
  1. List of the best paid dental clinics for children in Yekaterinburg
  2. Conclusion

The best paid dental clinics for children in Yekaterinburg in 2022

The best paid dental clinics for children in Yekaterinburg in 2022

It is very important to know how to choose the right clinic for children's dentistry. The mood of the child, parents, qualification of the doctor is important. An important role is played by the appearance of the clinic and the quality of the equipment. All subsequent ones and, in general, the child's attitude to maintaining dental health depend on this first reception. In order to decide on a clinic in Yekaterinburg, we will consider the best ones.

List of the best paid dental clinics for children in Yekaterinburg

Dentistry for children "Classic Dent"

Located at: st. Mamin-Sibiryak, 36.

More than 18 years on the dental services market.

Characteristic Designation
Name Classic Dent
Address st. Mamin-Sibiryaka, 36
Services Treatment, extraction, dental hygiene;
Bite correction; prevention; aesthetic treatment; prevention; teaching children oral hygiene; plastic correction of the frenulum of the tongue and lips.
Contacts 8 (343) 300-31-31

Working mode 09:00 -22:00 every day

The clinic specializes in dental treatment for children and adolescents, turning a painful first trip to the dentist into a fun pastime with your favorite cartoon characters. Specially selected staff finds an approach to the child, and the treatment is carried out in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere. All names of medical equipment, tools and drugs have been replaced with fabulous ones. The doctor, instead of a white coat familiar to an adult and frightening to a child, appears as a Tooth Fairy in a colored medical uniform with drawings. The interior of the clinic is decorated with cheerful paintings, there is a playroom, videos and toys to distract the child. The initial task is to create a calm, trusting atmosphere for the children so that neither they nor their parents are nervous, and only then will they begin treatment.

The clinic provides treatment in a number of areas. Starting from a preventive examination (this includes diagnostics using computed tomography, 3D surveys of teeth, telerengen and hygiene education for children) to complex bite correction operations using braces, caps, orthosnaps). Treatment and prevention of caries development, protection of milk teeth and preventive cleaning are carried out. It is very important, and the doctors of the clinic themselves recommend that you come more often for preventive examinations in order to prevent serious treatment at an early stage.

For example, to avoid dental fillings, the clinic uses the ICON system.It is a German innovative system of painless dental treatment. A special gel with high penetrating power is applied to the pre-prepared tooth. It closes all possible ways of tooth destruction and protects the tooth itself.

This is just one of a wide range of areas. For the correct choice of treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist directly in the clinic. You can book by phone and pay by card.


  • the clinic specializes in pediatric and adolescent dental treatment;
  • great work experience;
  • advanced technologies for painless treatment;
  • pleasant interior for children;
  • year-round daily operation;
  • Phone booking and card payment available.


  • only one clinic in the city.

Pediatric dentistry at Megadenta Clinic

Located at: st. Kuznechnaya, d.83. More than 20 years on the dental services market.

Characteristic Designation
Name Megadenta Clinic children
Address st. Kuznechnaya, d.83
Services Diagnostics for children under 14 and over 14; sleep treatment; orthodontics, including the installation of a sports cap; surgery; orthopedics; speech therapy; osteopathy; teaching children about hygiene and prevention.
Contacts 8 (343) 342-00-00
viber whatsapp 8 (909) 701-11-99
Working mode 08:00 -21:00 every day

Dental clinic "Megadenta Clinic" has in its structure both a full-fledged adult and children's dental direction. It is based on the principles of treating children painlessly and in a broad direction. That is, if the problem is not in the teeth, the specialists of the clinic will see this and tell you which doctor you will need to contact.

The interior of the clinic features brightly colored walls, cabinets with cartoon characters and eye-catching color uniforms for staff. There are monitors in front of the chairs, where the baby will be offered to watch their favorite cartoon.

The clinic specializes in sleep treatment. Many parents are puzzled by the question of how to remove the stress of going to the dentist as much as possible and make sure that the child is not afraid to return. Sleep dentistry has become one of the solutions. We are talking about medical sleep, which the doctors of Megadent Clinic offer their patients together with anesthesiologists.

Often, it was because of the strong fright that the baby received during the first visit to the dentist that a trace remained for life, which resulted in subsequent serious problems with the teeth. Therefore, in order to avoid this, the baby is immersed in sleep. This allows doctors to competently and calmly carry out the necessary treatment, and parents not to be afraid to injure their baby by forcibly holding him in the chair. And for the baby, such an inconspicuous treatment will leave a good impression of visiting the doctor, and he will be able to return again.

The clinic also offers preventive treatment of caries by sealing fissures. These are the most difficult canals that are associated with the anatomical structure of the tooth and are very difficult to treat, especially in children. Sealing helps to protect the tooth from penetration and the occurrence of caries, thereby maintaining dental health. To prescribe treatment, it is important to have a preliminary consultation with a specialist in the clinic. Phone booking and card payment available.


  • the clinic specializes in broad treatment with the involvement of related specialists;
  • competent approach to the treatment of children;
  • service "treatment in a dream";
  • detailed available information about the methods of treatment;
  • child-friendly interior of the clinic.


  • only one clinic in Yekaterinburg.

German Dental Center

Characteristic Designation
Name German Dental Center
Address st. Sacco and Vanzetti, 64
Services Treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, bite correction, extraction of milk teeth without pain, enamel protection, prevention of the child's dental cavity, support to the final correctly formed bite.
Contacts 8 (343) 243-58-02
Working mode 09:00 -21:00 every day

The clinic has a full-fledged adult department and a separate children's department. They approach the treatment of the smallest patients very reverently - they build relationships with the baby on trust, so that in no case will there be fear of the doctor. Doctors of the clinic select a competent program to accompany the baby until the moment of complete correct formation of the bite, explain to parents the need for timely treatment. Dispel the myth about the "uselessness" of the treatment of milk teeth.

There is an opinion among parents that what is the point of investing in the treatment of milk teeth in a baby if they still fall out and new ones grow over time anyway? But the doctors of the "Center of German Dentistry" explain that all infections and damage to milk teeth do not pass without a trace. If the necessary actions are not taken in time, the permanent tooth may begin to collapse without growing.

Particular attention in the clinic is paid to the formation of the correct bite in the baby. This is directly related to the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so if there are any violations, they are eliminated by orthodontists.

The clinic is equipped with modern equipment, among which there is a device for three-dimensional tomography of teeth. Equipment from German manufacturers. Such images allow us to assess the degree of damage where the dentist cannot independently determine it, and in children to identify the degree of development of the main molars.

You can make an appointment by phone and pay for treatment with a card.


  • cutting-edge equipment;
  • high-class specialists;
  • clinic with a good reputation;
  • German materials and German equipment for dental treatment;
  • guaranteed treatment.


  • high cost of treatment;
  • There is only one clinic in the city.

Dental clinic №12

Characteristic Designation
Name UIA Dental Polyclinic №12
Department at the Technical st. Technical, d.28
(8(343) 366-22-24 - registry;
8(343) 366-22-23 - reception)
Branch on Lunacharskogost. Lunacharsky, d.171 (8(343) 262-41-06, 8(343) 262-41-05 – reception desk;
8(343) 262-64-28 - orthopedic department)
Branch on Mamin-Sibiryakst. Mamin-Sibiryaka, 59 (8(343) 388-02-21 - reception)
Branch on the Siberian tractSiberian Trakt, 7/22 (8(343) 254-13-22 - reception)
Branch on Danila Zverevst. Danila Zvereva 9 / A, (8 (343) 341-28-51 - reception)
Branch on Shartashskayast. Shartashskaya 9 (8(343) 350-37-50 - reception)
Services Oral hygiene, prevention, fissure sealing, fluoridation, caries treatment, tooth extraction, tongue and lip frenuloplasty, orthodontics, periodontology

Contacts (single phone number of the registry)8 (343) 227-72-77

Working mode around the clock

The main city dental clinic, which includes 6 departments. Works with both adult patients and the smallest. In the price list of the services provided, the polyclinics include both paid ones and those provided under the policy of compulsory medical insurance. For the little ones, the polyclinic implements a number of areas from simple oral prophylaxis to complex surgical interventions. Equipped with the most modern devices and materials, as well as a team of highly qualified specialists, we can solve problems of any complexity.

One of the most popular procedures for children is fluoridation. Since children's teeth are still fragile and with rather thin enamel, they are easily subject to destruction and penetration of bacteria. To protect fragile children's teeth, the doctor will offer to diagnose and then treat the teeth with a special paste. Through it, fluorine penetrates into the tooth enamel, which strengthens and protects it.

Also, the clinic is engaged in another modern area, such as fissure sealing. This is a popular way to repair damaged teeth without resorting to a dental drill. With the help of a special paste that flows into the most inaccessible places and light radiation, the teeth are reliably protected from caries. The whole procedure is quite fast and completely painless.

Polyclinic doctors are inclined to believe that milk teeth should be preserved as much as possible in order to ensure the correct development of the jaw and the correct timely eruption of molars. Early removal of a milk tooth can lead to displacement of the entire dentition, malocclusion and diction.

After consulting with a specialist, you can find out the condition of the teeth and what treatment is prescribed for them. The clinic is available for appointment by phone, as well as payment by card.


  • public medical institution with many years of experience;
  • the possibility of free admission under the policy of compulsory medical insurance;
  • several branches throughout the city;
  • round the clock operation.


  • not as presentable as in private clinics;
  • There may be queues at the front desk.

Dentistry Orion Dent

Characteristic Designation
Name Dentistry Orion Dent
Address st. Wilhelm de Gennin, 33
Services Preventive fissure sealing, fluoride coating, caries treatment with fillings, pulpitis treatment, deep fluoridation, milk tooth extraction, special hygiene for children under 10 years of age and older.

Contacts 8 (343) 317-05-79
Working mode Monday - Friday 09:00 -21:00; Saturday 09:00 – 20:00; Sunday is a day off.

Clinic with a main adult department and an additional children's department. This is very convenient when parents go to check their teeth, and additionally the doctor looks at the children. The clinic is in demand, and a number of leading doctors have all positive reviews. Treatment is carried out with modern equipment using the most modern materials. Pleasant staff and a beautiful interior of the clinic will calm even the smallest patients and make the very first trip to the dentist joyful.

The clinic uses gentle teeth whitening technologies, thanks to which the smile will become even brighter, and the oral cavity will be healthier, since pathogenic bacteria are removed from the oral cavity during preventive cleaning. High-precision digital equipment will take pictures of the farthest corners of the jaw, which will enable the doctor to conduct accurate treatment.

The smallest patients are offered a range of services at fairly affordable prices.


  • convenient work schedule;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • many years of experience;
  • special technologies for the treatment of children;
  • You can book by phone and pay by card.


  • the children's department is additional, not the main one;
  • the range of services for children is quite limited;
  • There is only one clinic in the city.


All the clinics listed above have common features, both positive and negative.


  • special children's dentists;
  • beautiful appearance of the office and clinic;
  • special drugs and treatments for babies;
  • the possibility of recording by phone, which is very convenient;
  • the possibility of paying for treatment by card.


  • high cost of treatment;
  • some clinics are located in the city in a single copy;
  • There may be a queue for an appointment with a good doctor.

The basis for choosing a particular clinic for the first trip to the dentist with a baby for parents is most often the reviews of those who have already visited the clinic. Everything is evaluated - from the front door and the smile of the administrator to the country that produces materials and equipment. The main thing is that the first visit to the dentist should not be remembered by the child as a bad dream. You need to look for that clinic and that doctor, where the baby will be provided with a favorable psychological atmosphere. In order to decide on treatment, if necessary, it is better for parents to get recommendations from several doctors to make sure that the appointment is appropriate.

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