
  1. How to choose
  2. Certified or paid?
  3. Where will the ambulance go
  4. What to take with you
  5. Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod
  6. Conclusion

The best maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod in 2022

The best maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod in 2022

The birth of a child is one of the most important moments in life, and you want to entrust it only to the most knowledgeable and competent specialists, so the topic of finding a maternity hospital remains one of the most relevant for pregnant women. In our article, we will highlight the topic “rating of the best maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod”.

How to choose

Often women want to choose the maternity hospital in which their friends gave birth, thinking like this, “Ani took birth there, she was very pleased, which means I need to go there.” Of course, reviews play a significant role, but there are other fundamental factors to consider. If you have an immunological pathology or problems with the cardiovascular system, then you need to choose a specialized maternity hospital.

Also, the selection criteria include the location of the maternity hospital, it is desirable to live nearby in order to get quick help if necessary.

When studying reviews on the Internet, filter the information correctly, because there are no entirely positive or negative opinions, there will be both. You need to focus on the really important things, not the little things. For example, if you often meet complaints that there are no nurses on site or there is a draft in the wards, then this is a reason to be wary, because these factors can affect the health of the baby. But complaints about sagging furniture are insignificant.

Certified or paid?

Having a birth certificate in your hands, you are guaranteed to receive medical care, but absolute attention to your person is not guaranteed. Childbirth can be in the company of other women in labor, and living conditions are far from ideal. You need to be mentally prepared for this if you want everything to be free. It is unlikely that someone will show maternal care and breed lisping, so you should not be offended by this and wait for sympathy. The main thing is to have professionals next to you and competently do their job, and the rest is secondary.

If there is a desire to give birth for a fee, but consider the pitfalls that will definitely come up if you decide to verbally agree with the doctor, bypassing the contract. No one can guarantee that on the day of childbirth the doctor will be at work, and not, let's say, but in a country house many kilometers from the city. In addition, it may well be that even while at the workplace, he will not be able to provide assistance for the simple reason that at the same moment a woman who has officially concluded a contract with him will give birth.

Official paid childbirth gives an advantage in terms of comfortable conditions, as well as in terms of the list of services: type of anesthesia, stay with relatives, special meals, etc.

Consider also the schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals.

Where will the ambulance go

If there is an emergency hospitalization, and you still have not chosen the place where you want to give birth, then you will be taken to the nearest maternity hospital. Please note that ARVI or any infectious disease (even a suspicious pimple on the face) gives you the right to take you to the maternity hospital with an infectious diseases department.

If you have a contract, you have the right to be taken to the selected clinic, the main thing is to be healthy at the same time, otherwise plans may be violated.

What to take with you

When the pregnancy reaches 30-32 weeks, it's time to take care of the things that you will need to take with you to the hospital. In fact, you will need to prepare three packages. The first, prenatal, you take with you, and the other two (postpartum and discharge) ask relatives or close friends to give a ride.

So, the main thing that will be required is, of course, the documentation, which includes a passport, a policy, an exchange card, all the tests and examinations you underwent during pregnancy, an open sick leave and always fresh tests (urinalysis, coagulogram, RW, clinical blood test, blood test for HIV infection).

And now let's go through the things that will be required. From clothes you need to grab a comfortable bathrobe in accordance with the weather, a shirt, socks, underwear, washable slippers, nursing bras, underpants (regular cotton and disposable) and towels.

Of the hygiene items, you will need several rolls of toilet paper, postpartum pads, wet wipes and personal care products for your loved one (toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.).

It is best to take a bottle of non-carbonated water, toilet paper and a phone and charger with you to the delivery room.

For the baby, you will need diapers, you need to choose from those for newborns so that the weight is 3-5 kg, unless, of course, you have a hero displayed on ultrasound. You will also need high-quality wet wipes, disposable diapers, diaper cream, baby scissors and cotton pads.

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod

GBUZ "Maternity Hospital No. 1"

Our rating line is headed by the 1st maternity hospital in Nizhny Novgorod. It began to function in 1868 and is still considered the most popular and main in the city. The maternity hospital practices natural childbirth and provides all types of gynecological and obstetric care. There is also a school for expectant mothers, which allows you to properly prepare for the birth process. In addition to free childbirth, there are various paid services: childbirth with an individual doctor, anesthesia during childbirth, the presence of relatives, etc. If it happens that you have to give birth in another place, and the money for the contract has already been paid, the maternity hospital undertakes to return the cost of unproven services .

Address st. Varvarskaya, 42. Phone: 433-42-49.

The price for childbirth with an individual doctor without anesthesia is 53,195 rubles. A paid cesarean will cost 60,970 rubles.

  • Qualified medical personnel;
  • Comfortable prenatal room and comfortable beds;
  • There are balls to bounce on fights;
  • Purity.
  • Frequent complaints about the rudeness of doctors during free childbirth.

Maternity Hospital No. 3

On the second line of our rating of quality maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod is Maternity Hospital No. 3, which provides free medical care under VHI agreements and the CHI program. He specializes in the management of multiple pregnancies, births with pathologies and preterm births. The difference from other maternity hospitals is that paid childbirth is not practiced here. If the ward is not paid, then you can not wait for a joint stay with a child. Babies are brought only for feeding and allocate 40 minutes for this. The rooms can accommodate from 3 to 6 people, amenities (shower and toilet) are located on the floor. To provide qualified assistance, the maternity hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment.

Location Gazovskaya street, 3. You can call the help desk by phone 253-07-75.

Of the paid services, you can order a ward for one or two places. For a single room, the price is 1200 rubles per day, for staying in a double room they charge 1000 rubles per day.

  • Highly qualified and experienced obstetrician-gynecologists;
  • Round-the-clock laboratory examination and ultrasound diagnostics are provided;
  • There is an intensive care unit for nursing babies weighing from 500 grams;
  • Purity.
  • The stay with the baby is separate, but some of the mothers even like it.

Maternity Hospital No. 7

Residents of the Avtozavodsky district can receive free assistance under the compulsory medical insurance program from the 7th maternity hospital. It provides a wide range of medical services, ranging from examinations to post-natal care. Chambers are designed from 2 to 4 people. It is possible to order a paid ward, as well as to arrange a birth under a contract or a partner birth.Babies born after childbirth are laid out on the stomach, applied to the chest.

Location at st. Hero Smirnov 71 k.5. Phone 256 94-09

Prices for services can be found in the maternity hospital itself.

  • Qualified personnel;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Comfortable rooms;
  • The presence of children's resuscitation;
  • Joint stay with a child.
  • Weak information.

Maternity Hospital No. 5

In maternity hospital No5 there are obstetric and gynecological hospitals, in addition, they take as many as two consultations. There is a clinical diagnostic laboratory and rooms for functional and ultrasound diagnostics. All patients are accepted, even with Rh-conflicts. CHI is valid for all residents of the city, but when there is a period of 37 weeks, the signing of an exchange card will be required. The number of places in the prenatal ward is 4, in the wards with pathologies as well. There is a shower in the rodblok. Babies are separated from their mothers, they are brought in for feeding 6 times a day, in addition, doctors report every day on the child's condition. During childbirth, you are allowed to walk.

The location of the maternity hospital at 85 Berezovskaya St. You can call 274-24-47.

You can find out about paid services at the maternity hospital itself.

  • Highly qualified workers;
  • Politeness and friendliness of the staff;
  • Allow "vertically" to transfer contractions;
  • After giving birth, the baby is laid out on the stomach.
  • Separate stay of mother and child.

Maternity Hospital No. 4

Residents of the Leninsky district can give birth free of charge in the maternity hospital No. 4 under compulsory medical insurance, while other women in labor have paid services.By making a birth contact, you can count on antenatal care, partner birth, birth at the same obstetrician-gynecologist and being in a comfort ward. Shared rooms with a baby are designed for 1 and 2 people, but in separate rooms there are 3-4 people. If desired, you can order a paid ward.

Location at the address: 66 Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsii Street.

The cost of childbirth under the contract will cost 62,000 rubles.

  • Medical and obstetric care in full;
  • Application of modern perinatal technologies;
  • The use of drug and non-drug pain relief;
  • Made a major overhaul;
  • Cleanliness and tidiness.
  • There are complaints that they bring fed babies, and as a result, they do not take the breast.

Maternity hospital №6

Well, the maternity hospital No 6 closes our rating line, whose specialization allows, in addition to ordinary women in labor, to accept those who have a Rh conflict. According to the CHI, all residents of Nizhny Novgorod are accepted, regardless of the district, and residents of the region are accepted (however, before the reception you will need to sign an exchange card). If there is a VHI agreement, then you can get a ward of increased comfort, as well as the presence of the husband during childbirth and the joint stay of the mother with the baby. If the ward is the most ordinary, free, then there will be no joint stay with the newborn. These rooms accommodate from 4 to 7 people.

Location at st. Sutyrina, 19. Reception phone number 273-00-04.

You can find out about the prices for paid services in the maternity hospital itself.

  • professional specialists;
  • The child is laid out on the stomach and applied to the chest;
  • During childbirth, free behavior is allowed;
  • Epidural anesthesia during delivery is used according to indications.
  • The postpartum department leaves much to be desired;
  • Often caesarean.


If you have indications to go to a maternity hospital with a certain specialization, then it is better to worry about this in advance. It should be borne in mind that there are times when an ambulance comes to a woman who has started contractions, and without hesitation takes her to the first nearest maternity hospital, where the necessary equipment and qualified assistance may not be available. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to lie down in advance, then it is worth taking advantage of this.

Free births with a compulsory medical insurance policy allow you to choose a maternity hospital, but it is far from a fact that there will be free places. In the case of contracted childbirth, a priori, the place will be provided. Another thing is that there is not always money to afford spending on paid childbirth.

In any case, when the gestational age crosses the line of 30 weeks, you need to choose a maternity hospital, read reviews, listen to opinions, otherwise the ambulance will be chosen at your discretion. And remember that the most important thing is the human factor, a specific team, a specific doctor, because it depends on them how your most important moment in life will pass.

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