Family comfort is made up of many traditions, nuances and preferences. One of the best ways to bring parents and children together is to spend time together playing some exciting game. Board games provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of adventure, excitement, reflection and fantasy. This is an ideal opportunity to brighten up the evening and get unforgettable, vivid impressions.
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Puzzled by the question: “Which game is better to buy?” You need to define your own selection criteria. Listed below are the points you should pay attention to before buying.
Regarding how much such entertainment costs, the variety of table sets will be available for any budget.
This exciting game is suitable to have fun with friends or sit in the family circle.For children from 12 years old, the game is quite understandable, but if you have younger children, then there are more simplified versions of the Imaginarium, marked childhood. This type of entertainment will be understandable for children 4-5 years old. The Imaginarium gives you the opportunity to develop your imagination, and at the same time there will be plenty of excitement, since victory goes to points, and everyone wants to become a winner. Players are immersed in the world of associations and close people are very pleased to tune in to each other's wave and get closer through fantasies.
The average price is 1450 rubles, but there are also more budget versions.
If you are looking for popular game models, then pay attention to Monopoly. This exciting economic strategy can captivate no less than virtual toys. The bottom line is that you should be the only non-bankrupt player. In addition, it is interesting for an ordinary person to feel like a banker who freely disposes of property and can hit a huge jackpot. This game is perfect for a group of friends, although if desired, it will do for two people. Suitable for children from 8 years old. There are many options for Monopoly, and if you think: “Which one is better to buy?”, Then it is better to give preference to more expensive options, since there are larger cards and the set is better in quality.
The cost is about 1500 rubles.
Another amazing economic strategy is the Settler. This game is somewhat similar to Monopoly. The colonialists appeared thanks to the German Klaus Teuber, that is, this strategy can be purchased from the best German manufacturers, or can be found among domestic brands. You will need 3 or 4 players to participate. According to the rules, they are colonists who landed on a desert island. There they need to create a settlement, develop it to the maximum, and in the end, the winner is the one who receives 10 victory points. Moves are made by rolling a die.
You can buy for 2000 rubles.
Munchkin is suitable for a group of friends who are ready for role-playing and transformation. This board card game plunges you into a wild fantasy world and requires you to throw off the veils of decency, as you will have to be cunning, incite leaders, support weak players for selfish purposes, and all for the sake of your own victory. When playing Munchkin, you will have to forget about pity and sympathy for the enemy, you need to be dominated only by arguments of profit. The goal is to reach the maximum level, and along the way, magical moments will await, reminiscent of Tolkien's bizarre world.
The price is about 1000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and variation of the game.
This entertainment is suitable for a company of 2 to 4 people.The meaning of the lesson is to form words on a special board, which is divided into 225 squares. Scrabble is very similar to Scrabble, that is, it allows you to train your brain and expand your vocabulary. At the beginning, players are given 7 chips and need to make up words. The finish comes when one of the players runs out of all the chips (they can be on hand or on the playing field). Scoring will reveal the winner. Scrabble is suitable for adults and children. The age of children can be from 6-7 years old if they already know the letters and do not have problems with composing words.
You can buy for 1700 rubles.
Actively trains brain activity;
The bestseller is the Russian analogue of Scrabble - this is a well-known Erudite, related to linguistic entertainment. The meaning of Erudite is the same as in Scrabble, the difference is that there are more chips, which means that the number of players can be increased to 5 or 6. Guessing words is very similar to crossword puzzles, victory will depend on knowledge. Whoever hits the biggest jackpot of points wins. An erudite will help pass the time on the road, help parents teach their child fresh vocabulary, and generally refers to a non-annoying pastime.
You can buy for 700 rubles.
The purpose of Activity is to reduce the degree of tension in the company, if its members are unfamiliar, this will be a wonderful way to stir up everyone, ignite a spark of friendliness and fun.From 3 to 16 people can participate. If there are many participants, then there is a division into teams, but if there are only 3, then each for himself. The essence of Activity is elementary, you just need to provide an explanation for the word that has fallen out in just 1 minute of the allotted time. You will have to explain in one of the three ways indicated on the field: in words (but without words with the same root), gestures (silently) or with the help of a picture. The winner is the player who reaches the finish line first. The game is designed to create fun, so it is suitable even for a drunken company.
Prices vary from 300 rubles to over 2000 rubles, depending on the content.
If you want to feel like a pirate, then you will definitely like the Jackal set. The search for treasure will give you a blast of adrenaline, because everyone will want to collect as many coins as possible. While searching for gold, unexpected dangers will await the pirates, such as the insidious crocodile, the terrible ogre or the provocative rum. The fun and gambling action is highly addictive and it is not surprising that Jackal gets its place of honor in the ranking of quality board games. You can play with two or increase the number of players up to 4.
You can buy "Jackal" for 1100 rubles.
Probably everyone has ever played lotto. This creation does not age and always remains relevant, because it is suitable for both adults and children 2-3 years old (children's types of loto).In the lotto, it is easy to check how much Lady Fortune favors you, in addition, the game develops attentiveness and reaction. You can play solely for the sake of the status of the winner, or you can make money bets. The package includes kegs, cards and chips.
The average price is 500 rubles.
For a couple in love, a great option to refresh the relationship would be to get acquainted with the desktop product from Mosigra called "For You". The essence is somewhat non-standard, and it may take about a month. "For You" contains 15 cards with romantic tasks for each half. Cards, by their very nature, are intended to diversify love relationships, ignite new sparks, open up new facets, and teach how to make pleasant surprises. There are easy tasks, for example, to hold a tea ceremony, and there are also tasks that require courage, as it is proposed to make a parachute or balloon jump.
Sold "For You" for 590 rubles.
If a large company has gathered, then the Mafia can become an excellent leisure option. The purpose of this entertainment is to clear the civilian population from criminals. Everyone gets the role that will be on the dropped card. As a result, you can turn into a safe civilian, become a mafioso, commissioner and leader. The process is divided into "day" and "night".Night is the time of mafia atrocities, and during the day, the unfortunate residents find out that someone has died and are trying to identify the villains. "Mafia" is extremely captivating, teaches you to get used to the character and gives you the skills of an excellent bluff, because no one wants to be exposed ahead of time.
The price of sets varies from 400 and 2000 rubles, depending on the configuration.
Regardless of the size of the company, a close circle or a motley expanse, you can always pick up a board game that will turn gatherings into an unforgettable friendly adventure.
Thanks to desktop entertainment, children's imagination is stimulated, perseverance is formed and skills appear in performing certain actions. For adults, this is a way to unwind, relieve stress, feel the carelessness and fun of young years.
A good selection of the best manufacturers can be found in GaGa, Mosigra and Igroved stores. Experienced sellers will tell you which company is better to buy and select options in various price categories.
The purchase of a board game is a win-win investment in future leisure filled with closeness to loved ones, happiness and pleasure.