Representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declare that diseases of the cardiovascular system are the main cause of death in recent years. This statement is argued by the fact that these vital organs in each person are subject to a number of aggressive factors inherent in the modern high-speed pace of life. The problem is studied by a whole range of specialists, so finding one that will help in a particular situation is sometimes difficult. For this reason, it is worth understanding the options for the services provided and the variety of medical institutions that treat cardiovascular disorders in the Russian Federation.
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Before going to the doctor, it is worth deciding what kind of help is required in a particular situation. This is very important in order not to waste precious time and effort. Cardiology care can be provided in the following forms:
Ideally, in case of malfunctions in the activity of the cardiovascular system, it is better to call an ambulance team that will take the person in need to a nearby hospital for the provision of cardiological services. Upon admission, the following procedures are carried out there: EEG and ECHO-KG with interpretation, consultations of highly specialized specialists, a blood test to determine the likelihood of a heart attack.
If serious cardiovascular disorders are identified, the patient is referred to a cardiological clinic for diagnostic procedures and possible surgical intervention. Such assistance is provided only in those hospitals in Moscow where there are cardiosurgical departments and doctors specializing in this branch of medicine. All these characteristics correspond, for example, to the City Clinical Hospital No. 15 in the Veshnyakovsky district of Moscow.
In case of special need, the cardiological clinics are at the service of all those in need, all possible procedures are provided there. These hospitals include: Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after academician Bakulev (Moscow, Rublevskoe shosse, 135) and Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A. L. Myasnikov (Moscow, Cardiology Research Center, 3rd Cherepkovskaya st., d. 15 A).
Rapid therapeutic intervention is needed for people who have been suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system for a long time. For hospitalization in the most suitable medical institution, it is necessary to clarify the patient's disease. For example, in the case of chronic arterial hypertension, it would be more appropriate to be placed in a therapeutic hospital, which will provide a range of general services, than in a narrow-profile department. Therapeutic departments are present in all private and municipal clinics in Moscow and the region.
If a patient with chronic cardiovascular disorders is found to have a more serious disease that requires urgent intervention by highly specialized specialists, he is transferred to a cardiology department or hospital.
Cardiological care in the modern structure of health care is a complex of multi-level services provided by specialists from different industries, this view of the problem is explained by the different etiologies of cardiovascular pathologies. Various doctors and the most technologically advanced medical equipment are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.
Anyone can get professional help. Moreover, there is even an opportunity to use the quality services of competent specialists for free in some state clinics. To get on the path of recovery, the first thing you need to do is go to the hospital at the place of residence or to a private clinic, and there they will already be redirected to a specialist who is more suitable for resolving a particular nosological case.
The receiving doctor will diagnose the condition and offer the optimal treatment and rehabilitation regimen. Outpatient and inpatient units of cardiac care work together to provide the highest quality and timely examinations and manipulations.
This institution provides a wide range of medical care: outpatient and inpatient treatment, diagnostics, specialized counseling, rehabilitation and nursing. For VIP patients, there are wards with an increased level of comfort, special conditions for staying in a hospital.
Services are provided not only to individual individuals, but also to employees of certain organizations and clients of insurance companies.
It is important to note that City Hospital No. 15 is one of the few medical institutions that provides for the presence of a department for organizing extrabudgetary activities.
This hospital provides a wide range of services that are part of the primary diagnosis, drug treatment and surgical therapy. Diagnostics is carried out using magnetic resonance and multislice computed tomography, mammography, low-dose fluorography, radioisotope, ultrasound, laboratory and functional diagnostics.
Location: Moscow, st. Veshnyakovskaya, 23
In addition to medical activities, this medical complex conducts scientific, pedagogical and organizational work as the main institution of the Russian Federation on the problem of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Nevertheless, the main work of the institution is to provide high-quality therapeutic care to all those in need. The specialists of this clinic are engaged in the diagnosis, as well as medical and surgical treatment of patients with cardiovascular disorders. Here, heart surgeries are successfully performed on patients of all ages, including newborns with heart pathologies.
The center also conducts scientific development of methods of surgery for congenital and acquired defects of the cardiac system, vascular disorders, coronary disease, heart failure, etc.In addition, the clinic provides comprehensive rehabilitation of patients and supportive therapy in the form of remote counseling.
Location: Moscow, Rublevskoe shosse, 135
GBUZ "Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex" is the leading and largest medical institution in Russia, where patients are provided with all types of services in the field of cardiology. In addition, this clinic is developing new methods and methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of the cardiovascular spectrum.
In the Cardiology Center (RKNPC), patients always receive quality medical services from highly qualified professionals in the field of cardiology. It also uses high-tech innovative methods for diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating consumers of cardiovascular care. The center deals with the study and treatment of strokes, arrhythmias, heart attacks, angina pectoris and other diseases requiring immediate therapeutic and surgical intervention.
Location: Moscow, st. 3rd Cherepkovskaya, 15 A
This cardiology clinic was opened in 1994 on the basis of the hospital. A.L. Myasnikov. For more than 20 years of successful work, the Cardioscan cardiology center has acquired a large number of grateful customers.This is not surprising, because this institution employs experienced experts in their field, who use modern medical equipment in their work.
Among the integral advantages of the hospital, it is worth noting the excellent diagnostic base, comfortable conditions for outpatient and inpatient examinations, highly qualified staff and round-the-clock assistance by telephone helpline.
There is also a unique feature called "electroencephalogram on the phone." Its essence is as follows: the patient himself takes measurements at home using a compact electrocardiograph, after which he transmits the data to his doctor by phone. In turn, the specialist makes a conclusion based on the information received and prescribes the optimal treatment regimen.
Location: Moscow, Budaiskaya st., 2
"Stolitsa" is not just a hospital for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, but a whole network of clinics, in each of which qualified and experienced specialists provide comprehensive assistance to everyone.
This medical center is equipped with exclusively modern equipment, so that patients are provided with a full range of quality services from well-known doctors.
The services provided by Stolitsa are not limited to standard diagnostics of the cardiovascular system, counseling and drug treatment.There is also an opportunity to undergo an immediate examination on a technologically advanced 128-slice computerized multispiral tomograph of the German company Siemens, which is the pride of the hospital. This modern medical equipment can project 3D models of coronary arteries and heart vessels. Thanks to this visualization, all disorders are better seen, and, consequently, the most appropriate treatment can be selected.
It is important to note that the Stolitsa center develops and implements innovative programs for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular insufficiency. In addition, specialists are aimed at finding an individual approach to each client, so they actively conduct active monitoring and provide assistance remotely. Specific programs developed by the leading specialists of this cardiological center are given below:
phone for inquiries: (495) -604-10-10
Immediate assistance with the availability of high-tech equipment and the support of qualified medical personnel is the main goal of this medical center. In addition, the work uses modern medicines from leading companies in the world.
The staff of Euromedprestige employs many honored doctors of Russia, including candidates of medical sciences, professors and just good specialists with extensive experience and experience.
Despite the numerous advantages, the payment for services here is quite democratic, so it is in this place that you can get highly qualified assistance for little money.
Location: Moscow, st. Donskaya, 28
High-quality cardiological services are provided not only in Moscow, but also in the northern capital of Russia - in St. Petersburg. National honey.The Almazov Center is one of the largest medical institutions in the Russian Federation, where not only medical activities are carried out, but also research, organizational and pedagogical activities. Assistance is provided for a fee.
Here, patients are provided with immediate assistance by experienced specialists - masters of their craft, and high-tech medical equipment helps them in this. In addition to applied activities, this clinic is engaged in fundamental research in the field of the cardiovascular system, as well as training new medical and scientific workers.
Location: St. Petersburg, pr. Parkhomenko, 15
According to specialists of the Novosibirsk clinic for circulatory pathology, the employees of this medical institution strive to provide highly qualified cardiological care and try to find an individual approach to each patient. Grateful visitors of this scientific research institute confirm these words - top-level medical services are provided here and everything from diagnostics to rehabilitation is done by experts in their field.
Since this is not just an ordinary cardiology hospital, but a research institute, innovative technologies are being developed here in the field of heart and vascular pathology for further implementation in the clinic.
In this center, you can complete residency and postgraduate studies, as well as improve your skills with a variety of medical trainings conducted here.
Location: Novosibirsk, st. Rechkunovskaya, 15
All of the listed medical institutions have a hotline, which can be used to clarify the procedure for hospitalization, the types of services provided, the possibility of free treatment, the list of necessary documents, etc. In addition, some clinics have a website where you can study the information of interest in detail and ask for help by e-mail.