
  1. What is car sharing?
  2. Types of carsharing
  3. Car sharing companies in Kazan
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of carsharing

The best car sharing companies in Kazan in 2022

The best car sharing companies in Kazan in 2022

Many people refuse to have personal vehicles. But there are times when a car is necessary, and using a taxi is not an option. Also, many have long-distance business trips, which are not always possible to make by personal transport, and in another city a car will be needed. Or when your personal car for one reason or another is not suitable for achieving the desired goal. In such cases, car sharing companies will come to the rescue. What is the service and which car sharing company to choose in Kazan?

What is car sharing?

This is a contented new concept that has come into our lives. And not everyone understands its meaning well enough. So, if a person rents a car, which will not last long, then this will be called car sharing. You can rent a car on any day of the week and at any time of the day.In large cities, such cars are located in several parking lots, and one of them may be within walking distance of you. To rent a car, you need to register on the company's website, select a car and reserve it. Transport is provided with a clean interior, gasoline and insurance are paid by the car sharing company. In the event of an accident through no fault of the driver who rented the vehicle, then you should not worry about compensation for damage. If both are guilty, or the driver who used the services of carsharing, then a fine is paid according to the agreement. Also, some companies charge an additional fee, like insurance, in case of an accident. Fines for violations of traffic rules first come to the address of the company. And the company sends the invoice to the tenant for subsequent payment.

The tenant must not return the car with an empty tank. In this case, fines are also provided. Large companies have a system of discounts to compensate for the time spent at the gas station. The tenant does not have the right to call at any gas station. You should refuel only at those gas stations that are reflected on the map of the mobile application. Before refueling, contact the operator of the company to obtain a special code that must be given to the employees of the gas station.

Types of carsharing

Short-term car rental can be divided into three groups, each type of this service has its own characteristics.

If you need a short trip around the city, then they resort to the first type of carsharing, which is called free-floating. This type of rental is gaining momentum both in Russia and abroad. Here the driver can end the trip in a convenient place, which is marked on the map with the parking sign of the company where the car was rented.In this rental option, the contract is concluded once, and the user has the right to rent a car if necessary, as well as book a car in advance.

The second car sharing option is renting from individuals or companies that do not rent cars. The contract is concluded through the websites of intermediaries. This type of carsharing has become widespread in the United States and European countries. But recently it has become relevant in Russia as well. Every year the number of people wishing to lease their vehicle for short-term use is growing. The car owner can set his own specific requirements for the tenant. For example, age, driving experience and, of course, price. The tenant sets the place and time for the transaction. Intermediaries in this case are needed to verify documents, as well as to make a money transfer.

There is also a third option for carsharing, which is also called fractional. Here the vehicle is bought into the property, its owners are several people who have equal rights when using this vehicle. Also, this group can purchase several cars for specific needs. Each user bears equal responsibility for the use of the vehicle and has equal rights to it. This sharing poses little difficulty. However, it is still spreading. This type of carsharing has become very popular in Germany and the USA.

Car sharing companies in Kazan

Yandex Drive

The Yandex-Drive company began its activities in the capital of Tatarstan from the end of May 2022. There are several hundred cars available, which can be easily rented.

To cooperate with Yandex-Drive, you first need to download the application from PlayMarket or AppStore. After that, you should go through a simple registration, which involves providing passport data, a driver's license and a bank card number. For all data to be approved, the tenant must be over 21 years old, have a driving experience of at least two years.

The company is responsible for refueling, cleanliness of the body and interior, as well as repairing malfunctions. The tenant does not need to worry about anything. There is OSAGO insurance, hull insurance and life insurance.

Trips are allowed both in Kazan and in the suburbs. Free parking is available, even in paid parking lots.

Yandex Drive has three rates for short-term car rental. The first option involves paying for the specified route. In the second option, the lease can be concluded for an hour, with an extension of up to 12 hours. The third option provides for a rental, which can last from one day to a whole week. There is also a minute rate, which is suitable for a small test drive of a car or a quick trip.

The price of a one-minute trip is 11-25 rubles, everything will depend on the class of the chosen car. A minute of waiting will cost 4.1-4.7 rubles.

With an hourly rental, the cost will be 211 rubles and 8.5 rubles for each kilometer. Rental for 3 hours will cost 385 rubles and an additional fee of 8.3 rubles for each kilometer. A six-hour rental will cost 584 rubles, and for each kilometer you will have to pay 8 rubles. Rent for 12 hours will cost 929 rubles, and each kilometer will cost 7.5 rubles.If at the end of the rental period, the car has not arrived at a special parking lot, then each additional minute will cost 4 rubles.

The company also provides small trucks for rent, the rental price is 965-3931 rubles, and the available mileage is 30-150 kilometers. The mileage is included in the transaction price.

The cost of car rental during the day starts from 1584 rubles, not including the cost of the journey.

When booking a car, the tenant is given 20 free minutes to get to the car.

"Yandex-Drive" offers cars of various classes. Here you can rent Hyundai Creta, Renault Kaptur, Volkswagen Polo, Skoda Rapid, Citroen Jumpy, Volkswagen Transporter, Mercedes-Benz E-class.

  • Large selection of cars;
  • Favorable tariff plans;
  • The company takes care of refueling and washing the vehicle;
  • There is a transport for cargo transportation;
  • Insurance not only for the car, but also for the life and health of the driver.
  • You can only rent a premium car if you are 26 years old and have at least 6 years of driving experience.


Karusel provides car sharing services in Moscow and Kazan. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority and has a driver's license can use the services of the company. Driving experience doesn't matter.

In order to take a car, you need to download the Carousel application, you can download it from the AppStore or the Play Market. After downloading the application, you must register, provide the required documents. Usually, verification of documents takes no more than an hour, but there are times when verification can take up to two days.After successful registration, you can rent a car at any time. After choosing a free vehicle, the tenant receives an electronic version of the acceptance certificate in the mobile application.

When using vehicles, it is forbidden to smoke in the cabin, transport things that could spoil the appearance of the cabin, it is forbidden to transport animals without cages.

If the tenant commits an accident, then the fine provided to the organization will be transferred to his account, in addition, he will still pay the service commission. It is not allowed to pay the fine on your own, otherwise a situation may arise in which you will have to pay the fine again.

Karusel car sharing provides only a per-minute rate. Prices for the tariff change periodically, various promotions and discounts are often held. You can find out the exact price per minute in the mobile application. Also, the price of the tariff will depend on the brand of vehicle, its year of manufacture and mileage. An additional fee may be for mileage, exceeding its limit. Payment is made only by means of a bank card. Karusel does not work with cash. Cards of foreign banks are also considered invalid.

Before renting a car, the company gives 5 minutes to inspect it and look for visible damage. If you find them, you should take a photo, then send them using the mobile application. Also, when booking a car, the application will display existing defects. You don't need to resend them. After that, you should check the glove compartment for documents. The car sharing company provides a fuel card, insurance policy and STS.

Most Carousel cars are eligible for free parking in paid parking spaces. If not, then the tenant will receive a notification about it.

After completing the trip, the car should be left in the city parking lot, from which it can be picked up at any time. It is forbidden to leave a vehicle in closed parking lots or parking lots of shopping centers.

If the car needs to be refueled, this can be done using the fuel card, which is located in the glove compartment of the rented car. The operator will give information on the amount of gasoline that will be needed for your trip. You can also refuel without a fuel card at your own expense. In this case, you must provide a check, then the company will compensate for the costs, give additional bonuses. If the gasoline in the vehicle you rented is almost out, the company may impose a fine for not replenishing the fuel volumes.

Karusel car sharing offers more than 500 cars for rent. Here you can find cars of the model range "Lada", "Renault Logan", "Renault Sandero", "VW Caravelle, Datsun on-DO".

  • Promotions and discounts on the tariff plan are often held;
  • A large number of cars for rent;
  • Free parking is allowed in paid parking lots;
  • Time is given to inspect the vehicle.
  • Only per minute rate;
  • No premium cars;
  • No driver life insurance;
  • Accepting payment only by credit card;
  • The tenant is responsible for refueling.


The Forward company appeared in Kazan in 2012. Forward's career began with the rental of motor vehicles.Today, the company is engaged not only in the rental of vehicles, but also in the provision of driver and car sharing services.

To rent a car, you need to conclude an agreement with the company, select the desired car through the operator, and then pick it up from the parking lot. Access to vehicles is open at any time of the day, there are no days off. After completing the trip, the vehicle must be left in the permitted zone, which will be marked in the mobile application.

The tenant always receives a clean car with the presence of gasoline, in case of a shortage of gasoline there is a fuel card. The purchase of gasoline is carried out at the expense of the company.

"Forward" provides a per-minute tariff plan. The cost of the trip is from 7 rubles per minute. Standby mode will cost 1.5 rubles per minute. To switch to standby mode, turn off the engine, then select the appropriate position in the mobile application. Renting a car for a day will cost no more than 2000 rubles. You can end your vehicle rental using your phone or mobile application. The required amount to pay for the trip will be debited from the bank card.

Forward provides more than 550 short-term rental cars. The tenant can choose between "Datsun On-DO" and "Renault Logan". Only new vehicles are provided here, the age of cars does not exceed three years.

  • New cars are offered;
  • Low rate plan;
  • Convenient location of parking lots;
  • Quick user registration.
  • Only budget car options are provided;
  • The choice consists of two brands of cars;
  • Paid parking is paid separately by the tenant.

Advantages and disadvantages of carsharing

First of all, it should be noted that carsharing services allow you to save the environment. Car-sharing companies provide new models of cars that use less gasoline and also reduce the percentage of exhaust gases. One rental car can replace up to 20 private cars.

So when you already have personal transport, they use it more often. Even not so remote places a person decides to visit with the help of a car. When renting, only the necessary trip will be made.

Having personal transport, you have to pay for insurance, maintenance, gasoline and buy spare parts. By renting a car, you save yourself from unnecessary expenses by paying only for temporary use.

But do not forget about the shortcomings of this service. Having chosen a suitable car, you will have to get to it for some time. In bad weather this is not the best option. Do not forget that the appearance of the car in the application may not quite meet your expectations. There are times when the previous tenant leaves behind not too pleasant surprises. At best, it can be garbage, and at worst, objects prohibited by law. Also in megacities, you should take into account the presence of traffic jams, then renting a car will not be as cheap as expected.

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