
  1. The profession of a surgeon: description and features
  2. Plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg

The best plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg in 2022

The best plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg in 2022

Surgery is one of the most important and most complex branches of medicine. The work of surgeons is difficult to overestimate, because they are engaged in the reduction of dislocations, removal of tumors, suturing of severe skin lesions, operating on patients for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Plastic surgery and the best specialists in this field in St. Petersburg will be discussed in this article.

The profession of a surgeon: description and features

Plastic surgeons are specialists who help people regain or regain their lost beauty.They perform surgery to correct external imperfections - facelift, plastic surgery of the face and abdomen, mammary glands, elimination of the second chin and much more. This area of ​​surgery can be divided into several types:

  • aesthetic - is needed to eliminate external flaws that do not interfere with a full life and do not pose a threat to health. It includes a lift of the eyelids, forehead, buttocks and other parts of the body;
  • reconstructive - helps to eliminate congenital or acquired deficiencies that do not allow the lifestyle of an ordinary person. Patients are usually referred for these surgeries by attending physicians.

The possibilities of modern plastic surgery are faithful assistants to representatives of both sexes who have suffered in accidents, have undergone removal of the mammary glands, etc. They are also needed by people suffering from congenital deformities that were almost impossible to correct a quarter of a century ago - cleft lip, finger splicing or their excess.

A specialist who carries out operations to eliminate these defects must meet certain requirements. The main one is sharp eyesight. In addition, sensitive hands and patience are no less important conditions. If a person has an unbalanced psyche, trembling in the limbs, problems with joint mobility, then it is better for him not to engage in plastic surgery.

Features of the profession

This branch of medicine is waiting for good prospects. According to statistics, more than 1.5 million surgical interventions are performed in the United States alone in 1 year. Most patients come with a desire to increase the size of their breasts or get rid of excess weight. And these numbers are not the maximum.It is unlikely that there is at least one person who has not dreamed of making any changes in their appearance. Clients of plastic surgeons can start living anew, already with a new look.

The doctor performs many activities, interacting with colleagues and patients:

  1. Consulting, study of the medical history, diagnosis;
  2. Assessment of the risks that a particular operation has;
  3. Carrying out operations of varying degrees of complexity;
  4. Drawing up a rehabilitation plan, including medications, massage, physical activity and other necessary measures;
  5. The use of modern technologies that are needed for the implementation of surgical intervention. Detailed review of work already completed;
  6. Management of paramedical personnel;
  7. Counseling patients during rehabilitation.

Specialists devote more than 8 years to study and develop practical skills. Each of them must understand that a single mistake can lead to a terrible result.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high demand for services of this kind;
  • highly specialized focus;
  • good income, which is due to the high degree of complexity of such operations and high demand in the labor market;
  • the benefit brought to people leaves a feeling of moral satisfaction;
  • the latest technologies facilitate the work of doctors and prevent the occurrence of complications during surgery;
  • a chance to train abroad, which increases the value of a specialist.


  • great responsibility;
  • the risk of complications arising after surgery;
  • not every patient is satisfied with the result;
  • strong tension during work;
  • irregular schedule and high duration of surgery;
  • it is quite difficult to enter a university;
  • the need to spend from 8 years on study.

Important Personal Qualities

A specialist who decides to become a plastic surgeon should not feel disgust and pity. He is characterized by good motor skills of the hands, the absence of trembling in the limbs and chronic ailments, sharp eyesight. Eyes and hands are the main tools that the doctor uses in his work. He has to deal with different people every day, so it is important to be polite and tactful.

A good specialist should be distinguished by self-control, the power of persuasion and the ability to listen. Other character traits are equally important:

  • love for order and cleanliness;
  • the desire to maintain their own health, active sports;
  • awareness of one's own capabilities and full confidence in them;
  • control over emotions;
  • a responsibility;
  • ability to remember information.

Professional skills

  • carrying out various types of plastic surgery;
  • basic provisions of plastic surgery;
  • the latest methods of surgical intervention (using radio waves, laparoscopic, etc.);
  • filling out documents;
  • knowledge of the techniques of psychology that are needed to communicate with patients;
  • ability to handle tools;
  • knowledge in cosmetology.

Plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg

The catalog of specialists provides information on the main characteristics of plastic surgeons - the level of training, experience and place of work, the availability of advanced training courses, as well as data on surgical interventions already performed. Information is regularly updated to keep it current.

Dmitry Olegovich Vasiliev

Engaged in exclusive operations aimed at rejuvenation.They are based on the use of the latest techniques, namely endoscopic techniques (without incisions). It is possible to perform any type of rhinoplasty using an atraumatic technique. He performs a wide range of operations to improve the aesthetic appearance of the mammary glands.


  • lifting of the middle zone of the face;
  • lifting of the oval of the face and cervical region;
  • correction of nose deformities;
  • excision of excess skin of the eyelids;
  • increase and improve the shape of the mammary glands.
  • individual approach and attention to patients;
  • a large number of successful operations;
  • experience in various departments of surgery.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Boris Vladimirovich Speaker

This specialist is the author of methods for breast augmentation and lifting, rejuvenating operations using fat and stem cells of the patient's face and hands.

Owned by:

  • any surgical interventions on the chest (installation of endoprostheses, including endoscopic methods, lifting, reduction, transplantation of adipose tissue, reconstructive operations);
  • traditional methods of face lifting;
  • endoscopic techniques for correcting age-related changes in the face and body;
  • minimally invasive facelift procedures, including filiform ones.

He performs all types of operations to change the shape of the eyelids, the shape of the eyes, including rehabilitation after injuries. Carries out the correction of the shape of the auricles - works by classical and reconstructive methods.

He performs various types of surgical interventions to improve the shape of the body - the installation of endoprostheses, transplantation of the patient's own adipose tissue from one zone to another, removal of fat deposits, restoration of aesthetic proportions of the abdomen, buttock lift.

Eliminates defects associated with the presence of cicatricial changes in the face and body in patients.

  • has a degree - is a candidate of medical sciences;
  • carries out professional activities for 10 years;
  • published more than 50 works in specialized publications;
  • has 2 patented inventions in the surgical field of medicine.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Alla Viktorovna Poberezhnaya

It is thanks to medicine that people can increase their life expectancy and fight various ailments. Undoubtedly, doctors play a huge role in this.

Poberezhnaya Alla Viktorovna is a professional in her field with a long list of merits. It provides the most complete information regarding future treatment. To identify the source of the disease, each patient needs to pass tests, according to the results of which the specialist will prescribe a program of procedures.

Alla Viktorovna specializes in nose shape correction, restoration of the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen, changing the shape of the eyelids, eye shape, correcting the shape of the ears, breast lift.

  • He is a full member of the international communities of plastic surgeons.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Boris G. Mirzoyan


  • correction of defects of the lower eyelids, which uses an incision located on the inside of the eyelid;
  • face and body contour lifting;
  • increase, decrease, tightening and improvement of the shape of the mammary glands;
  • correction of the shape of the auricles;
  • correction of defects in the shape of the nose;
  • restoration of aesthetic proportions of the abdomen;
  • change in the shape of the eyelids, incision of the eyes;
  • intimate plastic.
  • Long work experience and many scientific achievements in the field of plastic surgery in the famous clinics of St. Petersburg and France.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Tatyana Alexandrovna Raspopina


Medicine is an important branch of science that improves the quality of life of people and increases its duration. It helps to successfully fight various diseases. Therefore, doctors deserve the most respect.

Raspopina Tatyana Alexandrovna is a specialist with vast experience. She can always give a clear explanation regarding future treatment and possible risks. To improve the accuracy of the prognosis, each patient must pass the appropriate tests that are necessary for the selection of a course of procedures.

The main areas of work of Tatyana Aleksandrovna are:

  • nose shape correction;
  • restoration of aesthetic proportions of the abdomen;
  • change in the shape of the eyelids, incision of the eyes;
  • correction of the shape of the ears;
  • plastic surgery.
  • work experience - more than 9 years;
  • significant achievements in the field of plastic surgery;
  • qualification obtained in US clinics.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Daria Mikhailovna Golovina

A specialist in the field of cosmetology, treatment of skin diseases, uses laser techniques, a surgeon.

Carries out the development of personal systems for rejuvenation and improvement of the condition of the skin using Israeli technologies. Works with the latest non-surgical facial contouring techniques using Happy Lift Aptos, Silhouette Soft, Spring Thread. He is qualified in facial rejuvenation with a laser, performs laser peeling on the Fotona device. Differs in a huge work experience in the field of correcting age-related changes in the face.

Works with the latest methods of detecting and combating skin diseases - treatment of acne, rosacea, increased pigmentation, removal of neoplasms with a laser.

  • was trained by the famous plastic surgeon Mr. Cirro Accardo (Italy), who is the developer of Happy Lift thread technology;
  • has been in the industry for over 13 years.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Maria Grigorievna Levitskaya

She has been working in the field of plastic surgery for over 10 years. General experience in medicine - since 2001. In 2012, she became a leading consulting surgeon at Pokrovsky Stem Cell Bank.

The main areas of activity are correction of body contours with the help of liposuction and adipose tissue transplantation, laser medicine, skin rejuvenation through the use of mesenchial stem cells and fibroblasts.
Regularly takes part in world and Russian scientific conferences.


  • restoration of aesthetic proportions of the abdomen;
  • change in the shape of the eyelids, incision of the eyes;
  • intimate plastic;
  • lifting the oval of the face and neck;
  • laser rejuvenation;
  • change in the shape and size of the mammary glands;
  • eyebrow, forehead, shoulder lift;
  • lip augmentation;
  • performing endoscopic operations.
  • long work experience;
  • a large number of certificates.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

The catalog of specialists provided information on the main characteristics of plastic surgeons. Information is systematically updated, so the list of specializations of a specialist can be expanded.

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