
  1. Why is plant-based milk gaining popularity?
  2. Types of plant milk
  3. The benefits of vegetable milk and recipes for its preparation
  4. The best brands of plant-based milk
  5. Which milk is better to choose?

The best brands of plant-based milk on the Russian market for 2022

The best brands of plant-based milk on the Russian market for 2022

Plant-based milk is a low-fat, low-calorie drink made from plant-based foods. Since "milk" is commonly considered a product of animal origin, plant-based milk is considered a milk drink.

Now plant-based milk is gaining more and more popularity. Every year the volume of its consumption is growing and more and more people refuse to use cow's milk.

Why is plant-based milk gaining popularity?

First of all, this is facilitated by an increase in the number of vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists, in a word, people who have refused to eat food of animal origin.

Also, many people are lactose intolerant, plant milk does not have this component. Some people start using it due to diet or doctor's recommendation.

During Lent, the consumption of food of animal origin is not allowed, and plant milk also comes to the rescue here. With it, you can cook a huge number of dishes and diversify your menu.

Many manufacturers of pasteurized milk do not satisfy users by adding antibiotics to the finished product, as well as giving them to cows at feeding time.

But besides all the above reasons, it is worth noting that each type of milk has its own unique taste. With vegetable milk, you can transform the taste of porridge, coffee, cream soups, and even prepare salad dressings from it.

Types of plant milk

Plant milk is divided into three types: grain, nut and seed milk.

  1. The nut type of milk includes milk from almonds, walnuts, pistachios, chestnuts, hazelnuts.
  2. Grain milk is made from rice, buckwheat, soybeans, millet, peanuts and other types of grains and legumes.
  3. Poppy, sesame, pumpkin milk is made from seeds and belongs to the third type of milk.

The benefits of vegetable milk and recipes for its preparation

Each type of milk has its own beneficial properties, a certain content of vitamins, macro and microelements.

Almond milk contains twice as much calcium as cow's milk. In addition, it contains magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins B and E. You can cook porridge with it, add it to smoothies, and it is also perfect for cappuccino.For its preparation, almonds must be poured overnight with warm water. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the nuts. Grind with a blender with the addition of water. After that, strain everything and the milk is ready to drink.

Cedar milk combines so many useful substances that it is even hard to imagine. It contains 19 amino acids, vitamins A and E, which are necessary to maintain beauty, as well as phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, potassium, and iron. For its preparation, nuts are not soaked in advance. They only need to be cleaned, put in a blender, pour water and grind. In the process, you may still need to add water. After that, you need to let it stand for several hours, and then you can strain.

Sesame milk contains more calcium than can be obtained from any dairy product. This type of milk is recommended by nutritionists. To prepare it, you need to soak the seeds in warm water overnight. In the morning, rinse in warm water using a sieve and beat with a blender with the addition of water for no more than 30 seconds.

Pumpkin milk contains many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It is ideal in addition to creamy soups, sauces and salad dressings. To get this type of milk, you need peeled pumpkin seeds. They are also soaked overnight in water, and whipped with a blender in the morning. In this case, water should be taken 4 times more than pumpkin seeds.

Coconut milk contains omega-3, 6 and 9, in addition to 24 amino acids, vitamins PP, A, K, B, C, copper, zinc, sodium, calcium and fatty acids. It has a very low calorie content and is quickly absorbed by the body. Coconut milk promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, improves the functioning of the heart and brain, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.Many mistakenly believe that the liquid that is in a coconut when it is opened is coconut milk. But it's not. Coconut milk is obtained from the pulp of a coconut, by whipping it with water with a blender. The remaining cake, after filtering and subsequent drying, is used as coconut flour. This type of milk is indispensable in Thai cuisine, it is added to tom yum, sauces and various desserts.

Oat milk with constant use can become an elixir of youth and beauty. It contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin B. In addition to improving the quality of hair and skin, drinking milk helps to reduce weight and normalize the digestive tract. The only drawback of this type of milk is that it is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes. To prepare it, you need to take oatmeal, which is not intended for quick cooking, pour warm water over it and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. This will take 3-5 minutes. For 1 cup of cereal, 1 liter of warm water is required.

Walnut milk is useful for its high content of protein, vitamins A, E, B, C and PP. It also contains the minerals iron, iodine, potassium and calcium. This type of milk will help strengthen the immune system due to its rich composition. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, the heart, improves the performance of the brain and is very useful for people suffering from anemia. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of nuts with water overnight, rinse in the morning, remove excess husks and beat with a blender with 5-6 glasses of water. Then you should carefully strain everything. If the milk has a bitter taste, you can add honey or natural syrup.In the future, it is not necessary to cook it, it is better to use the finished product as soon as possible.

Soy milk differs from other plant-based milks in its isoflavone content. This feature helps women better endure critical days. But because of the content of this phytoestrogen, soy milk is not allowed to be consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women. In addition, soy milk contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, rich in proteins and natural fats.

Rice milk contains B vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper and a large amount of fiber. It is suitable for the normalization of the nervous system, in the fight against insomnia, fatigue, will help improve the functioning of the digestive tract and tidy up the condition of the skin. Sometimes there are varieties of rice containing arsenic, for this reason it is not recommended to give it to children, the use of an adult does not threaten anything dangerous. To prepare rice milk, it is necessary to soak the rice in water in the evening, rinse it thoroughly in the morning and beat with a blender. When whipping, the volume of water should be 7-8 times greater than the volume of rice. After that, the mixture must be brought to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. After cooling, the milk should be filtered and a sweetener added, because. it will taste fresh. The milk is thick and suitable for making various cereals.

Poppy milk is the leader in calcium content in its composition. 100 grams of poppy contains as much as 1450 mg of calcium. In addition to calcium, it contains vitamin C, organic acids and proteins. It has a calming effect, it is recommended to take it at night.In folk medicine, it is used as a remedy for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as a remedy for parasites. It is easy to prepare. To do this, you need to start beating poppy seeds with a small amount of water with a blender. Gradually increase the amount of water. After a few minutes, the water will turn white, which means that the milk is ready. About 3 tablespoons of poppy seeds are required per glass of water. You can also add sweetener if you wish.

The best brands of plant-based milk


Nemoloko follows the goal of improving the quality of life and producing only healthy products. Before creating products, the company's employees carefully studied the product market and set themselves the task of making the product better than that of competitors. When creating products, all aspects from the scientific and medical side were taken into account.

Nemoloko products are suitable for daily use. It does not contain animal fat products, lactose, casein, cholesterol or antibiotic residues. The entire range of products can be consumed by people suffering from lactose deficiency, allergies, vegans and vegetarians.

All products are made only from raw materials grown in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Nemoloko has a line of products designed for children. It consists of baby oat milk and two types of oatmeal. It is allowed to start introducing complementary foods from 8 months. The products of this line do not contain salt and sugar. But due to special production technologies, it has a light sweetish taste. Suitable for children with milk protein allergy.

The adult line includes oat and buckwheat milk drinks. They differ in percentage of fat content.And also oat milk has different tastes: chocolate and fruit.

Finished products, subject to all storage and transportation standards, have a shelf life of 12 months.

The average price is 80 rubles.

  • There is a special children's line;
  • One glass of Nemoloko products contains 26% of dietary fiber from the daily requirement;
  • Products do not contain gluten;
  • All raw materials are grown in Russia.
  • Not found.


Alpro is a Belgian company that cares not only about the health of people, but also about the health of the planet. The corporation began its labor activity in 1980, with the production of soy milk. Alpro now has factories in the US and Europe. According to the company, if you turn vegetation into food and drink, bypassing the animal world, it will help preserve natural resources for a longer time. The main idea of ​​Alpro is to make the world more environmentally friendly and sustainable. And today, Alpro is a leader in reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the production process into the atmosphere.

At first, Alpro only dealt with the production of soy milk, but now their line has added almond and coconut milk, as well as a hazelnut-flavored drink. Each type of these milk drinks has chocolate and vanilla flavors. And soy milk also comes with a banana flavor. None of the finished products contains sugar, animal fats and gluten. Alpro has collected all the necessary vitamins and minerals in one box. The use of Alpro vegetable milk is suitable for athletes, pregnant women and children.

The shelf life is 8-12 months.

The average price is 280 rubles.

Alpro milk
  • Low-calorie products;
  • Suitable for children and pregnant women;
  • Lots of positive feedback from buyers;
  • Production is focused only on natural products.
  • During long transportation, storage conditions may not be observed;
  • Low protein content.


The Russian company "Byte" was founded in 2011. The main idea of ​​the company was to create a product, the composition of which would be clear to any buyer. At first, the company began to produce bars, later the range began to expand. Now the range of products includes milk, chips, snacks, crispbread, syrups, healthy breakfasts and much more.

Byte's plant-based milk comes in five flavors: oat milk, almond milk, rice milk with coconut, regular soy milk, and vanilla flavored soy milk. Rice milk has the maximum calorie content - 60 kcal.

There is a children's line of milk. It includes rice milk with coconut and oatmeal milk with cocoa. Available in 250 ml.

The average price is 250 rubles.

Byte rice milk
  • Does not contain sugar;
  • There is a children's line.
  • Consumers are dissatisfied with the taste when consumed neat;
  • There is no information about the terms and conditions of storage.

Isola bio

The Italian company "Isola bio" is attentive to the products from which milk is made. All of them are grown on Italian farms in ecologically clean areas. Isola bio has many types of milk, even a true gourmet will find something to be surprised at. In addition to the usual options for vegetable milk, it should be noted the presence of cashew milk, a combination of rice and almond milk, as well as almond milk with agave syrup. Many milk options also include a lighter, lower calorie version.

The average price is 300 rubles.

Isola bio milk
  • Large selection of different flavors;
  • Can be consumed hot or cold;
  • Availability of low fat options.
  • There is no information on the site about the expiration date.

Riso Scotti

Another Italian company, which makes a greater bias towards rice milk, because. The company started its activities with rice packaging. Not only pure rice milk drinks are produced, but also with the addition of soy, almonds, coconut, cocoa, syrups. Also available are oatmeal and almond milk. These types of milk also come in several versions and fat content, and additives. Some dairy drink options may contain sugar.

Shelf life is 12 months, but after opening, store no more than 3 days.

The average price is 450 rubles.

Riso Scotti milk
  • A wide variety of milk types.
  • High price.


Aroy-D is a Thai company engaged in the production of vegetable milk, sauces, and various spices. Aroy-D plant milk produces only coconut milk, it has a different degree of fat content. The minimum fat content is 17-19%, and the maximum is 70%. Aroy-D Coconut Milk consists only of coconut pulp and water, flavors, flavorings and sugar does not contain. Coconut cream is also included in the range of products. Milk from this manufacturer can be added to dough, tom yum, ice cream and smoothies. Before use, it is advisable to shake the package well, and then immerse it in hot water. This will make the milk taste even better.

Shelf life is 17 months, after opening the package should be stored no more than 2 days.

The average price is 200 rubles.

Aroy-D coconut milk
  • The product does not contain additional additives.
  • Only coconut milk is produced.

Which milk is better to choose?

There are quite a few producers of vegetable milk today. Almost all types of milk are in the same price category. Everyone has their own specific tastes, without trying it is impossible to say which option is right for you. But it's certainly worth trying. After all, the constant use of vegetable milk will only benefit.

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