
  1. List of the best birth control pills
  2. List of quality birth control suppositories
  3. List of the best intrauterine devices
  4. List of the best barrier contraceptives
  5. List of the best drugs for emergency contraception

The best contraceptives in 2022

The best contraceptives in 2022

Modern medicines that provide protection against unwanted pregnancy are safe and effective. With the choice of contraceptives, especially oral contraceptives, it is better not to experiment on your own, but to trust the experience of a gynecologist. The specialist will select a medicine individually for each woman, taking into account the state of her health and the characteristics of the body.

Now medicine approves the use of barrier or drug contraception. In the first variant, various devices are used that do not allow spermatozoa to penetrate into the uterine cavity. Medications affect the level of hormones in a woman's body and prevent the onset of ovulation. These two methods are recognized as the most effective and, when used correctly, are guaranteed to prevent pregnancy.

A physiological method of contraception is also common, in which sexual intercourse occurs only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Another option for contraception is coitus interruptus. The effectiveness of physiological contraception is very low. Therefore, doctors do not advise using such methods of protection.

List of the best birth control pills

Contraceptives with hormones are recognized as the most popular means of preventing unwanted pregnancies. They effectively perform their task, do not spoil the sensations during sex. The mechanism of protection against fertilization is based on the fact that the drug does not allow ovulation. It is necessary to choose such a medication taking into account the state of health of the patient, strictly individually, taking into account the hormonal background. Taking the wrong remedy often provokes unwanted side effects.

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This medication is a combined oral contraceptive. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Bayer. The active ingredients in the pills are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone.The medicine not only prevents unwanted pregnancy, but also alleviates the condition of a woman with severe PMS, helps treat acne, pimples, blackheads and other rashes. The tool does not allow the onset of ovulation, changes the density of the mucus secreted by the cervix. It thickens, so sperm cannot pass through it into the uterus.

The drug has an improved formula that uses fourth-generation drospirenone. Also, these tablets differ from other COCs in their reduced content of ethinyl estradiol. Due to this composition, the drug causes fewer adverse reactions, such as edema, weight gain, mastopathy.

  • reduces pain during menstruation;
  • effectively prevents unwanted pregnancy;
  • heals the skin.
  • after stopping the medication, it takes a long time to restore the cycle;
  • the body gets used to the action of the pills;
  • libido decreases;
  • causes severe headaches.

The average price of a medicine is 930 rubles.

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This medication also applies to combined. It is produced by the company from the Netherlands Organon. Tablets contain a low amount of active ingredients. Therefore, it is recommended to take it to women who have reached 35 years of age. In addition to the direct appointment, Marvelon tablets lead to normal indicators of the amount of menstrual flow, relieve pain during critical days. Once every six months, this medicine can be used for emergency contraception. In this case, the effectiveness of these tablets reaches 80%.

The negative effect of the drug is that with constant use it reduces the likelihood of a desired pregnancy after withdrawal. Therefore, a course of this contraceptive is recommended. Marvelon also increases the likelihood of blood clots. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the state of health before starting to take it.

  • normalizes the cycle;
  • libido rises.
  • high price;
  • provokes rashes;
  • the risk of thrombosis increases;
  • stimulates appetite.

The average cost of the drug is 1820 rubles.

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This medicine has a minimal amount of hormones and only one active ingredient - desogestrel. Therefore, it is classified as a mini-pill. Often Lactinet is recommended to be taken by lactating women with already resumed menstrual cycles. Prescribe this contraceptive to patients who, for health reasons, are prohibited from taking COCs. This medication is also recommended for women smokers and ladies after 40-45 years.

A feature of the drug Lactinet is a reduced efficiency in comparison with the means of the COC group. Therefore, it is not advised to take it to patients who are in active reproductive age. In general, the drug shows good efficacy, has fewer contraindications and has few side effects.

  • can be taken while breastfeeding;
  • does not provoke an increase in body weight;
  • recommended for patients with intolerance to COCs.
  • the likelihood of mastopathy increases;
  • when taking, failures of the menstrual cycle are possible;
  • provokes depression;
  • in the first days of admission causes nausea.

The average cost of the drug is 820 rubles.

List of quality birth control suppositories

Candles with contraceptive action belong to the group of spermicidal preparations. They interact with sperm and destroy the membrane of spermatozoa. As a result, the tail is separated from the head and the spermatozoa cannot move. But if the sperm is strong enough, then the male cells still get to their target, and fertilization is carried out. As a result, a child may be born with various deformities. Candles in their composition contain acids that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them constantly. The contraceptive ability of suppositories is not too high and, according to statistics, is 85%.

We can say that contraceptives in the form of suppositories are suitable for women who do not live a regular sexual life. They can be used as an additional contraceptive if pills have been missed or lactation ends. The advantage of this method can be called the fact that the suppository does not act on the body systemically and retains sensations during sex.

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Benzalkonium chloride is the active ingredient in the French contraceptive drug. It protects against pregnancy and at the same time protects against infection with genital herpes, providing antiviral and antifungal effects. The drug acts on spermatozoa very quickly.

It only takes 10 seconds to completely destroy their shell. For other contraceptives of similar action, the exposure time is 30 seconds.Pharmatex irritates the mucosa and cervix, thereby activating the production of mucus and making it difficult for sperm to move.

  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • 5 minutes is enough for dissolution;
  • prevents infection.
  • provokes irritation;
  • difficult to open the package;
  • under the influence of suppositories, a lot of mucus is formed.

The average price of candles is 590 rubles.

Patentex Oval
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In Patentex Oval suppositories, the main active ingredient is nonoxynol. It is included in various contraceptives for lubrication. With its spermicidal action, it increases the effectiveness of other barrier contraceptives. Coming into contact with spermatozoa, suppositories destroy their membranes. Therefore, spermatozoa cannot pass through the shell of the egg. It takes 40 seconds to be effective. These suppositories do not have a bactericidal or antiviral effect. Therefore, they cannot be used as a means against infection with STIs. It has also been suggested that this medication increases the risk of contracting some types of HPV.

Patentex Oval
  • show good results;
  • dissolve in a short time;
  • have a stimulating effect.
  • not too pleasant aroma;
  • provoke itching;
  • give abundant foam.

The average cost of candles is 390 rubles.

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In terms of reliability, this medication is among the best. The action of Nonoxynol suppositories is based on the fact that they reduce sperm motility. Therefore, the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy is drastically reduced. Additionally, the medicine normalizes the state of the vaginal microflora.The candle is easy to insert inside, its use does not cause discomfort. The suppository sometimes causes serious allergies and irritation of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. Its main advantage is that it can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy in women who are breastfeeding.

  • has few contraindications;
  • compact;
  • easy to use;
  • long shelf life;
  • can be used in combination with a condom;
  • does not adversely affect the liver.
  • must be entered strictly on time;
  • sometimes there is itching in the sexual partner;
  • should not be used simultaneously with birth control pills.

The average price of the drug is 300 rubles.

List of the best intrauterine devices

For the manufacture of modern IUDs, hypoallergenic plastic impregnated with anti-inflammatory substances is used. Such a contraceptive has a barrier, abortive and spermicidal effect. The IUD can be considered a reliable contraceptive that prevents unwanted pregnancy. But the presence of a foreign body in the uterus creates a focus of chronic infection in the uterus.

Spirals reduce the ability to conceive, since an inflammatory process occurs in the uterine cavity. Because of this, the maturation of the egg does not occur and ovulation does not occur. A foreign body inside the uterus does not allow the endometrium to fully develop. Therefore, he cannot accept the fertilized egg and it is expelled outside.

The inflammatory process that develops inside the uterus changes the internal environment to acidic, in which the spermatozoa die. To enhance this effect, copper is added to the spiral, which activates the production of an acidic secret.Irritation in the cervical canal stimulates the production of thick mucus, which prevents the movement of sperm.

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This coil contains a small amount of hormones. Therefore, it acts like oral contraceptives. The difference between these contraceptives is only in how exactly the hormones penetrate the woman's body. A positive effect in the case of a spiral is that such a contraceptive does not cause swelling, maintains a constant appetite, and does not irritate the stomach. The spiral installation period is 5 years.

  • normalizes the content of hormones in the body of a woman;
  • effectively prevents unwanted pregnancy.
  • high price;
  • provokes pain in the back;
  • can not be used if there are benign neoplasms.

On average, such a spiral costs 13,300 rubles.

Juno Juno T Au
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This spiral is produced in Belarus. The material for its manufacture are copper and gold. As a result, it has a long service life. The T-shaped spiral with a plastic anchor is suitable for women who need reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy for a long time. Such a tool can not be used if there are malignant neoplasms. The term of wearing such a spiral is 7 years or more. In combination with a low price, this quality is the main advantage of the spiral.

Juno Juno T Au
  • installation time is longer than other spirals;
  • in the composition of pure metals;
  • does not provoke discomfort during sex.
  • increases the likelihood of infection of the uterus;
  • the duration of menstruation increases;
  • bleeding is possible.

The cost of such a spiral is from 4000 rubles.

Simurg Bio-T Ag
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This IUD has an annular shape. It is considered one of the best means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The spiral does not allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. The basis of this spiral is an anchor made of high density polyethylene. It is recommended to install it for women who already have children, but if necessary, it is also suitable for young, nulliparous girls. The term of its work is from 5 to 7 years.

Simurg Bio-T Ag
  • low cost;
  • long period of operation;
  • effective protection against pregnancy.
  • there is a high probability of infection entering the uterine cavity;
  • you need to take a lot of tests before installation;
  • medicines must be taken to prevent infection.

The cost of such a spiral is 600 rubles.

List of the best barrier contraceptives

These methods of contraception are the most affordable, common and suitable for everyone. The best known of this group of contraceptives is the condom. To a lesser extent, devices such as a contraceptive ring, sponge or cap are common. Such devices have no contraindications, so they can be an excellent replacement for hormonal pills or spirals, if there is intolerance to the latter. An additional positive effect of this method of contraception is the prevention of premature ejaculation, protection against STIs, and allergies. The disadvantage of barrier contraceptives is their effectiveness only at the time of use.


This contraceptive is a ring and is a method of barrier contraception.But at the same time, it can also be called hormonal, because when installed, it releases hormones that prevent the fertilization of the egg. The positive effect of such a ring is the uniform release of hormones without sudden jumps during the day. As a result, there is no hormonal imbalance. The tool is easy to install yourself. Its presence is not felt during sex and does not need to be removed after intercourse. The ring is placed for 3 weeks and then removed for a week.

  • need to be installed once a month;
  • does not provoke nausea;
  • It has fewer side effects than tablets.
  • may fall out;
  • provokes migraines;
  • may cause vaginitis;
  • provokes allergic reactions.

The average cost is 1460 rubles.

Contraceptive sponge Farmateks
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This sponge is made of polyurethane foam impregnated with a spermicidal agent. Benzalkonium chloride is used as an active ingredient in the impregnation. In addition to the spermicidal action, the sponge prevents the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity mechanically. After installing the sponge, you do not have to wait to start sexual intercourse. The action of this remedy lasts for 24 hours. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove the sponge.

Contraceptive sponge Farmateks
  • convenient to enter;
  • does not flow;
  • long-term action;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • rarely found on sale;
  • difficult to take out.

The average cost is 70 rubles.

Durex Classic
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Condoms are by far the most common means of protection against unwanted fertilization.They are suitable for almost all women and men who are not allergic to latex. They do not change the hormonal background. To date, only condoms can prevent the transmission of STDs during sexual intercourse. They are easy to use and approach 100% effective when used correctly. Therefore, now this method of contraception is used most often.

Durex Classic
  • protect against infection with STDs;
  • do not affect the hormonal background;
  • can be used every day.
  • expensive;
  • decreased sensation during sex;
  • there is a possibility of the condom breaking.

The average cost for a mini-pack is 150 rubles.

List of the best drugs for emergency contraception

Such drugs are rarely used. They are used to terminate unwanted pregnancies following unprotected sex. To do this, use an intrauterine device or hormonal contraceptives. The drugs delay the onset of ovulation and thus prevent the fertilization of the egg. But in this case, you need to have time to take the drug within three days after the sexual intercourse. For the use of the IUD, this period is extended to 5 days. If the period of use of the funds is missed, then they become ineffective. The main disadvantage of this method of contraception is a serious interference in the hormonal background of a woman and harm to health.

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This medicine for emergency contraception does not contain hormones. Therefore, it does less harm to health. The action of the drug is based on blocking the bonds of receptors with hormones. Thus, fertilization is not allowed. At the same time, the pills do not inhibit the function of progesterone.Such a mechanism for preventing fertilization is the main advantage of the drug. Its contraindication is the age of over 30 years, if there are kidney diseases or uterine fibroids.

  • has a gentle effect on the body compared to other contraceptives;
  • effectively prevents conception;
  • does not contain hormones.
  • expensive tool;
  • there are side effects;
  • in case of failure, the pregnancy cannot be maintained.

The cost of the drug is 550 rubles.

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This drug has long been known and is among the best for emergency pregnancy prevention. The composition of these tablets as an active ingredient includes levonorgestrel, which delays the maturation of eggs and thereby prevents ovulation. As a result, pregnancy does not occur. This drug should not be taken in adolescence under 16 years of age and in liver disease. The advantage of Postinor is its high efficiency, but it can be taken no more than 2 times a year. This drug should only be taken if absolutely necessary.

  • does not violate the hormonal background;
  • with a high guarantee prevents pregnancy;
  • can be taken within 72 hours.
  • should not be taken simultaneously with other birth control pills;
  • cannot be combined with alcohol;
  • can only be used once every 6 months;
  • breaks the cycle
  • provokes bleeding.

The cost of tablets is 330 rubles.

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The effect of this drug is similar to the effect of taking Postinor. Here, too, the main component is levonorgestrel. The drug differs from its counterpart in higher quality and less harmful to health.Contraindications for taking it are pregnancy, adolescence, smoking over the age of 30, kidney disease. The drug acts on health sparingly and more gently. Therefore, it is popular, despite the high price.

  • with high efficiency prevents pregnancy;
  • you need to take the pill only once;
  • causes less harm to health compared to other drugs.
  • expensive drug;
  • there are side effects;
  • disrupted menstrual cycle.

The average cost is 370 rubles.

No. p / pGroup of contraceptivesNameManufacturera brief description of
1Birth control pillsJessBayerexcellent quality
2MarvelonOrganonRegulates the menstrual cycle
3LactinetGedeon RichterCan be taken with HB
4Contraceptive candlesPharmatexInnothera ChouzyHas an antiviral effect
5Patentex OvalMerz Pharma GmbH & Co.Enjoys high popularity
6NonoxynolAmcapharm Pharmaceutical GmbHLeast contraindications
7Intrauterine devicesMirenaBayer High quality and efficiency
8Juno Juno T AuSimurghThe longest service life
9Simurg Bio-T AgSimurghThe most affordable price
10Barrier contraceptivesNovaringMerckImproves hormonal levels
11Contraceptive sponge FarmateksInnothera ChouzyConvenient to apply. Long acting
12Durex ClassicSSL InternationalMost popular remedy
13emergency contraceptionGinepristonSTADA CISHigh efficiency
14PostinorGEDEON RICHTERHigh result guarantee
15EscapelleGedeon RichterNot harmful to health

When choosing contraceptives, it is necessary to take into account the state of health individually for each woman.This is the only way to choose a drug that will have the least negative effect on the body and will reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy.


