
  1. Difficult question of choice
  2. How to choose a clinic
  3. List of the best ophthalmological clinics in Moscow

The best ophthalmological clinics in Moscow in 2022

The best ophthalmological clinics in Moscow in 2022

Many people want to improve their vision, but the question of choosing a good clinic stops them. After all, the question here concerns the health of a very important organ for any person. Eye problems always create difficulties in the social, professional and personal life of any person.

Difficult question of choice

Various eye diseases disturb people at any age. Loss of vision is observed in the elderly and in infants. But more often people in an active social period of life turn to ophthalmologists. At the same time, the reason for the visit is different for people of different age groups. For example, young people are increasingly undergoing laser vision correction in an effort to get rid of glasses. In old age, the main problem is glaucoma, cataracts and other age-related pathologies of vision.

Now you can get qualified help from an ophthalmologist in a private or state clinic in Moscow. Everyone can choose the one that he likes best. When choosing an institution, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the institution. High-class treatment on modern high-quality equipment is very expensive, so you have to take into account your financial capabilities.

State clinics

The advantage of such institutions is the many years of experience of the specialists who work there. They have a strong scientific base and a wide range of specialists. The cost of treatment in such hospitals is usually low, and sometimes it is free.

But along with these positive aspects, contacting such institutions is often accompanied by negative aspects. For example, it is very difficult to get through to the receptionist. The staff of such clinics is inattentive to potential patients, and sometimes frankly rude. Getting to the right specialist is very difficult, you have to spend many hours in queues. Yes, and the schedule of office hours often coincides with the working time of a person. In addition, doctors of state clinics are not always interested in a positive result.At the same time, a large number of patients will not allow even a good and responsible doctor to devote sufficient time to each patient.

The low salaries of medical workers in state clinics provoke them to force patients to pay money for supposedly free services. The conditions in which the patients of such hospitals are often far from ideal.

Commercial establishments

These institutions have a fundamentally different attitude towards patients. Here, people who seek medical help automatically move into the category of clients whose wishes are always fulfilled. Each private clinic competes with other similar hospitals for a good reputation and regular customers. Therefore, here visitors without any queues can get an appointment with any doctor. The staff here always listens carefully to the client and is ready to provide treatment on high-class equipment.

The disadvantage of private clinics is the high cost of treatment. It is often unreasonably overstated. At the same time, most clinics provide only narrowly focused laser correction services. In private institutions, they do not seek to work with complex chronic eye diseases. Here they prefer to work with fast services in order to get the maximum profit as soon as possible.

How to choose a clinic

Receiving the information

Now it is easy to collect the most complete information about the clinic. There are many sites on the Internet with patient reviews and special forums where people share their experiences about treatment in a particular institution. At the same time, it can be found that many medical centers involved in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases are engaged not only in this area, but provide a whole range of medical services.Therefore, it is preferable to choose clinics dealing specifically with eye diseases. The number of such institutions in Russia is not so great.


For any medical institution, a license is required. Therefore, it is necessary to be interested in its presence. This document is a guarantee that all services will be provided with high quality. Usually, in any contract with a potential patient, the license number is indicated.

Clinic site impressions

Now almost all institutions and organizations have their websites on the World Wide Web. Therefore, it would be useful to visit such a site and carefully study the information available there. It is worth paying attention to such sections as available equipment, information about the clinic's specialists. Be sure to find out what the professional experience of the doctors you plan to contact. It would also not be out of place to learn a little about the history of the clinic, its professional development and the services that the institution provides to its clients. It is desirable that the site has the opportunity to immediately sign up for an initial appointment. This shows the concern of the administration of the clinic about the convenience of clients.

Call to the institution

Be sure to call the clinic before a personal visit and clarify some points. First of all, you need to find out how to get an appointment with the doctor you need. Recording for a specific time is an advantage. The patient does not have to wait in line. It is best if the client himself can choose a convenient time for the visit, focusing on his own schedule. You also need to consider how complete information is provided by the administrator over the phone about the scope of services and their cost.Be sure to find out if the clinic has its own laboratory so that you do not have to take the necessary tests in different places.


A good clinic must be equipped with modern, high-quality diagnostic equipment. General vision testing should not be limited to testing on the table. For this, several tests and studies are carried out on modern equipment. In this case, one of the mandatory procedures is the examination of the fundus with a dilated pupil.

Specialist consultation

During the consultation, the patient should take the initiative and immediately ask all the questions that concern him. At the same time, you can ask about the qualifications and experience of a particular doctor or find out how many operations the clinic performs per year. Also, it will not be superfluous to find out about the quality of the equipment. If the treatment involves surgery, be sure to ask how it is performed and on what equipment. It is better to choose a specialist who knows several methods of performing operations and ask him to choose the most optimal one, taking into account health. If the doctor is really good, he will definitely tell about all the questions of interest to the patient.

Financial side

This question is one of the key ones. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stipulate the final cost of treatment, which includes payment for consumables. It is worth finding out how examinations after surgery are paid: separately or are they included in the total cost. Knowing such subtleties will help you not to encounter unexpected expenses later.

Conclusion of an agreement

Before starting treatment, each clinic must provide the client with a signed contract, which will take into account all the subtleties and nuances of procedures and operations.It should describe all the procedures, surgeries, medicines and studies provided with a detailed description and cost. The date of treatment and the place of all procedures must be indicated. In addition, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as responsibilities, must be clearly indicated. Be sure to read even the smallest text, so that later there are no unexpected surprises.

List of the best ophthalmological clinics in Moscow

Eye clinic of Dr. Belikova

Addresses: Budyonny Avenue, 26, bldg. 2; Poklonnaya st., 6, room IV.
Phone: +7 495 366-43-83

The eye clinic of Dr. Belikova is represented in Moscow by two ophthalmological centers. The Eye Surgery Center is located on Budyonny Avenue, and the Myopia Control Center is located on Poklonnaya. Among similar clinics, this one is distinguished by an individual approach to patients, the use of proven methods for the treatment of eye diseases, and the provision of high-tech ophthalmic care.

The Myopia Control Center allows patients to:

  • get a comprehensive diagnosis;
  • to control and correct refractive errors in adults and children;
  • receive an individually selected correction method with the calculation of future vision indicators.

At the same time, patients are accompanied at all stages.

The Center for Eye Surgery conducts:

  • all types of microsurgical and laser treatment;
  • laser vision correction;
  • cataract removal by sutureless method with implantation of imported IOLs;
  • glaucoma treatment;
  • treatment of retinal dystrophy and other diseases.

For the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, Dr. Belikova's Clinic uses advanced techniques using modern European equipment.

You can make an appointment using the form on the Clinic's website. The centers are open 7 days a week, seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

  • Modern equipment;
  • Individual approach and support of patients;
  • Impeccable reputation of the clinic;
  • Great experience of the staff of the Clinic and Belikova E.I. (over 30 years);
  • A brand new clinic on the street. Poklonnaya.
  • It is not very convenient to get to the clinic on Budyonny Avenue;
  • Patients under CHI and VHI are not served.

Moscow Eye Clinic

Address: Semenovsky lane, 11

The Moscow Eye Clinic is especially popular with clients. She is a recognized leader in many ratings. The most comfortable conditions have been created for the patients of this institution, the clinic employs highly qualified specialists who provide real assistance to their patients. Patients are accepted here by appointment, but in case of an emergency, it is really possible to get an appointment right away. Thanks to the efficient work of the administration of the clinic and the properly organized work of doctors, here patients spend minimal time waiting. As a result of one consultation, a complete diagnosis and other procedures are carried out, which make it possible to detect the cause of the disease.

In addition to a complete examination of the condition of the eyes, complex operations are performed here using modern equipment. Many eminent ophthalmologists work in this center. Among the most popular procedures and operations performed at the clinic are hardware restoration of vision, glaucoma treatment with a laser, cataract removal in a low-traumatic way, and vision correction. You can contact the clinic from 9.00 to 21.00 every day.

  • experienced professionals;
  • work without days off and breaks;
  • modern, high-quality equipment;
  • performing major operations;
  • well-organized system of visits;
  • acceptable prices;
  • little time spent on treatment and diagnosis.
  • not found.

Clinic of Dr. Shilova

Address: Leningradskiy prospect, 123

The founder of this clinic is a world-famous ophthalmologist surgeon Shilova T.Yu. among the employees of this institution are doctors of medical sciences, doctors with vast experience in performing complex operations. Thanks to this, the clinic will provide the patient with timely assistance, quickly diagnose after a complete diagnosis of vision. Retinal diseases, corneal transplantation, and optic nerve atrophy are treated here. Additional services include a cosmetic eyelid lift. It is very important that the diagnosis of the state of health and the identification of the cause of the disease are carried out quickly here.

You can get an appointment with the specialists of the clinic after an appointment. The Ophthalmological Center is open daily from 10.00 to 19.00. Here, all examinations and procedures are carried out on professional Carl Zeiss equipment.

  • carrying out complex operations;
  • treatment of most pathological processes in ophthalmology;
  • qualified specialists with extensive experience;
  • high-quality latest equipment;
  • popularity among patients.
  • expensive treatment.

MNTK Eye Microsurgery named after S. Fedorov

Address: Beskudnikovsky boulevard, 36a

Within the walls of the world-famous center, established in 1986, more than 5 million patients underwent high-quality treatment. In this clinic, professionals in their field take up the treatment of difficult eye pathologies.The center differs from other ophthalmological clinics in that it not only treats and performs operations. The staff of the center successfully conducts research and develops new methods. The work of the center's specialists is aimed at reducing the treatment time and at the same time improving efficiency. Patients of all ages are accepted here, including infants from 6 months. The doctors of the center have experience in successfully performing operations in the most difficult situations.

In addition to traditional laser vision correction, the clinic performs complex operations aimed at treating severe pathologies. Here it is possible to receive medical assistance for free and be treated under the MHI policy. The center is open only on weekdays from 8.30 to 17.00.

  • highly qualified specialists;
  • performing the most complex operations;
  • high result;
  • application of innovative developments;
  • treatment of young children from six months.
  • The clinic is closed on weekends.

Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz

Address: Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya street, 14/19

Many residents of Moscow prefer to treat ophthalmic ailments in this institution. The Institute is equipped with all the necessary equipment, thanks to which they undertake the treatment of the most complex eye pathologies. Institute specialists save patients from the consequences of injuries, retinal detachment, oncological processes and others. Also, cataracts, papillomas are removed without sutures, visual acuity is restored with a laser. Patients are operated on by the best specialists in Russia, including doctors of sciences, honored doctors and professors.

Inexpensive prices for treatment make it possible to carry out a complete examination already at the first visit and, if necessary, use effective treatment.The center takes up the healing of patients at any age. The Institute accepts patients only on weekdays at 8.30 am and until 3.00 pm. The institute owns 8 buildings, where there is a day and full hospital.

  • performing very complex operations;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • use of innovative treatment methods;
  • many good reviews.
  • Clinic hours are very inconvenient.

Ophthalmological center "Ten lines" of Dr. Zinoviev

Address: Lyubertsy, Gagarin Avenue, 26/2

The founder of this non-state clinic is the candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist-surgeon Zinoviev. Within the walls of the medical institution, they successfully diagnose and treat severe eye diseases. The center is one of the few where seamless cataract removal is successfully practiced. The center has its own laboratory, where they conduct research on vision protection and ophthalmoergonomics. In addition to the procedure for restoring vision with a laser, the clinic treats amboliopia, strabismus, the consequences of various injuries, retinal diseases and other ailments. There is also an opportunity to undergo a comprehensive eye examination and make an optical tomography.

The clinic employs highly qualified specialists with international experience of cooperation. In addition to weekdays, you can also get to the center on Saturday in the morning. This center differs from most other private clinics by low prices and discounts for certain categories of patients.

  • democratic prices;
  • experienced professionals;
  • performing complex operations;
  • convenience of the mode of operation;
  • positive customer feedback;
  • availability of discounts.
  • the center is in the region.

Center for Effective Ophthalmology under the direction of Dr. Ilinskaya

Address: Cherepanovyh passage, 32

In this center, you can undergo a complete diagnosis and cure a variety of ophthalmic pathologies, both already known and common, and very rare. The specialists of the center apply an academic approach to treatment, preferring to immediately establish the cause of the disease. Eye surgeries in this center are performed by surgeons with the highest qualifications. Most often, patients come here to get rid of cataracts, correct vision, cure retinal diseases or inflammatory processes.

The clinic is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 21.00, on Saturdays the appointment is reduced and is held from 10.00 to 16.00. In addition to treatment in the clinic, you can buy high-quality glasses and other goods. In addition to ophthalmologists, other specialists consult at the clinic.

  • effective methods of treatment of various eye pathologies;
  • you can make an appointment through the website;
  • high-quality, modern equipment for treatment and diagnostics;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • the time of admission for one patient is not limited.
  • very high prices for treatment.

Multidisciplinary ophthalmological center

Address: Leninsky Avenue, 123

This center is one of the few where the prices for treatment and prompt assistance are very affordable. At the same time, the treatment here is carried out by specialists of a very high category. The center treats a variety of eye pathologies for patients of different ages. Here it is possible to get rid of strabismus, corneal diseases, to perform any operations. Treatment is carried out according to international standards on the latest equipment using innovative technologies.

Among the staff of the clinic are specialists from Russia and other countries. Thanks to the highly qualified staff, here every patient has the opportunity to receive high-quality treatment of ophthalmic pathologies. The center is open daily, seven days a week.

  • reasonable prices for treatment;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • an integrated approach to treatment;
  • application of modern methods of treatment;
  • use of the latest equipment;
  • many good reviews.
  • not detected.

Eye Center "Vostok Prozrenie"

Address: Bolshoy Tishinsky lane, 38

This eye clinic provides high-level services, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of satisfied patients. Here you can undergo a complete examination of the condition of the eyes, consultation of experienced specialists and treatment in a short time. Most of the doctors working in this center are involved in the development of new methods for the treatment of eye diseases. In this center, strabismus, glaucoma, retinal injuries are eliminated, vision is corrected.

The center has a mobile operating room, which allows you to perform operations on the eyes in difficult conditions. You can visit this center on all days except Sunday, from 9.00 to 21.00. this is very convenient for people who work on a regular work schedule. The clinic has the latest equipment for treatment and operations.

  • availability of a mobile laboratory;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • quality treatment;
  • use of innovative technologies.
  • not found.

We have presented you a list of ophthalmological clinics located in the capital. Turning to any of them, you can count on an attentive attitude and accurate diagnosis.The necessary treatment will be carried out qualitatively and quickly. The presented clinics are not the only hospitals that treat eye diseases and restore vision. There are many clinics of this kind in Moscow, so you can go to any.

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