
  1. How to choose the best maternity hospital
  2. What to look for when choosing a maternity hospital
  3. What is included in the "alarm suitcase"
  4. Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Kazan for 2022

The best maternity hospitals in Kazan in 2022

The best maternity hospitals in Kazan in 2022

Women preparing for motherhood will have to make a difficult choice - to determine the maternity hospital in which her baby will be born. Nowadays, on the Internet you can see sites with ratings and reviews about maternity hospitals. But are they always objective? We have to make a review of the best maternity hospitals in Kazan and make our rating based on the quality and cost of services in these institutions.

How to choose the best maternity hospital

When choosing a maternity hospital, you should not pay attention to how many newborns per bed, since this parameter can change under certain circumstances. First of all, this happens during the period when the maternity hospital is closed for preventive or repair work.

In addition, in many maternity hospitals, women in labor with babies are discharged after three to four days, provided that there is no pathology. But at the same time, some maternity hospitals have a special direction and accept pregnant women within their walls who have certain difficulties in bearing children and giving birth themselves. In such institutions, women in labor are kept for a long time. Therefore, naturally, their rating is much lower.

If we talk about paid and free childbirth, then in this case it is necessary to take into account that according to the “Program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation”, only additional services can be paid in maternity hospitals, but not the birth itself. At the same time, the quality of these services is completely different in each individual maternity hospital.

What to look for when choosing a maternity hospital

The choice of a maternity hospital must be made in advance. Because it depends on how the pregnancy will proceed and on the health of the mother and child how the birth will go. When making a choice, first of all, you need to do the following:

Choose a doctor

This is the main factor on which the course of childbirth completely depends.In this case, it should be borne in mind that it is best to learn about a specialist from friends, but not from the Internet. Because not all reviews here are objective.

After you have decided on the choice of a specialist, you need to sign up for a consultation with him. And at the same time find out how qualified the doctor is, and how much work experience he has. This information can be obtained from certificates and diplomas.

If you have a good impression of meeting the doctor, then you need to discuss the plan for managing pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, with the hospital in which you plan to lie, you need to conclude an agreement in which the condition for the presence of the doctor of your choice at the birth will be discussed. Only thanks to this document there are guarantees that the doctor will take delivery.

You need to decide on the location of the maternity hospital

According to the birth certificate, a pregnant woman can apply to any maternity hospital for assistance during childbirth. But it's best to find out which one is closest to your home. It is important to find out all living conditions, maternity hospital equipment, quality of service. If all these parameters do not suit a woman, you can look for an institution in a more remote area. However, you need to take into account that in an emergency, an ambulance will take the woman in labor to the nearest maternity hospital.

Paid and free services in the maternity hospital

In most maternity hospitals, expectant mothers are offered paid services during pregnancy and during childbirth. The list includes:

  • Constant monitoring of medical personnel during childbirth and during the period of stay in an institution with a newborn;
  • Observation of a pregnant woman from a period of 36 weeks, during childbirth and for four weeks in the postpartum period;
  • The presence of the future father at birth;
  • Labor pain relief or caesarean section at the request of the woman;
  • Ability to give birth in a separate room;
  • The ability to invite a personal doctor to the birth, who will lead the process;
  • Invitation of a pediatrician;
  • Relief measures during childbirth. For example: the use of a fitball, aromatherapy, childbirth in a vertical position, childbirth in water, musical accompaniment of childbirth;
  • Disposable tools;
  • Booked place in the maternity hospital, selected in advance, in the early period;
  • Food;
  • Examination in the postpartum period and carrying out the necessary procedures;
  • Teaching young mothers to breastfeed their babies;
  • Comfortable conditions during your stay in the maternity hospital, namely: a separate room, shower, TV.

It is worth noting that this list, which is included in the contract, which is signed by the future woman in labor, has a significant difference in different maternity hospitals. For this reason, you must first familiarize yourself with the conditions of different maternity hospitals and choose the one that suits you best. Only then sign the document.

In addition, similar services are provided in free maternity hospitals, you need to find out about this in advance.

How should a maternity hospital be equipped

Each maternity hospital must have an intensive care unit. Here, first aid is provided in emergency cases for both the mother and the newborn baby. In addition, the hospital must have:

  • ECG;
  • ECHO-cardiography;
  • Dopplerography;
  • brain ultrasound;
  • Cardiomonitoring;
  • artificial respiration apparatus;
  • blood transfusion station.

At the same time, all equipment must be modern and in excellent working order.

Maternity hospital

For those women who have identified any pathology, it is best to opt for a maternity hospital located at the hospital.It can be heart problems, kidney disease, endocrine system. As well as diseases from the field of surgery, the possibility of premature birth and other pathologies. In this case, the hospital will immediately provide the necessary medical care to both the woman in labor and the baby.

Documents required during childbirth

A woman must bring the following documents with her to the maternity hospital:

  • The passport;
  • A map that was kept in the antenatal clinic throughout the entire period of pregnancy with the presence of all tests in it;
  • Compulsory health insurance policy;
  • Agreement;
  • Birth certificate.

Are women allowed to give birth at home?

Some pregnant women are interested in this issue. Doctors have a negative attitude towards such wishes, since no one can foresee any complications during childbirth. And at home it is difficult to provide the necessary assistance. In addition, in case of complications, the doctor may not have time to deliver the woman in labor or the child to the hospital to provide the necessary assistance. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and give birth in institutions specially designed for this.

Childbirth abroad

During the first and second trimester of pregnancy, a woman can only travel to another country with the permission of a doctor. At the same time, one should not forget about the difference in climatic conditions between countries. Therefore, giving birth in another country can harm the health of the baby.

What is included in the "alarm suitcase"

A pregnant woman in the last stages of pregnancy should prepare the so-called "alarm suitcase". It must contain the following things:

  1. Robe;
  2. A nightgown that has a fastener on the chest or a large neckline;
  3. Two special bras designed for breastfeeding;
  4. Packing of breast pads;
  5. Five pieces of disposable underwear;
  6. Packing of feminine hygiene pads;
  7. Two pairs of socks;
  8. Two towels, one of which is for the shower, the second for hands and face;
  9. Slippers;
  10. Hygiene products, which include:
  • toilet soap;
  • gel for intimate hygiene;
  • shower gel;
  • toilet paper;
  • paper towels;
  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • hand cream;
  • deodorant;
  1. hair dryer;
  2. comb;
  3. hairpin.

In addition, you need to put things for the future baby in the suitcase:

  • The two smallest bonnets;
  • Packing diapers for a child from two to five kilograms;
  • Liquid baby soap;
  • Packaging of soft paper napkins;
  • A package of wet wipes, but without alcohol in the composition.

The first aid kit should contain:

  • Cream for nipples;
  • Prenatal vitamins;
  • Ointment for diaper rash.

In addition, they take with them;

  1. Two liters of drinking water;
  2. Phone with charger
  3. Camera;
  4. Literature for reading;
  5. From edible:
  • yogurt;
  • diet cookies;
  • tea;
  • sugar;
  1. Table and teaspoon;
  2. Cup;
  3. Boiler (in the absence of a dispenser in the department).

To prepare for discharge, you must also put the following things:

Set for discharge of a newborn;

  1. Blanket;
  2. Clothes for mom
  3. Shoes;
  4. Cosmetic accessories.

All things must be signed, which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the woman in labor, her phone number, doctor.

Upon discharge from the hospital, you must take the following documents:

  • Extract from the hospital for a woman in labor and a baby;
  • Help for presentation to the registry office;
  • Recommendations and conclusion of the doctor, which indicates the procedures and drugs used for the baby.

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Kazan for 2022

In Kazan, women who are preparing to become mothers will always receive the necessary medical care in each of the maternity hospitals. To do this, they are equipped with everything necessary.

Maternity Hospital of the City Clinical Hospital No. 16

This institution was previously known as maternity hospital No. 4. This maternity hospital is designed to serve women in the Moscow region. In addition, women from all over the republic applied here. This institution also provides assistance to young teenage girls who have the imprudence to become pregnant.

The maternity hospital is fully equipped with modern equipment. It is possible to diagnose and treat pathologies both in the mother and in the unborn child. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to reduce the birth rate of children with abnormal deviations. Paid childbirth will cost 20,000 rubles.

Location address: st. Gagarina, 54

phone: +7 (843) 560-66-52.

  • Modern equipment;
  • Quality service.
  • No.

Maternity Hospital No. 2 - (City Clinical Hospital No. 7)

In this institution, women are helped to maintain their pregnancy in case of a threatened miscarriage. In addition, women who have infectious diseases are admitted here. The institution has 60 beds. At the same time, the maternity hospital is equipped with a modern laboratory, there is an ultrasound, electrocardiotocographs, and an amnioscope. The birth of a child here will cost around 10,000 rubles.

Located at: st. Gagarina, 97

phone for inquiries: +7 (843) 564-58-01

  • Modern equipment;
  • Qualified specialists;
  • Quality care.
  • No.

Maternity Hospital of the University Clinic of KFU – Kazan

This clinic employs specialists with extensive experience and high qualifications.They provide both prenatal and postnatal care. An approach to the management of childbirth using highly qualified techniques. At the same time, comfortable conditions are created for women in labor during their stay in the clinic. Services in this maternity hospital cost a little more than 10,000 rubles.

Location: st. Bolshaya Krasnaya, 51

phone: +7 (843) 238-54-92

  • Availability of highly qualified specialists;
  • Comfort for women in labor;
  • Modern equipment.
  • No.

Maternity Hospital No. 1 - (City Clinical Hospital No. 7)

This maternity hospital provides free medical services of all kinds in the presence of a health insurance policy and a birth certificate. The cost of paid services under a contract with a doctor and a midwife is 35,000 rubles.

Located at st. Marshal Chuikov, 56

phone +7 (843) 521-40-89.

  • Modern equipment;
  • Qualified help;
  • Coziness and comfort for women in labor.
  • High contract value.

Perinatal Center of the Republican Clinical Hospital

This center provides all kinds of services to women in labor and newborns. It has its own intensive care, department of anesthesiology and resuscitation. The contract with the center will cost 28,000 rubles.

Located at st. Orenburg tract, 138, building D

phone +7 (843) 231-20-85

  • Quality service for women;
  • Timely provision of medical care;
  • Modern equipment.
  • No.

Maternity hospital of city hospital №4

This is one of the departments of the city hospital. Services for women in childbirth are provided completely free of charge.

Located at st. Stolyarova, 39

phone +7 (843) 554-34-17

  • Modern equipment;
  • Availability of doctors for the timely provision of medical care.
  • No.

Maternity Hospital №3 named after V.S. Gruzdev

Women in labor who come here to give birth at a residence permit do not pay for services, but for "strangers" the contract will cost 11,000 rubles.

Located at the address: Tolstoy street, 4.

Phone (8432) 643654

  • Timely provision of medical care;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Qualified doctors.
  • No.

Maternity department of the clinic "AVA-Kazan"

This is the only maternity hospital in Kazan where pregnancy and childbirth are carried out on a paid basis. Here the birth of a child will not be cheap. The price list is as follows:

  • Physiological childbirth - 105,000 R;
  • Caesarean section - 125,000 R;
  • Physiological childbirth (Multiple pregnancy) - 115,000 R;
  • Cesarean section (Multiple pregnancy) - 135,000 R.

It is located at Astronomicheskaya / Profsoyuznaya street, 15/19.

Phone: (843) 200-10-65.

  • Qualified specialists;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Comfortable conditions for women in labor.
  • High cost of services.

We made an overview of maternity hospitals in Kazan, showed their advantages and disadvantages. Where women give birth is their choice. The main thing is that the kids are healthy.

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