
  1. How to choose a driving school
  2. Popular and reliable driving schools in Khabarovsk

The best official driving schools in Khabarovsk in 2022

The best official driving schools in Khabarovsk in 2022

In the modern rhythm of life, having your own car helps to quickly solve everyday problems, because a person manages to visit more places in a certain period of time. Moreover, in many cities, in order to find a good job, the applicant is required to be able to drive a car. Therefore, more and more people of all ages are enrolled in driving courses. At the same time, it is important to choose a school that will not only lure you with bright advertising, but also really give a theoretical background of knowledge of the rules of the road and teach practical driving skills. The best driving schools in Khabarovsk, the features and cost of education will be discussed in this article.

How to choose a driving school

There are several criteria that should be evaluated, giving preference to a particular driving school in Khabarovsk.

Availability of a license

Driving training is an educational activity, which means it is subject to mandatory licensing. In addition to the license itself, there is an additional set of mandatory documents that the school receives before starting work with cadets. Among them, for example, there is a conclusion issued by the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

As a rule, if the school has its own website, the school places scanned images of all permits in the appropriate section. If such information is not found, then their presence will have to be clarified by phone and during a personal visit to the educational institution, make sure that they are available. As a rule, all the required conclusions and licenses are freely available on stands in the field of view of visitors.

In addition to checking the fact that all documents are available, pay attention to the dates of their validity.

Learning process

In order to become the owner of a driver's license in Khabarovsk, as in another city in Russia, the applicant will need to attend a theoretical course on the rules of the road, the device of a car, the basics of psychology on the road and the rules for first aid. And, of course, learn practical skills. The number of hours is fixed at the legislative level and depends on the category.

Top categoryManual transmission, number of hoursAutomatic transmission, number of hours

Training period

As a rule, when announcing the term of training in advertising, many driving schools declare 2.5 - 3 months.It is worth knowing that this time will take the theoretical part of the training, from the beginning of classes to passing the test exam on traffic rules. But the practical part can be delayed. There are several reasons for this:

  1. As a rule, a cadet starts a practical lesson a little later than the beginning of lectures.
  2. The regularity of driving lessons depends on the specific instructor, i.e. someone can study 4 times a week with one cadet, others - a maximum of 2. It depends on the number of students and the schedule of the mentor himself.
  3. Skills and abilities of the student. Someone masters the skills without even finishing the hours received, while others require additional classes.
  4. The regularity of the practical exam in the traffic police. We will talk about this factor a little lower, in the "Reviews" section.

Class Schedule

Different schools have their own curriculum. Some - all are carried out internally, i.e. for mastering, you will need to attend training classes 2-3 times a week. Others organize a combination of face-to-face classes and independent work, in which case the lesson can take place once a week.

When registering for a group, you should specify:

  • On what days and at what time is the training;
  • Are there daytime or weekend groups, if this is relevant for a potential student.

Recently, online learning has become increasingly popular, which involves independent distance learning of theory by a student with periodic verification of knowledge by a school teacher. The manufacturability of this method and the independence of the cadet from specific hours of training are a plus of this method. But how much traffic rules will be assimilated is a very controversial issue.The fact is that the Rules of the Road, in the form in which they exist now, have many double points and nuances, which only an experienced teacher will help to understand with examples and real traffic situations. Therefore, the OK Choice website team recommends choosing online training for those who are already familiar with the basics of traffic rules. Otherwise, face-to-face sessions will be useful.

Practical training and car park

It is important to clarify what cars the training is organized on, how modern the car park is, what brands of cars are provided to students.

It is important to clarify where the circuit is located and what exercises are organized there. If this site is located at a distance from the classrooms, then the important point is where the cadet boards the training vehicle, directly at the autodrome or near the training unit.

School location

This factor is important for those who plan to attend school in person. It is important that the road to the training center and the practical training site does not take much time, as you will have to visit it several times a week.

If the school has a wide branch network, and the classes are located at different addresses, it is imperative to find out at what address practical classes will be held and where the circuit is located.

Material and technical base

A good driving school in Khabarovsk is one where modern classrooms with visual material are organized for students. It:

  • Information colorful stands;
  • Availability of a projector and a screen for demonstrating video materials;
  • Didactic materials provided;
  • Availability of special training mannequins for medical classes;
  • Model of the car to study its device;
  • Reconstructions or models of important components of cars of various classes;
  • The presence of a computer class where you can practice on tests before the exam in the traffic police;
  • Auto trainers.

Let's talk more about the last point. Auto-simulators are specially designed devices equipped with a real steering wheel, gearbox, pedals and dashboard. Working on them allows you to study what is shown on the dashboard, work out the rotation of the steering wheel, learn how to keep the speed and a number of other useful skills.

Simulators can differ in where the picture is displayed. More often it is a three-monitor screen with a projection of a road or an autodrome, depending on the program. However, modern small driving schools offer virtual reality training. Those. to the real steering wheel, the student will have to put on VR glasses, completely immersed in the atmosphere of the road.

It is important to clarify not only the availability of simulators, but also how many there are, how the work is organized, and whether pre-registration is required. This will eliminate the situation when you have to wait in line in order to work out.

Teaching Staff

It does not make sense to dwell on this point in detail, because on the website of each school the teaching and instructor staff will be characterized only positively. But the student will be able to verify this after the conclusion of the contract, payment and the start of classes.

Therefore, the only thing we recommend clarifying before concluding an agreement is whether it is possible to change the instructor or move to another group, to another teacher in case of any difficulties in interaction. As a rule, each school provides such an opportunity.


As a rule, all prices are indicated on the websites of the school. The cost often depends on:

  • what category is planned to study;
  • if we are talking about category B, then it will be an automatic or manual gearbox;
  • daytime or evening group and a number of other factors.

At the same time, do not be too lazy to visit not only the official website, but also pages on social networks. This will allow you not to miss all sorts of promotions or contests, as a result of which you can get a discount of up to 50% on tuition.

It is important to remember that the cost of car courses in Khabarovsk is approximately the same for all schools, so if the price is stated on the site, which is strikingly different from competitors, you should think about whether the educational institution will save on you.

When comparing the price, the most important thing to find out is: Is it the final cost or practical training (paying for gasoline) is extra. In the second case, be sure to specify the cost of one lesson. This will allow you to calculate the total cost of training.

When contacting the school, it is important to clarify whether there are any additional costs, for example:

  • the school provides the necessary literature or materials for a fee or not;
  • whether any payment is required when passing exams, how much it costs to retake and a number of others.

Learning to drive is not a cheap pleasure, and not everyone can pay the entire amount at once, so you need to ask if there is an installment plan and what are the payment schemes. As a rule, all driving schools in Khabarovsk provide such an opportunity.


This is a very important point when choosing a driving school. At the same time, we recommend filtering the information that emotional students write. It is important to pay attention to three points.

About the exam

Pay attention to the information from the reviews about the frequency with which exams are held in the traffic police (primary and retakes), whether there is a fact of a long wait.

A lot of people, having decided to save money on studying for rights in Khabarovsk, choosing a little-known or the cheapest school in terms of the price of education, are faced with the fact that after completing the training, they cannot pass on the rights. And it's not even that the student fails the exam. It happens that the exam is held very rarely, which means that students have to wait weeks or even months for the appointed day. And if you fail to pass the first time, then such an expectation is repeated once again.

About instructors and teaching staff

Our advice - pay attention to the names of those about whom the most positive reviews.

The fact is that training will become more effective if the appointed instructor is not only an experienced driver, but also a competent mentor who can calmly and intelligibly teach road behavior skills. Unfortunately, many reviews speak of the complexity of interaction with instructors, incorrect behavior towards cadets. Therefore, if negative comments about the same person are often found in reviews, it is better to exclude further training with him.

In defense of instructors! Of course, a lot depends on them, but not all. The task of the student is to learn to listen to the instructor and follow his instructions.

If, after the appointment of an instructor, something does not suit the cadet in the classroom. The first thing we recommend to do is to talk to the mentor himself, to identify claims. As a rule, this helps the further learning process. If contact cannot be established, contact the training unit with a request to replace the instructor.

About cost

Pay attention to the facts of surcharges or information that the real price differed from the originally declared one.If such comments come across, it is worth clarifying this point when contacting the school. Or refuse to choose such an educational institution.

Popular and reliable driving schools in Khabarovsk

This selection contains institutions where you can study law in Khabarovsk, which have a reliable reputation and have collected more positive reviews.

Driving school "On Pavlenko"
votes 3

It is under this name that the most popular and oldest school in the city of Khabarovsk is known. The full name of the institution is the Khabarovsk Center for Professional Training and Advanced Training of Personnel of the Federal Road Agency. It is here that training is provided for categories A, B, C, D, BE, CE, DE. As well as retraining from one category to another, narrowly professional courses, extreme driving techniques and much more.

We can safely say that this school provides a full range of educational services in the field of motor transport.

Contact details: the educational part, the main classes, the simulator and computer class and the autodrome are located at the address: Khabarovsk, st. K. Marx, 96, stop. Pavlenko, ☎ telephone of the educational unit: +7 4212 430-430, work schedule: Monday-Friday from 8:30 to 17:30 with a lunch break from 12 to 13 hours.

There are classrooms in the village of Gorky (on the basis of secondary school No. 37), L. Schmidt street, 30, st. Pacific, d.186. It is worth remembering that there are only classrooms here, practical classes are held at the location of the garage and the autodrome on the street. K. Marx.

All classrooms of the school are equipped with training stands, projectors and a screen. Medical classes are held with a demonstration on mannequins, there is the possibility of practical training.

A gym is equipped, where, in addition to the simulators themselves (cars and trucks), a model of a car is installed, and there are also computers for preparing for a theoretical exam in the traffic police. Work in the hall is carried out six days a week, except Sunday.

Training (theoretical block) is held three times a week, each lesson is 2 hours. There are groups: evening, day, weekend. There is no online learning.

The cost of training depends on the chosen category and group. Education not in category B in the day group costs 27,000 rubles, in the evening - 28,000. Important! The price is for the theoretical course only. Each practical lesson is paid additionally - 400 rubles per lesson, lasting two academic hours.

There is distance learning for category "B", in this case, the cadet studies the theory independently through the site, and practical classes are held as usual. The cost of such a program is 26,000 rubles.

There is an installment plan, the first installment is at least 10,000 rubles, the rest can be paid during the entire period of study.

The exam process is structured as follows:

  1. School theoretical examination, organized in a special examination center on the territory of the school;
  2. School practical exam.

After passing both exams, the student receives a Driver's Profession Certificate. After that, in the educational part, he will be recorded for a theoretical exam at the traffic police, which is held for school students weekly on Fridays.

The final stage is a practical exam at the traffic police, for which the cadet will also be recorded in the training unit, setting the date and time. The exam is organized on the basis of the school circuit.

  • Due to the popularity of the school, groups of students (15-25 people) are organized regularly, so you won’t have to wait long for the start of training;
  • All training is strictly on schedule, there are no shifts or cancellations of classes;
  • Convenient location, presence of branches;
  • Wide range of categories;
  • The presence of various promotions and competitions in the social. networks that save on training;
  • New vehicle fleet consisting of cars of Korean, European and Japanese production (for category "B");
  • A clear examination process, there is no situation of delaying the delivery and retake.
  • Tuition is more expensive than other schools;
  • Difficulty in organizing additional classes with instructors (for example, after failing the exam at the traffic police and until the next retake), due to the large flow of cadets and the workload of instructors;
  • There are complaints about the incorrectness of individual instructors;
  • Not all auto-simulators are in good condition.

Avtodor Driving School
votes 4

This school is also among the pioneers in the field of driving education in Khabarovsk. Created on the basis of the Khabarovsk road technical school, it initially set itself the task of teaching the driving skills of the students registered there, but over time, anyone could learn here. In this center, you can get category A, B, C, D, as well as retrain from one to another. Or study on a course to restore driving skills (for those who have a driver's license).

Contact information: Classrooms and the circuit are located at: st. Pacific, 169, ☎: +7 (4212) 76-12-12, +7 (4212) 22-50-29. You can sign up for training or solve other issues on weekdays from 8:30 to 18:30, or on Saturday from 10 to 13 hours.

Classes are held in classrooms equipped with visual aids, there is a projector and a room for training on simulators (standard monitor form).

Groups are recruited weekly, training is held on weekdays from 18:00. At the same time, the duration of training for category "B" is 2.5 months (theoretical course). It does not organize private lessons, but it is possible to take online training.

The cost of training for category "B" is 32,800 rubles if you plan to drive a car with an automatic transmission and 1,000 rubles more expensive (33,800) when gaining the skills to drive a car with a manual transmission. Prices are indicated taking into account practical training, i.е. You don't need to pay extra for fuel.

For the convenience of students, there is an installment plan. The first installment is 5,000 rubles, after which you can attend lectures and practice on simulators. The student will be allowed to practice on a real car only after full payment.

Passing the exam at this school implies a preliminary credit system, after which the cadet is allowed to test at the traffic police and further practical exam.

  • Payment under the contract immediately includes theoretical classes and fuel, no additional expenses are required;
  • The fleet is in good condition, category "B" is taught on cars of Japanese, Korean and European production;
  • Training is carried out strictly according to the established program, according to the educational standard;
  • A regular set of groups, so you don’t have to wait long for the start of training;
  • A wide range of categories for learning;
  • A well-organized examination process, eliminating the delay in the retake after an unsuccessful attempt.
  • Large groups - up to 30 people;
  • Training only in the evening (no classes on weekends and weekdays);
  • There are no branches and the location of the school will be convenient only for those who territorially arrive (live or work) in the Northern District;
  • There are complaints about the attitude of individual instructors.

Driving school "Rotor"
votes 6

This educational institution has been conducting educational activities since 1999, for which it has a license and a corresponding conclusion from the traffic police. Within the walls of the school you can study for the category "A", "B", "C", "M"

Contact information: You can sign up for training at the central office on the street. Komsomolskaya, 62, ☎: (4212) 66-77-33, 32-36-49, 30-55-15, working hours: from 9 am to 8 pm.

The classrooms are located at: st. Komsomolskaya, 62, st. Krasnorechenskaya, 53, st. Krasnorechenskaya, 193 of. 54, st. District, 23a. The school's autodrome is also located at the last address.

All classes are equipped with the necessary visual stands, a screen and a projector, there are simulators for teaching first aid.

Training is conducted on weekdays in the evenings, as well as in weekend groups. As a rule, 2 sets of groups are organized per month. The duration of classes and the number of hours correspond to the educational program.

Before entering the exam in the traffic police, the school conducts a preliminary certification, that is, an internal exam.

The fleet consists of more than 20 cars, the year of manufacture is different, there are cars made in 2018.

The cost of training for category “B”, regardless of the type of transmission, is 29,000 rubles, the price is indicated including fuel and lubricants. For the convenience of cadets, there is an installment system.

  • Presence of classes in different districts of the city;
  • Regular group recruitment;
  • Own race track and fleet of modern cars of Japanese, Korean and European production;
  • Class equipment.
  • There is no full-time education on weekdays;
  • The cadet gets to the autodrome on his own.

Khabarovsk Youth Automobile School (HYuASH)
votes 0

To complete the selection of the best driving schools in Khabarovsk, we will entrust another old-timer in this industry - HYuASH, which opened in 1976 and until 1985 was engaged only in teaching children, but after the direction was significantly expanded, and adult cadets began to be involved in studies. Today it is an educational institution with an impressive material and technical base that trains drivers of categories A, B, C, D, retrains from one category to another, and conducts a number of other courses.

Contact details: The main educational building and the circuit are located on the street. Irtyshskaya, 28, ☎ tel. educational department: +7(4212) 672-225, working hours from 8:30 to 17:30 on weekdays. There are additional classes on the street. Furmanov, 2 (☎ 604-194) and st. P. Morozova, 91 (☎ 692-369).

The classrooms of the school are spacious and well-equipped. There are stands, models of the main parts of the car, projectors, screens. Equipped with computer classes.

Groups are recruited regularly, on average 1-2 times a month, full-time or distance learning (only for category "B"), classes are held in the morning, afternoon or evening, the cost of education also depends on this. Weekend groups are organized (on Sundays).

The price of obtaining skills for category "B" excluding fuel and lubricants is 28,000 rubles for classes in the afternoon and evening, training in the morning group - 27,000, remotely - 20,000 rubles. It does not matter on the car with which gearbox to learn. There is an installment.

As for the exam, everything is organized quite clearly. Before proceeding to the traffic police, cadets undergo preliminary testing and testing of practical skills on the basis of the school.

  • Good material and technical base;
  • Own equipped autodrome;
  • The fleet is modern, consists of Japanese, Korean and European cars (for category B);
  • A wide range of categories for learning;
  • Training is conducted in accordance with educational standards, according to the established schedule.
  • The location of the classrooms and the autodrome are convenient only for residents of the Southern District, or those who work nearby;
  • The cost of education, including fuel and lubricants, is higher than in most schools.

It is worth noting that these five schools are a small fraction of those institutions that teach the art of driving in Khabarovsk. However, it was they who, in terms of the level of material and technical base, the quality of the fleet, cost and reviews, made up the top five. If you want to study all such institutions, then we recommend that you turn to independent portals with reviews, and then thoroughly study the site of the selected school, based on the criteria listed at the beginning of this article.

Make your choice consciously, approach learning responsibly, and then the art of driving a car will be easy for you!!!


