
  1. What is a Glisson loop
  2. How to choose
  3. DIY
  4. Benefit and harm
  5. Rating of the best Glisson Loop models for 2025
  6. How to practice
  7. What to look out for
  8. Conclusion

Best Glisson Loop Models for 2025

Best Glisson Loop Models for 2025

Many people suffer from problems with the spine or neck, it was for them that the rating of the best Glisson Loop models for 2025 was compiled.

What is a Glisson loop

This is the name of a device designed to stretch traction, strengthen the vertebrae and muscles of the neck.Externally, the product is a design of straps, which is attached under the chin. When a person does the necessary exercises, he overcomes the resistance of the formed loop. Most often, the Glisson loop is recommended as part of a complex of physiotherapy exercises. Due to the dosed stretching of the spine, metabolic processes are activated and the intervertebral discs are strengthened. In addition, the muscular corset develops perfectly, which allows you to keep the spine in a healthy state.

Patients who used the simulator note that their back and neck pains were significantly relieved, numbness of body parts disappeared, headaches disappeared, blood pressure returned to normal and posture was remarkably corrected.

How to choose

Before you buy a Glisson loop, it is advisable to see a specialist who will assess the condition of the spine and tell you about the allowable loads. After the recommendations of the doctor, you can proceed to the choice.

The device is divided into the following types:

  • The loop is simple cotton. It can be used for people who are allowed a small load. The size of the product, as a rule, is universal. Permissible weight - up to 25 kg.
  • Winch loop. The simulator can be installed on the door. It is allowed to do exercises from a standing and sitting position.
  • Loop winch attached to the horizontal bar. Creates a fixed tension, you can gradually increase the load.

There are 2 modifications of structures: Glisson loops and Glisson slings. The first type consists of a fabric material in the form of strips that are attached at the back of the head and under the chin. Slings are considered an addition to the main structure.


If you wish, you can create a simulator with your own hands.How to sew? To do this, you will need two 25 cm elastic strips (about 4 cm wide), a rope and a tape 2 cm wide.

2 laces are sewn to the ends of the ribbon, after which they are connected above the head. Where you have the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, you will need to sew on a tight rubber strap. Its function is to unite two ribbons running from the chin through the back of the head.

You will find detailed instructions on the Internet, but you need to understand that when making at home, the thing must be very strong. Its purpose is not only to hold the load, but also the weight of a person. If you doubt that you can skillfully create a loop, then it is better to purchase it in a store.

Benefit and harm

Spinal traction is highly appreciated by orthopedists, and all because of its undeniable advantages. Experts unanimously assure that the use of a traction traction loop helps to increase the distance between the vertebrae, improve tissues in osteochondrosis and strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus. However, before you start treatment and after listening to your doctor, you need to know the dangerous properties of the loop of Glisson.

According to Professor Academician Danilov, traction of the spine with hernias and protrusions is highly undesirable. In the presence of a hernia, a hernial protrusion occurs, and with a normal sprain, there is a possibility of a hernia. There is an article on the Internet where the academician clearly explains his position, so it is useful to read his thoughts before treatment in order to stop using the simulator in case of unpleasant symptoms.

Rating of the best Glisson Loop models for 2025

The most inexpensive

Loop simple (cotton) type 1
votes 1

The loop is simple, cotton, type 1, has a high popularity among similar models.The main material of manufacture is cotton, the interior is made of soft pile. The size of the product is universal, can withstand loads up to 25 kg. There is an adjustable clasp. The color of the product is gray-white, and the weight is about 100 grams. The severity of the load should be selected based on the patient's well-being and his physical data. It usually takes 5 to 15 minutes to stretch the cervical and thoracic region.

You can buy through the online store. Average price: 950 rubles.

Glisson loop Simple loop (cotton) type 1
  • Simple and understandable;
  • Quality material;
  • Load up to 25 kg;
  • Universal size;
  • Effectively helps in physiotherapy.
  • There are contraindications.

Retainer for Home Neck Traction Set
votes 6

Many buyers purchase the Glisson loop from the Chinese Aliexpress website. There it is called the home neck traction set retainer and includes not only a fabric loop, but also a metal fixture that is suitable for traction traction. Product size: 150*60*45mm. Withstands weight: up to 25 kg. The manufacturer advises a traction time of about half an hour. You can fix the kit on a solid door surface. The product comes with instructions in Chinese, but it has clear images that make it easy to figure out what's what.

The device is recommended for people who often sit at the computer, because long sitting provokes the development of osteochondrosis. Using a loop reduces the problem to zero.

Cost: about 750 rubles.

glisson loop retainer for home neck traction set
  • Strong bracket;
  • Quality material;
  • Quickly helps to straighten the vertebrae;
  • Excellent budget value;
  • Understandable use;
  • Compactness.
  • The adjustment ropes are short but can be replaced.

Glisson loop type 3 reinforced
votes 1

Among the budget loops, the third type of simulator, reinforced, showed itself well. It is designed for traction traction at home. The material of manufacture is a dense cotton fabric that can withstand a load of 3 to 12 kg. It will take 5 to 15 minutes to stretch the cervical and thoracic regions. The product comes without a metal component, the modification is the simplest, therefore budgetary. Before buying, you will need to consult a doctor.

Sold for 1150 rubles.

Glisson loop type 3 reinforced
  • Simple and clear to use;
  • Excellent strength;
  • Does not cause difficulties in the classroom;
  • Suitable for home practice.
  • Withstands loads from 3 to 12 kg.

Middle price segment

Loop reinforced eco-leather. Type 2
votes 1

If a reinforced traction hood is required, then you should pay attention to the reinforced eco-leather loop, type 2. It can withstand up to 60 kg. The size is universal and great for any adult. Stitched with soft lining throughout, so the touch to the face is comfortable. The reinforced loop can be used both for simple exercises and for those that come with an increased load. Customers report that spinal traction with Type 2 Reinforced Loop relieves back pain symptoms and is suitable for the treatment of herniated discs. True, with the latter disease, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Product weight: 180 grams.

You can buy online in the online store. Price: 1400 rubles.

glisson loop Reinforced eco-leather loop. Type 2
  • Comfortable high quality trainer;
  • Suitable for various types of load;
  • Withstands up to 60 kg;
  • Relieves and relieves pain symptoms;
  • Suitable for relaxation of soft tissues and treatment of intervertebral hernia.
  • Before use, seek medical advice.

Glisson loop type 7 in eco leather
votes 1

Type 7 loop is made of high-quality eco-leather and has a soft lining that is comfortable for the face. The manufacturer advises using it at home in the treatment of diseases of the spine. Due to the good material, it will last a long time and can be used when working with loads and counterweights. The device is hung on a hook or crossbar.

Sold for 1900 rubles.

Glisson loop type 7 in eco leather
  • Ease of use;
  • Durable and reliable material;
  • Comfort;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • Long serves;
  • Helps relieve pain symptoms.
  • Small set.

Glisson loop plus winch on the horizontal bar
votes 1

The online store offers a high-quality Glisson loop simulator plus a winch on the horizontal bar. Its features lie in the fact that a winch is attached to the loop, which can be hung with a hook on the horizontal bar and perform exercises. Wide bezel improves coverage. There are 2 cables that provide an increase in load or decrease (if released). The winch includes a dynamometer, a lever with a cable, a hook for fastening and a cable that relieves the load. Permissible weight up to 25 kg. The device can be used for any kind of hinges.

The cost is 2400 rubles.

Glisson loop plus winch on the horizontal bar
  • A fixed tension is created;
  • It is possible to gradually increase the load;
  • High quality and reliability;
  • Traction and useful for the spine;
  • Relaxes the muscles and increases the capacity of the spine;
  • Helps relieve pain symptoms.
  • Pre-order required.

Premium class

Glisson loop type 2 with spring-loaded link
votes 1

If you want to buy a more expensive product, the so-called premium class, then we advise you to pay attention to the Glisson loop type 2 with spring-loaded traction. On the website of the online store where it is sold, there is a video instruction that explains in detail and clearly shows how to use the device. The package includes a loop, shock absorbers, hook, pulley, suspension strap and pull-up handle. Also in the box you will find a manual for use, recommendations for use and warranty. Exercises are recommended for the cervical region and for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Before you start stretching the traction, you need to conduct a relaxing massage of the collar zone.

To avoid harm, you need to get a doctor's consultation and carry out traction in a dosed manner.

Sold for 3450 rubles excluding delivery.

Glisson loop type 2 with spring-loaded link
  • Unique modification;
  • Warranty obligations;
  • High quality and reliability;
  • Simple use;
  • The manufacturer assures that complications are excluded;
  • The presence of a spring-loaded traction.
  • Not sold everywhere.

Glisson loop improved from Masterskaya Zdorovya Kladenets
votes 7

Masterskaya Zdorovya Kladenets presents its own development of the premium segment, the improved Glisson loop. It is characterized by the highest comfort. So that the skin does not experience discomfort, the inner layer of the product is made of soft, but durable material. In addition, a two-layer batting lining is used inside the simulator. A metal structure is attached to the hinge, which ensures proper load distribution.Thanks to this, harmful pressure on the cheekbones and skull disappears. The modification allows adjustment along the entire length, thereby adapting to your height.

The package includes: fastening to the crossbar, fastening to the door surface, rope, roller and carabiner.

Sold online. Price without discount - 3700 rubles, with a discount - 2490 rubles.

Glisson loop improved from Masterskaya Zdorovya Kladenets
  • Impeccable strength;
  • Traction reliability at height;
  • Proper distribution of the load on the chin, lower jaw and back of the head;
  • The ability to adjust for growth;
  • Excellent equipment;
  • Feeling comfortable while exercising.
  • High price without discount.

How to practice

The most important rule is that it is not recommended to be independent. That is, a doctor should give you a recommendation for classes, since self-medication is fraught with disastrous consequences for the body as a whole. It is the doctor who helps to choose the necessary mass for traction.

If you have already been approved for classes, then immediately before them there is a thorough preparation of the upper back and neck. To do this, you need to ask a loved one to give you a back and neck massage. If there is no one to ask, then you can do the massage yourself, using a vibrating machine or applying a heating pad to your joints.

Any exercises should be without sudden movements, very smooth and uniform.

Lesson example:

Slowly lower your chin down, lingering up to 4 seconds. Then gently move your head to the right and left, thereby relaxing the muscles.

Tilt your head as if you want to reach your shoulders. First to the right, then to the left.

This is followed by soft movements of the head from one shoulder to the other, the movements remind you that you want to touch your shoulders with your chin.

Repeat turns to the right and left, while trying to look over your shoulder.

We look 45 degrees to the left, after which we direct the chin down. The muscles relax. Repeat the exercise again, only now in the opposite direction.

The back of the head goes down, the neck stretches slightly.

What to look out for

Before purchasing a simulator, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. If there are even the slightest contraindications, then you do not need to buy, because as a result you will not only not improve your health, but also aggravate it.

Contraindications include vertebral fractures, displacement of the vertebrae, osteoporosis, and narrowing of the spinal canal.

Only a doctor should prescribe the use of the device, in this case no self-treatment is allowed. And even while listening to the doctor's prescription, you should see if he is interested in selling you expensive procedures or the simulator itself. In some paid centers, doctors abuse and for the sake of profit may prescribe traction to people who do not need them.

If you still need a loop, then before buying, see the package. Often in budget options there is only a fabric base.

Do not immediately rush to a heavy load, because it may turn out that there will be a lot of recommended 15 kg. According to buyers, the benefits are obvious when you start with minimal loads, for example 2.5 or 3 kg. During classes, the state of health should be comfortable, from the exercises in the body there is a pleasant relaxation, and lightness comes from the cervical region. In case of deterioration of health, classes should be stopped immediately.

Regarding the frequency of classes, it is ideal to practice 2-3 times a week.


A qualified doctor and a good choice of the Glisson loop will help you get rid of problems with the spine, normalize blood pressure and the full functioning of the cardiovascular system. The ranking of the best Glisson hinge models for 2025 has shown you the most popular models. By eliminating pain symptoms, you will open the door to a new life full of harmony and joy.


