
  1. What is mesotherapy?
  2. Classification of drugs
  3. Active ingredients
  4. The best preparations for mesotherapy

The best preparations for facial mesotherapy in 2022

The best preparations for facial mesotherapy in 2022

Any woman would like to look young and mature. But youth does not last forever. Therefore, modern developments in the field of cosmetology come to the rescue. Now more and more women prefer injection rejuvenation and use mesotherapy. We will talk about existing preparations for facial mesotherapy in this material.

What is mesotherapy?

The procedure is an injection of a special solution that contains all the necessary substances to prolong youth.Serum is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin. With this method of rejuvenation, the visual signs of skin aging are eliminated and saturate it with the necessary elements to stimulate the production of its own tissues.

When selecting a specific substance, the specialist takes into account what result the woman wants to get, determines the dose and the number of necessary procedures. Usually the full course is from 3 to 10 sessions, held with a week break. At the same time, mesotherapy has a cumulative effect. This means that the final result does not appear immediately, but a few days after the completion of the course.

The drug mixture is injected with a very thin needle into the deep layers of the dermis. In this case, the introduction can be both manual and hardware. It depends on which area of ​​the face the therapeutic cocktail is injected into. Local anesthesia is used to reduce pain. Traces of punctures on the skin completely disappear in a few hours.

With the help of mesotherapy, acne, acne is treated, wrinkles and pigmentation are eliminated. Sometimes complications occur after mesotherapy sessions - erythema, soreness or skin allergies.

Classification of drugs

All substances used to preserve youth are divided according to their action and components. Given the characteristics of a particular brand, you can easily choose a drug that is suitable for fixing the problem.

Principles of classification of cocktails for mesotherapy:

  • The composition of substances is divided into homeopathic and allopathic. In the first case, the composition of the cocktail contains more herbal ingredients and vitamins. Allopathic preparations also include herbal ingredients and vitamins, but it also includes synthetic and medicinal ingredients.
  • According to the effects of such drugs are diuretic, antiseptic, lipolytic and rejuvenating. To eliminate puffiness, a diuretic cocktail is used, antiseptics treat acne and other rashes. Lipolitics normalize blood circulation, anti-aging ones improve the production of collagen.

Active ingredients

According to their composition, mesotherapy products are divided into monopreparations and products with a complex composition. It includes the following ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic and glycolic acids are needed to maintain water balance, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • Vitamins treat and rejuvenate the dermis, and also have a regenerating and nourishing effect;
  • Mineral components give the dermis elasticity and provide nutrition at the cellular level;
  • Biotechnological developments enhance the anti-aging processes in the skin;
  • Medicines reinforce the action of the remaining ingredients and maintain the condition of the skin;
  • Plant extracts act in different directions, relieve irritation, soothe, relieve inflammation;
  • Extracts of animal origin are needed to stop the aging process, tighten the dermis and improve elasticity.

The best preparations for mesotherapy

Now mesococktails are produced by various pharmaceutical companies around the world. Their products vary in cost, composition and effect on the skin. Choose a drug at the request of the client or the recommendation of a specialist. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that clinics with a good reputation do not use cheap drugs of dubious production. Thus, they protect their patients from negative consequences and complications.

Means of Russian production

In Russia, the production of mesotherapy cocktails is just beginning to develop.But the first steps in this direction have already been taken by the domestic company Skinasil. She launched the production of mesotherapy products in 2007.

Kolelast complex

The active substances of this complex are the hydrolyzate of elastin and collagen. Thanks to these components, the product has the necessary nourishing effect and moisturizes the dermis in the deep layers, making it more elastic. The drug is used if there is a decrease in tone and loss of elasticity of the dermis. It is also used to eliminate deep wrinkles in the forehead or neck. The full course includes 6 injection sessions, which are carried out with a seven-day interval. Then you need to do 2 more sessions to maintain the effect with a break of 2 weeks. After that, the achieved effect is supported by the introduction of the drug once a month.

Kolelast complex

  • eliminates deep wrinkles;
  • improves elasticity and hydration;
  • acceptable price;
  • improves skin nutrition.
  • not detected.

The average cost of 1 procedure is 4000 rubles.


For the production of this serum, extracts and extracts from sturgeon eggs are used. This drug is especially recommended if there are noticeable signs of skin changes due to age. It copes with withering, reduced elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, violations of the relief of the face. With the introduction of the drug, it is possible to get rid of the high dryness of the skin and pale color. The tool acts as an antioxidant, saturates the skin with nutrients, restores its natural functions. The full course includes 4 procedures, which are carried out with a two-week break.

  • eliminates obvious signs of aging;
  • contains a natural extract from sturgeon caviar;
  • fights wrinkles;
  • restores the natural properties of the skin.
  • not found.

The average price of one procedure is 6000 rubles.


In this preparation, the main role is played by the herbal extract of the Ginkgo biloba plant. This tool is used for vascular mesotherapy or added as an active ingredient to other cocktails. The drug stimulates blood flow, leads to normal skin tone, removes spider veins, reduces puffiness and relieves puffiness. The tool has a pronounced antioxidant effect, normalizes the condition of the vascular walls. The full course is from 5 to 10 procedures, which are carried out at weekly intervals.

  • herbal preparation;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • used to improve complexion;
  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • not found.

The average cost of one session is 4000 rubles.

Japanese cocktails for mesotherapy

In our country, Japanese-made mesotherapy preparations are represented by Sakura brand products. These products contain elastin, collagen and glycosaminoglycan in their composition.
The line of Japanese meso-cocktails is represented by three complexes:

  • Sakura is used for injection at a fairly young age up to 30 years;
  • Sakura EJI is recommended by experts for older patients over 40;
  • Sakura EJI Extra is used for injections in women over 45 years of age.

Mesotherapy products provide high quality lifting, eliminate age-related transformations of the skin and fill the dermis with the microelements it needs, saturate it with vitamins. The composition includes a placental extract that improves blood flow.It relieves pigmentation, moisturizes the dermis and smoothes uneven relief. The course usually includes 9 procedures with a rest period of 12 days between them. The procedure is repeated a year later.

Sakura EJI
  • contains natural ingredients;
  • has a noticeable rejuvenating effect;
  • fights pigmentation;
  • moisturizes well.
  • expensive tool.

The cost of 1 session with this drug is 10,000 rubles.

Korean meso cocktails

Korean cosmetics companies take the challenges of maintaining the skin of mature women very seriously. The drugs produced in this country are very effective, so most cosmetologists recommend these products to their clients.

Dermaheal SR

This drug is manufactured by Caregen co ltd. Its components include mineral complexes, vitamins, bioregulatory substances, copper tripeptide. It is recommended to use this remedy for injections in the development of wrinkles, against premature aging, to reduce dryness of the skin, reduce enlarged pores, and reduce flabbiness. After injections, wrinkles are smoothed out, tone and elasticity are improved, fluid balance is normalized. For a full course, it is recommended to attend 5 to 7 procedures.

Dermaheal SR
  • well eliminates the symptoms of age-related changes;
  • fights enlarged pores;
  • reduces the depth of wrinkles;
  • saturates the skin with moisture;
  • acceptable price.
  • not found.

The average price is 4000 rubles.

Dermaheal Stem C'rum SR

This mesotherapy cocktail contains complex amino acids and epidermal growth factors. The drug is recommended for injection if a woman has mimic wrinkles, the skin is very flabby and there are other obvious signs of aging. Serum consists of two phases. The nutrient medium of the drug encourages the skin to self-regenerate. Under the influence of the cocktail, there is an enhanced growth of stem cells, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is rejuvenated. Experts recommend at least seven sessions with the participation of this drug. between procedures make a week break.

Dermaheal Stem C'rum SR
  • contains many highly effective components;
  • fights the visible signs of aging;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • acceptable price.
  • not found.

The average price of the drug is 6000 rubles.

Preparations for mesotherapy made in the USA

This country traditionally produces the best mesotherapy products. They are of high quality and show excellent rejuvenation results.

Meso Xanthin

In this meso-cocktail, the active substance is fucoxanthin and hyaluronic acid. These substances have a stimulating effect on the work of the most important cells of the skin. The drug is used more often as a means of prevention, when the skin is just beginning to show signs of aging. The tool improves the skin, eliminates unnecessary pigmentation, smoothes the unevenness of the relief. Experts recommend taking a course of four procedures with a week break.

Meso Xanthin
  • contains hyaluronic acid;
  • stimulates rejuvenation at the cellular level;
  • shows high efficiency.
  • it is recommended to apply only at a relatively young age;
  • expensive drug.

The average price for one procedure is 12,000 rubles.

Meso Wharton

This drug appeared on the market of mesococktails relatively recently. Now he is one of the best drugs for rejuvenating the skin in women after 40 years. The composition of the preparation includes hyaluronic acid as active components, as well as a synthetic substance that serves as a full-fledged replacement for the natural peptide. Thanks to these components, the drug actively stimulates the work of stem cells. It is useful to inject with this remedy if the skin has lost its elasticity, age spots have appeared, there are signs of dehydration, obvious wrinkles. The remedy will help with loss of clarity of the contour of the face and for smoothing scar tissue. For a full course, it is recommended to go through 5 to 8 procedures, making an interval between them 10 days.

Meso Wharton
  • innovative drug;
  • has a visible rejuvenating effect;
  • returns elasticity;
  • fights pigmentation;
  • moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles;
  • smoothes scars.
  • expensive drug.

The average cost of 1 session is 20,000 rubles.

Italian preparations for mesotherapy


By its action, this drug is a high-polymer nekleotide DNA of the cellular structure of the skin. It contains vitamin E. Thanks to these components, the drug activates the regeneration of DNA cells. The tool helps to smooth wrinkles, protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, deeply moisturizes the skin. It is recommended to carry out 1 procedure every 2 weeks.

  • acceptable price;
  • stimulates skin cells to regenerate;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • moisturizes the skin.
  • not found.

The average price of one procedure is 3000 rubles.


This meso-cocktail is one of the best drugs that protect the skin from visual aging. The tool contains in its composition an organic analogue of silicon, plant components, elastin. The tool is used to combat age wrinkles, smooth scar tissue and scars. The drug deeply moisturizes the layers of the dermis, stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers, and provides active oxygen enrichment. For a full course, it is recommended to carry out 4 procedures with a two-week break.

  • deeply moisturizes the skin;
  • stimulates recovery processes;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • acceptable cost;
  • enriches with oxygen;
  • fights scars and scars.
  • not found.

On average, the price of one procedure is 5000 rubles.


The Spanish-made drug contains organic acids, peptides, licorice root extract, chromabrite, ericoline and other useful substances. Thanks to this composition, the drug improves the functioning of cells and regulates their activity. Most often, this tool is recommended to be used to eliminate unwanted pigment. It fights well with spots and freckles, normalizes the shade of the skin. It is recommended to do 1 procedure every week for a month.

  • eliminates all types of pigmentation;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves skin hydration.
  • not found.

The average price of the procedure is 3000 rubles.

No. p / pProducing countryNameRecommended Course
1RussiaKolelast complex6 procedures
2Kaviar4 procedures
3Gibilan5-10 procedures
4JapanSakura EJI Extra9 procedures
5KoreaDermaheal SR5-7 procedures
6Dermaheal Stem C'rum SR 7 procedures
7USAMeso Xanthin4 treatments
8Meso Wharton5 procedures
9ItalyBioAgeDNA4 treatments
10Foto-ageElastase4 treatments
11SpainLighteningXtra4 procedures

The presented list of drugs for performing mesotherapy is far from complete. In addition to them, good products are produced in other countries. You need to choose a drug on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account not only the desired result, but also the initial state of the skin.

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