
  1. Benefits of eyelash extensions
  2. Contraindications for eyelash extensions
  3. Materials and tools
  4. How to choose eyelash extensions
  5. Where to buy materials and tools
  6. Top Producers 2022

Best Eyelash Extension Materials in 2022

Best Eyelash Extension Materials in 2022

Every woman wants to be beautiful. But not all nature has awarded natural beauty. Then the achievements of the modern beauty industry come to the rescue. The eyelash extension procedure for many girls has become a real salvation. It allows you not to waste precious time on makeup and always remain attractive at the same time.

Many women are afraid of eyelash extensions. After all, it is widely believed that artificial cilia spoil natural ones. In fact, the extension procedure will not do any harm if the master uses the best materials for eyelash extensions during the procedure. Our rating will help to understand all the subtleties and differences between the materials of different companies.

Benefits of eyelash extensions

Now any girl can get beautiful eyelashes using the extension procedure. This service is available to most women. In a short time, you can make eyelashes voluminous, fluffy and expressive.

The result usually exceeds expectations:

  • The look of a woman becomes spectacular and expressive.
  • There is no need to tint and curl eyelashes, which significantly reduces the time spent on makeup.
  • With eyelash extensions, you can lead an active lifestyle - play sports, swim in the pool and visit saunas or baths.
  • Artificial eyelashes are a great opportunity to correct the shape of the eyes or its shape.

Contraindications for eyelash extensions

Unfortunately, not all girls are recommended to wear artificial eyelashes. For example, with intolerance to the components of the glue or resin for eyelash extensions, the extension will cause redness and swelling of the eyelids. To test how your eyes react to the glue, stick only a few pieces at first.

After a couple of days, you will be able to accurately assess how your eyes will react to artificial eyelashes. If the result suits you, then you can safely stick the rest of the eyelashes.

You should not build artificial eyelashes if your eyes are prone to inflammation and conjunctivitis is common. With weak cilia, artificial ones will create an additional load. As a result, shortly after the procedure, your own eyelashes will begin to fall off.

With oily skin, artificial eyelashes do not last long. Also, the result of the extension will be short-lived. If a girl wears contact lenses.

Materials and tools

Before you decide on the choice of the best company that produces materials for eyelash extensions, you need to understand what exactly you need and what to look for when buying. Among all the materials and tools, there are those that are necessary and those that simplify the process of building up or have additional decorative value, but are not required for use.

  • Artificial eyelashes are made from a variety of materials. They differ in shape, length and shade.
  • Tweezers have different shapes and are designed to place artificial eyelashes on the eyelids.
  • Glue or resin is used to attach artificial material to natural eyelashes. All adhesives differ in drying speed and color.

  • Debonder is used to remove artificial material. It can have a gel or liquid structure. Another name is a remover.
  • Silicone tape is designed to protect the lower lashes from sticking during the procedure.
  • A primer or degreaser is used to remove makeup residue from the cilia and degrease them. This improves grip and extends the life of the lashes.
  • Eyelash tray is used for convenience.
  • Disposable glue containers are designed for pouring a portion of glue or remover into them.
  • Toothpicks and cotton swabs are used to separate lashes or to touch up something in the process.
  • A white sheet of paper is used to sort the eyelashes.

How to choose eyelash extensions

Artificial eyelashes are actually quite different from each other. Therefore, each girl can pick up exactly those hairs that suit her in color, type of eyes, sensitivity and help create the desired effect. When choosing an artificial material, several parameters must be considered.

eyelash material

One of the fundamental criteria for choosing eyelashes is the material from which they are made.

  • Mink has a look close to natural and gives the most natural result.
  • Sable lashes are designed to create a bright and spectacular option. They have a characteristic luster, but are distinguished by a shorter wearing period and greater thickness.
  • Silk eyelashes have the smallest diameter. They do not weigh down native eyelashes, make the cut of the eyes natural, but at the same time expressive.

In fact, the names of the materials only draw an analogy with animal fur, and are made exclusively from artificial fibers. Otherwise, their use would be impossible due to allergies.

eyelash color

Now the color palette of materials for building is very diverse. You can find artificial material of the most different shades, but the most popular eyelashes are classic dark colors. The black color of eyelashes, which is preferred by dark-haired women, is especially popular. Ladies with blond and red hair are more likely to choose brown or dark gray lashes that are more suited to the shade of their hair.

For a bright and original make-up, for a party or a theatrical performance, you can choose eyelashes of other colors and shades, including those decorated with feathers or rhinestones.

Eyelash length

This parameter is no less important than the thickness of the material. The naturalness of the result of the procedure and the harmony of the image of a woman will depend on the choice of the correct length.

  • For girls with a small thin face, you should not choose too long eyelashes. They will make the appearance vulgar.
  • With a large face width and large features, long and thick eyelashes fit perfectly.

It should be borne in mind that for a natural beautiful result, the length of artificial hairs should exceed the length of their relatives by no more than 4 mm. However, it may vary depending on the site of the eyelid. It is most convenient to glue eyelashes in size, moving from one corner of the eye to another.

Eyelash thickness

In addition to the shade and length, artificial material for eyelash extensions also differs in thickness. This parameter must also be taken into account, as it affects the final result.

  • With a thickness of 0.1 mm, natural and most natural looking lashes are obtained. Such eyelashes do not weigh down the eyelid and are not felt at all on the eyes.
  • The thickness of 0.15 mm gives the effect of eyelashes made up with mascara. Such eyelashes make a more solemn and elegant look.
  • A thickness of 0.2 mm makes the artificial material stiff and heavy, but allows you to get a spectacular and deep bend. These eyelashes are suitable for special occasions.
  • When using eyelashes with a thickness of 0.25 mm, you will get a bright and original image. But you can not wear such eyelashes for a long time.

Video tips for choosing the thickness of eyelashes:

Eyelash curl

The extension procedure allows you not only to add density to the eyelashes or change their length. With it, you can even change the curl of the eyelashes. Artificial material according to this parameter is divided into the following types:

  • J - has a very light bend, these are almost straight cilia.
  • B - characterized by a slight bend, like natural eyelashes.
  • C - the average degree of bending, makes the look open and expressive.
  • D - the most curved eyelashes, add theatricality to the look and make it doll-like.

Where to buy materials and tools

Everything you need for high-quality eyelash extensions can be purchased at specialty stores selling professional products for beauty salons. In addition to them, there are now a lot of online stores that offer such products. The assortment in such stores is very diverse, and prices are often lower than those found in real stores.

When buying in any store, it will not be superfluous to take an interest in quality certificates, customer reviews. When choosing a cheaper material, you should not be tempted by suspiciously low prices - they may indicate a fake. Do not buy cheap Chinese eyelashes. They are usually not of good quality, and the result of building up using budget material will not please you.

Top Producers 2022

There are a lot of companies on the modern market that produce materials used in the process of eyelash extensions. But only a few firms produce really high-quality and diverse materials.


This company is a recognized leader. Her extension materials are ideal for professionals and beginners. The products of this company are most popular among lash makers and are marked by grateful customer reviews.

The company has its production in South Korea and exports its products to different countries of the world. The company develops its own materials for eyelash extensions for masters of different levels - there are options for beginners in eyelash extensions, and for masters with experience. All products are carefully checked for quality level and subjected to dermatological control.

The choice of eyelashes is especially huge.Here you can buy eyelashes of different density, bending and stretching. Artificial eyelashes are available in different lengths, in bulk and in different packaging. There is a wide selection of decorative eyelashes: colored, glitter, luminous and other decorative options.

In the Neicha assortment you can find eyelashes made of different materials:

  • O'Clair Silk are designed to create the most natural lashes possible. These eyelashes can withstand water and heat well.
  • Premium eyelashes are made from rayon. They are very soft and elastic.
  • Nature eyelashes are made by hand without the use of chemicals and dyes. The result is natural-looking lashes that do not break or kink.
  • Soft Premium eyelashes, unlike other options, are made with a large cut. This allows you to get the look of natural eyelashes.
  • Magic Volume Premium eyelashes are made from the latest material and are designed for volume extension.
  • Tweenkle material gives lashes softness, elasticity and a special glossy shine.

Compositions for fastening artificial eyelashes are created on a hypoallergenic basis. This avoids irritation of the mucous membrane, redness and swelling of the eyelids after extension. The range includes adhesive composition with different drying speeds and in different packaging options.

eyelash extension kit Neicha
  • A wide variety of materials and accessories;
  • Use of quality raw materials;
  • You can buy everything you need for work;
  • The technological process is constantly being improved.
  • Not found.

The average price of eyelashes is from 180 rubles.

Video review of Neicha materials and practical feedback:


This product line belongs to the MACY brand.This series features artificial eyelashes and related products made of high quality materials that have no analogues.

In the assortment you can find eyelashes of a classic shape in rich black color, which are distinguished by their lightness and velvety. For lovers of outrageous color cilia are produced in the widest range of colors. Brown lashes are also available, which allows you to create the most natural look.

The quality of artificial eyelashes is very high and brings them closer to natural ones. Eyelashes are sold in palettes and in bulk in jars.

The Vivienne range has several types of adhesives. You can choose the glue according to the drying speed, for bulk or piece build-up, liquid or viscous consistency. All adhesives are hypoallergenic and of high quality.

eyelash extension kit Vivienne
  • Only high-quality materials are used in production;
  • The result of the procedure is a perfect natural look;
  • You can buy immediately all the necessary tools and materials for work;
  • This brand of lashes are easy to work with;
  • Sold in various online stores.
  • Not found.

The average price of eyelashes is from 1040 rubles.


Extension materials produced under the Sakura brand are of high quality. The artificial eyelashes of this company are made in Japan, and the production of all related materials is in Korea.

For the production of artificial eyelashes, the latest fiber is used, which differs from others in softness and elasticity. The peculiarity of these eyelashes is in rich black color. The lashes are perfectly colored, there are no flaws in the idea of ​​highlights or gaps. In assortment there are eyelashes of different thickness and bend.In addition to classic eyelashes of different thicknesses, eyelashes decorated with rhinestones, pearls, sparkles, and colored eyelashes are produced.

Adhesive materials are also of high quality. There are several types of adhesives in the assortment, which differ in setting speed and wearing time. All of them are hypoallergenic and non-toxic. A distinctive feature of the glue from Sakura is that they are designed for professionals. It will be difficult for a beginner to work with them due to the high hitch speed.

eyelash extension kit Sakura
  • A wide range of artificial eyelashes and adhesive materials;
  • Safety and quality of the material;
  • The most natural look of artificial eyelashes;
  • Affordable price.
  • Adhesive materials are intended only for professionals.

The average price of eyelashes is from 250 rubles.


Shine has been successfully operating for over 20 years. Under this brand, only high-quality materials for eyelash extensions are produced. For the production of artificial eyelashes, a high-strength fiber is used that can withstand exposure to water and high temperatures. Eyelashes do not break and are able to quickly restore their shape after crushing. In addition to classic black eyelashes, the company produces a wide range of colored eyelashes. There are eyelashes in brown tones, as well as with different decor.

There are several lines of artificial eyelashes in the assortment:

  • Shine Deluxe features a unique high quality fibre. These lashes have a rich black tint. They are perfectly flat, flexible and lightweight.
  • Shine Classic are of high quality. These are eyelashes on tapes, which are distinguished by good resistance to aggressive influences.
  • I-Beauty belong to the luxury line.Eyelashes are very light and elastic, long wearing life, made of hypoallergenic fiber.
  • Hittolash are recommended for beginners in eyelash extensions.

Adhesive materials produced under this brand have excellent setting speed and high strength. They are non-toxic, non-irritating and suitable for use in cases of high sensitivity. Adhesives of this brand can be used for both eyelash and beam extensions.

set for eyelash extension Shine
  • The production uses high-quality hypoallergenic fiber;
  • Adhesive materials are non-toxic and suitable for sensitive eyes;
  • There are materials for masters of different levels of professionalism;
  • A wide range of artificial eyelashes.
  • Not found.

The average price of eyelashes is from 830 rubles.

Eyelash extensions can transform a woman's appearance, make her look attractive, open and attractive. It is important to approach the material selection process correctly. Then the result will please you for a long time, and the procedure will not harm natural eyelashes.

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