
  1. How to choose
  2. Types of amaranth oil
  3. Storage conditions
  4. How to distinguish a fake
  5. Rating of the best brands of amaranth oil in 2022
  6. Conclusion

The best brands of amaranth oil in 2022

The best brands of amaranth oil in 2022

Previously, Amaranth was called bread or velvet. Knowledgeable people affectionately called the plant "grass of immortality", and even now, centuries later, amaranth is still in demand. Our article will demonstrate the ranking of the best brands of amaranth oil in 2022 and help you choose the best product for health and beauty.

How to choose

Any quality product sooner or later attracts the attention of scammers, so it is important to know how to choose a quality product.The most important selection criteria are the organoleptic properties of the product. That is, color, aroma and taste. It is clear that when buying online, and generally choosing a bottle of oil in a store, it is difficult to evaluate these data, so you need to look at the composition written on the label or indicated on the site.

The container in which the "grass of immortality" is located must be glass. This is a guarantee of quality, and plastic bottles most often contain a fake product. Plastic is not recommended because this material starts a negative oxidation process that destroys all the benefits of the product.

Also, experts recommend taking a volume of no more than 100 ml, this is due to the fact that the bottle needs to be opened, which means that air will enter there, which will negatively affect the benefits of the product.

It is better to give preference to a dark shade, because a light color indicates dilution of the product with other oils.

In addition, do not forget that the manufacturer must have a quality certificate and you have every right to ask you to provide it.

Types of amaranth oil

There are three categories: extracts, blended and pure oils.

Extracts are recommended for use in skin diseases or in cosmetology. Women love to use them to strengthen hair.

Blended oil has a wider range of applications. It is advised to strengthen the immune system, treat viral diseases, increase the tone of the body and for a general healing effect.

Pure oil is created by cold pressing. It contains squalene from 6 to 8%. Experts recommend it as a prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, for the treatment of oncology, after courses of chemotherapy or for recovery after a stroke.

Storage conditions

The closed product is stored in a dark place so that there is no access to sunlight. After opening the bottle, it is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator so that the temperature is not lower than +2 degrees.

How to distinguish a fake

Any popular product sooner or later attracts the attention of scammers, so the purchase must be approached with caution. Remember that the container must be glass. Further, remember that the oil extract of the seeds contains 6-8% squalene, if the seller assures that the percentage is higher, then a thermal reaction was applied and the beneficial properties have significantly decreased. If they write that it cannot be used internally, then this is also a reason to be wary, because you cannot use a product created by the CO2 extraction method inside.

Rating of the best brands of amaranth oil in 2022


Russian Oliva
votes 33

According to buyers, the best Russian-made amaranth product is unrefined amaranth oil from the Russian Olive company. This is a natural cold pressed product. The composition contains a high content of squalene, which provides full regulation of metabolic processes. Thanks to it, you can normalize cholesterol levels, protect body cells from toxins, and most importantly, it helps people who have been affected by such a disaster as cancer. Anticancer properties and support after chemotherapy make the remedy invaluable. A high concentration of phospholipids contributes to the proper metabolism of fats and reduces the risk of thrombosis. The product should not be heated, it should be used cold, for example, seasoning salads or other dishes. Russian Olive can be used with other traditional treatment regimens. Sold in glass bottles of 100 ml.You need to store in a tightly closed container, in the refrigerator, and remember that the product can easily oxidize when exposed to air. Can be ordered online. The shelf life of the closed oil is 1 year, after opening it must be used within a month.

Cost: 1200 rubles per 100 ml.

Amaranth oil Russian Oliva
  • Unrefined cold pressed;
  • Organoleptic properties at height;
  • In glass packaging and meets the standards;
  • Great for complementary nutrition during chemotherapy;
  • Can be used to prevent diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases.
  • The price may seem expensive;
  • It is difficult to find in regular stores, you need to order online.

Planet Siberia
votes 24

Another high-quality unrefined, raw-pressed, amaranth oil can be bought from the Planet Siberia company. The product is produced in glass containers with a volume of 100 ml. The cold pressing method helps to keep all the healing properties intact. The high content of vitamin E ensures the normalization of the functioning of the heart, increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and high-quality prevention of cancer. The oil contains the most important phytosterols and carotenoids, whose functionality allows the body to be as healthy as possible. Some buyers note that mood improves and anxiety decreases. The nutritional value in 100 ml is 900 calories. You can order online in the online store. The expiration date states that opened oil must be used within a month.

Cost per 100 ml: 1290 rubles.

Amaranth oil Planet Siberia
  • Cheese-pressed, unrefined, cold-pressed;
  • High quality and meets the standards;
  • Activates the action of serotonin;
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Helps with cancer;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Helps to heal skin wounds;
  • Soft taste.
  • High price;
  • There may be individual intolerance.

Organic Life
votes 12

Organic Life brand is very popular. You can see it in pharmacies, or you can order it through an online store, for example, in Ozone. The oil is in a glass container, the capacity, as it should be for quality products, is 100 ml. The product is unrefined and cold pressed. Nutritional value - 900 calories. Continuous use of the drug gives a strong antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect. It is also recommended to be taken for an antitumor effect. Regular intake slows down cell aging, normalizes the endocrine system, improves metabolism and improves overall well-being. Buyers note that Organic Life helps to recover after surgery, but you have to come to terms with the specific taste and strange aroma.

You can buy from 850 rubles and more.

Amaranth Oil Organic Life
  • Multifunctional and high quality tool;
  • It has a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect;
  • Helps slow down cell aging;
  • Calms the nervous system and improves overall well-being.
  • Taste and smell.


Rose-Amaranth Spring of Health
votes 4

Rose-Amaranth from the manufacturer Rodnik Zdorovya has good reviews online. The composition includes amaranth CO2 extract and corn oil. The drug can be used internally and externally. It helps to normalize the functionality of the immune and hormonal systems, provides a detoxifying effect and has a general healing effect.Women often use it for cosmetic purposes to take care of their skin. Reviews say that Rose Amaranth Wellness Spring is good for moisturizing and softening the skin. If desired, a small amount of the product can be added to the face cream, thereby enriching it with useful substances. Indications for use also include burns, insect bites, bedsores, autoimmune processes, oncological diseases and others.

You can buy it in pharmacies or online. Price: from 450 rubles and above.

Amaranth oil Rose-Amaranth Spring Health
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Excellent skin care
  • Wide range of applications;
  • Fights skin aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Affordable price;
  • Quality composition.
  • Component intolerance may occur.

Flavoila Oil Original Shambhala
votes 4

From oils with a mixed composition, buyers speak well of Flavoila Original Shambhala oil. It contains amaranth seed oil and fenugreek seed oil. The product is obtained by mechanical pressing of amaranth and shamballa. Inside the product contains squalene, phytoestrogens and tocotrienol. The complex of these beneficial substances remarkably eliminates the effects of hormonal failure and is suitable for people who want to recover from stressful situations. For men, Flavoila Original Shambhala is recommended for tumor processes in the prostate gland. Dosage for men 1 scoop on an empty stomach 3 times a day, for women 1 scoop 2 times a day. The course of admission is usually 15 days. Thanks to a well-chosen portion of vitamin E, a rejuvenating effect is exerted on the body. Nutritional value 842 calories.

You can buy the drug online for 480 rubles. Volume: 100 ml.

Amaranth Oil Flavoila Oil Original Shambhala
  • Eliminates hormonal imbalance in the female;
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • Helps with tumor processes;
  • Normalizes the state of the liver and pancreas;
  • Rejuvenates the body;
  • Does not contain preservatives and chemicals.
  • Specific taste.

Eat healthy
votes 4

A mixture of linseed and amaranth oil is offered by the Eat Healthy company. The product is cold-pressed, is in a glass container, the volume is 250 ml. Since this is not a pure oil, an increased volume is allowed. The glass itself is dark, if you do not open the bottle, then the shelf life is a year. The nutritional value is almost a thousand calories. If flaxseed oil itself has a bitter aftertaste, then in combination with amaranth, the taste becomes softer and more pleasant. Buyers note that after taking the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. In this regard, Eat Healthy can be called a means for female beauty, because it performs the functions of vitamins. If desired, the product can be used for diet food, seasoning salads or vegetable dishes with it. There are no flavorings, preservatives and artificial colors in the composition.

You can buy on Ozone for 330 rubles.

Amaranth Oil Eat Healthy
  • high quality;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Packed in glass containers;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • Can be used in diet food.
  • He is far from real amaranth.


Amaranth extract on linseed oil Health Compass
votes 4

The Compass Health brand has a budget extract of Amaranth with linseed oil.Amaranth blossoms combined with linseed oil extract helps activate cellular respiration and release oxygen. The manufacturer promises that his product is able to protect against free radicals and prevent the formation of tumors. Also, the promises of the manufacturer include resorption of scars and an increase in skin elasticity. The nutritional value is high, about 900 calories. The extract is recommended to be consumed with a small amount of food or separately, as a special "healing food". Dosage: First 1 teaspoon twice a day, then gradually increase to 1 tablespoon twice a day. There may be heaviness in the stomach or loosening of the stool, but after five days the symptoms disappear.

You can buy for 260 rubles in the online store.

Amaranth extract on linseed oil Health Compass
  • Budget price;
  • Protects against free radicals;
  • Promotes firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • Activates cellular respiration;
  • With amaranth inflorescences.
  • May cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

Oil extract of amaranth Expert Market
votes 4

The Expert Market company offers to look into its online store and choose an amaranth oil extract, of which several types are provided: water-glycerin, water-propylene, oil extract 0.4% and 0.8%, as well as 4% and 8%. The extracts are enriched with fatty acids, terpenoids, phytosterols, vitamin E and other useful components. The main properties of the substance are aimed at cosmetic purposes, such as a positive effect on the hair roots, a remarkable effect on the skin, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.The product can be added to your favorite shampoo or hair mask, as a result, the effect of caring products is enhanced. Knowledgeable people say that extracting amaranth seeds can help alleviate the condition of patients with psoriasis. To purchase any extract, you need to fill out an online form on the website or call the number indicated there.

Prices: from 100 to 1000 rubles.

Oil extract of amaranth Expert Market
  • A wide range of;
  • Affordable prices;
  • Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action;
  • Good effect on the appearance of hair;
  • Helps to take care of the skin;
  • Decent composition.
  • Individual intolerance may appear.


Amaranth oil is a real storehouse of health, but you need to understand that there is always a flip side to the coin: benefit and harm. We have already talked a lot about the benefits, now we need to touch on the negative side. The product is strictly not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, gallbladder disease, cholelithiasis, and others. If in doubt, you should definitely consult a competent specialist before using it. Unfortunately, now not all doctors know about the existence of such an oil, so you will have to look for a specialist carefully. Also, the remedy is undesirable if there is unstable bowel function, that is, constipation or diarrhea occurs.

If an elevated level of cholesterol is recorded in the blood vessels, then this will also be a contraindication to taking.

But if you can’t use it inside, then you can always try the cosmetic effect of amaranth, the main thing is that there is no individual intolerance.With proper use, you can rejuvenate yourself by increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

The rating of the best brands of amaranth oil in 2022 will help to avoid mistakes when choosing and buying from unscrupulous companies.


