The car can break down at any moment. Therefore, it is important to know what to do in such a situation. If it is not possible to get to a car service, or just something requires a simple emergency repair, then tool kits for cars will come to the rescue. These are special suitcases or cases with tools that are useful for car repair or maintenance. Such suitcases will help out the driver during a small breakdown of the car on the road.
This article has compiled a rating of the best car tool kits that make life easier for the vehicle owner. First of all, the emphasis is on value for money. Selected products of different brands that meet the main criteria. Basically, such sets contain more than 90 items. This review describes universal car assistants.
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Pay attention to some features before making a purchase.
Each element of this set looks quite presentable. All tools are very well chrome-plated, which allows them not to succumb to corrosion.
During operation, no remarks were found. For private use and small workshops - a great option. Durable chrome vanadium steel adds durability. This is one of the best tool kits in terms of price and quality ratio.
For an ordinary motorist, it will be a real find. Now small and medium auto repair is not a problem. You can buy a set within 12,000 rubles. The set includes 143 items.
It showed itself well at small service stations, as well as during repairs at home or in the field. Refers to sets in the middle price segment. Here, too, the entire tool is made of high-strength materials. Chrome vanadium steel is considered a very strong alloy that does not rust. Ratchets are equipped with a very reliable mechanism. Features a wide range of combination wrenches and sockets. It can be purchased at a price of approximately 8,000 rubles.
The set includes 90 items.
A good product from a Taiwanese company. The kit includes everything for universal use. Pliers, extension cords and screwdrivers deserve special attention.
Socket wrenches, screwdrivers are equipped with rubberized handles, which prevents slipping out of hands during operation. All items fit perfectly in the case. Each element is highly ergonomic. The set weighs 8.09 kg. The kit includes 78 components. You can buy for 12000 rubles.
This set contains 107 items. With him, prevention, maintenance of cars will not be scary. Absolutely all items are normally kept thanks to the most convenient and not bulky suitcase. Durability of operation is guaranteed. Reliability provides chrome vanadium coating.
The cost starts from 17200 rubles. As you can see, there is a high price for the product. But all the elements do not rust, because they are made of high quality materials.
For the price of 13800 rubles you will get an excellent set.With it, car repair and maintenance will no longer be scary. All components are of high quality. 216 tools are securely packed. The suitcase itself is protected from impacts, as it is made of high-strength plastic. It will not interfere either with the driver to check his car, or for the workshop, which is engaged in the repair of various degrees of complexity. Also, buyers are attracted not only by convenience, but also by a modern appearance.
Its possibilities are wide due to the ergonomics of all details. All components are fully chrome-plated, so you don't have to worry about the tools getting rusty. The correct geometry of the tools is maintained even under excessive loads.
It is possible to unscrew even rounded fasteners. This is possible thanks to the modern Super Lock function. The system of lodgments provides reliable fixation.
You will receive an excellent home instrument for the price of 6700 rubles. This brand is produced by a Taiwanese manufacturer. Auto centers around the world praise the Shyang Yun Hardware Co brand, which has been manufacturing hand tools for over 20 years.
Heads can capture a large area that is in contact with the nut.
Connections that are inaccessible can be reached with socket extensions. The set contains 82 elements.
By paying 8800 rubles, the buyer will receive an amateur instrument. He will help out in any difficult situations that your car gets into. The kit contains 98 accessories. This is a little less than in competitors, but decently enough for such a price.
The quality of products meets international standards. The tools are as hard as possible, but easy to use. All tools are chrome-plated, so you should not be afraid that they will rust in a short time.
The case is made of hard impact-resistant plastic. It can be used both in home car repair and in small workshops. Reliable metal latches hold the entire set in complete integrity and safety. Chrome vanadium steel is the material that all tools are made of.
The case holds 108 tools. This set belongs to the category of professional and costs within 15,000 rubles. Made using the latest technological developments. Considered a premium set. It appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, but has already managed to gain popularity.Ergonomic design and good technical characteristics distinguish it from other models.
The price is fully consistent with the quality. It will be useful not only for the driver, but also for employees of small service stations.
It is indispensable during minor and medium car repairs. All items are securely held in the suitcase. However, individual components may break if they are often subjected to heavy loads. The main advantage is metal locks. Affordable price also attracts buyers.
At a price of around 16,000 rubles, the client will receive a complete set of 107 tools. In general, it is more suitable for personal purposes and infrequent use.
Excellent Taiwanese set of amateur level. Low cost is the main advantage of such tools. For small and medium repairs of an iron horse - that's it. Also pleased with the compact size and convenient suitcase. For 5500 rubles you will receive an amateur set of 99 items for various purposes.
In the kit you can find the following items:
This universal set of tools can be obtained for 7000 rubles. Everything is packed in a large suitcase on wheels. The case contains 186 items. By the way, this is the largest set in the review. But it is only suitable for a private garage.
Among the important components it is worth highlighting:
This article has described the best tools for car repair and maintenance. They were selected for the best price and quality of the items themselves. Some better, some worse. The choice always remains with the client. Someone needs as many tools as possible, and someone needs a modest set only for specific purposes. You can buy absolutely any set. It all depends on the goals, as well as the budget of the buyer and his personal preferences.
This material was created for informational purposes. Also, the user, if desired, can consider other options. Let your car serve for a long time and not break. But every driver should have a repair tool kit.