
  1. Why do we need pet hotels?
  2. Pet hotels in Samara

The Best Pet Friendly Hotels in Samara in 2022

The Best Pet Friendly Hotels in Samara in 2022

For many people, a hotel designed for animals causes obvious bewilderment. But this happens only until there is a problem with the temporary overexposure of a pet, which can happen for a variety of reasons. Choosing the best pet hotel in Samara is not an easy task, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Why do we need pet hotels?

Circumstances in life develop in different ways, and the frantic rhythm of reality dictates its own conditions. People are becoming more accustomed to comfort and want the same for their pets.So, in big cities there is a huge demand for hotels for animals, which in turn offer an increasing list of services provided. However, many do not even know what they are for and what advantages they have.

A pet hotel may be necessary under different life circumstances, most often it is the time of holidays. Even a short week-long trip will require a solution to the problem of caring for a pet. There are not always people around who are ready to take on such responsibility. And if you take a cat or a dog with you on a trip, then the vacation is likely to be spoiled, as animals do not tolerate travel very well. They also need to be constantly cleaned and looked after. And if the pet is large, traveling with him will be simply impossible.

And at the price of a hotel for a pet, it will be cheaper than buying a special cage, a certificate from a veterinarian and a higher-cost ticket for transporting an animal.

Hotels for animals, as well as for people, are divided into classes. Therefore, during your vacation, you can safely leave a cat or dog in an economy class hotel. A pet will like it there, because the list of services provided includes not only the most necessary services, but also pleasant ones. The main thing here is not to rush and choose the most suitable option.

By the way, hotels accept animals for any period of time - it can even be a couple of hours.

What are hotels

In some ways, hotels for animals are similar to similar places for people. Here you can also choose a room from economy to luxury class. The main difference is how these rooms look - for cats, these are usually three-story boxes, and for dogs - small rooms with a fence.Depending on the hotel, the room may contain: a holiday house, a window to the street, ventilation, a tray with filler, dishes for eating. For dogs on the territory of the hotel there are special areas where they walk. They feed the animals at least twice a day, and also carry out regular hygiene procedures.

Due to the fact that between dogs and cats, as a rule, there is a very tense relationship, hotels for them are built separately - in order to avoid stress conditions in animals. Each dog is placed only in a separate enclosure and walked at least 2 times a day. Many hotels have a veterinarian and even a cynologist on staff.

Before the animal is accepted into the hotel, it will be necessary to sign an agreement, which will indicate the list of services. At this stage, the conditions of detention, diet and walking are discussed, and the individual characteristics of each animal are also taken into account. If the hotel is located at the dog handlers club, training courses can be included in the contract.

To check into a hotel, veterinary certificates of vaccinations are usually required. You need to start preparing three weeks in advance. The preparatory stage includes vaccination, deworming, flea removal. If there is no time and opportunity to perform these procedures, the staff will offer an injection to protect the animal's immunity, which lasts about two weeks.

The animal will be settled in the hotel only after examination by specialists. They check not only certificates from the veterinarian, but also visually examine the future ward. Most pet hotels only accept healthy dogs and cats.However, if the building belongs to a veterinary clinic, they will be accepted with diseases and will be assigned to a special hospital until the animal is fully recovered.

To check in, you need to provide documents: the passport of the owner of the animal, the veterinary passport of a cat or dog, as well as an agreement, which, as a rule, is concluded on the spot.

Pet hotels in Samara

In the summer season, the services of overexposure of various animals become the most in demand. Due to the great demand in Samara, there are quite a few hotels, not only for cats or dogs, but even for birds and rodents.

Pet hotels in Samara are distinguished by their scale. Here you can find both a small hotel and a large one. Special boxes with interesting toys and nails are provided for cats, and large dogs are placed in enclosures, providing them with homemade food. The maintenance of small dogs and cats in Samara will cost 100 rubles per day, but for dogs of large breeds the price is already rising to 400 rubles.

In large pet hotels in Samara, as a rule, they always conclude an agreement with the owner of the animal, it discusses in detail not only the rights and obligations on the part of the nursery, but also on the part of the owner of the pet. In mutual agreement, the daily routine, diet, and specific features of the animal are indicated. It is common for hotels in Samara to ask the owner of the animal to bring their food, favorite dishes and toys, a cage for rodents, litter for the litter box and a mattress.

In large institutions in Samara, the owner of the dog will need both his passport and the animal, as well as veterinary certificates of vaccinations.

Rating of the best hotels for animals in Samara

Hotel in the veterinary clinic Vertikhvost on Samarskaya street

Whirltail's staff has a boundless love for all kinds of animals, and highly trained doctors treat them for many common ailments. Here they can not only visually inspect the pet, but also take tests, conduct ultrasound diagnostics. However, they do all this only after the consent of the owner of the animal, at the same time they advise in detail on any issues and give recommendations on the proper care of the pet. You can get help not only by visiting the Vertikhvost veterinary clinic, but also by calling a doctor at home. From the clinic there is a hotel for animals, where they will gladly accept a pet for a short period of time. Both the clinic and the hotel will help you choose the right diet for any animal, which is influenced by factors such as the lifestyle of the pet, as well as its age.

Location address: Samara, st. Samarskaya, 165

  • qualified attentive staff;
  • Giving help;
  • help in choosing the right diet.
  • not detected.

Zoo hotel "Samara"

Hotel "Samara" perfectly copes with all its tasks regarding animals. Leaving your pet here, you can go about your business with peace of mind and not worry about him. The staff carefully monitors the safety of animals, preventing escapes, falls from a height and other traumatic situations. The institution strictly observes all sanitary and hygienic standards. Cleaning and disinfection of rooms is carried out according to the relevant schedules. Not only the animals themselves and their numbers are kept clean, but also toys and accessories. Thanks to the responsible and attentive staff in this institution, the ingress of chemicals or other dangerous objects to the animal is excluded.The air temperature regime is observed, it is also excluded that the animal is under a draft.

A full list of services provided can be found before settling in a pet hotel.

  • availability of clean drinking water in constant availability;
  • regular provision of food provided by the owner of the animal;
  • daily dog ​​walking at least twice a day;
  • the possibility of visits, that is, the owner of the pet can visit him at any time;
  • providing the owner of the animal with complete information regarding the condition and behavior of his pet.
  • not detected.

Location address: Samara, Rakitovskoe highway

Overexposure of dogs and cats "Zoo-Hotel"

The Zoo-Hotel has all the necessary conditions for overexposure of cats and dogs, and the latter are accepted by various breeds, ranging from the smallest to large service shepherd dogs. For cats, there is a special separate building with a controlled thermal regime and individual boxes. Pet food is paid separately - you can choose two or three meals a day. Dogs are regularly walked on the territory of the zoo hotel.

  • there is everything necessary for a good habitat for animals;
  • two or three meals a day - optional.
  • not detected.

Location address: Rivne-Vladimirovka, st. Stepnaya, 16

Zoocenter Kind hands

This center is multifunctional - here you can get a whole range of services for any animal. Not only dogs and cats are accepted for overexposure, but also birds and rodents.

Here a huge selection of original products for animals is provided, and you can even make an exclusive fashionable haircut for both a cat and a dog.

The doors of the hotel are open to all kinds of pets, which will be bathed in care and attention, observed by experienced qualified veterinarians. Here, animals will be able to endure separation from their beloved owner without complicated stressful situations and blues.

  • an extensive range of services;
  • overexposure of any animals, even small rodents.
  • not detected.

Location address: Samara, st. Gornaya, 9

Veterinary clinic and hotel Alfa-Vet

Alfa-Vet veterinary center is one of the oldest in the city of Samara. For many years now, not only domestic, but also farm animals have been helped here to recover, and the clinic is constantly improving and keeping up with the times. Veterinarians and clinic staff are responsible, attentive and friendly to both animals and their owners. Alpha-Vet will come to the rescue at any time of the day, no matter what happens to the animal.

The clinic has departments: therapy, surgery, ophthalmology, each of which employs highly qualified specialists who love animals. The institution has its own laboratory for the study of analyses, a hotel, a hospital and, of course, modern equipment. The list of services provided by the clinic is simply huge. Here you can apply for both ordinary vaccinations and for the treatment of serious diseases. Even the necessary surgical interventions are carried out in the clinic. In emergency situations, the veterinarian goes to the client's house.

  • friendly and responsible staff;
  • Huge list of services provided.
  • not detected.

Location address: Samara, m. Alabinskaya, st. Stepan Razin, d. 56a

Veterinary clinic and hotel ZooHelp

The clinic is located almost in the center of Samara. The entire staff of the institution has extensive experience working with animals and is highly qualified. All issues with clients are resolved on an individual basis and all the wishes of the owner of the pet are taken into account.

The list of services provided includes:

  • ambulatory treatment;
  • laboratory tests of any kind;
  • surgical operations;
  • treatment of exotic representatives of the animal world;
  • a haircut;
  • any vaccines and inoculations.

Near the clinic there is a pet shop and an animal pharmacy.

  • hospital;
  • hotel for animals;
  • visit of the veterinarian to the house.
  • not detected.

Location address: Samara, st. Leninskaya, 141

Network of veterinary centers RasSVET

RasSVET has been treating small pets for about 8 years. Every year the list of clinic services is expanding. Diagnostics, narrow specializations, as well as modern methods of treatment are well developed here.

The centers provide:

  • quality inpatient treatment;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • medicinal diets.
  • inexpensive pet care without sacrificing quality;
  • delay for any time.
  • not detected.

When choosing a zoo hotel for your pet, you need to study all the conditions of detention, as well as the services provided. The best hotels always strive not only to ensure the safety of your pet, but also try to bring care of him closer to home conditions, having previously familiarized himself with his character and habits.

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