
  1. Where to learn makeup
  2. Beauty school or beauty bloggers?
  3. The best makeup courses in St. Petersburg
  4. The main criteria for choosing a makeup school

Best Makeup Schools and Courses in Saint Petersburg in 2022

Best Makeup Schools and Courses in Saint Petersburg in 2022

Professional makeup is not only high-quality and expensive cosmetics, but also the ability to correctly emphasize expressive facial features and hide imperfections. Plus, another rule of success is to follow the basic rules of color, that is, the right combination of colors, otherwise, instead of a luxurious make-up, you may end up with a parrot.

Everyone can learn how to competently do makeup, the main thing is to have strength, perseverance and patience, in the future efforts will pay off quickly. After all, there are many who need a luxurious image.

Where to learn makeup

How to learn professional makeup? There are several ways, the easiest is to contact a specialized school or beauty courses, of course, the services are paid. The training lasts approximately 1 - 3 months, although some courses can last up to 6 months, the duration of the training is already at the discretion of the students. The main thing is to choose the best school among those that teach the art of makeup in St. Petersburg.

The second way is the Internet. On the World Wide Web, you can easily find videos of various beauty bloggers telling and showing how to properly apply any kind of makeup, whether it's the usual drawing of arrows or the most popular trend - smoky eyes.

The third way is to purchase special literature. Store shelves are crammed with various personal care and makeup books. Nevertheless, this option is the most unproductive, since there are no examples, there is no one to repeat after. Books are theory, which without practice is practically useless. You can try to fill your hand, but it will be very difficult. Ideally, such Talmuds should be bought to expand skills, when basic knowledge and skills are fully mastered.

There are many disputes in thematic publics: where is it better to study, in special courses or with YouTube beauty bloggers. Each option has its pros and cons. But experienced professionals tend to courses. Since every year thematic beauty schools produce highly qualified workers in many areas of beauty and fashion. Self-study takes more time. This will be discussed in detail below. The article will present a rating of the best beauty courses in St. Petersburg, and tips on how to choose the right courses for your pocket and for your liking.

Beauty school or beauty bloggers?

As mentioned above, the advantage is on the side of specialized makeup artist training courses. One of the biggest benefits is time. Indeed, after all, experienced teachers will be able to prepare a first-class specialist in less than a year, and then, if we are talking about complex types of visage or theatrical makeup. In general, the duration of the course lasts up to three months. If we are talking about acquiring basic skills, then it takes about a month to learn.

The second point is the acquisition of experience. This is an undeniable advantage. Videos and online tutorials don't give you a basic understanding of makeup, there is no theory. Usually specific examples, and to find suitable lessons, you need to shovel through more than one hundred videos. After all, the foundations give rise to experience and success in the industry. Further, there is only one model in the videos, which can negatively affect the objective perception of appearance. Models are specially invited to the courses for practice, which helps to study the specifics of appearance, facial structure and proportions. Also, some courses offer to test several types of cosmetics, which is very convenient, because it is not necessary to purchase a whole case, because it is very expensive, and it often happens that a large number of brushes and tones are not used at all, because cosmetics are an intuitive matter.

The third point is a diploma. On the one hand, one can argue that a talented and skilled master needs a diploma, but, nevertheless, many beauty salons require it. Since this certificate is a guarantee that the master has mastered at least the basics of makeup art. And at first, it is more difficult for a beginner to prove himself without a diploma. And many schools practice internships and employment of graduates.

The fourth and last point is quick help and advice.You can learn makeup yourself, but for a long time. After all, learning is completely intuitive, by trial and error. You can search the Internet for answers to some questions, but no one will correct, help, everything is on your own. And it is much easier to practice with a master, he will “insure” in the right situation, help and explain.

The only negative is that makeup schools and courses are paid. This is logical, because teachers receive a salary, the cost of rent and material require serious financial investments. Many fear high prices and inadequate quality of education. You should not be afraid of the cost of training, as courses can be quite budgetary. It all depends on the prestige of the area, the number of branches and the price for renting the premises. You should not worry about the quality of education either, because the article specially selected those schools that have managed to establish themselves as the best. And training can be easily picked up at a loyal price.

The best makeup courses in St. Petersburg

Where can I find suitable makeup courses? Ads on the Internet are just full of headlines about the recruitment of students in a beauty school, so much so that you can get confused. On the one hand, there are a lot of them, on the other hand, it’s scary to throw money away. Therefore, the article contains a list of the best beauty courses, ranging from popular to recently opened, and managed to prove themselves.

In the ranking of the best, you can find not only elite schools, but also inexpensive makeup artist-stylist courses for acquiring basic makeup skills and basic knowledge. Courses of this kind will help you decide on makeup options and techniques in order to further hone your skills.There are times when a person understands that make-up is not his, you should not be upset either, because a little accumulated experience and knowledge of the basic rules will help create beauty for yourself. Some come to groups just for this.

The rating of the best stylist schools is compiled based on a large number of user reviews who did not regret their choice.


Address: st. Bolshaya Posadskaya, 16, office 302,

☎ Phone: +7 (981) 757-27-00,

Opening hours: Mon-Sun, 11.30-20.30.

Tuition fee: from 4,000 rubles. - 20,000 rubles.

The beauty school opened in 2010, and in 2012 began to teach beauty industries such as eyebrow architecture, pencil technique and smoky eyes. Despite the fact that these techniques are just an addition to beautiful makeup, a lot of time is devoted to them.

The course schedule is quite flexible, where everyone can choose a convenient visiting schedule. Up to 5 people are recruited into the group, as teachers strive to give everyone the right amount of time. After all, the quality of education is their responsibility. Beginners are offered general and basic courses, consisting of ten lessons, where they study in detail the architecture of the face, skin structure and color. These disciplines receive a lot of attention. The average price of the basic course is 18,900 rubles. Optionally, you can choose a basic course with an addition.

Professional models and ordinary people are invited to practice their skills. Since the future makeup artist must be able to work with different types of appearance. During practice, the teacher and assistant carefully monitor the work of students, prompt and help. Famous and successful stylists often come and hold free webinars and master classes.On the school website, you can see the portfolio of students and free video lessons to assess the quality of education.

  • Issuance of an international certificate;
  • The first lesson is free;
  • After completion of the basic course, a mandatory internship;
  • Working with several well-known brands of quality cosmetics;
  • Most of the lessons are practice based.
  • High price;
  • Installment payment is not provided.

Beauty Studio – BONDVISAGE

Address: st. m. Pionerskaya, Polikarpov alley, house 2,

☎ Phone: +7 (911) 266-21-07,

Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 8.30-19.00.

Tuition fee: from 18,000 rubles. - 40,000 rubles.

The Olga Bondarenko Beauty and Style School is one of the most famous and popular among fashion designers, makeup artists and hairdressers. During its existence, it has released many successful masters in the field of beauty and art. Olga herself is a professional make-up stylist with extensive experience, practicing not only in Russia but also abroad. He arranges master classes, webinars and teaches such specializations as wedding makeup and microblading.

In addition to professional make-up courses for celebrations, media and modeling, beginners are offered basic basic courses for client make-up. Selective courses of sculpting, eyebrow coloring and the basics of stylistic makeup are also possible.

Anyone can also choose suitable makeup basics courses from several proposed options, plus supplement if necessary. On average, the price for the basic course is 30,000 rubles. at 120 academic hours.

For practice, you can either invite models yourself or work with incoming models. Often there are situations that models may not be enough.The school works with two brands of professional cosmetics: Revecen and Aery JO. Other brands are also welcome. Every week, various master classes and consultations are held, where they will additionally help to sort out difficult moments.

  • A diploma is issued after the completion of the course;
  • Provide beginners with cosmetics and tools;
  • Mandatory practice and internship with subsequent employment;
  • Work with many types of cosmetics;
  • You can choose your favorite training package.
  • Internships abroad are not practiced;
  • It is better to look for models on your own, as the provided ones may not be enough.

Art-studio of beauty and make-up – VIRGINIA VERC

Address: st. Uralskaya, house 13I,

☎ Phone: +7(950) 000-63-89,

Opening hours: Mon-Sun, 10.30-19.00.

Tuition fee: from 18,000 rubles. - 45,000 rubles.

The school was founded by a leading specialist in the field of fine arts - Virginia Wertz. A master with vast experience and a practicing specialist in well-known French beauty salons. The studio brings together the best teachers and practicing masters, as well as multiple winners of beauty contests.

VIRGINIA VERC is the only studio in the city with its own photo zone. Many are attracted by the luxurious interior and modern equipment. The curriculum is updated every year in accordance with current trends. Teachers attend various trainings and webinars in order to. To keep abreast of new trends and share them with your students.

Groups, as befits good educational institutions, are small, no more than 5 people. Each student is given due attention and, if necessary, additional hours are allocated for consultations. Despite the level of knowledge, all students are invited to free master classes, trainings and conferences.

To develop skills, they invite models and organize photo shoots for a portfolio that will help with employment. The best students take part in international make-up competitions.

A basic make-up course is the first step for a beginner to a professional one. This course includes a theoretical part and a practical part, where they will teach the basics of evening and day makeup. Also, a lot of time is devoted to creating the perfect tone for any color and skin type. How much does such a course cost, the price is democratic - 25,000 rubles. for 45 academic hours. Additionally, they offer training in the basics of eyebrow correction - 2000 rubles. for three class hours.

  • A certificate is issued to graduates;
  • Upon admission, everyone receives a set of brushes as a gift;
  • All graduates have guaranteed employment;
  • Work with many types of cosmetics;
  • A place where the full basic course is cheaper than in many popular and well-known studios;
  • For the portfolio, free photo shoots of models are organized in the studio itself.
  • No installment payment options;
  • The training package is standard.

Beauty school of Maria Kalashnikova

Address: Staro-Petergofsky pr., 34, building 407,

☎ Phone: +7 (981) 765 45 45,

Working hours: Mon-Fri, 8.30-19.00.

Tuition fee: from 12,000 rubles. - 32,000 rubles.

The school is one of the best in Russia. Highly qualified masters have trained more than 3,000 successful makeup artists over the 8 years of the studio's existence. Every year, hundreds of girls from different countries come to study, as the studio was able to establish itself from the first years, having gained a brilliant reputation.

Training takes place in two branches: a professional make-up artist and a hair stylist. They also accept beginners in groups for basic makeup courses, the price of which is 27,000 rubles for 50 academic hours.Students are offered test kits of cosmetics and various tools for temporary use, which significantly saves money at first. More advanced and experienced students are offered additional courses in permanent makeup, smokey makeup, eyebrow correction, eyelash extensions and various make-up styles, including nude.

For successful practice, future make-up artists are provided with models. The process takes place under the close attention of teachers, especially the first attempts. After completing the courses, each graduate is given a graduation diploma and is offered an internship in good beauty salons to choose from.

Each visitor can get acquainted with the curriculum and watch the lectures and practice. There is a possibility of installment and monthly payment. When making the full amount, the discount can be up to 15-20%.

  • Each graduate receives a certificate;
  • Beginners are offered a test set of cosmetics and tools for the duration of training;
  • All comers have a guaranteed internship in good beauty salons;
  • The place where the best value for money;
  • Models for practice are provided by the school itself, you do not need to look for it yourself;
  • Discount up to 20% when paying the full amount of tuition;
  • The most loyal prices.
  • Working with a cosmetics company.

Juno Beauty School

☎ Contact phone +7 812 982-90-99

Address: Kamennoostrovsky pr. 26-28, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily 10:00 – 21:00

This institution in the staff of teachers brought together leading experts in the field of the beauty industry. Training is conducted in two courses: hairdressing and makeup.

The art of make-up is taught here by teachers whose professional background includes not only practical experience and teaching experience, but also participation, as well as victories in competitions and championships, including international ones.

The basic course includes several stages of training:

  • Stage 1 will cost 15,500 rubles per course, classes are held for 8 days:
  • Stage 2 - terms and prices are similar.

The schedule is built in such a way that the above two courses follow each other, which allows you to consistently study the art of visage.

You can save on programs by purchasing the entire course, you can choose to study in the daytime or in the evening. In the case of a complete purchase, two steps will cost 29,000 rudders.

There is a separate course “Makeup artist of the 5th category”, which, in addition to the first two steps, includes the third, the duration of the entire program is 20 days, the cost is 39,500 rubles.

They also train established makeup artists at the school, programs have been developed for them:

  • Colorology - individual training, duration - 3 days, price - 10,000 rubles.
  • Make-up Artist is the 3rd stage of the basic course, it takes 4 days to study, the cost is 8500 rubles.

Target master classes are also held within the walls of the school, you can also get the necessary makeup skills for yourself.

  • A wide range of programs for students of different levels of training and goals;
  • Students are provided with professional cosmetics;
  • A training contract can be concluded by paying only 50% of the cost.
  • Not a very large portfolio specifically for make-up, mostly only hairdressing;
  • You must have your own brushes.

Make-up Designers

Address: st. Botkinskaya, 15/1, St. Petersburg

E-mail adress:

☎ Contact phone +7 812 380 88 30

Opening hours: daily except Sunday from 9 am to 9 pm

The school in St. Petersburg is a partner structural subdivision of a company that originated in the USA in 1997, its origins were a group of successful makeup artists who set themselves the task of creating an educational institution where students comfortably immerse themselves in learning, and as a result, the beauty industry receives high-class specialists. There are partner schools all over the world today.

The school offers a wide range of courses in the art of makeup, there are basic programs and highly specialized ones for professionals.

The basic course includes 3 steps, the first is the minimum necessary base, the second provides an opportunity to master more complex techniques, the third is a more capacious program that will allow not only to hone the previously studied aspects, but also to comprehend the basics of hairdressing and portfolio development methods.

As for individual courses, the school offers:

  • A course on the basics of beauty, where the most popular make-up techniques are deeply studied;
  • Program for training in applying makeup in the technique of airbrushing;
  • wedding make-up;
  • Studio make-up and a number of others.

As for the cost, it depends on the course, for example, airbrushing technique training will cost 28,900 rubles, and bridal makeup - 25,400 rubles. This cost includes registration of an international diploma in the USA.

Students are provided with sets of professional cosmetics, but they are paid additionally, from 20,000 rubles.

  • Obtaining an international diploma as a result of training;
  • The widest range of programs;
  • Comfortable learning conditions;
  • It is possible to book a place on the course in advance, paying only a part of the amount.
  • High prices for the training itself and professional cosmetics used in the process;
  • The site is not informative in terms of teaching staff and portfolio;
  • The presence of a non-refundable amount of 15,000 rubles in case of refusal of training.

Fashion Look Beauty School


— Tramway avenue 12 building 2 (m. Leninsky pr.)

— Prospect Veteranov 35 (m. Veteranov pr.)

— Shvetsova street 12 building 2 (metro station Narvskaya)

☎ Contact phone: +7(931) 221-99-01

Working hours: from 9:00 to 22:00 seven days a week

The school has an international status. The teachers have an impressive experience of practical work and teaching, most of them have experience of participating in international competitions or improved their skills at the courses of leading make-up masters.

Here they teach not only the art of make-up, but also train hair stylists, nail artists.

As for make-up, programs have been developed:

  • Makeup stylist;
  • Make-up course "Make-up artist";
  • Makeup for yourself.

And also master classes are organized: Wedding, catwalk, Fantasy age makeup, classes are held to study individual techniques.

As for the cost, it depends on the chosen course, as well as the desire to study in a group or individually. So, for example, the stylist-make-up artist program costs 24,000 rubles in a group and 28,000 individually.

  • The presence of a portfolio of students on the site;
  • A large number of programs;
  • The cost of training includes a full set of tools, professional cosmetics and modeling services;
  • The diploma is issued in two languages ​​(for individual courses).
  • Reviews on the site two years or more ago.

The main criteria for choosing a makeup school

Before choosing the right courses, you need to consider several factors:

  • The cost of the course, which does not always indicate the quality of training of future professionals. Most often, it consists of the demand for the school itself, the cost of rent and location;
  • Certificate of graduation from the beauty school. The debate about the need for this document will not fade away in any way. Although paper is a 100% guarantee that a beginner will get a job in a good salon. Especially if the diploma has an international standard;
  • Watches also play an important role in choosing the right courses, as weekly makeup courses are unlikely to turn a beginner into a professional. Each school has its own training program and prepares masters for different profiles, what you should know. It is better to talk in detail with the teacher or administrator, where everything will be explained in detail;
  • Teachers are an important factor in course selection. Preferably experienced masters and winners of beauty contests, or just practitioners with a long work experience. The best make-up teachers don't necessarily practice in elite and reputed schools;
  • Materials. Preferably schools that provide temporary use of cosmetics and tools. Before entering, it is important to know on what and on what cosmetics training is carried out. The line should be professional, high-quality and hypoallergenic. Since in the future, it will have to work with her. According to the same criterion, it is better to choose courses that work with several decorative cosmetics companies, so it will be easier to choose your own;
  • Models. Theoretical knowledge is good, but without practice it is useless. The more practice, the higher the qualification.But it is difficult to find the number of girls for makeup on your own, so most of the courses took up this task.

The list of necessary criteria turned out to be rather big, but it will help the beginner to choose the right make-up school from the motley ad. The schools included in the ranking of the best have all the necessary criteria. But still, before choosing, it is better to go through the institutions and observe the learning process itself. To learn about the availability of accreditation, diplomas and compliance with standards, such information is provided to those who wish. And then you can already clearly understand where it is better to turn.

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