are used.

  • low cost of the order (the average cost of lunch is 250 rubles) including delivery;
  • user-friendly site with good navigation;
  • tasty and healthy food.
  • only lunches are offered for delivery, ordering a full ration for the day will not work.


Deciding which company's products are better is a difficult task for many of us. In order to make it easier for you, we have compiled a rating of organizations that offer only high-quality weight loss food with home delivery. Most of the companies reviewed offer various complexes designed for the whole day. Many of them are designed to stick to the nutrition program for several weeks, or even months.

For those who are not ready to eat only those dishes that are included in the program, one-time lunch delivery can be advised, such as, for example, offered by the Rada cafe.

Summing up, it must be said that home delivery of healthy food is a modern trend that is convenient for residents of large cities who do not have enough time to cook, wash dishes and go grocery shopping. The only problem that a client of this service may have is the high cost of the complexes, which not everyone can afford.

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