Domestic injuries, cuts, burns or operations always lead to the appearance of marks on the body in the form of scars or scars. For most people, such traces are a significant problem, they certainly want to be eliminated. For some, scars are a psychological problem, for others they bring very real physical discomfort: burning, itching and pain.
There are several ways to get rid of these marks. You can try to remove them with folk remedies or make them less noticeable with the help of modern cosmetic procedures. But the easiest and most affordable way is to use special medicines, the rating of the best ointments and creams for resolving scars and scars will help you choose them.
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According to cosmetologists, it is most effective to treat fresh neoplasms with the help of topical products. In the first time after the appearance in their cells, metabolic reactions still take place, so the impact at the initial stage gives a good result.
There are several types of scars that can be treated with creams and ointments:
When buying a cream for scars, you must be especially careful about its composition. After all, the result of its use will depend on what active ingredients the drug contains. They should help reduce the size of damage to the dermis, as well as lighten so that the neoplasm is less noticeable.
It is desirable that the scar remedy contains silicone components that are highly compatible with any type of epidermis. Also, the composition of the drug should include useful vitamins and mineral compounds that will have a nourishing effect.
Experts advise choosing preparations containing natural essential oils. These components improve the health of the skin and promote faster regeneration.
Depending on the impact, the active ingredients contained in the anti-scar agent are divided into the following subgroups:
It is not always allowed to use anti-scar topical agents. Barriers to their use are:
It is recommended that you consult with a dermatologist before starting any anti-scar preparation. It is best to use the remedies recommended by a specialist as a treatment for scars. Especially carefully it is necessary to approach the choice of such a drug for pregnant women. Often the list of components of the drug includes substances that are unsafe for the health of the fetus.
Sometimes undesirable effects can occur from the application of anti-scarring agents. This is due to the fact that the ingredients in the composition are able to penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis and enter the bloodstream. Then, with the wrong choice of drug, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting occur.
Some anti-scar creams contain rather aggressive ingredients that can cause unwanted reactions:
In this case, the cause of undesirable consequences usually lies in the misuse of the drug. Therefore, before using any ointment or cream, you must carefully study the attached instructions.
Depending on which active ingredients are included in the list of ingredients of a particular agent, there are several groups of anti-scar preparations:
Cream preparations are most often used to eliminate scars. They are inexpensive and have the least negative impact on human health. The disadvantage of such drugs is that in order to achieve a noticeable result, they need to be used for a long time.
American-made cream significantly improves the condition of the dermis. It can be used to combat scars or scars left after various injuries, surgeries or burns. This tool shows a good result for removing stretch marks. The composition of the cream is rich in active substances, including retinol, ascorbic acid, plant extracts and oils.
The cream effectively eliminates various scars, makes the scar tissue much softer and evens out the relief. It is recommended for adults only. In some cases, from its use there may be a skin reaction in the form of allergic rashes and redness.
The average cost of such a cream is 1170 rubles.
The drug is produced in Germany, has a good analgesic effect.This tool can be used both for the treatment of existing scars, and as a prophylactic drug. As active ingredients, the composition includes sodium heparin, urea and camphor. These substances have an excellent softening effect on the rough areas of the scar, moisturize, make the skin more elastic, and activate blood flow. An additional advantage of this drug is the ability to reduce pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
After using this remedy, according to patients, the condition of the scar tissue improves significantly. The intensity of edema decreases, the healing process is faster, the protruding areas of the scar are aligned with the surface of healthy skin. The drug practically does not cause side effects, so it can be used even for children from 1 year old.
The average cost of such a cream is 1800 rubles.
This cream is made in Switzerland. Compared to other drugs, it has a more liquid appearance. Its distinguishing feature is that after application to the skin, it dries up and creates a kind of thin film, on top of which you can apply decorative cosmetics or sunscreen. This makes the product safe and allows you to use it on the skin of the face. Children can apply the drug from 2 years.
The main active ingredients of this cream are silicones, tocopherol and hydrocortisone. These components stimulate the production of collagen fibers, which accelerates the smoothing of scar tissue and its softening.According to buyers, the drug has good performance and does not give side effects. It does not contain harmful substances.
On average, the cost of such a cream in a pharmacy is 5800 rubles.
Along with creams against scars, gels of a similar effect are also common. This form of the drug makes it very convenient to use. The gel texture accelerates tissue regeneration and helps resist scarring.
The composition of the product, developed by German scientists, contains a whole range of active substances that have a positive effect on damaged areas of the skin. These include cepalin and allantoin. The drug acts in several directions at once. It accelerates regeneration, prevents the formation of fibroblasts, removes dead structures and improves collagen synthesis.
Mederma has an excellent moisturizing effect and stimulates blood flow, liquefying clots. The drug has an active anti-inflammatory effect and fights bacteria. To achieve a pronounced healing effect, you must use this gel for at least 6 months.
The average cost of the drug is 650 rubles.
The drug of domestic production is in great demand. Its distinguishing feature is a special composition, which includes collagenases extracted from marine and freshwater inhabitants. These substances allow you to quickly break down the amino acids that form the basis of scar tissue. This allows you to smooth the skin and relieve itching.
Also, the tool relieves pain and disinfects the treated surface. The tool is suitable for scars with different periods of formation. The gel brightens the skin, makes it more elastic, defects are smoothed out.
The average price of this gel is 1650 rubles.
The drug is produced in Germany, is widely used. The effectiveness of scar removal with Contractubex depends entirely on how responsibly a person approaches treatment and how regularly the drug is applied. Fresh scars disappear in a month with regular use. For the treatment of old scars, six months of continuous treatment is necessary.
Apply this gel strictly according to the instructions, only then you can get a positive result. The product smoothes the skin well, stimulates blood flow and accelerates regeneration. During the passage of the therapeutic course, it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun, cold and mechanical stress.
The average cost of the drug is 650 rubles.
The gel is produced in the Netherlands, has an improved composition in comparison with other products. The list of ingredients includes high-molecular silicones, filters against ultraviolet rays, coenzymes, useful vitamins. After application, the gel creates a thin film that does not allow air to pass through. It retains moisture, so that the scar tissue softens and smoothes.
The drug acts quickly and is effective against many types of scars. With it, you can relieve inflammation, eliminate itching and other uncomfortable sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a scar. The tool activates regeneration and at the same time protects from sun exposure. You can use it for children, as it does not cause side effects.
On average, in pharmacies, this gel costs 3,500 rubles.
Almost all ointments against scars have a resolving effect. They allow you to reduce the scar in size and eliminate redness. The peculiarity of this form of the drug in long-term action after application.
The ointment is produced in Switzerland and is very popular. The tool can be used to heal both dry scars and weeping ones. The drug effectively restores the epidermis, dissolves scar tissue.
After applying this ointment, small scars are completely smoothed out, the skin becomes lighter and more even, and their elasticity improves. The drug has a strong effect, so before using it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. In some cases, an allergy is possible.
The cost of funds is 350 rubles.
A specialized ointment that shows good efficacy for the treatment of specific scars, such as after acne or chicken pox. Among the active ingredients are natural oils, vitamins, lanolin. The tool acts in different directions, so it allows you to achieve a quick recovery of the skin.
Dexpanthenol quickly heals scars, makes the skin smoother. The ointment has a strong effect, so when using, do not violate the instructions. The drug, although it enters the bloodstream, is easily excreted from the body, so it rarely gives side effects.
The cost of the drug in the pharmacy is 140 rubles.
The drug is highly effective, although it is suitable for the treatment of only shallow scars. It has a strong antibacterial effect and accelerates cell regeneration. Ointment can be used to heal post-burn and postoperative scars. The composition is based on plant extracts, so it can be used to treat children.
According to patients, this drug fully justifies its high cost. It completely copes with scars from burns, eliminates dermatitis, and contributes to the treatment of varicose veins.
The average price of an ointment is 1490 rubles.
No. p / p | Name | The form | Restrictions | Price |
1 | Scar Estethetique | cream | do not apply to children | 1170 |
2 | Kelofibrase | cream | No | 1800 |
3 | scar guard | cream | No | 5800 |
4 | Mederma | gel | No | 650 |
5 | Fermenkol | gel | No | 1650 |
6 | Contractubex | gel | No | 650 |
7 | Zeraderm Ultra | gel | No | 3500 |
8 | Solcoseryl | ointment | do not apply to children | 350 |
9 | Dexpanthenol | ointment | do not apply to children | 140 |
10 | Madecassol | ointment | No | 1490 |
In the assortment of pharmacies there are a lot of effective drugs that can successfully treat scars and scars. Before using such funds, you must consult a dermatologist, as many of them have various contraindications and limitations.