Medical laboratories serving the residents of the city of Kazan daily perform an important function for the citizens. To date, there are about 200 such medical laboratories in this city, where specialists with appropriate qualifications conduct laboratory research in various areas. With such a variety, it is not at all easy to choose the place where you can easily pass all the necessary tests and get the results as soon as possible.
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Anyone who monitors their health status from time to time has to deal with queues in clinics and testing.To date, a sufficient number of municipal and private clinics operate in Kazan, which makes it quite difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular clinic. To go through the procedure as quickly as possible, it is better to contact a private clinic. And then the question is: how to choose a suitable place for this?
The market for these services is huge. Unfortunately, in some of these clinics, the quality of work leaves much to be desired. It happens that they unreasonably overestimate the cost of services, and they can provide completely wrong results. In this regard, you should know that a reliable clinic should have:
Each legally operating clinic must have a profile license indicating the terms of issue and expiration. It is obtained from the Ministry of Health.
All workers must be qualified. In fact, the quality of analyzes obtained in medical institutions is low. With regard to salaries, the situation is similar - in comparison with the salaries of private clinics, medical staff. institutions has a low level of wages. This explains the degree of reduced professionalism of workers. Accordingly, we can conclude that qualifications directly affect the quality of services provided.
Absolutely in all private clinics there is equipment created according to the "state of the art". This gives guarantees to prevent errors during the study of the material.
Interesting: According to statistics, about 85% of mistakes are made at the preparation stage. In other words, from the preparation of the client (patient) to the entry of materials for research into the analyzer.From this we can conclude that automatic tube sorting stations are not a good choice. Sorters reject a huge number of analyzes due to formalities. In addition, the test material is transported - it is not examined immediately, but sent to research centers. Accordingly, these actions lead to the assumption of a huge number of errors.
It is necessary to pay attention to the use of original reagents for analyzers. If the center saves and uses "non-native" substances, then there is a high risk of obtaining distorted results.
At the moment, customers are attracted not only through advertising and recommendations, but also through the World Wide Web. This should not be a one-page site of unknown origin, but a really real page that has up-to-date information about:
An experienced doctor with many years of experience knows all the pros and cons of laboratories. This is due to the fact that his "clients" use the services of different laboratories. That is, when the doctor studies the results of the tests, he understands in which laboratories the results meet the criteria for the patient's disease, and in which they provide data that is completely inconsistent with the clinical picture.
Based on the recommendations of an experienced doctor, you can sort the clinics suggested by him by location. None of the people when choosing places for treatment does not take as a basis the proximity of the location. The same situation with analyzes - the main goal is to obtain a reliable result, and not the proximity of a medical laboratory.Regardless of the location - professional laboratory staff and modern equipment that works with original reagents in priority. However, today many laboratories have an extensive branch network in different parts of the city, which will make it possible to make a choice, ceteris paribus, in favor of such an institution.
The situation is the same as with the location of the clinic. Basically, we make a choice not only after we ask how much the service costs. The main task is the reliability of the results and the absence of errors. Because incorrect test results obtained in an inexpensive clinic will not make sense.
As mentioned earlier, time is now worth its weight in gold. Those clinics that provide reliable results in the shortest possible period of time win in the medical services market.
Despite these factors, there are no specific criteria for selection. As well as there is no clear answer to the question of which institution to come to take tests would be better: public or private. In this matter, it is necessary to build on the type of analysis. Routine procedures such as blood sampling or urine donation can be carried out in public hospitals. If these are more complex procedures that require high-quality diagnostics, then it is better to resort to the help of private clinics that are equipped with specialized equipment.
This section presents the rating of the best laboratories in Kazan. It contains a list of popular clinics in the laboratory services market according to several indicators:
Address: Kazan, st. Mavlyutova, 2Zh (located near the city hospital No. 18). Opening hours: Mon. by Fri.from 8:00 to 20:00, on Sat. from 9:00 to 15:00.
The clinic specializes in preventive and curative work with diseases of various kinds. Treatment is based on improving the patient's previous condition and achieving improvement as quickly as possible without the use of drugs. The range of clinic services is huge. In this place you can do everything: from complex diagnostics to research in the laboratory. For more effective work with patients, a whole council of doctors works, which significantly saves time and nerves.
The clinic has modern equipment developed by leading European manufacturers. Its use guarantees the exception of errors.
Service cost:
Address: Kazan, Rustem Yakhin street, 4. Reception schedule: Mon. on Fri.: from 07:30 to 20:00; on Sat: from 07:30 to 17:00; in Sun. from 07:30 to 14:00.
This clinic works on many profiles. Turning to them, each patient is served individually.
In addition to passing medical tests, the range of services includes: diagnostics, treatment according to modern technologies. The use of modern equipment in the work gives accurate results even in doubtful cases. All equipment available there meets the declared standards.
Here you can get a full package of services: take tests and receive the necessary treatment prescribed by a certified doctor.The doctors in this clinic are certified and have extensive experience. Moreover, all specialists annually improve their skills in the educational and methodological center at the clinic.
Service cost:
Address: Kazan, Ostrovskogo street, 21. Reception schedule: Mon. Sat: 08:00-20:00; Sun: 12:00-18:00.
This medical clinic also provides a wide range of services.
An individual set of medical services is selected for each patient. The work schedule is arranged in such a way that patients visit the clinic as comfortably as possible. Due to modern equipment, a variety of diagnostic studies are carried out here. Due to the high qualification of the staff, a large number of people trust their health to this particular clinic.
Service cost:
Address: Kazan, Academician Gubkin street, 37/1.Reception Schedule: Mon. Friday: 07:00-20:00; Sat: 07:30-15:00.
This medical and diagnostic clinic, like the previous one, is a wide-profile one. For each client, an individual treatment plan is provided here. Due to the equipment that the rooms are equipped with, the clinic has the ability to conduct high-precision diagnostic studies. This allows you to see the picture of the disease as accurately as possible and, accordingly, prescribe the correct treatment program. Trusting your health to specialists, you can not worry about the leakage of information about the disease.
In the ArtMed center, qualified personnel perform treatment using the following methods:
The use of special massage and physiotherapy methods of treatment is also a priority. Citizens who have applied to the clinic can undergo a general examination, take tests in the laboratory (about 800 referrals). About 15 medical complexes and specially designed recovery programs are practiced here.
Service cost:
Kazan, Pushkin street, 1/55.
Thanks to the use of modern equipment in the clinic, it is possible to do an MRI, ultrasound, conduct a complete examination, undergo a medical examination, conduct pregnancy and take tests in several hundred directions. In addition to general analyzes, an analysis of melanocytic new formations is carried out here. The diameter, dimensions and perimeters of the formed bodies are determined with high accuracy.
Service cost:
Address: Kazan, Alberta Kamaleev Avenue, 12. Working hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00; Sat-Sun: 09:00-17:00.
Conducting laboratory diagnostics is an important component in the examination and treatment of the patient. Analyzes make it possible to supplement and as accurately as possible see the clinical picture of the disease. Proper appointment of analyzes and their interpretation allows the specialist to correctly conduct the tactics of treating the client, keep under control and monitor minor changes in the course of treatment. Any change in laboratory tests indicates that an inflammatory process occurs in the body, metabolism is disturbed, an infection develops, or it is prone to cancer.
Service cost:
Address: Kazan, Karl Marx, 46. Working hours: Mon-Fri: 07:00-20:00; Sat: 07:00-16:00.
From the very beginning, the Zvezda Medical Center has established itself as a multidisciplinary family clinic. They provide a full package of medical services. A competent and professional approach to each client, medical staff - professionals with appropriate certificates, the availability of the necessary equipment in the clinic - all this together helps to quickly and professionally find a way out for various diseases. In addition, the clinic is engaged in the issuance of certificates and sick leave, conducts laboratory and instrumental studies.
Annually opening private clinics operate with little or no government oversight. The Ministry of Health cannot fully control their activities. In view of this, supervision is carried out mainly by insurance companies that are interested in this. Despite this, it is always necessary to be guided by personal criteria:
The clinics presented in the rating are only a small part of medical laboratories in Kazan. Therefore, if among the indicated institutions there was no suitable one, other options can be considered, the main thing is to evaluate the laboratory according to the above criteria.