
  1. Maternity hospital - description of the institution
  2. How to choose a maternity hospital
  3. Rating of maternity hospitals

The best maternity hospitals in Yekaterinburg in 2022

The best maternity hospitals in Yekaterinburg in 2022

A maternity hospital is an institution that provides medical care to women who are preparing to become a mother. Here they come immediately before the appearance of the baby. Help is provided during childbirth, as well as after them. A newborn child is under constant medical supervision during the stay in the maternity hospital. How to choose the best maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg, we will tell in this article

Maternity hospital - description of the institution

As part of the maternity hospital, the following departments are required:

  • Women's consultation;
  • Hospital;
  • Obstetric department;
  • Department for pregnant women with pathology;
  • Observational obstetric department;
  • Wards for newborns;
  • Department of gynecology.

Medical monitoring of the course of pregnancy in women begins from the first days until the very moment of childbirth. When staying in a maternity hospital, a woman and her child are isolated for a certain period from the environment, and they are in sterile conditions. Sick women in labor are also isolated.

Maternity hospitals began their existence since the time of Tsar Nicholas II, in 1897. It was then that he ordered the creation of a special institution so that women would no longer give birth on the streets. At that time, women who gave birth in the maternity hospital were poor from humble families. During the existence of the Soviet Union, a large number of maternity hospitals were created, where qualified medical workers worked.

How to choose a maternity hospital

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother from the first days begins to plan her birth. She buys the essentials for visiting the maternity hospital and chooses the maternity hospital itself. Of course, it is much easier for women who live in a city where there is only one maternity hospital. Everything is clear here. And what about those pregnant women who live in a big city, for example, Yekaterinburg? There are a large number of such institutions here. Which of the maternity hospitals in Yekaterinburg is the best in 2022?

Every woman wants to give birth to a baby in the most comfortable conditions, where medical staff will provide qualified assistance. Many start from the recommendations of friends or relatives, and some seek information on their own. In our article, we will help you make the right choice.

Where to start choosing?

When choosing a maternity hospital, you need to take into account the fact that each woman is individual and what one likes, another may not like. Therefore, you should not listen to other people's advice, but it is best to trust your intuition and taste. First of all, you need to pay attention to the conditions that are offered to the expectant mother. Indeed, in order for childbirth to take place with maximum success, the most insignificant trifle can have a very big impact. Therefore, first of all, you need to visit the institution of interest and discuss with the administration all the nuances.

It is the employees of the maternity hospital who should tell you about the conditions in which you will have to give birth, about what you need to have with you for the period of your stay in the maternity hospital. Thanks to this, in the process of giving birth to a baby, there will be no unforeseen situations and unpleasant surprises. The most important aspects that you need to pay attention to first of all are:

  1. The sanitary and hygienic condition of the institution and the conditions in which the pregnant woman will stay;
  2. How long a woman will be in the prenatal ward, in the delivery room, as well as the period of observation in the postpartum period;
  3. Since now special fitballs are used to alleviate the prenatal condition, it is necessary to clarify their availability or purchase your own;
  4. Is it possible to use the service of staying in a separate room in the postpartum period;
  5. What things to take with you to the hospital. In most cases, expectant mothers should carry:
  • change of clothes;
  • bed sheets;
  • hygiene products;
  • compression knitwear for childbirth;
  • diapers;
  • baby clothes;
  • diapers;
  • bottles.
  1. It is necessary to find out what medications you need to prepare for yourself and the child;
  2. You need to find out if painkillers are used in the hospital, and how much anesthesia will cost;
  3. Does this maternity hospital practice the presence of a husband in the delivery room and what documents need to be prepared for this;
  4. And very important is the location of the hospital. It should be located in a place where you can easily be delivered at the right time. First of all, it should be located close to where you live. Otherwise, the ambulance can deliver the woman in labor to the nearest maternity hospital of her choice.

Doctor's Choice

As practice shows, the expectant mother first of all chooses a doctor for herself, who will observe her throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and only after that is the question of choosing a maternity hospital.

The presence of professional assistance when a baby is born is a criterion that can block even not very comfortable living conditions.

Under any circumstances, acquaintance with a doctor is mandatory. He must examine the pregnant woman, examine her medical record. In the presence of chronic diseases in the expectant mother, the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section. All this is necessary so that both the woman in labor and the baby feel good in the postpartum period. In most cases, the doctor gives the patient his phone number in order to be in touch in case of emergency.

Paid maternity hospital

If the expectant mother has the opportunity to give birth in a paid maternity hospital (to be in a paid ward of an ordinary institution), then in this case, a contract must be concluded already for a period of thirty-six weeks.But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully read all the terms of the contract and find out all the nuances that have arisen in order to avoid any troubles in the future.

In such maternity hospitals, the service of staying in the postpartum ward with the father is offered. You need to know about such nuances in advance. In addition, you need to discuss in advance how the birth will proceed. A natural way of resolving from pregnancy is planned, or they will still carry out a caesarean section. The doctor is obliged to tell the expectant mother everything that interests her.

Stay in the postnatal ward

In most maternity hospitals, the mother stays with the child in the same room, where the mother has the opportunity to take care of her baby on her own almost from the first hours of his life. Thanks to this, both the child and the mother quickly adapt to the new state. The child quickly gets used to lactation, and the mother has practically no postpartum depression. In case of any difficulties in caring for a child, the medical staff immediately comes to the rescue.

But there are also maternity hospitals that still practice keeping the child separate from the mother. It is brought only during feeding hours. This nuance must be discussed with the staff of the maternity hospital in advance so that no misunderstandings arise later.

Rating of maternity hospitals

Having considered everything you need to know about maternity hospitals and staying in them, having weighed all the pros and cons, you can move on to the characteristics of the institutions themselves.

Maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg at the Central City Hospital No. 20

Located on st. Dagestanskaya, 3.

☎Telephone reception area (343) 258-94-67.

The maternity hospital located on Khimmash is the busiest in the whole city. Due to the fact that the flow of women in labor is very large, the medical staff treats them strictly and without much attention.But nevertheless, women in labor themselves leave positive feedback about the qualifications of doctors and midwives. This maternity hospital provides cord blood collection services, it is possible to host patients with pathologies, to hospitalize them in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, it has its own pharmacy, its own office for physiotherapy, ultrasound, resuscitation for women in labor and babies. Separately, paid services are provided for those who wish. They include the stay of patients in the "lux" rooms, epidural anesthesia and the stay of the husband during childbirth.

Cost of services (prices are valid for 2018):

  • Conducting pregnancy on paid terms costs from 31,000 rubles;
  • A single room costs 20,000 rubles.
  • Serves women in labor highly qualified medical staff;
  • The presence of a pharmacy;
  • Necessary rooms for examination and physiotherapy;
  • Additional paid services on request;
  • Successful resolution of pregnancy in severe cases.
  • Lack of attention;
  • Lack of psychological help.

Maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg at the Research Institute of OMM

The institution is located in the city center on the street. Repina, d.1.

☎ Phone for inquiries (343) 371-00-78.

Despite the fact that the maternity hospital is located in the city center and is located at a research institute, it cannot boast of special comfort or high-quality repairs. But still, it deserves good reviews because it employs highly qualified doctors who can cope with the most difficult situation. If a woman does not like being in poor living conditions, then she can be provided with a separate room for a fee.

The cost of requested services is:

  • Pregnancy management by a personal obstetrician-gynecologist - from 23,000 rubles (2-3 trimesters), up to 35,000 rubles. (1-3 trimester);
  • Participation of a personal obstetrician-gynecologist in natural delivery - 29,000 rubles;
  • Caesarean section operation performed by a personal obstetrician-gynecologist - 23,000 rubles;
  • Courses at a school for pregnant women - from 3,000 to 11,000 rubles, depending on the number of classes.

More details with a full list of paid services of the Research Institute of OMM can be found on the official website of the medical institution.

  • High level of professionalism of doctors;
  • The ability to cope with any difficult situation;
  • Good service.
  • Poor living conditions;
  • High prices.

Maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg at City Clinical Hospital No. 40

Located on st. Volgogradskaya, 189.

☎ Phone (343) 297-98-48, (343) 266-95-16.

In this maternity hospital, the conditions for the stay of a woman and a newborn baby are only improving every year. It has been renovated, women in labor are under video surveillance, and therefore the medical staff can come to the rescue at any time of the day. Paid chambers are separately equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, incubator, individual shower. In addition, there is a separate ball for fights.

Cost of obstetric services:

  • Individual management of childbirth with the choice of a personal obstetrician-gynecologist - 27,500 rubles;
  • An individual post of a midwife at the time of childbirth - 12,200 rubles;
  • Education at the Mom's School (breastfeeding skills - 2 lessons x 45 minutes) - 1500 rubles.
  • Qualified service;
  • Comfortable stay.
  • High prices.

Maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg at City Clinical Hospital No. 14

The maternity hospital is located in the lane. Suvorovsky, 4.

☎ Contact phone (343) 352-86-23.

The situation in the hospital leaves much to be desired.The rooms are cold, showers are dirty, repairs have not been done for a long time. But at the same time, very attentive, patient and good-natured doctors work here. Happy mothers do not pay attention to the depressing environment, at a time when the staff knows how to warm with a warm, friendly word. In addition, it is here that they practice giving birth in an upright position. And it is here that women in labor with existing cardiovascular diseases take birth.

Cost of services (the price is valid for 2018):

  • Pregnancy management - 9,000 rubles;
  • Complications that have arisen - 17,000 rubles;
  • Caesarean section - 16,000 rubles;
  • Paid childbirth 17,000 rubles.
  • The friendliness and attention of the medical staff;
  • Moderate prices.
  • Bad living conditions.

Maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg MC "Paracelsus"

Located on st. Bolshakova, 68.

☎Phone (343) 272-03-03.

This is a new maternity hospital, built in 2013, it is equipped with all modern equipment. The maternity hospital is paid, and here a woman in labor can receive psychological assistance in the postpartum period.

The cost of services depends on the chosen program:

  • The choice of a personal obstetrician-gynecologist will cost from 35,000 rubles;
  • Pregnancy management program - from 15,000 rubles;
  • There is an opportunity to attend the School of future parents - from 1000 rubles.
  • Superior service.
  • High price.

Regional Perinatal Center

Located on st. Seraphim Deryabina, 32.

☎ Phone (343) 240-59-80, 270-53-48.

Here you will be offered not only a comfortable stay during childbirth and in the postpartum period, but also show attention to each patient. There is no such attitude of the medical staff in any other hospital in the city.

The cost of some services:

  • Pregnancy management - the cost depends on the trimester in which the woman will be observed: 19,800 rubles. - 1 trimester, 16,000 rubles - the second, 32,300 - the third, it is possible to pay for the entire package (1-3 trimesters) - 67,800 rubles;
  • The presence of a personal midwife during childbirth - 15,000 rubles;
  • Education at the School of Parents - 1000 rubles for 1 lesson, lasting 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • High level of service and comfort.
  • High price.

City perinatal center in Yekaterinburg

Located on st. Komvuzovskaya, 3.

☎ Phone (343) 374-32-00, (343) 374-30-58.

In this institution, the expectant mother is waiting for all the comfortable conditions and sensitive attention from the staff. The only thing that spoils the picture is the situation of the postnatal wards on the third floor.

The prices are current at the end of 2018:

  • A single room costs 1,300 rubles;
  • Childbirth - 25,000 rubles;
  • Personal midwife - 8,000 rubles;
  • Caesarean section - 40,000 rubles;
  • Separate superior room - 1,500 rubles.
  • High comfort;
  • Showing attention.
  • High prices.

In addition to maternity hospitals in the city of Yekaterinburg, there are several maternity hospitals worthy of attention in nearby cities.

Maternity hospital in Berezovsky

Located on st. Shilovskaya, 28.

☎ Telephone for inquiries (34369) 4-18-11.

Conditions for women in labor correspond to a provincial maternity hospital. Everything here is simple, but at the same time “cozy and homely”. What actually attracts pregnant women. The staff with warmth and sensitivity treats both women who have given birth and babies. In this maternity hospital, you can really acquire happiness in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The cost of childbirth is not known here.

  • Purity;
  • Cosiness;
  • Good staff attitude.
  • Lack of modern equipment, which does not allow for difficult births.

Maternity hospital in Sredneuralsk

Located on st. Lermontov, 2.

☎ Phone (34368) 2-22-99, 7-43-77

Very quiet cozy maternity hospital with a small number of patients. The staff finds an individual approach to each woman in labor and cares for them with warmth and attention. There is a fame about the maternity hospital that it was possible to take the most difficult births here. There are no negative reviews about this maternity hospital. The cost of services is unknown.

  • Cosiness;
  • Comfort;
  • Staff attention.
  • No.

Maternity hospital in Pervouralsk

Located on st. Metallurgov, 3 a.

☎ Phone (3439) 66-79-66

There are only positive things about this hospital. The only thing that overshadows is the living conditions of the maternity hospital.

  • The attention and kindness of the staff.
  • Lack of repair.

Maternity hospitals in Yekaterinburg and nearby cities generally do not differ in overly comfortable conditions, but those described in the article can guarantee professional assistance to their patients.

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