Every housewife strives to put her house in order. But due to the circumstances, coupled with the eternal rush, the idea of reducing the time for cleaning is more relevant than ever. This review contains particularly interesting, as well as productive cleaning methods. They will not only allow you to quickly complete the unloved procedure, but will also enable the resulting gloss to remain so longer.
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No cleaning should take place without a detailed plan, this will save a lot of time. If you do not get distracted by TV shows, talking on the phone or social networks, then you will need about 2-2.5 hours, freeing up the rest of the day to relax with your family and your favorite hobby. You can even set a timer, this will correctly determine the time required to clean one room.
Before starting the procedure, it is worth preparing everything carefully. Cleaning products - detergents, napkins, a vacuum cleaner, a basin, so as not to constantly run to the nearest washstand.
You should take rags made of microfiber or artificial suede. And it is better to refuse such materials as gauze, shabby towels or old clothes. They may leave marks or threads on the surface.
To wash out glass coatings, refer to special formulations with a delicate cleaning cloth. In case of its absence, you can use yesterday's newspaper, previously crumpled into a neat ball.
Getting started, do not neglect such protective equipment as silicone or rubber gloves, they will protect the skin on your hands from the chemical effects of detergents.
The course of history is inexorable, and what is happening will certainly affect the life of an ordinary person.There were a lot of scientific achievements that opened up even more opportunities for housewives. But, as before, improved washing machines, food processors with recently appeared multicookers play an important role. Such pleasant innovations allow you to reduce costs over time. So feel free to use them for everyday marathon.
Based on the scale of the proposed work, the following types are distinguished.
Depending on the scale of the rooms, the action is carried out once a month or a quarter.
But according to their classification, cleaning works are:
A quality procedure implies all options. Although there are many types of home cleaning, regular cleaning is most often used, as it is less complicated and does not require much time.
It is quite difficult to cope with putting things in order alone, since all the other inhabitants of the apartment unwittingly become “sources” of littering. In order to at least partially relieve yourself of this burden, you can distribute the main responsibilities between households. Even easy 4 tasks will speed up the process.
For example; older children or a spouse can be instructed to:
This will make the daily procedure not so burdensome.
It is better to start action from the common rooms, as you will have to repeatedly use the bathroom to wash brushes or rinse napkins, which means that it again threatens to become clogged. Only having dealt with them, you can safely move on to auxiliary rooms, like a bath or a bathroom, completing the work of the hallway and corridor.
It implies such a sequence of actions.
Only after that you can return to washing dishes with cleaning kitchen appliances. A great help will be from various gels without the use of an abrasive. All actions are performed not with the hard side of the sponge or with a dampened cloth.
This type of cleaning takes a short period of time: approximately 20 minutes.
There are many ways to bring your home to perfect condition. It is difficult to understand which is better, but they have common nuances.
The main theme of the publication is that the real order is not as difficult to obtain as it seems at first. The technique includes 255 step-by-step recommendations for putting things in order, moving from room to another. With a lot of useful tabs, as well as ways to prepare natural detergents with your own hands.
The main idea is the breath of cleanliness and freshness in the house, closets and pantries. This guide differs in many ways from dull books of similar subjects, here you will find fascinating ideas, accompanied by good-natured jokes, as well as a lot of useful life hacks. The publication unobtrusively teaches the right, but inexpensive ways, how to build a marathon in 10 steps in 8 minutes.
The book about "fluttering mistresses" introduces us to the method of polishing the American way. This is not just advice about daily commitments, but a real system of skill and way of housekeeping. In the country, the technique is quite new, but has already managed to find both fans and ill-wishers. The main idea is the release from boring household chores, the proper organization of free time. For women adhering to this concept, the observance of the following points is typical.
A manual from pedantic Germans that can compete with the popular Flying Housewives system. The central idea is to clean everything at once. Marafet is offered through several rituals with intriguing names that will easily interest even the younger members of the family. The main difference is that there are no areas where you can hang out for a week, instead it is proposed to define a “room of the day”. This action will be performed there, but give it not 5 minutes, but all 15 or 30.
Its main idea is declattering or decluttering through a series of small decisions. It's based on the 30 second rule. The author proposes to involve all family members in this activity. There is a task for everyone, which greatly speeds up the process. Instilling in your household responsibility. The technique is divided into a number of easy tasks with the arrangement of things in boxes: today, tomorrow, indefinite time.
The method from an ardent admirer of minimalism Leo Babauta is imbued with such a concept as the importance of every little thing. The inspirer calls to pay attention to the closest objects. This allows you to quickly, but naturally, make your household routine easy. According to the author, the creation of order does not require total action, the room where you are at the moment is enough. Moving from one zone to another, giving them 10-15 minutes each.
Disassembly of old things on the advice of Leo is divided into 3 levels; “save”, “throw away”, “what if it comes in handy”. The main thing is not to think about making a decision. Items in the latter category can be put off for several months. Well, if after 15-18 weeks they remain in the box, you can just throw it away.
An extraordinary method of establishing order, walking on the Internet. It is not clear who the author is, but there are suggestions that this is a woman with disabilities. Actions are divided into 3 stages.
Actions are performed in stages, but do not require a strict commitment at one moment. Each room is given time, divided into zones.
The technique was first presented in the publication “Life without things: how to liberate the soul and the room. But also the basic idea is the desire to free the house from "extra" things. The main feature is in the psychoanalysis of actions. To begin with, the author proposes to analyze the very cause of the disorder. The owners of the house are divided into 6 psychotypes indicating a certain problem of the owner.The author believes that any of them needs an individual approach, paying attention to the weaknesses of each. For example, “homebodies with children” should leave the 5th part of the compartment in the closet unoccupied. Working ladies are better off focusing on the hallway and areas with Wi-Fi access. Shoppers need an outside perspective. And age housewives are not advised to start until they get enough sleep.
Its main principle is decluttering not only the dwelling itself, but also its inner self.
According to the mentor, the mess in the home creates a repulsive look that negatively affects the family, becoming a frequent cause for quarrels.
This type of cleaning, introduced by Nancy Mitchell, is controversial regarding health issues. Since it provides for an intoxicating drink as the main cleaning agent.
Such a system allows not only to perform unloved work with enthusiasm and in high spirits. It starts a process similar to meditation, when you can just relax, while the hands perform routine actions. The main task is not to overdo it.
Don't be intimidated by the name. The basic idea that runs through the book is cleaning as a method of re-evaluating the whole life path and attitude to things. You can't take anything with you to the other side. And if you still have secret things in your hiding place that can sadden your loved ones, get rid of them without a twinge of conscience.
In the view of a modern person, a house is not only a place to sleep. And a real small world that turns into a place of power thanks to cleaning.It is no coincidence that one of the first tips relates to the preparation of the workplace. The difference from most standard methods lies in the recommendation to start the analysis of things from the "boundless" premises: storerooms, secret rooms or basements. However, do not start marathoning by looking at old photographs, diaries or postcards that can drag you into a pool of memories.
The precedent for writing the book was the fire experienced by the author in 2010. The couple barely escaped the family, taking out of things only a camera with a laptop. But most of the things remained in the arms of the fire. Therefore, the main rule of the book is: "Keep with you something that you can immediately grab when you run out of a blazing dwelling." With an instruction on how to put the necessary things, having previously marked in which box what lies.
Most of all, the method is suitable for those who are going to travel. At this point, you can objectively assess the situation and highlight the necessary.
Guiding a marafet has long ceased to be a tedious routine, it's up to the small, how to choose the method that suits from the existing manuals. The main thing is to always try to keep the house clean, as it is much easier than cleaning regularly.