It is impossible to completely protect your face from the appearance of unwanted pigmentation. There can be a lot of reasons for darkening of the skin, but almost all can be dealt with with a whitening cream. It is only necessary to responsibly approach the issue of buying such a product, as well as find out the rating of the best whitening face creams.
Attention! The current rating of 2022 of the best whitening creams can be found in separate article.
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Before you go shopping for a cream, you need to find out why dark spots appeared on your face. After all, it depends on which cream will work best.
Possible reasons include:
Freckles are one of the most common types of skin pigmentation. It is hereditary and manifests itself in the first years after the birth of the child. It is quite difficult to remove freckles with cosmetics, but you can lighten them with whitening creams.
Vitiligo is a special type of pigmentation in which there is a lack of melanin in some areas of the skin. As a result, light spots form on the skin. This variety is considered a serious disease and requires long-term treatment, which is prescribed by a specialist.
Lentigo are age spots that appear on the skin as a result of exposure to sunlight. Such pigmentation is very common and is perfectly corrected with whitening creams.
Chloasma manifests itself in the form of darkening of an intense shade with clear borders of spots. The most common cause of such spots is malfunction of the endocrine system, liver disease, inflammation of the genital organs, and the use of oral contraceptives. Also, chloasma can appear due to prolonged exposure to the sun or the abuse of a solarium.
Melasma is a type of unwanted spots that appear in a woman during pregnancy. In this case, rather dark spots form on the face, located on the forehead, in the cheeks, bridge of the nose and above the upper lip.Most often, such spots disappear immediately after childbirth and do not require any correction. But in some cases, darkening does not disappear spontaneously, then it is required to use brightening creams. In some cases, melasma can appear not only due to pregnancy, but also as a result of taking certain medications.
When choosing a brightening cream, you must first take into account its composition. In addition to substances that should directly affect areas of darkening, the following components may be on the list of ingredients:
Before using the whitening cream for the first time, it is imperative to do a test to determine the degree of sensitivity.
This is necessary because commercial whitening creams are highly concentrated and can cause an allergic reaction. To protect yourself from this, a small portion of the cream is applied to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow and wait a while. If redness, rashes, itching or other negative reactions do not appear, the cream can be used.
Before applying a cream with brightening properties, it is imperative to cleanse the face of impurities and cosmetics. To do this, simply wash your face with the usual cleanser.
Creams with a brightening effect are applied only at night. When used during the daytime, you can achieve the opposite effect and get even more freckles and dark spots on the skin. In the morning, the remains of the cream are carefully removed.
During the day, the face should be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. By applying a cream to the skin that has an appropriate protection factor of at least 30 units.
In the summer and spring months, solar activity increases several times, so it is better to refuse the use of brightening creams at this time.It is best to solve the problem of unwanted pigmentation from October to March.
To solve the problem successfully, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. That is, along with the use of a brightening cream, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with scrubs, gommages, and skin masks, choosing them according to the type of skin. This will speed up the solution of the problem and prevent the appearance of new foci of unwanted darkening.
The main advantage of such creams is their low price, due to which the funds are in great demand among buyers. The result of using such cosmetics, if present, is insignificant.
Among the ingredients of this cream is an extract of arctic cloudberry, which contains a lot of ascorbic acid. This vitamin is known for its excellent restoring, regenerating and whitening properties. It is also known for its protective properties. in addition, the composition of the drug includes an extract of Siberian ginseng, which improves the condition of the skin and accelerates the regeneration process.
Also in this cream there is a snow cladonia, which stimulates the process of cell renewal. To lighten the skin, the composition of the product includes an extract from the root of turmeric. It is also necessary to eliminate imperfections.
The average price is from 460 rubles.
This cream contains a complex of vitamins and extracts of plants such as alfalfa and saffron. It does not contain fragrances, preservatives and other harmful ingredients. The cream has a pleasant aroma.The consistency is a bit thick, but it is well absorbed, without the formation of a surface film. The cream can serve as a good base for make-up.
The average price is from 150 rubles.
Among the main components of such a cream are kaolin, lactic acid, panthenol, cocoa butter, tocopherol and other useful components. Due to the content of acid, there is a rapid renewal of the skin, the white clay in the composition cleanses the epidermis and brightens it a little. The cream is economical.
The average price is from 990 rubles.
Professional skin lightening products are of excellent quality, but are much more expensive. The basis for the high price is the preliminary scientific work that precedes the creation of an effective remedy. Therefore, such products cope with pigmentation much better.
After using this cosmetic product, the result will be noticeable in a week. In this case, all darkening and age spots will be completely removed. In addition, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the skin.
This cream contains components such as a complex of organic acids, vitamin E, kojic, azelaic and glycolic acids, retinol, phenylalanine. At the same time, the product has a pleasant unobtrusive smell, non-greasy base. The texture is slightly thick, but the cream is perfectly absorbed and does not form a sticky film on the skin.
Due to the retinol content, the cream should only be used twice a week. If there are no allergic reactions, then the number of uses can be increased. Use this tool only in the evening, and in the daytime, be sure to apply sunscreen.
The average price is from 3300 rubles.
This cream is great for freckles and age spots. This cream works especially well if used in conjunction with other products of this line. The composition of this cream includes citric acid, lecithin, vitamins E, B3, titanium dioxide, panthenol. Due to the content of these components, the cream has a good degree of protection against solar activity. In addition, the composition of the cosmetic also includes plant extracts.
The average price is 4200 rubles.
This cosmetic is especially respected by cosmetologists for its good value for money.The tool perfectly copes with any type of pigmentation. With it, you can eliminate freckles, postpartum and age pigmentation, the effects of laser resurfacing and other cosmetic procedures.
The list of ingredients of this cream contains arbutin, red grape extract, Baikal skullcap rhizome extract, saxifrage and mulberry rhizome components, as well as kojic acid. Together, these components perfectly eliminate all types of darkening, as well as exfoliate dead particles and improve microcirculation.
Due to the presence of a large amount of acids in the cream, adverse reactions are possible after application in the form of peeling. You can use this cosmetic product only in the evening, and during the day you need to apply a moisturizer and additionally protect your face from exposure to sunlight.
The first positive results can be seen after two weeks of use. Many women note that this cream is the only one that helped eliminate unwanted pigmentation.
The average price is from 2600 rubles.
When choosing a cosmetic product for pigmentation, it is necessary to take into account not only the price, but also the composition of the cream, as well as pay attention to the reviews of other customers. You should not choose inexpensive creams, their use may not bring the desired result.