As the famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky said, “I owe everything good to the book ... People stop thinking when they stop reading” ...
But indeed, his words have meaning in our modern world. The world of books is amazing, it allows you to learn, learn and develop. Children between the ages of four and six learn a lot from books, it is they that allow them to distinguish between good and evil, to determine what is bad and what is good. Modern children's literature is not only interesting, it is more informative and exciting. Young “why” learn a lot of interesting things from the books that their parents read to them while they are still small. Preschool children are interested in everything. Which one to choose among the best books for children from 4 to 6 years old.
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It is interesting that it is difficult to name the exact date when literature for children appeared in Russia. At first, it was mixed with folk literature, which included fairy tales, fables, epics and legends. However, some scientists and researchers are of the opinion that such literature existed for a long time, but has not survived to our times. In those distant times, in rich houses, elderly women were often kept, who shared fairy tales and songs with children.
Handwritten collections of fairy tales appeared in the second half of the 12th century, and they began to write specifically for children only in the 17th century.
In those distant times, children's literature was significantly different from what we are used to today. The bulk was represented by religious and moral literature. Such books were considered a source and means of children's education, religious themes could be found in ABCs and primers.
The period of the reign of Peter 1 can be called a new stage in the development of the history of children's literature. It was he who paid attention to children's education and believed that there would be no full-fledged education without proper literature. The purpose of children's literature is upbringing and education. During this period, alphabets, primers and other educational and cognitive literature began to appear.
Light reading genres appear, such as fables and ballads, fairy tales and legends, novels and ballads.
In the second half of the 18th century, children's literature began its active development.Such well-known writers as Lomonosov M.V., Sumarokov A.P. make their significant contribution to its development. Derzhavin G.R. and many others. However, it should be noted that many ideas were borrowed from other writers of foreign countries (France, Austria, Germany). Speaking about the genres of children's literature, these were stories and novels, poems and odes.
If you try to generalize the concept of children's literature, then we can say that this is literature, which summarizes fairy tales and stories, stories that are interesting and informative for children of different ages.
The main task of literature for children is, of course, the same educational and educational function, the development of the language and the perception of various artistic images.
Speaking about the main features of children's literature, the following should be highlighted:
It is probably difficult to overestimate the importance of books in the life of a preschooler. Its significance is great. They allow him to broaden his horizons, to get to know the world around him, with things, nature, animal worlds, in general, with everything that surrounds him every day.
Parents are those people who can instill in a child a love of books, because it is they who read them to him for the first time, form his preferences and tastes when choosing literature.
It is extremely important to read books along with him.This not only brings them together, it disposes children, allows them to speak out, share their impressions and experiences. Reading books aloud, children after a while begin to distinguish the structure of a literary work, understand and predict the plot. Listening to reading, they learn to think logically, which means they develop. The child will be better able to formulate his thought, speak out, his vocabulary will become richer and more diverse, his imagination will also develop. He will have and form the ability to listen, this quality is important. In addition, reading helps to better learn the language and develop imagination.
As practice shows, those children who read books in childhood love reading and in adulthood, they read a lot. Conversely, children who grew up in families where reading books are rare do not become fond of literature as adults.
It is important to know that forcing reading is also wrong; this approach can discourage reading at all. Find a time when the child is disposed to listen to, read his favorite work. You should not refuse him and refer to personal employment, be sure to take the time and read the book to your child.
For normal upbringing and full development, it is important for him not just communication, but when attention is paid to him, and it is joint reading that allows him to receive all this. Indeed, in the process of reading a book, the child sits next to his parents, hugging him and feeling his native warmth, he teaches a sense of security and closeness. These moments are difficult to compare with something, they significantly affect the formation of a comfortable and cozy feeling of the world.
It is important to understand that reading books has a positive effect on the formation of values in children, on their moral ideals.Indeed, often the heroes of fairy tales or stories perform different actions, experience various emotional states and situations in life that are familiar or not familiar to the young listener. Often children take an example from the heroes of fairy tales, learn to distinguish between good and evil, betrayal, faith and honor. Reading or listening to a book, the child experiences or rejoices for the hero from the work, tries to understand him, perhaps, to overcome some of his fears of experiencing.
Modern parents are more likely to worry about the fact that today children read negligibly little. Who is to blame for this, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. These are over-employment of parents, moments of laziness, gadget mania and, of course, the availability of the Internet, various computer games.
Currently, children refuse to read, they are much more interested in the virtual space, the availability of gadgets, alas, takes reading to the background. All this captivates children, and often literature is preferred by a computer. This process should be under the close supervision of adults, and the time spent on “gadgets” should be limited.
When choosing literature for a child, it is important to understand what he is interested in at a particular stage of development. Young children are attracted not by the content of the book, but by its design, large illustrations in bright and interesting pictures.
Children aged 1.5 to 3 years should pay attention to small books made of cardboard. It can be fairy tales or short poems. It is convenient to take such books with you for a walk or a trip, you do not have to worry about its condition. A child can taste books decorated in thick cardboard. In books of this kind, a lot of attention is paid to pictures that allow children to develop thinking and imagination.
Preschool children should choose books taking into account that its main task is the development of the child and his speech. Of course, he is still attracted by the bright and beautiful design of the book, the large type of letters, and high-quality printing. The content is also important, choose good fairy tales and instructive stories. Books with different tasks and logical tasks are very interesting.
When a child enters adult school life, the role of beautiful illustrations decreases. The main thing in the book is its content. Offer short stories, try to keep his attention on the plot and meaning. The child will like the works of Vitaly Bianchi and Maminy-Sibiryak, Lewis Carroll. Interesting and fascinating are such books as Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Clive Lewis and other adventure books with elements of mysticism and fantasy.
As children grow older, their reading habits will change as well.Offer him works with serious content, where he can think and analyze, draw conclusions and learn something new. Tell about the books that were interesting to you at his age, maybe some of them will be of interest to him.
Of course, the child may be frightened by the volume of works, but calm him down and offer to read a few pages of text. Sometimes a book is so captivating that you don't realize how much you've read. Offer him adventure stories, it could be The Three Musketeers, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Twenty Thousand Leagues of Water, and many other interesting books.
Remember, in order to attract a love of books and reading, it is necessary that the books be at home, and not gather dust in the garage or in the attic. Let your home library not be large, just pick up good and interesting books that will not lose their relevance and will be interesting, despite the time and different generations. Let books become faithful and reliable friends to your child, because this is an amazing world that is difficult to compare with anything.
Should know! At the age of 4 years, the child perceives texts differently, there is a leap in their perception. He fantasizes, and you can offer him books without voluminous illustrations. However, you should not offer books without pictures at all.
Author: Tatyana Alexandrova.
Language - Russian, published in 2006, Publishing house - "Samovar", artist - illustrator - Sher A.S. The weight of the book is 324 grams, the number of sheets is 128.
Price - 109 dews. rub.
This collection consists of three parts of the fascinating travels of the brownie.The content of the book differs from the usual cartoon for adults and children. According to many readers, the book is even more interesting than the cartoon. There are illustrations, few of them, but they are meaningful and colorful.
author - Elena Cherenkova;
Language - Russian, published in 2010, Publishing house - "House of the 21st century", weight -116 grams, number of sheets - 189;
Price - 44 rubles.
This edition contains puzzles for children that allow them to develop their logical thinking. The book allows you to do mathematics and develop the child. Tasks in an accessible and easy form, the child will be happy to study and answer questions. By doing the exercises, he will be able to prepare for the school curriculum, the learning process with a book is interesting, tasks can be completed while playing and without tiring the child.
author: Pavlova Natalia;
Language - Russian, published in 2005, Eksmo publishing house. Weight - 434 grams, number of pages - 64;
Price - 110 dews. rub.
At the age of 4 to 6 years, the child takes the first confident steps in mathematics. He is interested in figures and their names. The book contains various tasks that allow you to explore the world of geometric shapes. Joint classes with a book will give a positive result, and the child and parents will be satisfied.
Children from 4 to 6 years old;
Artists - illustrators - Fedorovskaya M., Volodkina E., Petrova E.;
Language - Russian, published in 2007, Makhaon publishing house. Weight - 1250 grams, number of sheets - 368;
Price - 357 dews. rub.
This is a wonderful collection of children's classics. On cold winter evenings, you don't have to search for a book to read. Here are collected wonderful and interesting fairy tales, stories, stories for children aged 4 to 6 years. The works in the anthology will tell about good and evil, moral deeds and exploits. Reading the book, the child will find himself in an amazing fairy-tale world, this reader will take its rightful place in the home library.
Artists - Boguslavskaya M., Glushkova N.;
Language - Russian, published in 2018, publishing house - "Litur". Weight - 364 grams, number of sheets - 144;
Price - 420 dews. rub.
Here you will find folk tales from different countries, literary masterpieces of Russian classics, as well as works of contemporaries. All stories and poems are dedicated to autumn. This beautiful and colorful season. Your child will love and enjoy this book.
Cognitive notebook;
Author: Rousseau, Chauvet.;
Language - Russian, published in 2015, publishing house "Clever Media Group", weight - 316 grams, number of sheets - 80;
Price - 483 dews. rub.
This collection includes four sections. These are writing, mathematics, reading and lessons of the world around. Very well-chosen tasks for the child, performing which he develops various skills and abilities, he has an interest in learning new and interesting things. There is no need to complete tasks in a row, the child can be offered to complete those that he liked, smoothly leading him to other exercises. Each section is different in design and color. This literature belongs to the series "My first discoveries" and is a set of several notebooks-books for children aged two to seven years. For a child of a certain age, publishers offer four exercise books. This series of books - notebooks has found its recognition among educators and teachers.
author: Denis Chervyatsov, illustrators Gazizov R., Trusov I., Zatsepina E.;
Language - Russian, published in 2018, publishing house - "Egmont".The weight of the book is 820 grams, the number of sheets is 160;
Price - 1700 dew. rub.
This literary edition presents works retold by Masha in her own way. The book will be enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. The plots are as captivating as in the cartoon. The illustrations are bright and colorful, the child will certainly have an interest in this book.
editor Tatiana Pimenova, retelling by Elena Tokareva
Language - Russian, published in 2017, publishing house - "Egmont". The weight of the book is 884 grams, the number of pages is 160
Price — 1700 dew. rub.
The publication contains the best fairy tales based on Disney animated films. Fairy tales will appeal to even the most demanding readers. They are read easily and naturally, perceived easily, will be of interest to children both at the age of four and a little older. Fairy tales in the collection are selected in such a way that they allow you to get to know the world and get to know better, with things that are always interesting for children. While reading fairy tales, a child will be able to make friends with such fairy-tale characters as Bambi the deer, Sofia the First, Ariel and Cinderella, plunge into a fabulous and mysterious world. He will certainly like fairy tales from the collection - very beautiful and tastefully decorated.
Editor Batalina Vera
Language - Russian, published in 2017, publishing house - "Egmont". The weight of the book is 818 grams, the number of pages is 160
This book will introduce the young reader or listener to the journeys and lives of kind and cheerful ponies. This is an amazing and kind world of friendship and carelessness. Many have already watched the animated film with the same name, the stories written in the book are no less interesting. The collection consists of nine stories. It is good to read these fairy tales to the child and discuss what he heard, find out how he would act in this or that situation, what he exhausted for himself from the stories. The kid will certainly like the evenings, cozy and kind, with their favorite heroes of fairy tales.
It is important to remember that children are sponges, they quickly absorb both good and bad. The qualities instilled in him from childhood will form the child as a person, and much depends on the material that children receive from adults. Choose good and informative books for your children, read and learn to listen. The modern book market is diverse and multifaceted, and you are sure to find something that will please both your child and you!
Books will help you spend interesting rainy autumn days, long winter evenings or plunge into the world of fairy tales in the afternoon heat of summer.