
  1. Planetarium
  2. What to look for when choosing
  3. List of the best home planetariums for 2022
  4. Budget models
  5. More expensive models

The best starry sky projectors for the home for 2022

The best starry sky projectors for the home for 2022

The sky, stars, space - all this has long attracted the attention of both adults and children. Previously, it was possible to see the stars only at night, raising your head to the sky, but modern technologies allow you to enjoy the starry sky at any time of the day, without leaving your home. But for this you will need to purchase a special projector, the so-called home planetarium.


A home planetarium is a small device that projects an image of the sky, stars, and planets onto a wall or stream in your home. The images that the device recreates are identical to real constellations, and some models even recreate various natural phenomena such as falling stars or the northern lights. Planetarium models can be both simple and more complex, their cost and image quality will depend on this.

What to look for when choosing

Despite the fact that the device appeared on the market relatively recently, consumers are provided with a fairly wide selection of models of different price categories and with various functions. When choosing a suitable model, it is worth paying attention to some points, such as:

  • to whom it will be purchased, for a child, you can purchase a simpler model, because at a young age it will be enough just beautiful stars shining on the walls or ceiling. But for a teenager or an adult, you need to choose a model that will project copies of the constellations and more. The cost of such an apparatus will be higher, but it is worth it, since more expensive models recreate real constellations, so you can even study astronomy using them;
  • having decided for whom the projector will be purchased, you should examine the walls and ceilings in the room, since either snow-white walls or snow-white ceilings are necessary for clear reproduction. But if neither one nor the other is suitable, you can use an ordinary white sheet, of course you can’t leave it hanging on the wall all the time, but it’s quite possible to hang it out for a while in order to admire the stars.It should also be remembered that the distance between the wall and the projector must be at least two meters, this applies to more powerful models, and if the device is completely childish, then half a meter is enough;
  • the next step when choosing should be an assessment of the device itself, that is, its technical capabilities, since it is they who will affect the cost and quality of the reproduced picture. Among the main parameters, when choosing, pay attention to the correct location and number of stars, their volume ranges from 8000 to 120000 or more. As a rule, a smaller volume in projectors is simpler and not expensive. They also pay attention to the settings and functions, it’s not bad if the device has a rotation angle, the ability to set the frequency of turns, automatic shutdown, the presence of a control panel and additional special effects, such as northern lights, the appearance of the moon, etc. Among other things, attention is also paid to the manufacturer's companies, good manufacturers give a guarantee for about a year, which allows replacing the device in the event of a breakdown.

A home planetarium will bring joy to all family members, create an unusual, magical atmosphere in the house.

List of the best home planetariums for 2022

For consumers, a fairly wide selection of home planetariums is offered, which differ in functionality and price. But, like any other product, home sky projectors have a list of those that are among the best, as a rule, such lists are based on customer reviews and recommendations. Planetariums for the home are divided into budget and more expensive models.

Budget models

As for budget models, among them are those that are in fairly high demand. Of course, you should not expect something supernatural from them, but it is quite possible to please a child with beautiful stars on the ceiling. I often use such devices as children's lamps.

Young child prodigy

Not the best, but quite popular budget model can be called the Young Prodigy Planetarium. This projector will allow the child to enjoy the night sky in the room at any time, there is an assembly instruction in the box, which tells in detail in the pictures how to assemble it. Before use, you must set the latitude and the desired date using the wheels at the base. The cost of a set ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Young child prodigy home planetarium
  • detailed instructions for assembly and elimination of possible defects;
  • ease of use;
  • bright image;
  • affordable price.
  • did tend to stick out, which spoils the look;
  • only runs on batteries.

Planetarium Starry Sky

Another budget version of the planetarium is the "Starry Sky", this model is also quite easy to assemble and comes with all the necessary spare parts and detailed assembly instructions. The cost of a set starts from 700 to 1000 rubles.

Planetarium Starry Sky
  • cheap;
  • allows the child to get acquainted with the real constellations.
  • rather flimsy dome construction (cardboard);
  • you need to make holes in the dome yourself, in the drawings of the constellations.

Planetarium-night light

The Planetarium set is assembled into a night light and also recreates the vault of heaven on the ceiling, which will delight both a child and an adult. The picture of the constellations and planets is displayed throughout the room, that is, the stars will be on the ceiling and on the walls. The device can work both from batteries and from a wire. It can be called the most budget model.

Planetarium-night light
  • price;
  • the ability to connect from an external power supply;
  • ease of use;
  • beautiful image.
  • lack of a wire for external connection;
  • the structure is fragile.

Space and ocean world

A more expensive, but still affordable National Geographic Space and Ocean World home projector model allows you to see the starry sky and the inhabitants of the ocean at home. The case comes with cartridges, 20 of which have images of marine life, another 20 display constellations. All pictures are original pictures of space beauty and the underwater world, such a projector can be used as a teaching aid. To get a picture, you do not need a special screen or monitor, a dark room is quite suitable. Due to the movable body, the image can be reproduced both on the ceiling and on the wall. As for the control settings, they are so simple that even a child can handle them.

Space and Ocean World National Geographic
  • price;
  • reliability of information;
  • beautiful design;
  • the ability to use as a teaching aid;
  • ease of use.
  • only runs on batteries.

Edu-Toys Star

This home planetarium of the Japanese manufacturer has excellent characteristics and affordable price.The device allows you to adjust the distance to the surface and the diameter of the image, this is done by twisting the adjusting ring located around the lens. The maximum distance and diameter of the reproduced projection are equal to three meters, their changes do not affect the image quality in any way. The device comes with two discs with constellations.

Edu-Toys Star Planetarium
  • affordable price;
  • a large number of stars;
  • the ability to use additional disks;
  • pretty easy to use;
  • The manufacturer gives a 3 year warranty.
  • operates only on batteries;
  • there is no rotation function.

Home Star Aroma

The device has a compact structure and a stylish look, in addition to allowing you to see the starry sky, it has an aromatherapy function. A rather unusual, but very successful combination makes the model both a wonderful gift for friends and relatives, and a wonderful acquisition for personal use. So, the model has a map with an exact image of the location of 10,000 stars and a special compartment for aromatic oils. Manufacturers have taken care not only about the design, but also about the protection of the projector, they made the case waterproof, which makes it possible to use it in the bathroom or in the pool.

Home Star Aroma
  • excellent design;
  • bright image;
  • affordable price;
  • a combination of projector and flavor;
  • the case is protected from moisture;
  • compact size.
  • a fairly modest number of stars;
  • the diameter of the reproduced projection is 1 meter.

More expensive models

There are models on the market that project real constellations in great detail.By purchasing such a projector for home, owners can enjoy the beautiful night sky and create a romantic atmosphere at any time. Such mini devices can also be used in educational institutions for the study of astronomy.

Eastcolight AstroEye

Among the more expensive home planetariums, the Chinese Eastcolight AstroEye model can be distinguished. Users can choose a set with 2, 3, 5 and 9 discs, of course, the cost of the set will vary depending on their number. The projector reproduces up to 38,000 stars, and also allows you to see the most popular constellations, the image can be displayed horizontally and vertically, depending on the wishes of the owner. You can set the function when the pictures unfold, changing the position of the stars in accordance with the daily changes caused by the rotation of the Earth.

Eastcolight AstroEye Planetarium
  • the presence of a timer that allows you to set automatic shutdown, with the ability to select the time for half an hour, an hour or two;
  • sharp image;
  • ease of operation.
  • works only on batteries;
  • the number of stars is less than in reality.

Home Star Resort

Manufacturers offer customers a projector that will turn the evening into a fabulous show, the HomeStar Resort model allows you to enjoy not only the stars, but also the sunset against the backdrop of palm trees, as well as such an amazing phenomenon as the northern lights. In addition to beautiful realistic images, the device has a built-in player that allows you to enjoy the sounds of Hawaiian music, as well as the sound of the surf.An additional advantage is the presence of three lenses, while in many other models there is only one, such an addition makes the pictures clearer and brighter.

Home Star Resort
  • affordable price;
  • high quality;
  • the presence of a player with three melodies to choose from;
  • the case is made of impact-resistant material;
  • the presence of a timer that allows you to set the shutdown time (from 5 to 30 minutes).
  • only runs on batteries.

Sitetek Media

The projector of this model has a fairly large list of additional features, including the presence of an FM receiver, player, the ability to set any date and time of day, picture rotation speed and direction (right, left). Built into the body are speakers that reproduce clear sound, the lens produces a clear and reliable picture, and three disks with information about the location of stars and constellation are also included. All information on slides, in Russian.

Sititek Media Planetarium
  • affordable price;
  • built-in player and receiver;
  • the ability to set the date, time;
  • works both from batteries and from the mains;
  • the presence of auto-off;
  • image clarity.
  • the set does not include a network cable;
  • only available in pink and white.

Star Theater Pro

The popular and advanced model of the home planetarium from the manufacturer Uncle Milton is one of the best. This copy combines versatility, design, reliability, quality and ease of use. The projection diameter is more than two meters, which is more than most analogues. The set includes two disks with constellations, stars and planets of the solar system.Owners will be able to set the function of shooting stars and daily rotation around the planet. Also, the model was included in the book of records due to the fact that it reproduces the largest number of stars and constellations.

Star Theater Pro
  • a large number of stars;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • instruction in Russian;
  • works from the network;
  • The distance to the projection can reach 4 meters.
  • audio accompaniment without translation into Russian.

HomeStar Aurora Alaska

The HomeStar Aurora Alaska home projector allows its owners to enjoy the sunset, the starry sky and the northern lights, while not having to switch anything, as this model projects everything by itself in turn. The presence of three lenses makes the images clear and bright. In addition, the body of the product has built-in speakers that allow you to listen to the sounds of nature (the sound of waves, the singing of a cricket, etc.)

HomeStar Aurora Alaska
  • clear, real reproduction;
  • the presence of music;
  • affordable price;
  • shutdown timer.
  • battery operation.

HomeStar R2-D2 EX

Model R2-D2 EX will be a great gift for a boy, as his body is made in the form of a robot and the famous Star Wars movie. The projector comes with discs featuring realistic constellations, spaceships and movie characters. The home planetarium of this model will be a wonderful gift for a child and will fit into any design of a children's room. Especially will please fans of the film about Star Wars. This kind of planetarium can be used as a teaching tool, because the slides contain real constellations and correctly positioned stars.

HomeStar R2-D2 EX
  • quality and number of stars;
  • unusual design;
  • additional warehouses with spaceships;
  • the robot can move and talk.
  • quite heavy (1.5 kg);
  • high price.

Home Star Earth Theater

The model contains two projectors, one for projecting the starry sky, constellations, and the second is designed to play movies. Included with the device are two flash drives with films about space and a disk with constellations. When creating this model, manufacturers took into account all the possible wishes of customers, images can be displayed both on the wall and on the ceiling, the ability to adjust the focus, set the sleep timer, there is an audio system with a clear sound and much more, which makes the device a wonderful gift for people any age.

Home Star Earth Theater
  • modern design;
  • clarity and brightness of images;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • mains operation (cable included);
  • opportunity to watch movies;
  • the presence of a headphone jack;
  • combination with other discs.
  • the cost of the item starts from 34,000 rubles.

Bresser Junior Planetarium

The Bresser Junior Delux model is made in a modern style and allows you to enjoy the beauty of the night sky without leaving your home. The set includes two discs with constellations and stars, which reproduce 61 constellations with lines and 8600 stars. Shooting stars can also be seen, which makes the projections more mesmerizing. The picture can be placed both horizontally and vertically, depending on the wishes of the owner.

Bresser Junior Planetarium
  • model quality;
  • the presence of a shutdown timer;
  • environmentally friendly and completely safe for the child.
  • a small number of stars;
  • fuzziness of the image, due to this shortcoming, some stars merge.

Bresser National Geographic

The projector is an excellent teaching tool for children of primary school and preschool age, one of the special features is the ability to talk, or rather tell information about the displayed objects. The set includes two discs, each with more than 8,000 stars. Thanks to the player built into the case, you can set the music that will play during the viewing period. The German manufacturer gives a five-year warranty on the device, which is quite a lot.

Bresser National Geographic Planetarium
  • quality image;
  • can work both from a network, and from batteries which are included in the package;
  • stylish design, various colors;
  • built-in radio;
  • high-quality sound;
  • sleep timer;
  • Ability to set date and time.
  • connection cable is not included.

HomeStar Classic Planetarium

The best-selling model can be called HomeStar Classic, this device has not only an affordable price, but also good performance. Included with the device are two disks with stars and constellations, as well as an additional disk of the buyer's choice. Owners can set the projection rotation clockwise and counter-clockwise, shutdown time. The device also reproduces shooting stars, which creates an unusually romantic atmosphere for adults and a fairy tale for children.

HomeStar Classic Planetarium
  • affordable price;
  • bright and clear image;
  • assembled from shock-resistant material;
  • sleep timer.
  • not detected.

A home planetarium is a pretty good purchase that will bring pleasure not only to a child, but also to an adult.The choice of model, first of all, should be based on the one for whom it is purchased. If a young creature becomes the owner, then a cheaper option is quite suitable, for those who are older, you can pick up a more expensive copy that will not only please the eye, but also act as a teaching aid.

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