Not all pregnant women know how and when to choose a maternity hospital. During the Soviet Union, pregnant women were brought by ambulance to the nearest maternity hospital from their place of residence, without taking into account the opinion of the expectant mother herself or her relatives. Now women have much more options in this matter. Subject to several conditions, the choice of a suitable medical institution will be practically unlimited. This issue becomes especially relevant for residents of large metropolitan areas, for example, those who live in the capital will find it useful to study the rating of the best maternity hospitals in Moscow in order to choose the most suitable option.
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Throughout pregnancy, future young mothers are worried about the upcoming birth. Not the last reason for excitement is the ability to independently decide in which maternity hospital the baby will be born. Many women are afraid that the ambulance will take them to any medical facility of their choice.
In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. Now expectant mothers are given the opportunity to choose a maternity hospital on their own. A couple of months before the date of birth, it is recommended to visit a medical institution and get acquainted with a specialist who will conduct the birth. This time will be enough to take into account all possible complications.
During the first visit, maternity hospital specialists usually offer the woman a special contract for paid services, which allows her to use more comfortable accommodation, all the necessary medicines and the attentive attitude of the staff. For a separate fee, a woman will be provided with a single room, where one of her relatives can stay with her.
If it is not possible to give birth for a fee, you can always use a birth certificate, according to which a woman has every right to use the services of the consultation and maternity hospital she likes. At the same time, all medicines and services are provided to the young mother free of charge.
There are several reasons and situations when a woman does not have the right to decide in which maternity hospital she will give birth:
This document creates conditions for healthy competition between maternity hospitals and forces institutions to provide quality medical care to women. Hospitals show great interest in providing women with quality services, modern equipment and medicines.
To obtain such a document, several conditions must be met:
Birth certificate for women:
Maternity hospitals for each childbirth carried out according to the birth certificate receive material rewards. Therefore, they are interested in every woman who turns to them.
You can get such a document for free at the antenatal clinic for a period of 28 to 30 weeks of pregnancy. This will make it possible to choose both a maternity hospital and a children's clinic, in which the child will be observed up to 1 year. According to this document, a woman will be provided with qualified assistance in the selected state maternity hospital. In private clinics, birth certificates are not valid.
In the absence of such a document, the woman will still be provided with medical assistance. But they will bring her by ambulance to the nearest maternity hospital at the place of residence.
If a woman has all the necessary documents in her hands, she will be helped to issue a certificate at the maternity hospital itself.
When choosing a place for future childbirth, many women experience difficulties and do not know what criteria to pay attention to. We recommend highlighting the most important factors:
After choosing a maternity hospital, you must ask for a list of things that you will need to take with you to the maternity hospital, as well as write down the address and phone number of the institution.
This medical institution belongs to the category of the most modern. There are several different departments that not only conduct childbirth, but also treat a variety of diseases of the reproductive system.
Pregnant women's rooms are designed for a maximum of 2 people, and each room has its own toilet. The institution practices, among other things, partner childbirth with the presence of one relative. Visiting young mothers is allowed. Women can be in the hospital in their clothes. The staff is mostly highly qualified.
The average cost of childbirth under a contract is from 117,000 rubles.
This medical institution is recognized as one of the best in the capital. Compared to most other maternity hospitals, its building was built recently - in the eighties of the last century.Chambers for expectant mothers consist of two boxes, each of which accommodates two women. The bathroom is provided one for two boxes.
For a fee, you can organize the constant presence of a midwife next to the woman in labor. Chambers for women who have already given birth are organized similarly. At the same time, there is the possibility of the constant presence of the child with his mother.
The average cost of paid childbirth with a doctor on duty is 80,600 rubles.
According to the majority of women who have passed through this institution, it is quite good. In the prenatal department, pregnant women are in separate boxes, and after the birth of the baby, mothers are placed in separate single rooms.
A pediatrician is required for all births. In emergency cases, there is the possibility of being placed in intensive care. In case of complications during pregnancy, women are placed in the department for the elimination of pathologies.
The average cost of childbirth with a team on duty is from 70,000 rubles.
In most cases, reviews about this institution are positive or neutral. Women in labor are in separate boxes, and after giving birth, young mothers are transferred to single or double rooms. It is provided for the presence of children in intensive care, if there are appropriate indications.
The average cost of a contract for childbirth is from 72,500 rubles.
This medical institution receives mostly only positive feedback from young mothers. Provides women with a large number of additional services. There is the possibility of the presence of relatives at the birth. Moreover, after the birth of a child, the husband can continue to stay close. For an additional fee, the therapist will observe the woman during the first month after childbirth.
The average cost of a contract for childbirth is from 73,000 rubles.
In this institution, both the prenatal and postnatal departments are single boxes. Be sure to have a pediatrician nearby during childbirth. If necessary, the condition of the woman and the child is monitored. there is the possibility of being placed in intensive care.
For partner births, the husband's cohabitation in the ward is provided.
The average cost of childbirth with an on-duty team is from 92,500 rubles.
The institution operates on the basis of hospital No. 29 and was opened at the end of the last century. At that time, the maternity hospital was designed as an institution that meets all international standards. Therefore, there are many equipped rooms with comfortable accommodation.
The institution specializes in the management and delivery of women with various pathological diagnoses, such as diabetes.
The average price of childbirth is from 85,000 rubles.
In the antenatal department, women are in wards for 3 or 4 people, each has its own bathroom. It is possible to stay in home clothes.
Childbirth is carried out in single boxes. It is possible to conduct joint childbirth on a paid basis. In the postpartum department, women lie in wards for 2 people with the possibility of having children with them. The room has its own toilet and shower.
The average price of a contract for childbirth is 80,000 rubles.
When choosing a suitable maternity hospital, a woman needs to carefully study all the available information and take into account the various risks. Preference should be given to maternity hospitals located in the same area as the place of residence, since in an emergency the ambulance team will deliver the expectant mother exactly there.