
  1. What are the mannequins for boxing and punching
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Ranking of the best boxing and punching mannequins for 2022
  4. Conclusion

The best boxing and punching dummies for 2022

The best boxing and punching dummies for 2022

Boxing people are well aware that effective training requires an opponent. It doesn't matter who you are, a professional or an amateur, but without an opponent, training becomes less effective. Sparring with another person may not always work out, and then special boxing simulators come to the rescue, they are also called mannequins. Our article will show the ranking of the best boxing and punching dummies for 2022.

What are the mannequins for boxing and punching

The mannequins themselves are the form of a torso with a head or a full-length figure. The “enemy” is created in flesh color, but there are other color shades that are selected according to your individual taste.

Striking trainers are divided into two groups: by weight and by physique. By weight, simulators are most often sought for by young athletes, the weight of such products does not exceed 45 kg. Professional athletes also love this type of product, but they like it because of the ability to practice punches in different weight categories. If you choose a mannequin by physique, then pay attention to the presence of a seam in the middle of the product. The presence of such seams means that it is impossible to hit this area, as the product consists of separate parts and can be damaged. If there is no seam, then you have one-piece sports equipment.

There is also a category of mini pears and water-filled bags, which, of course, do not look like a person, but can remotely represent him.

Criterias of choice

To choose the right simulator for practicing strikes, you must first of all pay attention to the material. If there is an elastic and resilient filler inside, and the top is characterized by increased strength, then nothing will crack and crawl under the blows. It is desirable that the material can "absorb" shocks, that is, they must be silent. The "absorption" function at the same time provides a less traumatic workout.

If it is possible to adjust the sports equipment, then great. Adjustment provides adjustment for both height and weight.

The manufacturer is also important. The best manufacturers are Alex, DFC, Century and TLS. There are other good brands, but before buying it is better to check the reviews in order to purchase the best quality product.

Ranking of the best boxing and punching mannequins for 2022

Mannequin Century Bob-Box

The water-filled bag Century Bob-Box, made in the form of a human figure, is very popular with boxers. The mannequin is adjustable, thanks to which there are seven height levels, ranging from 150 to 200 cm. The manufacturer produces two versions of the projectile: the basic version with the upper torso and the version with “shorts”, which makes it possible to practice kicks and knees. The weight of an empty bag is about 15 kg, and after filling it reaches 135 kg. You can weight the structure with water or sand. The figure has a harmoniously developed torso, it is on it that the blows should fall, but you should not touch the back, however, the manufacturer himself warns about this. The Bob-Box is pleasant to the touch, softness, plasticity and elasticity are felt. If you purchase a Century Bob-Box, you will be able not only to arrange a full-fledged workout, but also to remove the negative emotions that have accumulated during the day from the heart. The product can be ordered online, or you can search in sports stores.

The brand lineup offers various variations, including for children.

You can buy for 25 thousand rubles.

Mannequin Century Bob-Box
  • Ideal for training;
  • Suitable for individual sports;
  • Will be good for martial arts;
  • According to buyers is one of the best;
  • There are two versions of the model
  • High price.

DFC CENTURION Boxing Punching Man-Medium

Another great water bag is the DFC CENTURION Boxing Punching Man-Medium. Product dimensions 49x26x119 cm, can be filled with 100 liters of water or sand. Outwardly, it represents a human figure: head, torso, hips and base for fastening. The back of the model is protected, so you can hit it. Due to the reinforcement in the back, the structure is not damaged. The material is not rigid, has supple softness and elasticity, therefore it prevents injury. Customer reviews present this pear as high-quality and wear-resistant.

You can buy for 21500 rubles.

DFC CENTURION Boxing Punching Man-Medium
  • Realistic humanoid product;
  • Durability of endurance of any blows;
  • The design is stable and the material is elastic;
  • You can practice strikes from all sides;
  • Suitable for individual sports;
  • It will be interesting for both adults and children.
  • The cost is not affordable for everyone.

Leosport dummy for wrestling and boxing leonard standard series

If you need a projectile for martial arts at an affordable price, then we advise you to take a closer look at the Leosport dummy for wrestling and boxing leonard standard series. These simulators are indispensable for practicing throws and techniques involving the legs. The weight of the stuffing can be any, it all depends on your wishes. The manufacturer recommends stuffing the projectile at the rate of 50 percent of the person's weight. Projectile height in two versions: 150 and 170 cm. Appearance differs from an ordinary pear, but it also looks a little like a person.However, the head, arms and legs are present.

Sold from 7600 rubles.

Leosport dummy for wrestling and boxing leonard standard series
  • You can choose different heights;
  • Weight is selected individually;
  • For martial arts;
  • Quality design.
  • Not found.

Pear-dummy for boxing DFC Centurion TLS-M01

An excellent option for practicing punches is the DFC Centurion TLS-M01 punching bag. Visual design in the form of a torso smoothly passing into the head. Water bag type. Its advantages are 7 positions adjustable in height, thanks to which it can be varied from 154 cm to 185 cm. Packing dimensions 78 cm x 72 cm x 57 cm. Gross weight is 20 kg. The punching bag is great for individual sports, no matter what you do specifically, but if you need to work out punches, then the DFC Centurion TLS-M01 will be an indispensable assistant. Thanks to the soft material, injuries are prevented. When you fill a sports equipment with water, its position becomes stable and it does not fluctuate during training.

You can buy for 16500 rubles.

Pear-dummy for boxing DFC Centurion TLS-M01
  • Soft material;
  • Causes no injury;
  • You can set the position to your taste;
  • Good for individual sports.
  • The price is out of budget.

Demix Boxmaster punching machine

In the Sportmaster chain of stores you can purchase the Demix Boxmaster punching machine. It is made in the form of a torso with a head mounted on a base. The sparring partner turns out to be realistic, it is convenient that you can select the height, thanks to the functionality with adjustment.The Demix Boxmaster Pro is highly acclaimed by those involved in boxing, martial arts, taekwondo and karate. The elastic filler of the product has shock-absorbing properties and health cannot be damaged during training. The base is filled with sand (weight up to 130 kg) or water (weight up to 100 kg). The simulator is used by professionals, amateurs, adults and children.

The cost is about 17,000 rubles.

Demix Boxmaster punching machine
  • There is an adjustment that selects the level for growth;
  • Can be filled with water and sand;
  • Quality filler;
  • Used for various sports.
  • High price.

Boxing Mannequin Grozz

The Grozz boxing mannequin replicates the contours of a male figure. The elasticity of the material is increased and resembles the human body. The functionality provides for adjustment, so that the sports equipment can be installed in 7 positions, starting from 153 cm and reaching up to 195 cm. When the base is completely filled with water, the volume will be 138 liters, and when filled with sand 235 kg. Strikes can be applied to the entire body, as well as to the hips and head, which allows you to flawlessly polish the technique of movements. It is possible to order online or buy directly from the store.

Price: 26,000 rubles.

Boxing Mannequin Grozz
  • It is possible to adjust;
  • Quality material;
  • The projectile resembles a human figure;
  • Professionals praise;
  • It is easy to do any exercise with it.
  • Expensive.

Mannequin Century Versys Bob

Of the elite collections, it is worth noting the Century Versys Bob mannequin, perfectly made to fit the figure of a man. PVC material. The height of the projectile with the base is 169 cm, weight 50 kg.Sold unassembled, assembly required. Unlike many competing products, the Century Versys Bob is the most human-like, and even has imitation hands. The base is made in the form of a triangle, which ensures maximum stability. With such a projectile, it will be a great pleasure to train in sports such as taekwondo, karate, wing chun, kung fu and boxing. The base must be filled with sand.

Sold for 66,000 rubles.

Mannequin Century Versys Bob
  • Out of competition for training numerous combat sports;
  • Ideal for deflecting, blocking and redirecting punches;
  • Training will become especially comfortable;
  • There is an imitation of hands.
  • The cost is skyrocketing.

Water filling bag for boxing ALEX Boxing Partner

A great moving tool for boxing is the ALEX Boxing Partner water bag. It is convenient that it does not need to be specially fixed to a wall or ceiling, because it rests on a round base from below and moves on it. The base is made of polypropylene, and the bag itself is made of impact-resistant polyurethane. After filling the base with water, the bag weighs 140 kg, and its height is 195 cm. A spring mechanism is hidden inside the projectile, providing a good response. Most often, such a bag is purchased for club use, but if possible, it can be installed in the home. There are 6 additional rubberized plates, their function is to provide the necessary stability. Boxing guide included.

Cost: 22000 rubles.

Water filling bag for boxing ALEX Boxing Partner
  • No need to mount to wall or ceiling;
  • High quality material;
  • Convenient height for everyone;
  • Ideal for boxing;
  • Suitable for sports clubs and home use.
  • Price.

Century Wavemaster water bags

Century Wavemaster water-filled bags are very popular among athletes. Outwardly, they are a large oval bag mounted on a base. For convenience of buyers 7 levels of adjustment of height are made. The minimum is 120 cm, and by gradually increasing the height, the limit mark is 173 cm. The base itself has a diameter of 61 cm, which provides excellent stability. Available in three colors: black, red and blue. USA manufacturer. Not only people who are professionally involved in sports, but also those citizens who need to let off steam after a hard day can work out punches on the bag.

Century Wavemaster for sale for 16,800 rubles.

Century Wavemaster water bags
  • 7 levels of adjustment;
  • Good stuff;
  • Various colors;
  • Suitable for pros and amateurs.
  • Rarely found in stores, but can be ordered online.

Water-filled mannequin GROZZMAN

The GROZZMAN water-filled dummy is the dream of many boxers and athletes. Many people would like to have such a chic sports equipment at home, but alas, the price does not allow everyone. GROZZMAN is a male figure without arms and legs, but with a head and hips. Below is an impressive base. On such a simulator, it is amazing to work out strikes, because it is possible to train on the body, head and hips. Inside the product is filled with elastic polyurethane foam, the top material is plastisol. Height - from 153 to 195 cm, and weight is 20 kg.The base can be filled with water or sand, depending on this, the weight will be set. The manufacturer makes the colors of the projectile according to your desire. Transport dimensions 155 x 61 x 61 cm.

Sold for 26,000 rubles.

Water-filled mannequin GROZZMAN
  • Used for training: boxing, karate, MMA, sambo, taekwondo;
  • High quality material;
  • different height;
  • Color is made on request;
  • Strikes to the head, hips and body are practiced.
  • It may seem expensive.

Pear-mannequin for boxing DFC TLS-M02B

The DFC TLS-M02B boxing pear-dummy will bring great pleasure and excellent practice for any athlete involved in boxing or various martial arts. The simulator perfectly copes with blows, takes everything on itself without any problems, without returning a response. It will be convenient for training, with it you will always be in great shape. The total height of the simulator is 154-185 cm. The color of the product sold is black and red. Execution material - plastisol. Package dimensions are 78 cm x 72 cm x 57 cm. Thanks to its adjustable height, it is suitable for people of any height, and its compact size allows you to install the DFC TLS-M02B in any room.

Sold from 17,000 rubles.

Pear-mannequin for boxing DFC TLS-M02B
  • Suitable for training a person of any height;
  • Made of high strength polymer coating;
  • Ideal for simple workouts;
  • Helps to get rid of stress;
  • Handles hits well.
  • There are complaints about making noise.


You don't have to be a boxer or any athlete to get a boxing mannequin for your home.Our life passes at a fast pace, at work many people accumulate a lot of negative situations, and in order for psychological health not to be shaken, it is necessary to splash out aggression. A variety of pears help get rid of negativity and be in a good-natured mood. This is a kind of magical psychological wand that will replace the smashing of plates and recording to specialists.

When buying a product, give preference to proven brands, and do not buy a pig in a poke, saving money, otherwise there may be disappointment from the fragility of the chosen model.

With the help of water-filled pears, it is easy to arouse children's interest in sports, and it will help to keep teenagers in good shape.

Most of the models described in the ranking of quality boxing trainers do not require professional skills and will help you keep fit and in a good mood.

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