
  1. Nightmare
  2. How to choose the right felt
  3. The best fire blankets
  4. Conclusion

The best fire blankets (cloths) in 2022

The best fire blankets (cloths) in 2022

The statistics of fires on the planet are disappointing. The growth of man-made fires is breaking new records. The Russian Emergencies Ministry records up to 1,400 fires a day, with more than 20 casualties. Houses, railway stations, schools, shopping malls, vegetable bases are burning. The World Statistics Center notes the high death rate from fires in Russia - the country ranks second, in terms of the number of fires, the Russian Federation is in the fourth ten. The figures indicate an insufficient level of preparedness for liquidation and prevention of emergencies. Violation of fire safety requirements and the lack of fire fighting kits increase the risk of fire and loss of life from fires.


The fire-resistant canvas serves as a highly effective and low-cost means for extinguishing local fires. The felt mat is used to knock down a flame, cover a burning object to eliminate the access of oxygen to the hearth, shelter a person as a fireproof barrier. It is allowed to reuse the canvas on several sources of ignition.

There are three types of fires:

  1. "A" - when a solid combustible substance ignites;
  2. "B" - when a liquid combustible substance ignites;
  3. "C" - gas combustion;
  4. "D" - metal burning;
  5. "E" - in case of fire in everyday life and in the production of electrical installations with a voltage of 1000 V.

The felt mats are produced in accordance with the technical specifications set out in the document of the same name, and are subject to mandatory certification by the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The presence of a fire blanket ensures quick and reliable fire extinguishing:

  • in summer cottages;
  • in residential buildings and buildings;
  • in production shops, laboratories, workshops;
  • in garage boxes;
  • in case of fire of clothing;
  • as a prevention of the hearth from widespread sparks.

Terms of use

Separate covers are equipped with special loops for quick extraction, in the absence of such, it is necessary to open the package with a jerk.

  1. Hand protection - the blanket is held by special sewn handles, or the hands should be wrapped with the corners of the canvas.
  2. The cover "stretches" over the fire, gradually covering it completely. Do not allow distortions, roughness for the possible entry of air.
  3. If possible, de-energize the object of ignition - shut off the gas or disconnect from the network.
  4. The appearance of smoke from under the felt mat is a sure sign that the extinguishing process is proceeding correctly.
  5. The period of time from the moment the blanket is placed to the appearance of smoke is not regulated.
  6. Gradually, the amount of smoke will decrease, you should wait at least 15 minutes before lifting the curtain.
  7. In case of fire of clothing on a person, it is necessary:
  • protect your hands;
  • wrap the victim in a felt bag;
  • lay him on the floor (ground) and convince him of the need to roll;
  • running is strictly prohibited.

If there is a danger of smoldering sparks or if the room is very hot, a call to the fire department is required.

Models and materials of manufacture

The abbreviation for fire blankets (cloths) is PP.
There are several models of canvases according to the maximum temperature that the material can withstand:

  1. PP 300, with types A and B of execution;
  2. PP 600, with types A and B of execution;
  3. PP 700;
  4. PP 750;
  5. PP 1000;
  6. PP 1200;
  7. PP 600 A.

Fire blankets are placed in covers.
The technical specifications must include:

  • deployment time;
  • standard for a storage period of up to 3 years;
  • standard for service life up to 7 years;
  • canvas weight;
  • thickness - 2x2.42 mm.


Particular attention is paid to the fabric from which the canvas was made, in accordance with:

  • GOST;
  • hygiene certificate;
  • certificate of conformity.

The fabric of manufacture is non-combustible.

Types of fabrics differ in the main content in the material:

  • glass component;
  • asbestos inclusions;
  • basalt components;
  • mineral foundations.

Fiberglass panels have moderate fire resistance, asbestos and silica options have higher fire resistance characteristics.

The fabric, depending on the type, may include fibers:

  • linen origin;
  • carbon;
  • rep;
  • twill;
  • lavsan;
  • viscose;
  • cotton.

Protective function

The felt mat is used to protect structures and objects (a container with a flammable liquid, a gas cylinder) during hot work, with the possibility of sparks or strong thermal conditions.

How to choose the right felt

A fire blanket is the primary means of fire protection.
What should I pay attention to when choosing a fireproof blanket? First of all, determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpossible ignition.

The standard size of the canvas is 1.5 * 2 meters, one felt is enough to stop one focus in the short term. For a summer residence, garage, house, shop, one piece is enough. When increasing the area to 200 m², it is necessary to increase the number of paintings to 2-3 pieces.

PP 300 - the figure of the second half of the abbreviation indicates the maximum temperature of the fire seat, calculated for a short period of fire isolation. The higher the number, for example PP 1200, the higher the temperature regime is acceptable. For industrial premises, models PP 1000, PP 1200 are recommended.

The fire-fighting felt mat is one-sided and two-sided. The last option is considered optimal.

When looking for a better price, you should contact the manufacturers directly:

  • to technical fire safety centers;
  • to specialized sites of fire equipment;
  • in the company of primary fire extinguishing means.

Errors when choosing

Firefighting equipment can be non-functional if the material of manufacture is not chosen correctly and the temperature resistance is insufficient.

It should not be forgotten that a fire blanket is acceptable for localizing combustion only at its initial stage.
It is unacceptable to re-use after the ignition of oily or flammable liquids that have the property of being absorbed into the cloth.

Size less than 1.4x1.8 meters is not practiced.

The best fire blankets

PP 300

The fire-resistant fabric is used in the first stage for the purpose of containment, to isolate burning clothing from oxygen access, or as a protective barrier during hot work. The temperature barrier of the web is 600°C.

PP 300, version A, B 
Canvas, size, m1,5-2
Deployment, time. FROM5
Laying felt, weight, kg1,1-1,15
Storage, temperature range, °С(-40):(+50)
Storage, period, years3

PP 300 felt mat
  • heat-resistant material of manufacture;
  • quick bringing to working readiness;
  • ease;
  • dielectric properties;
  • reliable localization of fire;
  • fire protection;
  • acceptable price.
  • reuse is possible only in the absence of damage after the end of the attenuation of the primary focus.

PP 600

Fire-fighting felt with a temperature limit of 600°C. The most popular model among primary fire extinguishers.

PP 600, version A, B 
Canvas, size, m1,5-2
Deployment, time. FROM5
Laying felt, weight, kg1,4-1,45
Temperature limit during localization, °С600
Storage, temperature range, °С(-40):(+50)
Storage, period, years3
PP 600 felt mat
  • compliance with GOST;
  • certified;
  • large stretching area with minimal time spent;
  • available for domestic use;
  • long storage period.
  • not found.

PP 700

A fire blanket with a period of application at a temperature regime of 800 ° C - 5 seconds, at 650 ° C - allows continuous use up to 5 hours.

PP 700 
Canvas, size, m1,5-2
Deployment, time. FROM5
Laying felt, weight, kg2.15
Permissible temperature range, ° С / period of use800/5; 650/300
Storage, temperature range, °C(-40):(+50)
Storage, period, years3

PP 700 felt mat
  • high allowable temperatures of use;
  • light weight;
  • glass fabric;
  • wide storage temperature range.
  • no.

PP 750

The curtain has a size of 1.2x2.5 meters, made of glass fabric, in accordance with the hygiene certificate and the certificate of conformity.

PP 750 
Nightmare, size, m1.2x2.5
Deployment, time. FROM5
Laying felt, weight, kg1.9
Permissible temperature indicator, ° С / period of use, seconds950/5; 650/300
Storage, temperature range, °C(-40):(+50)
Storage, period, years3

PP 750 felt mat
  • inexpensive specialized equipment;
  • availability of purchase in the online store;
  • characteristics comply with fire safety standards;
  • suitable as a welding blanket;
  • indispensable for hot work.
  • missing.

Asbestos felt mat

Asbestos material has thermal insulation properties, it is used for the production of sheathing sheets in ovens, refractory pipes and furnace structures.

The stitched version of the asbestos blanket has a size of 2x2 meters.

The fabric in the roll has a width of 1550 mm, respectively, you can get a felt mat of any length on order. During storage, the roll is wrapped in several places with twine, it is possible to place the roll in a special fire tube.
The composition of the material includes additionally viscose, cotton, lavsan. The heat resistance of the blanket is 500°C.

The asbestos roll has a chrysolite stuffing box.

APP 450 
Canvas, size, m1,5-2
Deployment, time. FROM5
Laying felt, weight, kg2.2
Permissible temperature regime, ° С450:500
Storage, temperature range, °C(-40):(+50)
Storage, period, years3

Asbestos felt mat
  • recommended for extinguishing electrical wiring up to 1000 V;
  • provides a protective barrier in the event of sparks and flames during operation;
  • stability of characteristics when exposed to an aggressive environment;
  • no shrinkage when exposed to temperature;
  • effective in extinguishing fuels and lubricants;
  • long periods of storage - 10 years when containing lavsan, 5 years when used as part of cotton, viscose threads.
  • temperature exposure limit 450°C.

Koshma PP 1200

A fire-resistant blanket with a thickness of 0.6 mm and an allowable limit of 1200 ° C is to be used at extremely hot temperatures.

PP 1200 
Canvas, size, m1,5-2
Temperature range, °C300-1200
Laying felt, weight, kg2.45
Storage, temperature range, °C(-40):(+50)
Storage, period, years3

Koshma PP 1200
  • production material - high-strength silica fabric;
  • certified according to the requirements of fire regulations;
  • designed for high temperature conditions;
  • contained in a bag-case made of waterproof material;
  • no deformation during temperature overloads;
  • shown to protect flammable structures;
  • high wear resistance;
  • free of carcinogens.
  • only in case of fires at the initial stage of combustion.

felt felt

A fire blanket made of felt is designed to block the access of oxygen to the place of combustion, localizing and eliminating the source.
With a standard width of 1.5 meters, the length can be chosen individually, as the roll consists of 25 meters.
Based on the calculation - a canvas of 1.5 * 2 meters per 200 m², in large areas you can have a roll of felt bedspread.
For storage on a roll, special containers or pencil cases are available, painted in red.

felt felt
  • not subject to rotting and corrosion during storage;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • not exposed to chemicals;
  • recommended for use on marine vessels;
  • wear-resistant;
  • the possibility of purchasing in the online store;
  • not limited in length.
  • not identified.

Tarpaulin fire blanket

To protect against sparks, flames and hot metal splashes, fireproof tarpaulin is used for various structures and objects.

The material is impregnated with a special solution that prevents fire.
In production, the standard 1.4 * 1.8 m of a tarpaulin curtain equipped with handles is additionally used.

Tarpaulin fire blanket
  • the possibility of ordering from the manufacturer of individual sizes;
  • high web density 620 g/m²;
  • not exposed to mechanical stress and decay;
  • made from ecological raw materials;
  • water resistance;
  • without carcinogens.
  • does not withstand high temperatures with prolonged exposure.

PP 1000

The fireproof blanket is made of silica fabric. The packaging is made in the form of a bright red case with two loops for easy placement on fire shields. It is shown for application at gas stations, industrial warehouses.

PP 1000 felt mat
  • ultimate temperature load 1000°С;
  • strength and wear resistance;
  • free slipping out of the case in an emergency;
  • resistant to decay and fungal infections;
  • designed for use at the first moment of ignition;
  • re-use is allowed;
  • with the functions of a welding felt;
  • compact storage;
  • during short-term operation, the critical temperature may be exceeded.
  • recommended for fires of classes "A", "B", "C".

Fiberglass OGN PP 1000 SPEC

The standard size of the blanket and the glass material determined the small inventory weight of 0.83 kg.

Fiberglass OGN PP 1000 SPEC
  • packed has a size of 200 * 15 * 300 mm;
  • indispensable for fire fighting with the prohibited use of water;
  • recommended for the protection of combustible structures.
  • inferior in characteristics to silica models.


Fire curtains prevent the penetration of fire into neighboring rooms.
The system consists of a box, a torsion shaft on an electric motor, a web. The dimensions of the frames are adjusted to the openings to be insulated.

There are several types of curtains:

  • horizontal;
  • accordion-shaped;
  • irrigated - with the function of water exposure;
  • non-irrigated.

The special material of fire curtains is made in Germany.

Fire curtains
  • back-up operation of the system from the battery is provided;
  • manufacturing material - composite thermoactive fabrics with the ability to expand at high temperatures;
  • tissues are non-toxic;
  • ultra durability of a curtain is provided with an interlacing in threads of a corrosion-proof wire;
  • the box is made of galvanized fabric.
  • expensive.


Russian manufacturers have the right to develop individual technical specifications - TU, so fire blankets may have some differences in characteristics. An inexpensive, hardly noticeable thing, which is at hand at the right time, can save you from major losses and injuries. It should be noted that the fire extinguisher is inferior to the felt mat in terms of ease of operation and, if possible, reusable use without additional recharging.

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