
  1. What is special about baby wipes
  2. List of the best baby wipes

The best wipes for newborns in 2022

The best wipes for newborns in 2022

Such a hygiene product as wet wipes appeared in the everyday life of young parents a little more than a dozen years ago. Now every family with a small child cannot imagine their life without this convenient tool. Wet wipes make baby care much easier. With their help, you can quickly change the baby's diaper, wipe his hands or face. There are many different baby wipes on the market. Therefore, making the right choice can be difficult.

What is special about baby wipes

This hygiene product makes it easy to do without water. They can be used on a walk, while visiting a clinic, in transport or in nature. A moistened soft cloth is suitable for wiping the hands, face and other parts of the child's body.But pediatricians advise to use plain water to cleanse children's skin, and leave sanitary napkins for emergencies.

It should be borne in mind that not all brands of hygiene products are equally good, high-quality and safe for delicate skin. Therefore, you need to choose baby wipes responsibly so as not to harm the delicate skin of the baby.

What are the requirements for hygiene products for babies

All baby sanitary napkins are checked for compliance with several parameters:

  • They should not contain substances potentially harmful to the child's skin;
  • Products should be with a neutral aroma, without a pungent odor and strong fragrance;
  • To prevent rashes on the baby's skin, preference is given to products labeled "Hypoallergenic";
  • Choose products of well-known brands;
  • The composition of the impregnation should contain plant extracts. It is best to choose herbs such as chamomile, string, celandine, sage.

For babies born prematurely, wet wipes are not used, even if they are of very high quality. In such children, the skin is very delicate and reacts negatively to any cosmetic products.

Rules for choosing a hygiene product

Before you decide on a particular product, it is important to study its main characteristics. In this case, the selected product will only benefit the child.

Products must be made from a material with high hygroscopicity. It is preferable to choose products that are made from natural non-woven material. They must be strong and soft. Most often they are made from spunlace or spunbond. Both of these materials have excellent characteristics, but the first is much more widespread.

It is important to choose products with high-quality impregnation.The substances included in its composition must be safe, not harmful to the child. It is best to choose impregnation from natural ingredients. Also, there should be natural oils, vitamins, plant extracts. True, for long-term storage, preservatives are added to the impregnation. This is necessary so that fungus or mold does not form on the napkins.

Manufacturers are sometimes silent about the full composition of the impregnation and do not indicate potentially harmful ingredients. But you should refuse to buy a hygiene product if it includes:

  • Ethyl alcohol, which dries out the delicate skin of the baby;
  • Fragrances and fragrances are often the cause of an allergic reaction;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate causes irritation and dries out the epidermis;
  • Phthalate and parabens, which are added to the product to make it softer.

On sale there are children's hygiene products of different sizes. In this case, the package may contain a different number of products. If the package is needed while walking on the street, it is more convenient to purchase a small package, which contains no more than 30 pieces. For daily use at home, it is better to buy a large package of 60 pieces.

One of the important points that cannot be ignored is the date of manufacture. When buying a package of napkins, it is important to look at when they are made. It is preferable to buy napkins with a fresh date. It is unacceptable for a child to buy an expired product or one whose expiration date is about to expire. Such hygiene products are not able to qualitatively clean the delicate skin.

Packaging must be carefully inspected before purchase. It should not show signs of opening or damage. You should not buy a product if the window on it does not open well or the napkins stick together.

You should not buy hygiene products for your baby in the first store you come across, in the market or from casual acquaintances. It is better to buy wet wipes for baby care from a well-known pharmacy with a good reputation. Then you can be sure of the quality of products and safety for the health of the child.

List of the best baby wipes


Wet wipes from the well-known Merries brand treat delicate baby skin with special care. They can wash off impurities and moisturize the skin. According to pediatricians, these products can be safely used from the birth of the baby. Hygiene products are convenient to change a baby's diaper, wipe your mouth while feeding, hands while walking, visiting a clinic or visiting.

The wipes are made so that there is no need to rub the baby's skin several times. This reduces the likelihood of irritated and reddened areas. For impregnation of napkins, a special cleansing lotion is used to facilitate care procedures.

Merries napkins

  • recommended from the first days of life;
  • cotton fiber is used as the basis;
  • the composition includes a natural moisturizer that protects the skin of the baby from irritation;
  • the acidity of the impregnation corresponds to the skin;
  • suitable for cleansing the epidermis on the hands or body;
  • in the composition of the impregnation there are no alcohol components and flavorings;
  • you can buy a separate replacement block for hard packaging.
  • high price.

The average cost of a package containing 54 wipes is 630 rubles.


These wet wipes are made in France. They are intended for cleansing the face area, but if necessary, they can also be used to remove contaminants on the body.The manufacturer assures that this hygiene product is allowed to be used from birth. They are designed in such a way that they minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction in a child. Mustela Hygiene Impregnation contains natural avocado oil, which strengthens the skin barrier and preserves its resources. After using wipes, baby's skin remains soft and moisturized. Most of the impregnation ingredients and wipe base are made entirely from natural ingredients.

Mustela napkins
  • natural ingredients;
  • strengthens local immunity;
  • effectively cleanses the skin;
  • recommended for young children from birth;
  • after use, children's skin receives high-quality cleansing and hydration;
  • suitable for cleansing the entire body.
  • high price.

The average cost of a pack of 25 pieces is 650 rubles.

Bambino Mio

Bambino Mio hygiene products are produced in the UK. They are designed to cleanse the entire surface of the child's body. According to the manufacturer, these wet wipes will not harm the baby if used from birth. They prevent the formation of diaper rash and do not lead to an allergic reaction. For the manufacture of these wipes, only natural natural ingredients are used. Due to this, the hygienic product is suitable for any type of skin.

The products are completely biodegradable and do not pollute the environment. The basis is natural cotton fiber. The composition of the impregnation includes vegetable oils and extracts from pink geranium, pharmacy chamomile and aloe vera. It does not contain any harmful ingredients.

Bambino Mio wipes
  • completely from natural ingredients;
  • the composition of the impregnation includes natural oils and plant extracts;
  • no parabens, alcohol components, chlorine;
  • clean well;
  • decompose after use.
  • high price.

The average price of a pack of 60 pieces is 400 rubles.

Mommy Care

These hygiene products are made in Israel. Products are positioned as organic. For the manufacture of napkins, viscose fibers are used in the form of non-woven material. These wipes are very soft. The material is completely biodegradable, so it does not pollute the environment. The composition of the impregnation also consists entirely of natural ingredients, including aloe extract, rosemary extract, chamomile and vitamin E. The impregnation does not contain harmful substances and flavors.

Mommy care wipes
  • organic products;
  • completely natural materials and impregnation ingredients;
  • contains oils and ingredients that are beneficial for baby's skin;
  • takes care of the skin of the child;
  • big package.
  • expensive products.

The average cost of a package of 72 pieces is 530 rubles.

Huggies Elite Soft

Russian-made wet wipes cleanse the skin so gently and gently that the manufacturer recommends using them for newborns. Purified water is used as an impregnation for these hygiene products. Thanks to this, after the hygienic procedure, there is no stickiness on the skin of the child. The product has a multilayer structure. Therefore, it perfectly absorbs all the dirt. To clean medium dirt, in most cases, just one cloth is enough.

Huggies Elite Soft wipes
  • three layers of dense, highly absorbent natural fiber material;
  • impregnation from purified water;
  • baby's skin is cleansed gently and effectively;
  • napkins, despite the strength, are very lush and soft;
  • do not provoke an allergic reaction;
  • does not contain parabens;
  • no alcohol components;
  • no fragrance;
  • balanced natural composition of the impregnation;
  • a lot of napkins in the package;
  • acceptable price.
  • not found.

The average cost of a package of 128 pieces is 230 rubles.

Pampers Baby Fresh Clean

Products made in Poland are intended for daily hygiene procedures for a child. It gives a feeling of freshness and can replace traditional bathing. The basis is a soft non-woven material made from natural fibers. Impregnation consists of soft ingredients that give freshness to children's skin. Wet wipes of this brand have a moisturizing effect and care for the skin. They are especially recommended for sensitive skin.

Pampers Baby Fresh Clean wipes
  • patented soft texture;
  • for impregnation, a lotion with an extract of pharmaceutical chamomile is used;
  • does not contain alcohol components;
  • products have been dermatologically tested;
  • inexpensive.
  • not detected.

On average, the cost of a package of 64 wipes is 130 rubles.


The products of this brand are also produced in Russia. Wet wipes were developed specifically for cleansing and caring for the delicate skin of a child of any age. They can be used by babies from birth. It is also recommended to use such wet wipes for adults with sensitive skin.For impregnation, these sanitary napkins use a mild lotion containing an extract of aloe vera.

It has a softening effect, reduces irritation and moisturizes the epidermis. The economical packaging is made with a special valve. It prevents the product from drying out and keeps the wipes moist for a long time. The basis is a non-woven fabric made of durable natural fibers. Thanks to them, the product is not torn and does not stretch. It can be used both for walking and for use at home. It is allowed to use this product for children from birth.

Inseense napkins
  • durable natural fiber as a base;
  • lotion with plant extracts is used as an impregnation;
  • the packaging has a valve to prevent drying out;
  • can be used for newborns;
  • low price.
  • not detected.

The average price of a package of 88 pieces is 100 rubles.


The products of the Russian brand are made in China. According to the manufacturer, these wipes can be used to wipe dirt from the delicate skin of newborns. Napkins are very soft, thanks to the voluminous texture. Therefore, cleansing is carried out especially gently, but effectively. As an impregnation, a lotion made from natural ingredients is used. It does not contain alcohol components, fragrances or fragrances. The acidity of the impregnation is neutral, which is especially important for the skin of a child. Thanks to these wipes, you can quickly and easily change a baby's diaper at home or on a walk. Performing daily hygiene procedures with these wipes is easy and convenient.

Napkins Yokosun
  • suitable as a cleanser for newborns;
  • impregnation from natural ingredients;
  • does not contain harmful ingredients;
  • natural fiber is used as the basis;
  • has a neutral acidity impregnation;
  • acceptable price.
  • made in China.

The average price of a pack of 64 pieces is 100 rubles.


These wet wipes are made in the UK. Impregnation from natural ingredients for the most part consists of water, to which moisturizing, cleansing and antibacterial ingredients are added in a small amount. It has no smell, does not cause allergies. For the production of these napkins, a new technology "hot wind" is used. Thanks to it, the base material acquires a special softness, is cleansed of all contaminants and becomes sterile. This product takes care of your baby's skin.

napkins Lovular
  • does not provoke an allergic reaction;
  • suitable for babies from the first days of life;
  • natural materials for the manufacture of the base and impregnation;
  • new technology is used during production;
  • affordable price.
  • not detected.

On average, the price of a package of 64 pieces is 95 rubles.

No. p / pNameProducing countryNumber of wipes per packprice, rub.
4Bambino MioGreat Britain60400
5Mommy CareIsrael72530
6Huggies Elite SoftRussia128230
7Pampers Baby Fresh CleanPoland64130
10LovularGreat Britain6495

Napkins are available from many brands that produce baby hygiene products. But you need to choose not only by price or the degree of fame of the manufacturer. It is important to look at the composition of the product and the expiration date. Do not use expired wipes or products from an unknown manufacturer, risking the health of the child.

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