
  1. How to choose
  2. Points to pay attention to
  3. Rating of the best programs for changing voice
  4. Conclusion

The Best Voice Changer Software in 2022

The Best Voice Changer Software in 2022

Communicating on the network, some users tend to remain incognito. Being a mysterious interlocutor does not mean hiding your voice. You can talk, but at the same time change your voice beyond recognition. What do I need to do? It's simple, just download a program to change your voice on your computer.

In addition, this program will be useful if you want to change the tempo of your voice, intonation, or verbally influence a virtual audience. Or, if you are embarrassed by the sound of your voice, but you need to record an audio story. And, of course, with the help of voice transformation, you can come up with various practical jokes.

Our review will provide popular programs for changing the voice, and shine in the various nuances that accompany the process of use.

How to choose

Before you install the program, you should decide on its functionality and selection criteria. What is worth paying attention to? Below we list the parameters that can be in the program.

  1. Online conversion;
  2. Support for online games;
  3. Compatible with Skype;
  4. Recorder;
  5. License.

Some programs can function exclusively in Skype, others work well, regardless of the application used. Most good voice changers come in English, but in Russian, the choice is narrowed.

Points to pay attention to

If you are going to use the program for free by installing it on your computer, then be extremely careful, as such products that get for free often contain software that you do not need. It is not superfluous to use a service like VirusTotal to check the downloaded file for all sorts of viruses.

There are programs that only accept a standard microphone and do not react in any way if you have a USB microphone.

There is such a possibility that when communicating you may stop being heard. Then you should study the Windows settings and at the same time applications. For example, you should open the context menu, find the “Recording devices” item there and see if the desired microphone is there as a recording device.

Rating of the best programs for changing voice

AV Voice Changer Diamond

An excellent program with additional features is AV Voice Changer Diamond.The application has the ability to edit the voice online, as well as use all kinds of effects from a special container and manually correct each preset.

Fine-tuning the parameters allows, by moving the pointer, to change the intonation of the voice, its timbre, pitch, and in general, a young voice can be made old, and a male female, and vice versa. AV Voice Changer Diamond is skype compatible but unfortunately not suitable for many other clients.

The advantages of the program is that it has a recorder and the sound is recorded in an mp3 file. The utility includes a ten-band equalizer, an integrated player, and additional features for audio noise reduction and compression. The free trial lasts 14 days, and then, if everything suits you, you will need to make a purchase. How much does such a perfect program cost? From 5000 rubles and above.

  • Russian-speaking;
  • A wide range of additional functions;
  • skype support;
  • There are tutorials;
  • The sound quality is high, the sound of the voice is natural;
  • Work can be both in real time and with existing records.
  • There is an online conversion.
  • License price;
  • No support for online games.

AthTek Skype Voice Changer

This application is quite powerful, but its compatibility extends exclusively to Skype. The utility allows you to edit the voice directly during communication. It is possible to use template effects and use them to transform the voice, for example, change the sound from an adult to a child.

In addition, extraneous noise can be applied to the background.Recording the dialogue and exporting the result to an audio file is present. You can change the tone by moving the mouse slider. Suitable for window. When the installation is completed, you will need to confirm the incoming request that there is compatibility with Skype. The free period lasts for 14 days. Trial license type.

The cost of the application is about 2000 rubles.

  • Dialogue recording function;
  • Quality presets;
  • Overlay background sounds;
  • Ability to save dialogue in various formats;
  • Voice characteristics can be changed during communication.
  • Interface without translation into Russian;
  • You have to pay for the app.

fake voice

If you need a free utility, then you should pay attention to Fake Voice. The functionality is quite good, you can distort the sound received from connected devices. The recording function is present. In addition, there is an installation of another audio device.

Fake Voice does not boast a list of "ready-made voices", that is, with the help of this utility, you will not turn from a man into a woman and vice versa. The application provides four sliders, moving which you will change the sound, make it louder, thinner, and so on. It is also possible to add an echo or make a robotic speech.

  • Can be used in conjunction with other programs;
  • Absolutely free for everyone;
  • There are different template options;
  • You can record dialogue.
  • Few additional features.

MorphVOX Pro

The MorphVOX Pro snail has an enviable versatility.The application has the ability to apply various effects to your voice, effortlessly setting up a given template, you can add a template you like from an integrated container to an audio track. The application is compatible not only with the popular Skype, but also with many other instant messengers and supports Push-To-Talk operation. The recorder is available. Gamers will definitely appreciate the ability to control using the so-called "hot keys".

MorphVOX Pro has a number of advantages compared to similar programs, as it has online conversion, support for online games and is compatible not only with Skype. There is a wide choice of what to use, which voice to choose, an alien or a movie star, or you can use a special module that allows you to create a voice to your taste. Supported languages ​​are both English and Russian.

The cost is about 2400 rubles.

  • Functionality at height;
  • Changing the tone and setting the exact sound;
  • Adding background noise;
  • A selection of famous voices;
  • Russified.
  • High price.

funny voice

Funny Voice is a fairly elementary application that even a child can handle. You just need to connect a microphone and speakers. Using the utility is very simple, if you want your voice to make you tremble with fear, then move the slider to the left, if you need to make your interlocutor laugh, then move the slider to the right and become a cartoon character with a funny timbre. The program is perfect for Windows.

The main advantage of the utility is that it is free, which means that anyone can try to have fun by changing their voice.But you need to know that when working with this application, you need to get rid of extraneous noise, otherwise the sound quality will leave much to be desired. Free license type.

  • Free;
  • Small size;
  • Easy to use;
  • You can change the tone;
  • Online conversion;
  • Recorder;
  • It is possible to record the result.
  • Application operation is unstable;
  • There is no translation into Russian;
  • Not compatible with Skype;
  • The functionality is limited.


Clownfish is a fairly compact utility for Skype in Russian, it is a translator, as it can translate incoming and outgoing messages in any language. The application has the ability to record dialogues, check spelling in the text and change your voice. There is also speech synthesis, a variety of templates with congratulations and the function of playing melodies during a conversation. Of the additional functions, there is a chat bot and encryption of the sent message. The application has its own portable version. Given that Clownfish is a free program, there are practically no complaints about it. The only drawback is that it only fits Skype, and other instant messengers are out of work.

  • Free;
  • Availability of additional functions;
  • Russian-language interface;
  • Ability to translate messages from any language;
  • Dialogue recording;
  • Enable chat bot.
  • Compatible only with Skype.

Voxal Voice Changer

Another good free utility is Voxal Voice Changer. The functionality of the application is quite good and allows you to change the voice on various platforms, for example, in online games or when talking on Skype.You can adjust the voice volume or set a different tone. The program is useful both for entertainment purposes and for more serious ones when you need to record an audiobook or sing a song, but at the same time maintain confidentiality.

It is also possible to use arbitrary effects, using them to make the sound exactly the way you want. The utility functions allow each effect to be adjusted individually. The application is great to install on your computer as the first voice changer. Free license type.

  • Free;
  • Online conversion and recorder are present;
  • Licensing policy;
  • Qualitative voice change;
  • There are built-in effects;
  • The interface is convenient to use.
  • Limited functionality;
  • Menu in English.

AV VoizGame

The AV VoizGame program is very popular among advanced gamers, which is not surprising, since the utility makes it possible to change the voice in speech chats in different games, choose the voice of celebrities or change the tone, this or that emotion. AV VoizGame has a decent amount of interesting templates used to change the sound. There is a function for recording sound, there are also special "hot keys" that make it easier to control the utility. The program is paid, but there is a free trial period of seven days. Trial license type.

The approximate cost is about 1800 rubles.

  • Large selection of sound distorting patterns;
  • Online conversion and support for online games;
  • Ability to manage "hot keys";
  • There is a built-in player.
  • The trial period is only a week;
  • There is no support for messengers.


So we got acquainted with interesting options for programs that allow you to change your voice, and thereby make communication in the virtual world even brighter, seasoning it with fresh emotions. To finally choose for yourself which program you want to install on your computer, decide what you need it for. After all, some of the utilities are designed for being in the gaming space, and some for communicating in instant messengers.

Since some programs are available for free use, it is best, of course, to start with them. Download the utility you like the most, study its functionality and perhaps stop there. If you want more features, then there is always the opportunity to use the trial period of paid programs. Do not rush to buy until you try all kinds of software, having studied the popular options, you will definitely choose the best one for yourself.

The voice changer is not only a mysterious incognito mask or necessary privacy, it is also a way to play pranks on your friends and give a fun, unforgettable mood. Add color to your life by changing your voice!

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