
  1. What is foam
  2. List of foams for skin with high fat content
  3. The best foams for cleansing the skin with high sensitivity
  4. List of inexpensive foams for all skin types

The best foam cleansers in 2022

The best foam cleansers in 2022

Daily cleansing is one of the most important steps in the care of the epidermis. If this procedure is regularly performed poorly, with a high degree of probability, acne or acne will soon form, black and white dots will appear, and inflammation will begin. Various means are used to wash the face. But the foam is considered the most pleasant to use. To understand the variety of the range will help our rating of the best facial cleansers.

What is foam

This product is a cleanser with a light and airy texture. It can be used for different types of skin, but it is especially suitable for problematic or just oily skin. Foam helps to soothe inflammation, promotes the treatment of acne. This tool allows you to make the relief and tone of the epidermis smoother, washes accumulated dust and skin impurities from deep pores.

The main difference between the foam and other washing products is its gentle texture that does not harm the skin. In the package, this product is in the form of a transparent viscous gel. But as soon as it is applied to the surface of the epidermis and combined with moisture, a foam begins to form quickly. When lathering the skin without other means, the foam is dense and thick. If you use additional devices, for example, a sponge, then the texture will turn out to be more porous and light.

This tool has a slight drying effect, so experts do not recommend using this product for girls with very dry skin and with a high tendency to irritation. But do not immediately abandon such a wash. For such girls, special formulations have been developed with a moisturizing and nutrient-filling effect.

The foams are very economical. For a single application of the entire face, it is enough to take a product no larger than a pea.

How the foam works

This cleanser allows you to wash your face qualitatively and gently, it does not have a traumatic effect.You can use foam for both young girls and teenagers. It will suit mature ladies and can be used for men.

The tool has excellent penetrating power. It can wash away dirt even from deep pores. Thanks to this, the foam actively cleanses the skin and prevents the appearance of new inflammations. In addition, deep penetration ensures the removal of dead skin particles.

Types of foam

According to their purpose, cleansing foams are divided into several types. They can be suitable not only for a separate type of skin, but also for their functional purpose. In this case, the following types of foams are distinguished:

  • Cleansers can be found on sale most often. Such funds are recommended to be purchased if there are no special problems with the epidermis. They can have an antiseptic or sedative effect.
  • Oxygen is recommended to be applied a couple of times a week. A foam with such an effect is quite capable of replacing a scrub in its action. But unlike the latter, she acts more carefully. Cleansing is better than with ordinary foam.
  • Moisturizing is recommended for girls with high sensitivity or in the presence of rashes. Suitable for women with dry skin. Its list of ingredients, although it includes active substances for nutrition and hydration, does not form a greasy film on the skin.
  • For make-up remover, they are distinguished by lighter compositions. Therefore, such a foam can wash the delicate skin of the eyelids. It does not irritate the mucous.
  • Mattifying foam is perfect for girls with a high fat content of the dermis. Such a tool allows not only to qualitatively cleanse the skin, but also to narrow the pores and get rid of the unpleasant sheen.

According to the structure of the foam, cleansing can be divided into the following varieties:

  • In the form of a thick paste in a jar or in a tube. Such foams must be whipped with your own hands, using a special mesh for washing or a sponge.
  • The gel foam in the bottle also needs to be foamed with moisture.
  • Air mousse is formed due to special packaging. Such a tool is usually sold in a special bottle equipped with a pump. In this case, the flow rate is very large, and the foam is not dense.


One of the most important things to consider when buying a new beauty product is to read the ingredients list. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the greatest content in the list of components has the means that occupy the first places in the list of ingredients.

Traditionally, water is included in the composition of the foam. It can be both regular and thermal. Then there are various soap components and plant extracts.
After that, in the composition you can see various additives for special purposes.

If the product is intended for the care of aging skin, then the ingredients may include hyaluronic acid, snail extract or coenzyme Q10.

If the product is intended to combat rashes, then such additives include a variety of butyric esters, aloe, salicylic acid, sulfur, yeast extracts, activated charcoal or zinc. Works great for a variety of hydro-acid problems.

It is advisable to use foams containing acid only in winter, since their combined action with the sun's rays can lead to the appearance of pigmentation.

If the product is intended for skin with increased dryness, then it is recommended to buy products that contain chamomile extract, milk, coconut, rice bran or volcanic ash. To moisturize the skin, foams containing blueberry or grape extract are suitable.

Avoid products that have parabens, silicones, or sulfates on their ingredient list. These are artificial ingredients that are characterized by an aggressive effect on the epidermis. They get into the pores and prevent the free penetration of oxygen. As a result, cellular respiration is disturbed and inflammation occurs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other cosmetic products, cleansing foams have their pros and cons. If the remedy is chosen incorrectly, then its use does more harm than good. In this case, all skin problems can only get worse.

The foam can dry the skin too much if the face was not previously sufficiently moisturized or a tonic was not used after washing. You can also not use foam if there are unhealed lesions on the skin.

The benefits of the foam are as follows:

  • this remedy perfectly regulates the work of the sebaceous ducts;
  • with the right selection, it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • prevents the formation of rashes, eliminates the inflammatory process, removes unnecessary pigmentation;
  • fills the epidermis with moisture;
  • gently removes all impurities.

List of foams for skin with high fat content

Holika Holika Daily Garden Cleansing Foam Citron Fresh

This foam from the Korean brand Holika Holika contains natural oils and extracts from citrus plants. With its help, you can normalize the function of the sebaceous ducts, make the skin relief much smoother.The tool gives the face freshness, soothes inflammation, brightens unnecessary pigmentation and redness.

The foam has a light, but rather dense texture. With its help, the skin is qualitatively cleansed, getting rid of excess fat in the pores. The tool has a cumulative effect of lightening. After it, the skin does not remain dry, it acquires a pleasant dullness.

  • inexpensive;
  • economically spent;
  • quality ingredients;
  • caring action.
  • not found.

The average price of foam is 350 rubles.

Holika Holika Daily Garden Cleansing Foam Citron Fresh

Galderma Cetaphil Dermacontrol

This cleansing foam is specifically designed for acne prone skin. It contains useful zinc. With the help of its cleansing action, you can eliminate excess sebum, get rid of impurities, and eliminate increased fat content. After using the foam, the appearance of the epidermis improves significantly, the skin remains clean and fresh for a long time.

  • excellent cleansing;
  • soft action;
  • treats rashes and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • normalizes water-fat balance;
  • does not provoke allergies;
  • It has a pleasant aroma and light texture.
  • expensive;
  • hard to find for sale.

The price of such foam is 920 rubles.

Galderma Cetaphil Dermacontrol

Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Foam

This foam is made in Korea. It contains betaine and snail secretion, thanks to which the product perfectly cleanses, eliminates dead cells and qualitatively removes decorative cosmetics. Thanks to special additives, the foam accelerates the regeneration processes, normalizes the shade of the skin, gives it elasticity.

The product has a weightless, soft texture, quickly spreads over the skin, gives abundant foam and is easily washed off.With high-quality cleansing after this foam, there is no dryness of the skin at all. The tool provides a whitening effect, makes the skin tone more even. The foam does not provoke redness and irritation.

  • takes care of the skin;
  • slightly whitens;
  • economically spent;
  • convenient packaging.
  • small volume.

The cost of the foam is 450 rubles.

Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Foam

Spivak tea tree

The Russian brand offers its customers a natural, high-quality face wash with tea tree oil ester. In addition, this foam includes other natural components - vegetable oils, potassium salts. Thanks to this composition, the foam perfectly cleanses, tones and has an antiseptic effect. The tool qualitatively removes impurities from the pores, soothes inflamed areas, removes oily sheen and gives a long-lasting matting effect.

  • removes fat;
  • does not dry out the skin;
  • cleans well;
  • copes with persistent makeup;
  • contains natural ingredients.
  • in contact with eyes, causes severe irritation.

The average price is 190 rubles.

Spivak tea tree

The best foams for cleansing the skin with high sensitivity

The Saem Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Soothing

This Korean foam is designed for skin with an increased tendency to peel and for sensitive. It contains hyaluronic acid in the list of ingredients, as well as plant extracts. Thanks to them, the product perfectly soothes irritations, provides high-quality hydration and toning, and relieves swelling.

The foam is a little viscous and viscous, but it can be easily beaten into a fluffy and tender mass.The product does not cause irritation when it comes into contact with mucous membranes, does not dry out the epidermis and does not tighten. It can be used to easily remove makeup.

  • provides quality care;
  • economically spent;
  • large amount of packaging.
  • high price;
  • unusual texture.

The cost of the foam is 510 rubles.

The Saem Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Soothing

Librederm Hyaluronic

The composition of this foam includes hyaluronic acid, which is very useful for skin prone to increased dryness. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of impurities without harming the skin. The foam perfectly cleanses the pores, maintains normal water balance and tones.

  • copes well with any type of pollution;
  • provides a gentle action;
  • tightens and refreshes the face.
  • may cause dryness.

The price of this foam is 470 rubles.

Librederm Hyaluronic

List of inexpensive foams for all skin types

Belita-Viteks AQUA Active Humidification Generator

One of the most popular foams from the famous Belarusian cosmetics manufacturer. It contains ingredients that are beneficial for the skin, which allow you to gently cleanse the face and provide the skin with high-quality hydration. After using this product, the face is smoothed and looks healthier and fresher.

The foam has a fairly dense texture. It can be used to cleanse the skin of any type. The product is well removed from the skin, does not provoke allergies and irritations.

  • cheap remedy;
  • economically spent;
  • large amount of packaging.
  • contains unwanted components.

The average cost of this foam is 95 rubles.

Belita-Viteks AQUA Active Humidification Generator

Secrets of Arctica by Planeta Organica

This foam, designed for different skin types, has a light texture. The list of ingredients includes herbal extracts, herbal infusions, and hyaluronic acid. This composition provides a gentle action, high-quality removal of decorative cosmetics. In this case, the agent does not have a destructive effect on the lipid protective layer.

  • delicate action;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • high-quality natural ingredients;
  • low price.
  • the scent is not very pleasant.

The cost of the foam is 165 rubles.

Foam Secrets of Arctica from Planeta Organica

Clean line with chamomile

The foam is produced by the Russian concern Kalina. The composition of the remedy includes decoctions of medicinal herbs. Foam allows you to gently cleanse the skin, suitable for use with any type of epidermis. Natural substances and vitamins in the composition have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, provide a long-lasting feeling of freshness.

  • effectively removes make-up and dust;
  • does not dry out;
  • moisturizes;
  • provides food;
  • contains herbal ingredients;
  • cheap.
  • washes away dirt shallowly;
  • does not form abundant foam.

The average cost of foam is 85 rubles.

Cleansing foam Pure line with chamomile
No. p / pNameskin typePrice
1Holika Holika Daily Garden Cleansing Foam Citron Freshoily, problematic350
2Galderma Cetaphil Dermacontroloily, problematic920
3Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Foamoily, problematic450
4Spivak tea treeoily, problematic190
5The Saem Natural Condition Cleansing Foam Soothingdry, sensitive510
6Librederm Hyaluronicdry, sensitive470
7Belita-Viteks AQUA Active Humidification Generatorfor all skin types95
8Secrets of Arctica by Planeta Organicafor all skin types165
9Pure Line with chamomile extractfor all skin types85

If the skin is normal and does not have any special problems, then you can use inexpensive universal-type products. Otherwise, you need to take into account the characteristics of the skin and existing problems and choose more expensive products that allow you to cure them.

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