
  1. Preparation for laboratory tests
  2. Rating of medical analysis laboratories in Perm in 2022
  3. Final ranking table:
  4. Conclusion

The best medical analysis laboratories in Perm in 2022

The best medical analysis laboratories in Perm in 2022

Residents of our country are constantly faced with the problem of obtaining papers and certificates. You can enroll a child in a kindergarten or school, get a job as an employee, specialist or ordinary worker, visit a swimming pool, section, get a driver's license or replace it if you have a medical examination in the form of a card, certificate, opinion from a doctor.

The passage of any medical commission is associated with the delivery of tests in the laboratory. Modern laboratories in Perm have the latest equipment and diagnostic tools. You can not get up in the morning to take tests, as is customary in municipal medical institutions. It is enough to consult by phone in a private clinic with your laboratory and come at any time convenient for the client.

Preparation for laboratory tests

When contacting the laboratory, you should present a referral for analysis from the attending physician. In the absence of such a certificate, employees of a private laboratory will create an electronic card and write out a referral on their own. It is enough to indicate the problem and type of analysis or visit the coordinator at the institution.

Features of material sampling depend on the species under study. The reference interval of blood is determined without distortion in the morning and on an empty stomach. Eating, physical activity the day before can give serious deviations of data from normal values. The result of tests for biochemistry, infections, hormones will be invalid, and the analysis will have to be redone. Usually the result is printed on standard forms with a barcode.

It indicates the number of the patient's card, the number of the sample on the day of treatment, the result of the study, the limit limits of indicators for a healthy person. If one of the indicators is out of range, it is marked with a special symbol. Results can be received by e-mail, fax, regular mail. You can pick up papers by courier or in person. If documents are lost, they can be restored by contacting the laboratory where the material was donated.

Rating of medical analysis laboratories in Perm in 2022

Let's consider the most popular laboratories in Perm and make a rating of the best ones.

My Gene

The top ten is opened by the laboratory of narrow specialization "My gene".

Branches of the network "My gene" are located throughout Russia and Belarus. The office in Perm in the Sverdlovsk region keeps records of genetic tests. Working hours are from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.The My Gene laboratory itself employs researchers and bioinformaticians who are engaged in research at the gene level. Special packages for monogenic and polygenic diseases have been developed. For athletes there is a package with 28 indicators. This type of research will help to choose a sport for the client or his child, to get the maximum results during training in the gym. You can check how effective the medicines prescribed by the doctor are and how the body reacts to them.

Those who want to lose weight will receive a result on individual food intolerance, recommendations on nutrition suitable for the body. Payment is made by cash and bank transfer. A courier service is used to collect samples. The laboratory can be contacted by phone or email. The result will be available by login and password in your personal account on the website of the laboratory. The site contains partial data on the institution. The handbook contains information on the main indicators. There are pages on Facebook and Vkontakte.

  • narrow interesting specialization;
  • high level of qualification of employees;
  • each client has a personal account with results available only to him.
  • no prices on the site;
  • offices are franchises that operate only on weekdays.

Address: st. Chernyshevsky, 28, of. No. 401

Phone: +7 (342) 207-53-86


In 9th place is Invitro. The multidisciplinary center, which operates throughout Russia, has a branch in Perm. Working hours of the intake point: working days from 7:30 to 19:00, Saturday from 8:00 to 15:00. Practically any types of analyzes and diagnostics are carried out: general, narrow-profile, hereditary-genetic.Loyal prices and a lot of promotions, testing on the site, visiting a specialist at home - not the whole range of services that the center provides in terms of body research. Collection of material is possible for the adult and children's population of the city.

  • a good set of services;
  • early working hours;
  • reasonable prices for services.
  • only one branch.

Address: Komsomolsky prospect, 49

Phone: +7 (800) 200-36-30


Medical laboratory PRO-MED was one of the first private laboratories in Perm.

The company was founded in 2008, it is among the participants of the FSVOK. Accredited organization for the provision of parasitological, serological and bacteriological research services. Works for the state order and private medical clinics. Microbiological researches are carried out by means of the Finnish analyzer of last generation. Microbiologists work on automated complexes according to the "Microbe" programs. The following material is examined: feces, urine, blood, sputum, breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid, bile. The result can be obtained in 2 to 7 days, depending on the type of material being tested. Working hours of the laboratory: weekdays from 8 to 18, Saturday from 8 to 14 hours. The information of interest is recorded on the pages of the official website, including the prices for services and the waiting time for results. Eighth place of honor in the ranking of the best.

  • extensive work experience;
  • the specifics of the organization;
  • useful site;
  • qualified employees;
  • latest generation equipment;
  • automated workstations.
  • not very convenient work schedule;
  • few promotions and offers;
  • long-term results.

Address: st. Tsiolkovsky, 4

Phone: +7(342)264-01-50; +7(342)205-78-79


The genetic laboratory of molecular pathology "Genomed" occupies the seventh step of the top - 10.

In the institution, you can take tests for chromosomal pathologies, hereditary diseases, find out the body's predisposition to cancer, the characteristics of the microflora of the body, choose an individual diet, having studied the intolerance of substances and food. For family planning and pregnant women, a diagnostic room is working to identify problems of not bearing a fetus, malformations of a baby inside the body of a future mother, and a DNA test is performed. Modern equipment and devices allow to conduct research in a short time. The laboratory is open on business days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Courier delivery works for other cities. By round-the-clock phone the client will be given a free consultation on services, their cost and other important information. The official website contains data for each item.

  • unique research;
  • qualified personnel;
  • modern equipment;
  • fast turnaround time for results.
  • does not work on weekends;
  • There is only one laboratory in Perm.

Address: st. Newspapers Zvezda, d. 67

Phone: +7 (800) 350-54-05

MRI Expert

The 6th place is occupied by the company - holding "Expert".

The network of MRI diagnostic centers is located in different cities of our country. Customer service is at the level of world standards. MRI is carried out - studies of individual organs and entire systems. There are two centers in Perm, on Podlesnaya and on Monastyrskaya street. In addition to the official page, there are groups on social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook.The cost of services ranges from 2.8 to 8 thousand rubles, depending on the examined area of ​​the body. There is a cashless payment. Opening hours of the centers: daily from 7:00 to 23:00.

  • narrow profile of specialization;
  • extensive work experience;
  • accurate diagnosis without surgery;
  • great work schedule.
  • high price;
  • only 2 centers per city.

Address: st. Podlesnaya, 6

Phone: +7(342)215-30-03


The top five is opened by the network of diagnostic laboratories KDL, which has been operating since 2003. Offices are located in 40 cities, including Perm.

Automated processes, high-tech equipment and highly qualified employees operate at an international level. The interior of the KDL offices is decorated in a modern style. Polite staff answers calls and receives visitors. The laboratories use disposable consumables and vacuum systems for taking blood. To receive calls around the clock, there is a single Call-center. Each client receives an SMS that you can get the finished result. For consultation, a doctor works - a specialist who will clarify the indicators of analyzes for free.

For regular customers there is a cumulative system of discounts. The official website has a news feed for the country, a description of analyzes and comprehensive programs, including cost and preparation instructions. Six collection points in Perm start work at 7:30 and two from 8:00 from Monday to Friday and all close at 20:00. Weekends are also considered working days for employees: on Saturday, the reception is from 8 to 14 hours, on Sunday from 9 to 1 in the afternoon. Urinalysis can be done for 220 rubles; for hormones - from 320 to 4,810 rubles.

  • a sufficient number of sampling laboratories;
  • modern interior;
  • qualified employees;
  • modern equipment and process automation;
  • high prices are smoothed out by the action of promotions and offers;
  • variety of services offered.
  • prices are a little high.

Address: st. Krisanova, d. 20a

+7 (800) 700-60-40; +7 (342) 225-04-96


Clinic "Nadezhda", located on the 4th place, has its own network of medical laboratories of modern research. The quality of services is controlled by the Federal system of VOK.

The hardware complex MEDAP encodes samples in an automated mode of operation. 30 profiles have been compiled - programs for a comprehensive examination of the body. Various groups of studies are being carried out, except for genetic ones. A client, adult or small, is absolutely safe to take tests at any collection point. There are six of them in Perm. Points work from eight to eleven in the morning. Pre-registration is carried out with a visit to the house for blood sampling from a finger.

The results are provided promptly, sent by e-mail. On the website of the laboratories you can find current discounts and promotions. The establishment opens at 8 am and closes at 8 pm. On weekends, work lasts up to 15 hours.

  • daily work schedule;
  • high qualification of employees;
  • variety of studies;
  • useful web page with prices, services, addresses.
  • high price for services.

Address: Kosmonavtov Highway, 74

Phone: +7 (342) 233-33-51; +7 (342) 233-30-86


In third place is Labdiagnostics, a network of centers and points for receiving tests in Perm.

The laboratory carries out all types of research (more than 600).Highly qualified employees serve customers safely according to international standards. Analyzers with a quality system accurately display the result, excluding the human factor by automated processes. Ready processed data can be obtained upon request by e-mail or from the administrator personally. An order form can be placed on the site without leaving home. There is a program - a discount for holders of social cards (pensioners, combatants, disabled people), cards of Alfa-Bank, Bank Klyukva.

If the client is registered on social networks and Instagram, by subscribing to the Labdiagnostics page, he will receive a discount on all types of analyzes under the “special offer”. More than 20 test points have been opened in Perm, working according to different schedules. There are laboratories that work several days a week, there are institutions that work on weekdays and on Saturdays. On Sunday, only one office is open on Marshal Rybalko Street, house 89. You can take a hormone test in Labdiagnostics for 275-1200 rubles, check blood for 95-220, urine for 125-220 rubles. You can clarify which point you need and the hours of reception on the website, where there is detailed information.

  • average price for services;
  • a huge number of sampling points;
  • modern equipment;
  • full range of research;
  • experienced staff;
  • discount program.
  • wandering work schedule of points, which is not always convenient.

Address: Komsomolsky prospect, 40 (central point)

Phone: +7 (342) 270-07-89 (single)


The multidisciplinary institution is located in 8 districts of the city in 16 branches, in our rating it is in second place.Professional employees serve clients at the level of world standards. Innovative equipment and a huge range of services help diagnose the most complex diseases.

Receipt of material is carried out in all branches from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 11:00, issuance of finished papers - from 8:00 to 14:00. The central office, located on Gazeta Zvezda street, 27, and the branch office on Uralskaya street, 115, work every day without lunch and days off, from 8:00. Tests can be taken until 14:00 on weekdays and until 11:00 on weekends. The results are issued until 19:00 on working days and until 12:00 on weekends, respectively. The facility at 44, Belinsky Street has additional rooms for semen collection and ECG. The result is issued the next day. It is possible to receive ready-made papers on the day of application.

The institution has an active page on the Internet, with a news feed and useful information on prices and services. There are pages with information on Twitter and Vk.

Online - an application on the site gives the service of calling a specialist to your home or office if the patient does not move independently or feels unwell. The laboratory assistant will arrive from 8 to 11 o'clock, any day except Sunday. The cost of services is calculated for the average resident of Perm. A blood test will cost 100 - 270 rubles, urine - from 110 to 1600, you will have to pay 290 - 2000 rubles for hormones, depending on the program and the number of indicators. To make an appointment, just call the multi-channel hotline.

In the laboratory, analyzes are taken according to the formed complex programs. Specialists have developed 18 programs: profile for pregnant women, glycemic, immunogram, etc. By choosing one of these programs, you can save a lot.

  • a large number of branches throughout the city;
  • modern equipment;
  • a large selection of programs for examination;
  • acceptable prices;
  • getting a quick result;
  • calling laboratory assistants at home;
  • there are shares;
  • user-friendly website and price transparency;
  • daily work schedule.
  • not detected.

Central office address: st. Newspapers Zvezda, 27

Phone: +7 (342) 240-40-40 (multichannel)

Philosophy of beauty and health

The leader of the top ten, the Philosophy of Beauty and Health clinic, has been operating in the medical services market for 13 years and has collection points at 11 addresses. In most laboratories there is a room where an ECG is performed, in 4 branches you can undergo an ultrasound scan.

The main sampling of the material is taken for the study of blood, urine and feces, for allergies and immunity, general clinical, biochemical, cytological, genetic, infectious, bacteriological and other studies are carried out. All processes in the institution are carried out automatically, therefore, errors in obtaining the results are reduced to nothing. They depend only on the correct preparation of the client who applied (in the morning and on an empty stomach). Disposable, safe and painless vacuum systems are used in the treatment room. It is possible to conduct additional research from the first sampling of the material. The result is received a day after the request: from the administrator, by fax or e-mail, in your personal account on the site.

The official page on the Internet is designed in a convenient way, with a detailed description of all services, addresses and other information of interest to the client. According to the price list, you can examine blood for 210-1650 rubles, hormonal indicators for 310-2150 rubles, urine for 70-560 rubles, genetic tests will cost from 2800 rubles.There are comprehensive and specialized programs for pregnant women, for the diagnosis of individual organs and systems, and screening. Services of a call of the expert on the house or on work are provided. The status of the institution is confirmed by the relevant international quality certificates. The work of the central laboratory on Kim Street is carried out daily. Testing is carried out from 8 to 18 hours on weekdays, from 9 to 14 - on weekends. The results are issued until 21:00 from Monday to Friday and until 17:00 on weekends.

  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • a wide range of research;
  • doctor-coordinator works;
  • the presence of a large number of intake points;
  • quick result;
  • additional house call services;
  • convenient site;
  • good work schedule.
  • not identified.

Address: st. Kim, d. 64

Phone: +7(342) 260-60-60; +7(342) 260-62-62

Final ranking table:

Place in the rankingName Laboratory addressTelephoneWorking modeService pricesNumber of points
10My genest. Chernyshevsky, 28, of. No. 4018 (342) 207-53-86Mon-Frinot specified1
9InvitroKomsomolsky prospect, 49 8 (800) 200-36-30Mon-Satlisted for each indicator.1
8PRO-MEDst. Tsiolkovsky, 4 8(342)264-01-50; 8(342)205-78-79Mon-Satlisted for each indicator.1
7Genomedst. Newspapers Zvezda, d. 678 (800) 350-54-05Mon-Frilisted for each indicator.1
6MRI Expertst. Podlesnaya, 6 8 (342)215-30-03dailylisted for each indicator.2
5KDLst. Krisanova, d. 20a 8 (800) 700-60-40; 8 (342) 225-04-96dailylisted for each indicator.6
4Hopehighway Kosmonavtov, 748 (342) 233-33-51; 8 (342) 233-30-86dailylisted for each indicator.6
3labdiagnosticsKomsomolsky prospect, 40 8 (342) 270-07-89 each point has its own schedulelisted for each indicator.20 +
2MedLabExpressst. Newspapers Zvezda, 278 (342) 240-40-40 dailylisted for each indicator.16
1Philosophy of beauty and healthst. Kim, d. 64 8 (342) 260-60-60; 8 (342) 260-62-62dailylisted for each indicator.11


The reviewed list of laboratories is incomplete. There are other institutions in Perm where you can take general clinical and other types of tests.

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