
  1. What is libido
  2. Causes of decreased sexual interest
  3. How to restore libido
  4. How to choose the right drug
  5. Rating of the best drugs to increase libido for 2022
  6. Conclusion

The best libido boosters for 2022

The best libido boosters for 2022

Attention! The article is intended for persons who have reached the age of 18!

The sensual side of life is one of the most important aspects for many men and women. But, unfortunately, it happens that one of the halves has reasons for a decrease in desire, and then special means come to the rescue, which will be described by the rating of the best drugs to increase libido for 2022.

What is libido

At one time, the concept of libido was developed by the famous psychoanalyst Freud. With this short word, he capaciously denoted sexual desire.From Latin, the word is translated as "lust", "desire" and "passion". In the past, these three words were with a clear negative connotation, but in the modern age, on the contrary, they are encouraged and considered signs of real men and women. By present means complete and healthy. After all, healthy people, a priori, experience sexual attraction.

Each person has their own level of libido. It can be low, normal or high. Don't look up to other people and don't compare yourself to them. If you've had a low sex drive all your life, that's fine. It is not normal if you always "jumped" out of your pants or skirts and suddenly there was complete indifference to love pleasures. In such situations, you need to sound the alarm, consult a doctor and study the rating of quality drugs to increase libido.

Causes of decreased sexual interest

The disappearance or significant cooling of sexual desire may be due to frequent stress at work, nervous tension in the family, malnutrition, lack of adequate rest, extreme physical fatigue, financial problems, smoking and alcohol addiction. As you can see, the list is long and does not end with the listed problems. A person has a fine mental organization and sometimes a drop of negativity is enough to knock him out of his usual course.

How to restore libido

Recovery of libido depends only on the reasons for its decline. For example, if the desire has become at zero due to constant lack of sleep, then recovery will not take long after the normalization of sleep. If the need for caresses has decreased due to nervous exhaustion, then you need to regain a calm psychological state. It all depends on the reason.

Often methods such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, herbal medicine, talking with a psychologist, physical activity and proper nutrition are used to increase libido. To quickly restore desire, drugs come to the rescue.

How to choose the right drug

Determining for yourself the selection criteria, you need to know the types of drugs of interest. They can be divided into several categories: fast-acting drugs, hormonal drugs and herbal pharmaceutical products.

Fast-acting drugs include those that quickly improve blood circulation in the pelvis, increase testosterone levels and activate the brain by sending excitation impulses there.

Hormonal drugs act gradually, produce testosterone and androgens. Sold in the form of tablets, capsules, sprays, creams, gels and injections.

First aid kits supplements are a variety of dietary supplements that provide the body with micro and macro elements, thereby positively influencing the increase in sexual desire.

What is best to choose will appoint a specialist. You can, of course, make your own choice, but it will be a long thorny path and not the fact that it will be crowned with success.

Rating of the best drugs to increase libido for 2022

Now Foods Female Libido

The famous American company Now Foods invented a high-quality formula for female sexual desire and enclosed it in oblong capsules. We are talking about dietary supplements of plant origin and fully compliant with GMP quality standards. Capsules contain a unique extract of fenugreek, which perfectly stimulates female sexual desire. In addition to this extract, the capsule contains maca root.It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day, the package contains 60 pieces, which means that it will last for two months. But we must remember that pregnant and lactating women should stay away from such products.

Products from Now Foods are sold in our pharmacies and online stores, but we must remember that there is a significant markup there. It will be more profitable to place an order on the US iherb website.

The cost on iHerb is 1285 rubles.

Now Foods Female Libido
  • Convenient release form;
  • High-quality and well-known manufacturer;
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • Increases desire for intimacy;
  • Not addictive.
  • May cause an allergic reaction;
  • Not all buyers had a positive effect.


Any rating of quality drugs to increase libido will contain the name Viagra. Perhaps this is the most famous remedy for men and women. But it is worth noting that ordinary Viagra is intended exclusively for men, female use there is contraindicated, as well as taking the drug under 18 years of age. For women, the product is available separately in the form of pink diamond-shaped tablets. The action of the drug is also different. So, in male use, the drug is expected to accelerate blood flow and improve the quality of erection. The female remedy is aimed at increasing the sensitivity of the genital organs.

The cost depends on the number of tablets in the package and starts from 650 rubles, reaching up to 6600 rubles.

  • High efficiency;
  • Not a hormonal medication;
  • Achieving fast results
  • Sexual intercourse lengthens;
  • According to buyers, one of the best.
  • Negatively affects the cardiovascular system;
  • Incompatible with alcohol.


For men over 50, experts recommend taking Lovelas. This is such an active dietary supplement that can significantly improve the quality of intimate life by increasing potency. The basis of the composition includes the roots of Eurycoma longifolia and Chinese cordyceps. The tool affects the body in a complex and is not addictive. The positive effect does not come instantly, but gradually and does not entail negative consequences. According to buyers, Lovelace prolongs sexual intercourse, makes sensations especially colorful and returns a second youth to men. According to doctors, the drug remarkably eliminates premature ejaculation and improves the quality of sperm. Due to the second point, men may well try themselves in the role of young fathers.

Indications for use include premature ejaculation, prostate adenoma, decreased sexual desire and various chronic diseases.

Release form - capsules. There are blisters from 5 to 16 pieces.

The cost of a package containing 16 capsules is approximately 850 rubles.

Lovelas capsules
  • Suitable for mature men over 50;
  • Treats premature ejaculation;
  • Kindles passion and increases libido;
  • Excellent effect on the production of testosterone;
  • Natural composition;
  • You can easily buy in pharmacies or order online.
  • The cumulative effect, and not everyone is waiting for it.

cat female

The female love drink is called Cat Female pathogen, sold in the form of drops. These droplets are a female aphrodisiac that can easily dissolve in any drink, from harmless tea to strong liquors. The composition includes extracts of lilies and roses, extracted from Spain.These drops are instant action, that is, they must be added to the drink immediately before intimacy. You can use it only once a day and only by mutual agreement. You can’t mix it up secretly, otherwise you get violence. There are contraindications for a vial with drops, these include pregnancy, breastfeeding and cardiovascular diseases. Manufacturer Germany. You can order online in the online store.

Cost: from 850 to 1400 rubles.

drops Cat Female
  • Increase sexual desire in phlegmatic women;
  • The level of sex hormones increases;
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • Gives quick excitement;
  • Easily mixed in drinks.
  • During menstruation, it can cause profuse bleeding;
  • Some ladies note a rapid heartbeat.

Ero Force

If there is a problem of premature ejaculation in a love relationship, then you should try the Ero Force remedy from India. The product flawlessly fights against weakened potency and is made from natural ingredients. The composition includes rhodiola root, ginseng extract, dwarf palm fruit extract and many other useful substances. The functionality of the drug does not contain GMOs, preservatives, flavors and artificial additives. The action of Ero Force begins immediately after ingestion, so it must be consumed before sexual intercourse. If you have drunk alcohol, then do not worry, as Ero Force is quite compatible with alcohol. The main thing to remember about the measure. To achieve the maximum healing effect, the manufacturer recommends taking the drug for two weeks 1-2 times a day. There are no age restrictions for men, after 18 years you can safely take it.The form of application is two-color capsules, odorless and with a neutral taste. According to sexologists, Ero Force is a real magic wand to eliminate sexual disorders and enhance orgasm. By the way, the indications for use include not only increased libido and normalization of ejaculation, but also frequent stress, chronic fatigue, decreased performance.

You can’t buy such capsules in a pharmacy, so you need to order via the Internet.

Discounted price: about 40 euros.

Ero Force capsules
  • Eliminates premature ejaculation;
  • Makes impressions bright and colorful;
  • natural material;
  • One feels an amazing surge of energy not only in the process of sex;
  • Relieve fatigue and nervousness;
  • Enhance your mood.
  • Do not buy in a regular pharmacy.
  • It may seem expensive.

Emperor's Power

For men from dietary supplements, a product with the eloquent name "Emperor's Power" has proven itself well. The product is made from natural ingredients: ginseng root, eucommia elmifolia bark, Chinese dereza berries, etc. The product's functionality is aimed at increasing potency and increasing the time of sexual intercourse. In addition, due to the beneficial components, there is a healing effect on the body, so overall well-being improves. Since the Emperor's Power is made from natural ingredients, it is considered safe for men of any age. The only danger may lie in the manifestation of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to any component. The dietary supplement begins to act an hour after ingestion. Buyers note how libido increases, the quality of potency improves and sexual impotence disappears.It also noted an effective effect on ejaculation, there is an obstacle to premature ejaculation. Indications for use include weakened libido, rapid ejaculation, hormonal failure and other problems in the male part.

The cost is from 600 rubles and more, depending on the margin of the store.

Emperor's Power
  • Strengthens the genitourinary system;
  • It has a general healing effect;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • Improves the quality of sexual life;
  • Increased erection and sensitivity.
  • Cannot be used for insomnia;
  • Contraindicated in nervous excitability.

Spanish fly

In the ranking of high-quality female pathogens, there is always the famous Spanish fly, which has long gained its popularity and firmly holds it to this day. Spanish fly can be used for any form of frigidity, with a decrease in libido, partial absence of orgasm, and for a host of other reasons. The form of administration is in the form of drops, which contain the active ingredient cantharidin. In fact, this is a poison extracted from the glands of the stink beetle, but in minimal doses, the substance works wonders. Its main function is to awaken an acute sexual desire. Drops dissolve in a soft drink, you need to drink 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The remedy has a bad side effect, which manifests itself in the resulting addiction. Therefore, it is recommended to use it no more than once every three days. It is also important to follow the dosage correctly, which means that do not neglect reading the instructions. An overdose is very dangerous, even fatal.

The cost varies around 1000 rubles.

Spanish fly
  • Instant exciting result;
  • Convenient form of reception;
  • Helps with the partial absence of orgasm;
  • Suitable for any form of frigidity;
  • Causes emotional uplift.
  • Addictive;
  • You need to be extremely careful with the dosage.


Of the pharmaceutical quality pathogens for men, Sildenafil proved to be excellent. It helps to restore the lost reaction to sexual arousal, and also perfectly improves potency. Usually, the effect after taking the medication lasts about 3-4 hours, and the erection itself occurs an hour after the use of Sildenafil. The drug is often prescribed after 40 years, the recommended dose is 50 mg an hour before the intended intimacy.

The cost of the medication: from 208 rubles to 988 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.

  • The action occurs one hour after consumption;
  • Effective;
  • Prolongs the time of sexual intercourse by 3-4 times;
  • A feeling of excitement persists for a long time;
  • Affordable price.
  • There are complaints about problems with the nose;
  • There are many side effects.


When choosing drugs that increase libido, it is easy to make mistakes; in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to get advice from a trusted specialist. As a rule, dietary supplements with a cumulative effect are required to be taken in courses, and tablets with an instant effect serve as a lifesaver on specific days. If you are embarrassed to purchase such funds in a pharmacy, you can always place an order online.

Do not forget that the most important thing in increasing libido is to eliminate the cause that lowered it. After all, if the snag lies in the lack of sleep, then medicines will not be needed, you just need to give yourself the opportunity to get enough sleep.Take special means only when nothing else helps.

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