
  1. Appointment of anti-embolic knitwear
  2. How to choose
  3. List of the best manufacturers of anti-embolic stockings

Top Manufacturers of Compression Anti-Embolic Stockings in 2022

Top Manufacturers of Compression Anti-Embolic Stockings in 2022

Any woman in the wardrobe must have a variety of tights and stockings. In addition to the usual knitwear and products that correct the figure, there is also medical underwear. Today, many women purchase special anti-embolic stockings that help prevent varicose veins and facilitate rehabilitation after treatment for varicose veins. There are many products for this purpose. In order to choose them correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best manufacturers of compression anti-embolic stockings.

Appointment of anti-embolic knitwear

Modern anti-embolic knitwear is a product for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and other similar diseases. For their manufacture, a special elastic fabric is used. Such knitwear differs from the usual one in that it exerts moderate pressure on the limbs, improving the condition in various vein diseases. Such underwear should not be worn during physical activity. They are only allowed to be used at rest. Anti-embolic stockings prevent stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and normalize blood flow.

Such products are especially useful for people suffering from varicose veins. The disease makes its own adjustments to the patient's lifestyle and forces a serious approach to treatment. The main reasons for the development of such an ailment are heredity and a sedentary lifestyle. In women, wearing high-heeled shoes is considered an additional provoking factor. Many varicose veins appear after pregnancy. At the beginning, the problem does not make itself felt and the majority of patients seek medical help when the disease is already running and treatment requires surgical intervention.

After the operation, it is time for rehabilitation. This process is different for everyone, but it is important to do it correctly. Otherwise, the risk of developing thrombosis is high. To reduce possible risks, it is necessary to wear special stockings. They create compressive pressure that correctly distributes the load over the entire surface of the legs. Such stockings are divided not only by size, but also by the degree of compression pressure. Therefore, choosing a suitable product, it is necessary to take into account individual parameters.

Compression underwear promotes the outflow of blood from the saphenous veins and prevents the formation of blood clots. As a result of wearing stockings, swelling is reduced. Due to uniform compression, blood flow normalizes, congestion in the veins decreases. It is necessary to choose anti-embolic stockings on the recommendation of the attending physician.

The difference between anti-embolic knitwear and compression knitwear

Often, anti-embolic stockings are also called compression stockings. The reason for this is that they put a certain amount of pressure on the lower extremities. Medical knitwear used for diseases of the veins has a different purpose. On sale there are products intended for daily use or in order to prevent problems with veins.

Anti-embolic stockings are for special occasions. Their wearing is necessary after operations on the veins for hasty rehabilitation. Such products do not allow the formation of blood clots already in surgical intervention. Thanks to the hospital knitwear, optimal pressure is created on the legs of the patient who is on bed rest.

Anti-embolic knitwear is only available in white. This is necessary for the quality control of wounds after surgery, tracking secretions. Also, white color contributes to the sterility of the product. To enable doctors to assess blood circulation, special slots are made in the toe of the stocking.

Hospital jersey is designed to be worn for a strictly limited period of time. Such products should be used only 2 weeks after surgery and no more than 6 days after childbirth.
The fabric used for anti-embolic stockings must be hypoallergenic.This is due to the fact that in conditions of using a large number of medications, the likelihood of developing an allergy increases significantly.

How to choose

In addition to the size that can be selected, if you focus on a special table presented on the package, you must also choose anti-embolic stockings according to the degree of compression. There are 3 classes in total.

Class 1 stockings are designed to prevent possible diseases of the veins. They are recommended to be worn during pregnancy to prevent swelling and get rid of heaviness in the legs. They can also be worn during childbirth and after operations, if their duration does not exceed 45 minutes. It is useful to use such products after extensive surgery, while in intensive care or on an intensive course of therapy. Class 1 compression stockings are recommended for patients who have been lying down for a long time.

The pressure exerted by stockings of the second class is somewhat greater. Such products will be useful for relieving swelling after injuries and during surgery. Pregnant women with stage 2 varicose veins are also recommended to use such products. These stockings prevent the formation of blood clots in deep veins. They are worn by patients during intensive care, if there are varicose veins on the vessels, after abdominal operations, during childbirth or abortion, and also after operations on the veins.

Stockings belonging to the third class of compression pressure prevent the re-formation of trophic ulcers or clots in deep-lying veins. In some cases, such underwear is recommended to be used during operations. Such stockings improve the patient's well-being in case of chronic venous insufficiency.With their help, it is possible to get rid of severe edema, varicose seals and other signs of serious complications.

The degree of compression action cannot be chosen independently. In this matter, it is necessary to focus solely on the recommendations of the attending physician.

How to put on

The patient while putting on medical stockings should be in a supine position. Products can be worn independently or using a special device. It all depends on the degree of compression.

The stocking must be assembled into an accordion with your hands from the top to the toe. Then, with some effort, the product must be pulled over the leg. In this case, it is necessary to evenly distribute it over the leg. If the product has a high degree of compression, you will need a glider to put it on. First you need to pull the stocking over the toe using the device and only then put it on the leg completely.

To facilitate the process of putting on compression products will help:

  • Glider - a device that allows you to put on anti-embolic stockings without the help of an outsider;
  • Special gel or spray - the substance provides a sliding effect, which facilitates the process of stretching the product.

How to care for the product

Ideally, compression hosiery should be sterilized in a cold autoclave. But not everyone has such an opportunity, so you have to wash them. To wash anti-embolic stockings, you must purchase a special detergent. It allows you to save the structure of the fibers of the fabric and provides an antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to wash stockings by hand. Dry them in a straightened form on a flat surface away from heating appliances.Do not dry such products in the washing machine, and do not iron them.

List of the best manufacturers of anti-embolic stockings


The German company has been on the market for compression products for more than two decades. Venoteks products, which are of high quality, also have reasonable prices. Thanks to this, compression stockings of this brand are deservedly popular with women. The most modern computer technologies are used in production, as well as constant monitoring by medical specialists. For the manufacture of products, only high-quality fabrics that do not cause allergies are used. Also in the assortment of this company are products for obese people, patients with a non-standard structure of the limbs or with features after operations.

  • products are available in four sizes;
  • does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • has an open toe;
  • stocking size can be found by color coding;
  • with constant wear, stockings retain their properties for 30 days.
  • should not be worn if there are ulcers or wounds on the legs;
  • cut only standard.

The cost of such compression stockings is 1800 rubles.

Mediven Thrombexin 18

These stockings are also made in Germany. They have an attractive appearance, are pleasant to the skin, do not provoke allergic reactions. The composition of the fabric, which is distinguished by its special elasticity, does not include latex. They can be safely washed in a washing machine at a temperature of +95 degrees. For ease of sizing, the stockings are color-coded on the heel.

For the manufacture of fabric, a special technology is used, which allows for maximum extensibility of the product in width and length. Thanks to this, the stockings are quick and easy to put on.They do not bring discomfort, they hold well.

Knitwear has optimal knitting, which allows to ensure high-quality water balance of the skin and thermoregulation. The effectiveness of these stockings has been confirmed by numerous tests. They prevent the formation of blood clots, provide the necessary pressure and sit firmly on the legs. They can be worn by bedridden patients. For people with a high tendency to thromboembolism or with advanced varicose veins, there are high stockings with a fastener at the waist.

Mediven Thrombexin 18
  • hypoallergenic;
  • in the toe area, the fabric additionally has antimicrobial properties;
  • to control blood circulation there is a slot under the fingers;
  • sizes are color-coded.
  • can not be worn with ulcers of a local nature or with skin lesions;
  • small size range.

The cost of such stockings is 1800 rubles.


These stockings have a white color traditional for this type of product. The composition of the fabric includes 74 polyamide and 26% elastane. They must be worn to prevent thromboembolic complications. To control blood circulation and prevent the development of a fungal infection, a special hole is provided in the toe area under the fingers. While wearing these stockings, air is supplied to the patient's skin, which avoids overheating.

Stockings create an optimal compression effect in order to maintain normal blood circulation in lying patients. The fabric does not lose its basic properties from exposure to high temperatures during washing, from natural skin secretions or from contact with therapeutic ointments or creams.

When putting on these stockings do not cause difficulties, while wearing they do not form folds. The maximum compression is created in the ankle area, then the pressure weakens as the product rises along the leg. They are useful to wear to protect against the formation of blood clots in deep veins and prevent dangerous complications. It is recommended to use them during pregnancy and after childbirth.

  • do not provoke allergies;
  • do not come into contact with drugs and then;
  • non-tightening elastic band.
  • do not use if there are local ulcers or wounds on the skin;
  • issued in a single size;
  • the cut is also only standard.

The average cost of such stockings is 2000 rubles.


The products of the Italian brand belong to the segment of budget products, but at the same time retain all the necessary characteristics for hospital knitwear. Due to the optimal combination of cost and high quality, these stockings are especially popular with women.

For a good fit to the surface of the skin, these stockings have a special elastic band in the upper part. This allows you to securely fix the product on the leg. The medical material consists of 72 polyamide and 28% elastane. It is recommended to use this model for patients who are in a lying position for a long time. It is appropriate to use them during childbirth, as well as during certain operations.

  • elastic band made of fabric that does not tighten the thigh;
  • non-allergic fabric;
  • different form;
  • you can choose the most suitable size;
  • low cost.
  • the sock is completely closed;
  • the top edge quickly loses its shape.

The average price of such stockings is 800 rubles.


The Russian brand is distinguished by a wide selection of products from compression knitwear. But anti-embolic stockings are represented by only two models, which differ in the degree of compression action. They are available in four sizes in a standard white shade. They can be washed in the washing machine.

stockings Intex
  • do not provoke allergic reactions;
  • have an open toe;
  • for a snug fit and high-quality support, there is a silicone wide elastic band;
  • There are models designed for wide hips.
  • do not use if there are ulcers and injuries on the body;
  • fragile top edge;
  • standard cut.

The average cost of such products is 1500 rubles.


These products are made in Italy. They are practical and have good air permeability. The main purpose of such stockings is to prevent the formation of blood clots and embolism during and after childbirth. They are beneficial regardless of whether there is a predisposition to the formation of blood clots or the disease is already present. It is allowed to wear such stockings in the postoperative period.

The product has a slit in the toe area to control blood flow. They can be washed at a temperature that does not exceed +30 degrees. Stockings are easy to put on without special devices, they fit well and do not fold. The fabric does not come into contact with medical preparations and does not lose its properties from contact with them. It is recommended to use these products for patients who are in a supine position for a long time.

  • hypoallergenic.
  • the top edge quickly becomes unusable;
  • cannot be used if there are injuries on the legs;
  • are quickly drawn out.

The average cost of such products is 1300 rubles.

In most cases, the cost of anti-embolic stockings is not cheap. Therefore, they should be purchased only on the recommendation of the attending physician. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right size using the table on the package.

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